I hardly ever play demos, but tried this one. There is stuff to like in it, but overall not my game.
The music felt nice, it just chilled in the background. Her floating steps when slowly walking looked just weird. Must be some feature of her impractical shoeware, that isn't just over the top nonsense like in Bayonetta. The time slots for parrying same as evading felt weird and whatever enemy move should signal it, I did not really get it. Laying on the ground after a hit, takes forever to get up though. The timings should be more balanced. Give me a bit more time to react to something, with a clearer trigger message, while not annoy me with extra slow getting up animations. Story feels very meh, throwing you into battle right away, but lacking any personality beyond heroism from the two ladies. Graphics are okay, but not really PS5 exclusive great.
I think people liking convoluted Dmc will like it, but I am still waiting for something that is more like Bayonetta. That had sexyness, took itself not one iota serious and I felt powerful throughout every moment unlike seemingly all other character actions games where there is a lot of I am the best and baddest talk in the cutscenes but not much actually happening in the fights unless you really really really get every move perfectly done.
Might play it, if it hits Plus but don't feel like buying it at all, I hope it succeeds though. I hope also that any other game succeeds that is made out of a place of love for something and not hate against one or another race, body type, gender or whatever some people seemingly try to overcorrect with their work, making the self loathing dreadful to experience.