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STELLAR BLADE |OT| Twitter May Cry


So I just received my copy today. It seems like the disc is already updated.

Didn’t download a patch or anything and the disc was already on version 1.002
Seems like it downloads while it's installing. Try disconnecting your PS5 from the internet and installing. It might just be me but most of the costumes don't show up until new game +. Kinda pointless given recent event, tbh.
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So I just received my copy today. It seems like the disc is already updated.

Didn’t download a patch or anything and the disc was already on version 1.002
I don’t know if the update is on the disc you bought because your disc is from the same bunch as ours… replicated from the same master…
It probably updated via the patch simultaneously


oh wow the Eve voice actor is a stunner!

btw found the amazing music from last stretch of the game. What a fucking banger!

Also found the trailer song! Shame it plays only 1 time in the game

It’s funny
There’s so much attention on the English voice actress, but, how about the Korean voice actress?

Chuck Berry

Gold Member



Can’t Git Gud
DONE. 50 hours.
Full completion. True ending (no save scumming, so only this ending), all cans, all side quests, all fishing, all costumes.
This is insane. I rarely or never do everything in the game. Especially not some stupid collectibles.
But this game was so fucking good I didn't want it to end and the rewards for this stuff is good too.

The game is 9+/10. I wish it had a chapter select and some faster dialog skips when you go shopping etc. But in my heart it's a 10.
So... let me point some things out to make the reading somewhat coherent:
-Art and Graphics are simply fantastic. Sure, low textures here and there but the whole thing comes together so well. Effects are great, it loads quite fast, no graphical bugs, all good modes. Water looks good. It's a looker. I have 511 screenshots... most booty and ass but still! the statues, ruins, angelic references. The world is beautiful.
-Music is on another level. Both the nier studio and internal music. Especially by the end, you can hear the tension rising in the music. Some very creative stuff.
-Characters and story are very memorable too. It's a bit light on characters and NPCs are a bit weird but it all kinda comes together why they are as they are. I am not going to spoil anything but the story is really inspiring and the twists along got me.
-Combat is kinda like devil may cry x sekiro. you don't have to parry too much but it helps. You use skills and so on. It only gets quite difficult with later bosses but you are never out of options, skills and gear to change your build. The only issue might be that you get too many skill points but then again - I did everything.

It's just very FRESH and CREATIVE and UNIQUE. Like if it was 2005 but the game is actually well executed.
It's a new IP, new story, not based on a book, movie or a sequel. Fully original. And we rarely get this stuff.
And don't even start with how beautiful Eve is and how amazing the weeb costumes are. I am 35 and in full weeb embrace mode and it's glorious. I told to my wife "I would finish the game yesterday but I had to fish to unlock sexy bikini maid costume". She left the room. lol glorious.

Anyway - I played patched, fuck the fake controversy. The game is amazing and people are stupid. Eve is one of best female protagonists in last few years in the old style.

Now... spoilers about the ending and few amazing ending screenshots of BOOBA COSTUMES.

First of all - what a badass ending the true ending was. I need to check out other endings on YT.
My fresh take on it:
1)There are no humans humans left on Earth. Unless in the pods under xion?
2)Colony does not exist. Mother sphere is just and AI and robots army that humans created long time ago
3)The story is - Humans evolved augmentation tech too much and created andro-eidos which are robots. Then the robots were not cool and people had to augment themselves and became naytibas. We play as andro-eidos and Mother Sphere is ando eidos too.
4)Everyone in Xion is andro-eidos robots. That's why they look so weird. They are not humans and they are not post human(naytibas). So they are andro-eidos.
5)Adam is the most successful version of human evolving into naytiba. And he Sexes up with eve to create new race.
6)Motheru spheru comes down to earth to wipe down everyone living that's not a robot. We are now here enemy. previously she sent the space robot to save us because we were still a good naytibas-killing soldier.

and some shots. Lol the boob in the raven suit and angel outfit :p
How fucking cool is that?!




And the raven suit.


+ bonus cans suit! Yes, I went to Eidos 9 to take that screenshot lol


EDIT: THE MUSIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must be my fav in the game
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Personally as the ending rolls down I can't help but think about
poor Raven just lying there undead wondering WTF is going on. I'd love to hear creators thoughts on what kind of creature Eve is now. Can she have children? Can she impregnate herself (adam + eve)? Does she have android body with human senses and less predetermined mind?

