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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


STVF still going down. I think I am going in for another 500-1000.

THQ had a nice little surge too. I know they're in the shitter but I am pulling for them since they have great devs and IPs.


For some reason, that company was still on my watch list. I just laughed when I saw that percentage

Take notes, rest of the industry: just delay your biggest upcoming game


Is there any explanation to why STVF keeps going down?

And how do you guys know when to buy in when the prices are going down? Just instinct and a bit of luck? I've been wanting to buy Zynga for a while and in the past week or so it's gone down from like 12-13$ to under $10 now. I really want to get in on it but hopefully not before it stops dropping..


I've been following a penny stock for a month called SunPeaks Ventures (SNPK). A co-worker brought it to my attention when it jumped out to .40 cents a share. It debuted in early March and since then has been on a tear. It's now at 2.23 a share.

It's an amazing story. This company supposedly has a supplement that can help thin blood. It's only method of distribution appears to be with Wal-green's online website. This company has yet to crack 6 figures in sales.


If you read that article, it goes on to tell you about some shady people that are associated with the stock/company. So, I highly recommend not investing in this, but it is an absolute fascinating story to watch unfold.

It's getting hammered right now, down 50% to the $1 level, and it dipped below that for a little while.


Yep, lost almost half it's value in about a 15 minute window. Pretty funny.

i almost want to try this one out in case of some insane rebound again. could be a nice flip for an extra thousand or two in my account when all is said and done. it is up quite a bit in after hours.


Now that Spain is the one worrying people over Europe, I predict the next one in line will be France.

Watch things go crazy after the first round of elections. If protests and general population unrest in Greece worried people, imagine how it will be when the same happens in France.

See you next Sunday! lol


Now that Spain is the one worrying people over Europe, I predict the next one in line will be France.

Watch things go crazy after the first round of elections. If protests and general population unrest in Greece worried people, imagine how it will be when the same happens in France.

See you next Sunday! lol

Jeez this is going to be volatile.


Dam wonder if I should try getting in on it and get off at $1. Would still be good for a 25% return.

I feel like *if* it hits $1, it'll go to at least 1.10-1.25 because it will mean THQ is slightly more secure as they won't be taken off the market soon-ish.

You think sounds logical?




So Seeking Alpha has an article showing some transparency on STVF and it's not looking good. Sold my shares for now expecting a bigger drop due to a likely pump and dump operation. Depressing but should have sold out when I was up alot.


I'm looking into THQ for a quick flip now.

wtf, so STVF was just a big scam? goddamn


Junior Member
So Seeking Alpha has an article showing some transparency on STVF and it's not looking good. Sold my shares for now expecting a bigger drop due to a likely pump and dump operation. Depressing but should have sold out when I was up alot.


I'm looking into THQ for a quick flip now.

Really interesting read. I'd been watching you guys get excited about it for a few months...glad I held on the sidelines. Looks like a decent short candidate...


A new penny stock candidate (well, new to me) is Liquidmetal Technologies. It's skyrocketed lately, and keeps going up based on rumors that the iPhone 5 will be using it's tech. Trying to get in at .49$

edit: just made my first stock purchase. Watching the stock ticker after buying in is a whole nother ball game. fuck me im going to have a heart attack

Neo C.

Now that Spain is the one worrying people over Europe, I predict the next one in line will be France.

Watch things go crazy after the first round of elections. If protests and general population unrest in Greece worried people, imagine how it will be when the same happens in France.

See you next Sunday! lol

Pretty good prediction, the Dax has lost immensely today. I'll observe the situation and decide whether or not I should invest in the next few weeks.


