Oh dear.
So I picked this up last night. Suffice to say, I like it, but I have a problem with it.
I'm obsessed with refinement.
I'm only just out of the first world after over an hour of play. Because I have no trouble creating a *solution*, but then I just can't *stop*. Bring in a second WALDO, double the speed of working. Manage syncing without using sync instructions, save a few cycles.
Getting a solution that lies well to the left of the centre of the bell curve is an awesome feeling. Realising that there are solutions further left of that is infuriating. And just drives me right back into looking at it yet closer.
When I found out you can move the WALDO start points I had to go back and replay all the levels again just to see if I could streamline things further knowing that.
Yes, I like it. As interesting as Codex was, but without the fiddliness that that had with getting the robot arms to do exactly what you intended.