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STELLAR BLADE |OT| Twitter May Cry


Gold Member
I would love to read the email from sony to korean devs trying to explain why the bunny costume was problematic :lollipop_squinting:

Hopefully the studio is gonna remain independent so sony can't fuck things up more than some minor costume changes.


I know what the director said but we all know that's bullshit. Sony likely asked for the change which again is strange given how racy a lot of the other costumes are. The *only* reason I can think of is Bunny showed too much skin, nothing else makes sense. Sucks that it was changed but it's clear the dev's hands are tied, there is still more than enough "eye-candy" in the game.
why tho?


I know what the director said but we all know that's bullshit. Sony likely asked for the change which again is strange given how racy a lot of the other costumes are. The *only* reason I can think of is Bunny showed too much skin, nothing else makes sense. Sucks that it was changed but it's clear the dev's hands are tied, there is still more than enough "eye-candy" in the game.
Once again it doesn't make sense to "censure" the Bunny one when there is plenty other outfits showing much more skin.
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I would love to read the email from sony to korean devs trying to explain why the bunny costume was problematic :lollipop_squinting:

Hopefully the studio is gonna remain independent so sony can't fuck things up more than some minor costume changes.
email that likely doesn't exist but people need to be mad at something


Gold Member
Once again it doesn't make sense to "censure" the Bunny one when there is plenty other outfits showing much more skin.

"Plenty" of outfits? I'm 25 hours in and unlocked a whole bunch of outfits, none show more skin than the bunny so what are you talking about? Unless they all unlock the final third of the game your statement is categorically false lol


Gold Member
it doesn't make sense at all but apparently its bs and obvious so i am trying to understand why it happened and how it has to be Sony

How would it be anyone else other than Sony when the disc version shipped with the unaltered costume? I've already given my answer as to why: too much skin, it's the only thing I can think of but it's incredibly silly either way when you've got all the other wild outfits in the game (hence my post with the vid).


"Plenty" of outfits? I'm 25 hours in and unlocked a whole bunch of outfits, none show more skin than the bunny so what are you talking about? Unless they all unlock the final third of the game your statement is categorically false lol
Blue Monsoon or Black Wave are both more revealing, there is also A LOT more outfits behind NG+


Gold Member
Blue Monsoon or Black Wave are both more revealing, there is also A LOT more outfits behind NG+

I'm not in NG+ yet obviously so can't speak on that but by more "revealing" let's be sure we're both talking about the same thing: more skin. Now if they *do* show more skin then it really doesn't make much sense at all lol


Gold Member
email that likely doesn't exist but people need to be mad at something
I mean, IF someone requested the censorship at sony they probably didn't telepatically.

A functional adult asked to these korean devs that enjoy beauty and sexy costumes to do that, not sure if it was an email or a particularly embarassing phone call but you get the gist :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

I don't even care about such minimal censorshit but it's fun to think about sony panicking because of a fucking bunny costume in a game with more lewd material than your average issue of nuts magazine :lollipop_squinting:
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I'm not in NG+ yet obviously so can't speak on that but by more "revealing" let's be sure we're both talking about the same thing: more skin. Now if they *do* show more skin then it really doesn't make much sense at all lol
the two outfits I mention are in NG, I will let you judge it by yourself I am just saying it might not be Sony
A functional adult asked to these korean devs that enjoy beauty and sexy costumes to do that, not sure if it was an email or a particularly embarassing phone call but you get the gist :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
They are more revealing outfits but Sony were like "keep those tho lololol"? It's weird


"Plenty" of outfits? I'm 25 hours in and unlocked a whole bunch of outfits, none show more skin than the bunny so what are you talking about? Unless they all unlock the final third of the game your statement is categorically false lol
Can't speak from experience but saw some screenshots and several outfits are much more revealing that Bunny suit.
I didn't investigate more since I want to discover them by myself


Gold Member
the two outfits I mention are in NG, I will let you judge it by yourself I am just saying it might not be Sony

They are more revealing outfits but Sony were like "keep those tho lololol"? It's weird
Yeah i know, that's why i find the thing funny.

It's like trying to close a black hole with some wall putty :lollipop_squinting:
The only exec from Sony that has talked to these guys is Shuhei Yoshida. I just can't imagine him sending an email over this, or even a phone call. It's beyond ridiculous. With Ryan out and Totoki as a temp CEO, only Hermen is there to censor these evil Koreans and I can't see that either. Just imagine the conversation without laughing, please.