Anyway, it's impressive that I like just about any character design more than Eve, they all look more lively, unique, or both. Still got used to her by the end, and outfits are cheesy fun. Hopefully ShiftUp won't abandon single player games after this.
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This is the only thing I suspect that I won't complete. I am at the end stage and went back to catch the last fish. I had tried everywhere until I realized the statements about the fantastic fishing were literal. Didn't even get a trophy for it!?

I actually found a can while fishing. I guess it's in the random junk. I'm not about to scour the regions for any cans I missed. I have 75%.

This game is up there with the greats like Last of Us, Elden Ring, et al. I don't know how they pulled it off.

It was strange how Lily's area was the hardest area. I went from getting my ass kicked and enemies taking forever to die, to the next area where enemies melted instantly. Those flying octopus still give me grief, though.


The nicest person on this forum
I suck at fishing.
Is there an easier explanation for how to properly do it ??
I was having hard at first but then figured out that you need press R2 firmly or hard based where that blue line is keep it there until meter fills up and repeat.
Gigas 2: Electric Gigaloo ended up being harder than I expected. I waxed the story version of the boss in 1 try but the one in the Wasteland was giving me fits for awhile. I eventually did get him down but I'm not sure why it was so much more challenging for me


Can’t Git Gud
This is the only thing I suspect that I won't complete. I am at the end stage and went back to catch the last fish. I had tried everywhere until I realized the statements about the fantastic fishing were literal. Didn't even get a trophy for it!?

I actually found a can while fishing. I guess it's in the random junk. I'm not about to scour the regions for any cans I missed. I have 75%.

This game is up there with the greats like Last of Us, Elden Ring, et al. I don't know how they pulled it off.

It was strange how Lily's area was the hardest area. I went from getting my ass kicked and enemies taking forever to die, to the next area where enemies melted instantly. Those flying octopus still give me grief, though.
You can just see in vending machine which cans you are missing and look those up.


It was strange how Lily's area was the hardest area. I went from getting my ass kicked and enemies taking forever to die, to the next area where enemies melted instantly. Those flying octopus still give me grief, though.

I feel like Eidos 9 is the one place where the game kinda showed some issues. It was a combination of zerging you with enemies, all of which had interrupts and chain knockbacks that were very unforgiving with timing, plus confined spaces and terrain oddities that would sometimes affect hitbox detection. It was definitely my least favorite area in the game.
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Holy shit the Alpha Naytiba boss battles are jaw dropping. I'm on 2nd Alpha Naytiba boss.
Under oath not to use shields or any gears since the game is on normal mode and I wanted to play on higher difficulty. This may take some tries but damn, I'm more than happy to beat the boss that way.


So I beat the game for the first time. Just had a very fun time with the combat. I also agree about the weird parry timing; that's also attributed to some of the crazy fast enemy attacks that are hard to react to. I started figuring it out more in the end but it never truly feels consistent which is my big grumbled with the game. I figured once you unlock all the skills the combat would be way more fun and doing those burst energy moves are so damn good. Actually what makes the combat so good is how damn flashy it was. It's not super deep but once you figure out it's just fun. Throwing out beta skills and burst energy skills to just destroy enemies is satisfying, I just wish there was more enemy variety in the worlds. Guess we'll just have to wait for a sequel or something from them. For a first time AAA game from Shift Up I can't blame them though. Eveything else was really well done. Some amazing art direction and the bosses were def the highlight. The last few were the best with some major bullshit but still fun to fight against.

The fast travel system was booty though.

Now to play NG+ on Hard and do it all over
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Gold Member
Okay, so I’ve reached that first boss in Spire 4 for the second time (the regenerating one). He’s kicking my butt. Any tips?

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
Stellar Blade details from the Korean launch day event via Genki:

  • Boss Challenge Mode is being considered and the will try to deliver it asap
  • Ponytail is not removable as it stores Eve’s Sword. But if there is a next game they will make the ponytail removable
  • The story was designed to be simple because they wanted to focus on gameplay
  • Action to story balance ratio was 70/30 with a focus on combat
  • Working with Sony helped to improve their know how around making console games
  • Put a lot of effort into optimization and frame rate
  • Team stayed up late at launch, only getting 1-2 hours of sleep, to watch player reaction online.
  • Day one patch outfit designs are the intended result
  • Shift Up want to continue making console games!
At this point Sony should buy Shift Up and make them the new Squaresoft.