A new penny stock candidate (well, new to me) is Liquidmetal Technologies. It's skyrocketed lately, and keeps going up based on rumors that the iPhone 5 will be using it's tech. Trying to get in at .49$

edit: just made my first stock purchase. Watching the stock ticker after buying in is a whole nother ball game. fuck me im going to have a heart attack


Okay, answer me these questions: If LT does get the iPhone 5 deal, how much revenue would they stand to get? What kind of margins do they operate at right now? Are those margins sustainable in an Apple deal? If so, what effect on earnings per share would it have? Would it change the P/E? Is P/E even the metric used in the industry? Or maybe EV/EBITDA, and in that sense, what would the impact on Enterprise Value be? Would they need to take on more debt to support the iPhone order?


I feel like *if* it hits $1, it'll go to at least 1.10-1.25 because it will mean THQ is slightly more secure as they won't be taken off the market soon-ish.

You think sounds logical?

So Seeking Alpha has an article showing some transparency on STVF and it's not looking good. Sold my shares for now expecting a bigger drop due to a likely pump and dump operation. Depressing but should have sold out when I was up alot.


I'm looking into THQ for a quick flip now.


ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH Mods should close this thread. How many Gaffers lost money on STVF because of blind gambling based off a forum tip?


I don't have a clue about stocks.

When you guys buy stocks, how much do you typically invest per company?

Say, hypothetically speaking, I have $50,000. Is it better to keep it in the bank or invest in a company?


I don't have a clue about stocks.

When you guys buy stocks, how much do you typically invest per company?

Say, hypothetically speaking, I have $50,000. Is it better to keep it in the bank or invest in a company?

ETFs are fairly safe for people who don't know what they are doing.....

<-----like this guy.


Junior Member
A new penny stock candidate (well, new to me) is Liquidmetal Technologies. It's skyrocketed lately, and keeps going up based on rumors that the iPhone 5 will be using it's tech. Trying to get in at .49$

edit: just made my first stock purchase. Watching the stock ticker after buying in is a whole nother ball game. fuck me im going to have a heart attack

I'm not too sure about it. They're not going to supply anything to Apple, because Apple simply bought a license to their technology instead of buying the alloys from it, and the amount they pay is kept a secret.

Not to mention that Apple basically became their only customer since the license is exclusive, and worldwide, so they stand to lose existing revenue sources.

Time will tell, but I'm not convinced that Liquidmetal will profit that much from their technology being used in the iPhone 5.



Sheesh, alright dude sorry for asking. I never claimed to be an expert at any of this, so I was just "thinking out loud", if that makes sense.
Any constructive feedback is always welcome.


Sheesh, alright dude sorry for asking. I never claimed to be an expert at any of this, so I was just "thinking out loud", if that makes sense.
Any constructive feedback is always welcome.
I'm no expert, but I would steer clear of THQ even if its share price gets past a dollar.

I personally don't see how it would even make it that far before its six-month deadline. It could get there, but even if it does, it seems risky to essentially bet money that it will keep it up.

I guess Darksiders 2 will sell pretty well, for what it's worth.


I'm glad some people enjoy penny stocks so I can live vicariously through them. Seeing this as the first risk on a company's 10k is a little scary:

We anticipate that our current capital resources, together with anticipated cash from operations, will be sufficient to fund our operations through April 30,
2012. Following April 30, 2012, we will require additional funding in order to continue operations as a going concern. Although we are actively pursuing
financing transactions, we cannot guarantee that adequate funds will be available when needed and even if available, cannot guarantee that we will achieve
favorable terms. If we raise additional funds by issuing securities, existing stockholders may be diluted. If funding is insufficient at any time in the future, we
will be required to alter or reduce the scope of our operations or to cease our operations entirely.

*hugs his dividends*

Also: dat NFLX. Jesus.


Sheesh, alright dude sorry for asking. I never claimed to be an expert at any of this, so I was just "thinking out loud", if that makes sense.
Any constructive feedback is always welcome.

Sorry, you got caught in the crossfire.

I'm just getting fed up with seeing stock advice/hypotheses based on intrinsic feeling rather than actual financial projections. Someone in this thread is going to lose a ton of money for no good reason, if it hasn't happened already and they're too embarrassed to admit it.

