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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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I like them. I do them more for the fun though and not stuff. I'm not so sure about everybody else.

To be honest I am low on funds in my wallet, I want to save what I have for the last day, last minute deals.

If anyone out there that is gifting a game(s) already, it'll be cool to collaborate, they can supply the prize, I can supply the contest! win-win!

I have great ideas for my next sketch, let's do this GAF!


I want to know how the hell I missed Alpha Protocol for $2 last sale. I adored that game on 360, and I'm sure its 100x better on PC. It isn't going to be on sale again is it? Dman you Steam!

It's still kinda Janky and buggy(one time I entered an area and the enemies weren't there lol), but it still plays wonderfully. It's recommended you edit the .ini's yourself to adjust the speed of your character and what not since it borders unrealistic.


Shame about King's Bounty. I grabbed the Platinum Edition last year and put in 50 hours or so before realizing that Impossible difficulty is kinda harder than I was ready for. They're really good games, and I was hoping to pick up the series in this year's sale to gift to my gf.

Any chance it'll go on daily tomorrow?

Oh, for those asking which to get:

The Legend is the first game, some say it has the best writing.
Armored Princess is the sequel, it changes a lot of the balance so it's a fairer game.
Crossworlds is a remix of Armored Princess with new stuff in it.

They're all rather good, just nowhere near AoE in scope or marketing.


Every time I see ARMA II I think of Patrick Warburton.




Okay so I've been trying to write some sort of recommendation for Analogue:A Hate Story or at least one of the other Christine Love games, but it's difficult because I only ever played one of the games.

But I'll still try to get a few people to at least check out the first two free games she released, because everybody likes free stuff!

Digital: A Love Story (for 0 moneys here) is pretty much a text only affair and clocks in at about an hour long. It's a "computer mystery/romance" which has you scouring the BBSes of the world in pursuit of who might be the girl of your dreams.
That's the one I played and liked quite a bunch. Kieron Gillen on RPS had the following to say:

Don’t Take It Personally, Babe, It Just Ain’t Your Story (here for the price of only your time) is edging closer to the classical VN, in fact it's pretty much one of them with a japanese style look and dialog boxes.
Not having played it yet, I can only let RPS speak for me again, this time Alec Meer

And finally the steamy Analogue: A Hate Story. Directly from its page:

You can find NeoGAFs slightly underpopulated OT here. There is also a demo available either on Steam or from it's homepage here. One last time RPS's Alec Meer shall have the word:

If you are put off by the visual style, or simply want to have a little laugh, also check out this little fun RPS put up for the game: This assumes you say you don't want to play with that artstyle


That took longer and became more of a wall of text than I wanted, so~rry ♥

Great post.

I want Analogue, and was waiting for the last day to grab it, just to see if it ever went up as a daily/flash etc., but maybe I'll have to wait for the next time, given how I spent too much money on other games as they went up during this summer sale.

I guess I'm going to check out the free games for the time being.


Voted Ys for GAF!

And bought Dear Esther now, hope it is as good as everyone says. Seems to be a game to enjoy a bottle of wine to.

Nooo! A friend bought Dear Esther which thankfully allowed me to try it that way. I was hoping for another Journey-esque experience. But Dear Esther is no Journey. Dear Esther is an entirely pedestrian affair. Avoid.


I hope the last day isn't a recap since people have had plenty of chances to purchase something they may have missed the first time around.


Strange, doesn't show up in the rotation of Dailies. Found it manually, and bought it. Can't wait to try it out!

Voted for Ys, not sure I want it though. jRPGs and me don't match.

You won't like it then. It's not a jrpg it's a hack and slash, but it has pretty much every awful jrpg character type and equally painful story and writing.
What's so special about Ys?

I enjoyed it because it reminded me of a SNES/PS1 action-RPG with more content and modern IQ. The story was decent but entertaining enough, music was good, and enemies explode into a shower of gems and other goodies when downed. The level structure and character upgrades reminded me of some of my favorite franchises like Zelda, Castlevania and Metroid, and the fact that leveling up just once makes a significant difference is awesome. There's more that I liked about it, but I'm rambling. Different worth a shot if it looks like it might be up your alley!

Edit: Oh yeah, the boss battles are pretty great too.


Voting for Ys so the rest of us can pick it up!
also if anybody is looking for another friend on steam my handle is hatemehnow

Im severely lacking =[

EDIT2: for anyone playing ys on a controller, im having trouble making long jumps with hugo. is there some special timing? I feel like I fail 7/8 times and it pisses me off. I really do enjoy the game besides that fact that I seem to suck at its platforming element! HELP

nvm so much easier when I use the dpad!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Yet again, SteamGAF proves that they are God among men. I am not worthy :_:

Thank you for yet another gift, Danielsan!

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