Yeah I said it.

Tencent has already invested. It's a very expensive company, as much as Bungie at least.

And most importantly, in the current climate, PS Studios would destroy it in two years. Imagine the ridiculous drama of the last months multiplied by ten. Sony toning down Nikke or future games would sink the company. For Asian studios the best they can do is second-party deals, like they did with Shift Up or Mihoyo. Kuro (Wuthering Waves) comes next.
  • Put a lot of effort into optimization and frame rate
  • Team stayed up late at launch, only getting 1-2 hours of sleep, to watch player reaction online.
  • Day one patch outfit designs are the intended result
  • Shift Up want to continue making console games!

It enrages me that after enduring so much shit from the media and the woke crowd all they got is the same bullshit from the other side of the aisle. They have put a lot of effort and care in this and all people talked about was the made-up controversies. Fucking manbabies, seriously. I would stick to PC or mobile next time.


It enrages me that after enduring so much shit from the media and the woke crowd all they got is the same bullshit from the other side of the aisle. They have put a lot of effort and care in this and all people talked about was the made-up controversies. Fucking manbabies, seriously. I would stick to PC or mobile next time.

The PC crowd is the worst tho


The nicest person on this forum
At this point Sony should buy Shift Up and make them the new Squaresoft.

Yeah I said it.
And get them shutdown like they did Studio Japan? No thank you.

have you learned nothing this pass couple of days? With this whole MS situation?


The nicest person on this forum
that's ironic. if sony would've bought Tango, I doubt they would be closed now.
Reality is, if not sony, then either embracer or m$ will buy them and close them
This gen they would, Sony these gives zero fuck about Japanese games, they are not even willing make remaster of Bloodborne.

Staying independent is much better choice.


I suck at fishing.
Is there an easier explanation for how to properly do it ??

First of all, change the fishing controls in the settings menu. Unless you want to constantly mash R2 and Square.

Secondly, you need fishing data. You simply can't catch more powerful fish without it as you are too weak. Buy them off the fisherman, and get another from the Bulletin board quests involving fishing. And check the fisherman again, I think he eventually stocks the last one too. Then you will notice how easy fishing is since you deplete their stamina much faster.


The nicest person on this forum
I just finished my NG+ on hard….that Providence motherf**cker is one difficult fight but actually like that boss more than Adam.

One thing puzzles me is in NG+ you can further upgrade your weapon in all honesty I don’t feel it getting any stronger especially towards end I barely doing any damage even on regular enemies.
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I just finished the game. It took me until the final confrontation to realize the reference to
Adam and Eve.
I wanted to take his hand so badly, but I did what I felt Eve would do.

I will probably set it to story mode, and go through the game again with NG+, which I have never done with any game. I am usually one and done.

This is game of the year, for sure. One of the best modern games I've played. Up there with Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn, Last of Us, God of War, Returnal... a near masterpiece.
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I feel like Eidos 9 is the one place where the game kinda showed some issues. It was a combination of zerging you with enemies, all of which had interrupts and chain knockbacks that were very unforgiving with timing, plus confined spaces and terrain oddities that would sometimes affect hitbox detection. It was definitely my least favorite area in the game.
Classic Dark Souls moment
its a very expensive company, they are making bucks with mobile and are valued at a crazy price
LMAO imagine thinking Sony can afford to buy them. This is what happens when no one on GAF has phones and haven't ever heard of a phone game called Nikke. Some people here need to Google it sometime, check how much money it makes and who the developer is

Stellar Blade is just a fun side project for them, it's like their Granblue Fantasy Relink. I'm glad they want to keep making console games with all their Nikke money though, don't get me wrong about that
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Can’t Git Gud
I just finished the game. It took me until the final confrontation to realize the reference to
Adam and Eve.
I wanted to take his hand so badly, but I did what I felt Eve would do.

This is game of the year, for sure. One of the best modern games I've played. Up there with Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn, Last of Us, God of War, Returnal... a near masterpiece.
I accepted which felt natural !


