Eric WK said:Tomorrow:
Crysis + Warhead
Dirt 3 for $29.99
TIA, Valve. Yr the best.
gdt5016 said:Is this wishful thinking? I've been looking to buy Crysis, dammit.
Narag said:Crysis & Warhead were $10 together in May. It's one of the usual suspects in Steam sales though so have faith!
gdt5016 said:Yeah, but Steam and EA are like at war right now...and I'm the one getting hurt ;_;.
gdt5016 said:Yeah, but Steam and EA are like at war right now...and I'm the one getting hurt ;_;.
LastWindow said:So according to this site:
I need a modified executable from the disc version to play the game in widescreen. Is there no other way?
gdt5016 said:Is this wishful thinking? I've been looking to buy Crysis, dammit.
3chopl0x said:No other way unfortunately but I've been using this fix since I bought it like a year ago and never had any problems.
Narag said:MoH was 66% off yesterday. I'd wager they'll do daily deals but won't hop in with the general discount like most games have.
LastWindow said:I wish they would have put the DeathSpank games and Mirror's Edge on sale. Ah well.
I wouldn't give up hope just yet, if they put MoH on sale yesterday (which isn't on sale anymore), I don't see why they wouldn't treat their other games the same way.LastWindow said:I wish they would have put the DeathSpank games and Mirror's Edge on sale. Ah well.
TheBez said:L4D2 was on sale as a daily deal yesterday correct? How much was it?
Forkball said:Also I just tied two planes together via your grappling wire. Hilarity ensued.
I see your BLOPs video, and raise you with Crysis 2speculawyer said:Here . . . just watch this youtube video. it is the same as owning it. ;-)
He plays a whole level w/o firing a shot except 2 places when it forces you to shoot.
Don't mod it.Sblargh said:"Let me check out how oblivion is real quick"
*5 hour later*
No kidding!
Eric WK said:Dirt 3 for $29.99
corn_fest said:Yes, I had a lot of problems. I'll try to dig up the solutions that I used, I've got it working perfectly now though.
Edit: I believe this was it. Not sure about widescreen though.
OH YEAH? Fallout New Vegas:viewtifulsub said:
Nothing is really on sale for them though. They'll throw a bone or two, but it's clear that they aren't going to play nice this sale.gdt5016 said:Hmm, true. Ok, faith restored!
Yeah, i know what you're saying. Off to buy homm, disciples 3 and king's bounty got me interested in it.Sblargh said:"Let me check out how oblivion is real quick"
*5 hour later*
No kidding!
Stallion Free said:Did you play the game? Or are you using an intro level as a representation of the rest of the game?
I've always played it in fullscreen. Not sure about your Force Unleashed questions.flashbandit16 said:Does this allow the game to be played in fullscreen mode?
Also a question related to Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. Is the framerate lock at 30fps and does the game have vsync?
But did all those other levels play themselves? That's what was being implied.Aselith said:I played the game all the way through and thought the single player was a real stinker. Fairly boring gunplay with not much variety in weapon pickups compared to past games and all of the "palate cleanser" sections were poorly implemented and not fun, most especially the overhead RTS-like section which was just bad. It also lacked the roided out GI Joe machismo that made MW2 so fun as well as the sense of novelty and excellent pacing and overall design of MW1 and most definitely was barren of amazing set pieces from MW2 and 1. I also story was sweaty balls and not very poorly told.
I wasn't able to play much of the multi player because I'm on satellite at the moment but it seemed fine. I didn't like the level design as well as the MW's but it seemed serviceable and it was as fun to play as the others.
I didn't go in wanting to dislike the game but I certainly came out that way...that said I'd still buy it at a lower price for the multiplayer.
Tenck said:Any good RPGs that anyone could recommend from Steam? I've been going through this crazy RPG frenzy, and can't control myself D:
Try this out: said:Also a question related to Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2. Is the framerate lock at 30fps and does the game have vsync?
Awesome.shintoki said:I saw the videos earlier and it kinda perked my interest. How is Dark Messiah?
Be a bit more in detail please, I'm considering the purchase ^_^Stallion Free said:Awesome.
Polk said:Are DLC for JC2 worth getting?
Snuggler said:Please tell me that you've already played Bloodlines.
It's an FPS RPG that has rock solid melee combat, excellent environmental interaction and still holds up decently in the graphics department.shintoki said:Be a bit more in detail please, I'm considering the purchase ^_^
They are worth it if you are just starting the game.Polk said:Are DLC for JC2 worth getting?