Anyone esle love the drone
thing? I keep running low on gold cause I have to keep buying ammo alot.:messenger_grinning_sweat:

Also how many outfits have you unlock so far?

I'm at 29 so far Gonna try my hand on the
fishing outfit


Honestly I am more into believing the dev when they say it was the final design for this suit.

Doesn't make sense to censure cleavages on 2 outfits (and I think another got tights added) when one of the main appeal of your game is the sexyness of the main protagonist which has plenty of sexy outfits.


Gold Member
us$ 81.90 / £ 65.40 / € 76.50 so far (899 SEK).
I do not own a PS5 >_<, now I have to decide... PS5 or PS5 Pro



Are sidequests unlocked in previous areas or do you need to trigger them in Xion or at the bulletin board? That locked chest back in that first area is bugging the shit out of me lol
you should wait until you have the quests unlocked (in Xion) because it will have some impact and will be worth revisiting the areas with them unlocked


Side quests are surprisingly decent. Just did one involving a bar owner in the city with a conclusion that was honestly kinda heartfelt and touching, with nice looking cutscenes and all. Was worried it would be like FF16 side quests (never again). The bulletin board ones are pretty dry though. But they are short and simple and can easily be done while exploring other stuff out in the world. They don’t bug me at all.
This games was made with love and care. This is the most polish game is ever played. There are secrets all over the deserts like they put a fine tooth comb over every inch of the game environment. Absolutely amazing work from ShiftUp. This game is proof that some developers do still care about what they are creating instead of throwing stuff together to make money. This is a work of art.


Gold Member
Spent some time last night learning more the combos. Favorite one has to be the spin kick one (can't remember the name lol).

Basically Triangle > Square > Triangle. Hitting square again Square to do an additional attack and then another Triangle to do yet another one and finish the full combo off.

Easy to do and looks amazing.
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If this is what censorship looks like we need more of it:

All jokes aside, it's curious that they changed the Bunny outfit when you've got stuff like this in the game, very strange indeed. Costumes designs are so damn good in SB and there are so many of of them, never had this much fun playing dress-up in a videogame before.

I'm convinced they changed it as a marketing strategy to create controversy and discuss online thus generating engagement and attention for the game.


Gold Member
In the demo the english voices were...ok, tacky was maybe the less convincing of the bunch.

I liked korean more because they sound more serious but i can't understand shit if they talk during battle.

Btw amazon delivered my copy, praise the ass.
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Finished. Did almost everything. (all side quests and bulletin quests), just missed some cans and a health upgrade, found all camps though. All the final set of bosses were amazing. Even save scummed so I could do both final bosses.


Gold Member
Really enjoying the game, but my god the characters, dialogue, english VA and side quests are dreadful.

It’s less the VA’s and more the production and writing. Eve’s VA is the same person as Alfira from Baldurs Gate 3 and that was excellent.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
As well as the game is optimized, anyone else noticed some real bad stutters near the entrance to Altess Levoire, specifically there's a mountain area near it where you can climb up and get a few things (and fight a few new enemy types).

Lots of judder there in Balanced mode even with VRR.


As well as the game is optimized, anyone else noticed some real bad stutters near the entrance to Altess Levoire, specifically there's a mountain area near it where you can climb up and get a few things (and fight a few new enemy types).

Lots of judder there in Balanced mode even with VRR.

Balance mode starting to feel not so good at that part. I might switch to performance. It almost looks the same anyway


Gold Member
Got the Platinum. Gonna do one more playthrough cleaning up anything I missed and get the rest of the outfits.

What a fine ass game. Hope we get some DLC and a Sequel.
Do you guys memorize the combos, or do you just mash buttons?
There is a skill where you have to hold the last button of the combo to do more damage, but you would have to deliberately attack with combos. It's still very random for me.
The way I approach games like this is go into Training and just try out a few of the more basic combo chains. Whichever I like best, I memorize and use as my bread and butter combo until it just flows. Then I pick another one. I never try to remember more than one or two combo chains at once personally.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Folks are fighting over which costume shows the most tits and ass, meanwhile I think this one looks the best and sexiest.

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y'know, if you're right (& you may very well be) they sure as hell hit paydirt on this forum...
The way I see it, they have data that this type of marketing is actually beneficial because it's not talking about the game being glitchy, broken or unplayable. This is more of how people "Feel" about certain things and they will create an uproar but it's not serious enough for it to turn sane people and casuals away. Only the trolls online will make it a big deal but they wouldn't buy the game anyways or they will buy it in secret anyways. Basically they're using the idiots online for free advertising using their tribalism and hunger for attention. Lol.
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