The nicest person on this forum
LMAO imagine thinking Sony can afford to buy them. This is what happens when no one on GAF has phones and haven't ever heard of a phone game called Nikke. Google it sometime, check how much money it makes and who the developer is
More like most don’t like playing games on the phone.
More like most don’t like playing games on the phone.
No they literally don't have phones because of how ignorant some of them are

And they are missing out if they love anime girl ass because Nikke is entirely about anime girl ass and it's where they started out before they designed Eve for Stellar Blade (Note: I don't play Nikke, I already have too many phone games I neglect)
Just got done with the shooting level, that was a fun change of pace.

The level was filled some really cool ideas they brought over from almost every other game and movie you can think of. The aesthetic of the level was DOOM mixed with Alien and Event Horizon, very cool and neat and the Naytiba monster designs fit in well with that aesthetic. There was a cool redirecting lasers around puzzle that came straight out of Half-Life, and a fun platforming puzzle involving the Playstation button icons, and also a cool laser room fight where the enemies continuously attacked you while the lasers made the playable arena smaller and smaller. I also liked how they disabled your drone scan because by now you learned they like to put enemies behind every doorway to ambush you as you walked through (classic Dark Souls moments) so you scanned in front of every doorway to check and now you can't LMAO.

Unfortunately the shooting mechanics in this game were always meant for support while you used sword (that's a personal weapon) so having an entire level dedicated just to only shooting kind of amplified how much it isn't meant to be your only method of killing. You still ran around like normal except without your sword and you had to hold R2 to switch to gun mode. If they really wanted to commit to this genre shift, they should have just went full TPS with it and just had you run around with the drone in gun mode all the time which would let you shoot from the hip instead of only with ADS and that would have opened up a lot more free movement in shooting gameplay and allowed enemies to do more than just walk in a straight line towards you slowly.

Also, they were also afraid to make the shooting hard or anything because they didn't want to turn people off who were expecting to go through the whole game hacking and slashing and weren't ready for a Nier-style genre shift. The shooting was so painfully easy even a game journalist could clear it without dying and it was a dramatic decrease from the average difficulty of the rest of the game. I didn't use a single healing item the entire level because everything moved so slowly, and I didn't ever run low on ammo or even need to use anything other than the basic pea shooter ammo. The level's boss was kind of a joke, I just shot the boss's glowing small yellow weak points until the big yellow weak point appeared and then I just shot that for a bit and it died. It was sort of disappointing considering how cool the boss looked. Oh well.
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The nicest person on this forum
No they literally don't have phones because of how ignorant some of them are

And they are missing out if they love anime girl ass because Nikke is entirely about anime girl ass and it's where they started out before they designed Eve for Stellar Blade (Note: I don't play Nikke, I already have too many phone games I neglect)
I don’t need mobile gatcha game to get “anime girl ass”.


Which step are you having trouble with?
After I hook a fish, I use the L3 (left analog stick) in the opposite direction the fish is moving. But then what do I do with the SQUARE button? "Overpower". Do I click that? Fast? Slow? Do I hold it?
Sometimes, time runs out. Other times I get to the next stage where I have to hold the R2 trigger half way to get the arrow between the blue lines or whatever...etc

I've never caught one yet hahaha


First of all, change the fishing controls in the settings menu. Unless you want to constantly mash R2 and Square.

Secondly, you need fishing data. You simply can't catch more powerful fish without it as you are too weak. Buy them off the fisherman, and get another from the Bulletin board quests involving fishing. And check the fisherman again, I think he eventually stocks the last one too. Then you will notice how easy fishing is since you deplete their stamina much faster.
OK. Will do.
I should save the fishing for the end


Gold Member
So I just received my copy today. It seems like the disc is already updated.

Didn’t download a patch or anything and the disc was already on version 1.002
This happened to me as well, if you don't take your PS5 offline before installing it seems to auto-patch. Never fear, uninstall, take Ps5 offline, then reinstall off disc and you will be in 1.000 with the glorious high cut outfits.

The lack of Enya shots in this thread is disturbing as well. Not really sure how "humans" work with all these implants/outright robot parts, but I can only imagine her and Su bumping parts together like something out of Team America :p


I would have taken more screenshots but last thing I want is for my wife or kids to see all these upskirt shots :p Surprisingly enough I've been able to play with the bunny suit, bikini, or one of the more racy miniskirt outfits without anyone else walking in and asking questions. Been a while since there has been a sexy game, other than maybe those somewhat awkward hook-ups in Terminator:Resistance.
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