But I see now you definitely weren't giving advice. I apologize again, and instead offer a polite "No, that is not a sound theory." response instead :)

If you have some finance-based theories about THQ, or just any questions about how to go about making a finance-based theory, I'm all ears :)


Junior Member
I'm considering buying NFLX after the huge after-hours drop. Its valuation seems to have come back down to earth, and despite the negativity (due, IMO, to unrealistic expectations), it seems to have a bright enough future, at least for the next few years. At $85, it's around 20 times trailing earnings which is a decent valuation for a growth company like that. The profit drop is worrisome (forward P/E is still around 40), but it's mostly due to investment for international launches and should recover nicely later on.

Sorry, you got caught in the crossfire.

I'm just getting fed up with seeing stock advice/hypotheses based on intrinsic feeling rather than actual financial projections. Someone in this thread is going to lose a ton of money for no good reason, if it hasn't happened already and they're too embarrassed to admit it.

But I see now you definitely weren't giving advice. I apologize again, and instead offer a polite "No, that is not a sound theory." response instead :)

If you have some finance-based theories about THQ, or just any questions about how to go about making a finance-based theory, I'm all ears :)

To be quite honest, you don't really need a finance-based theory as far as THQ is concerned. A game publisher that's stopped development on games beyond 2014 is simply not a good mid-to-long-term investment, no matter what its price is. Unless you're looking for a quick trade to cash in on its recent upward trend (and even then, it might be too late for that, especially with the way markets have been acting for a few weeks), investing in THQ makes no sense at all.

Or, of course, if you're counting on an act-of-god event, like a buyout by another publisher.


I think a Japanese company would be likely to buy THQ, they are still trying to catch up:p

No one else will bother to buy another console game dev, here companies are looking to the mobile market.


A new penny stock candidate (well, new to me) is Liquidmetal Technologies. It's skyrocketed lately, and keeps going up based on rumors that the iPhone 5 will be using it's tech. Trying to get in at .49$

edit: just made my first stock purchase. Watching the stock ticker after buying in is a whole nother ball game. fuck me im going to have a heart attack

Buying penny stocks is dangerous, especially if you don't know what you are doing.

Liquid Metal received a one time payment for an exclusivity deal with Apple. The surges are fiction, any valid action happened here at the announcement a year ago.


Well, I'll watch it carefully and sell it at the right time. I never planned on keeping it for a long time obviously. I'm up 130$...so I guess I'll sell soon.


A new penny stock candidate (well, new to me) is Liquidmetal Technologies. It's skyrocketed lately, and keeps going up based on rumors that the iPhone 5 will be using it's tech. Trying to get in at .49$

edit: just made my first stock purchase. Watching the stock ticker after buying in is a whole nother ball game. fuck me im going to have a heart attack

Dude, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you are going to lose a ton of money in the stock market. For the sake of your sanity, do some reading before plunging into the market with your hard-earned cash.

The way you're doing it, you probably have better odds in Vegas.


Man, Ford dropping has hurt me a bit. I currently have 3/4 of my portfolio in F and the other 1/4 in PFE. Thinking about selling the PFE to break even and putting my all my eggs in F. That way it will ratchet down the average price I bought F for. I know Ford is a good company that will get back up to the ~$13 range eventually.



Man, Ford dropping has hurt me a bit. I currently have 3/4 of my portfolio in F and the other 1/4 in PFE. Thinking about selling the PFE to break even and putting my all my eggs in F. That way it will ratchet down the average price I bought F for. I know Ford is a good company that will get back up to the ~$13 range eventually.


Unless you have a very strong understanding of a company's fundamentals as well as the current market conditions and the various factors that can move the stock, never ever add to a losing position.

EDIT: When I say fundamentals, I mean the income statement, the balance sheet, the industry dynamics, the management team and most important of all, the future cash flows and the source of those cash flows.
wtf, so STVF was just a big scam? goddamn

Any stocks that jump that fast and drops like a rock is not good news. All of you that bought the stock thinking to make profit like Zyzyxxz were in for a real cold shower. It's a scam, that's why it's going down.

It's never gonna go back to his peak even with all the bullshit stories trying to grab more sheeps. Penny stocks and OTC are shit.

Some people in this thread are gonna loose tons of money if you listen to all the winners in here. Welcome to the real world.

ps: buying THQ is like buying Rim, good luck with your investing goals in 2012.


My co-worker owns Ford and desperately wants to get out. It's been a 'dead' stock for quite awhile and no real signs that it's going to break out in the near future. He's raking in money from his high dividend stocks (NLY and PSEC) and wants to shift the money there.


My co-worker owns Ford and desperately wants to get out. It's been a 'dead' stock for quite awhile and no real signs that it's going to break out in the near future. He's raking in money from his high dividend stocks (NLY and PSEC) and wants to shift the money there.

Yeah, it seems to just fluctuate between 11 and 14. Never really jumping or plummeting.

They show a lot of promise in their vehicle lines though. I'll get out when it gets close to 13.


Speculation is that F could see a jump when its debt rating is out of junk status and pensions and other funds can buy in. Who knows if that's true of course, but it did get a bump up this morning by one of the agencies. I think it's a good company with great products and management that's in a tough industry. I'm close to buying a smallish position, though id like to hear more about future plans for the dividend.


My co-worker owns Ford and desperately wants to get out. It's been a 'dead' stock for quite awhile and no real signs that it's going to break out in the near future. He's raking in money from his high dividend stocks (NLY and PSEC) and wants to shift the money there.

How stable are these Mortgage REITs I've been reading about them I wonder what is the long term prospects of these? Such as ARR which is at current rate returning 17% annually, it seems too good to be true but still tempting.


A new penny stock candidate (well, new to me) is Liquidmetal Technologies. It's skyrocketed lately, and keeps going up based on rumors that the iPhone 5 will be using it's tech. Trying to get in at .49$

edit: just made my first stock purchase. Watching the stock ticker after buying in is a whole nother ball game. fuck me im going to have a heart attack

Buying penny stocks is dangerous, especially if you don't know what you are doing.

Liquid Metal received a one time payment for an exclusivity deal with Apple. The surges are fiction, any valid action happened here at the announcement a year ago.

Where are your liquid and or metal based gods now?


To be honest, losing money is the best way to learn. So here's to your lesson, cheers!
Yup getting ready to sell my AAPL shares if it gets back to 640ish.

Glad STVF didn't slide much today but if it does I'm going to buy more to average-down my buy in price.

With the run down over the past 2 weeks, I'm a bit pissed I don't have any money parked to do an 2 month call option play here for like 1k...


Junior Member
I'm still holding a very small position in F . Bought at $13.44 last summer so I'm underwater by 15%, but despite not especially good technicals I still have a lot of faith in the company long term. It'll be a while, but I think we'll get some upside eventually. It's been consolidating in the 11s forever, but the thing with consolidation is that the longer it is, the higher it usually goes once it finally breaks out.

It's one of the few losing positions I hold on to, because I have a lot of faith in the company's long-term prospects.

No surprise about AAPL, everything was pretty much expected. Hopefully that EPS beat is enough to stop the stock from resuming its drop.


I was looking at AAPL today and thought "hey it's starting to become attractive at this price". Didn't know earnings were tonight.


Liquidated about half my positions today including covering my AAPL short for a small gain. Good thing, too. Looking forward to a sideways-to-down summer, so I'm going to pay off my car and student loans and sock away money for the fall when I can start to get back in, hopefully at lower prices.



I'm not starting to be surprised anymore, it seems people try to fear monger everyone into selling before the earnings release. This seems to happen alot. Analyst are conservative with their estimates and Apple beats them easily.

Well I'm still setting my price target to 650 but not sure if I want to wait for Q3 earnings though.
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