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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Just placed a bid for 100 ADSK at 32.25.

Long term position. No VISA for me:p


Ah man ADSK is going back up, no way it's gonna pass at .50 lower than current price. Down down down please!:p


I got in on ADSK at 32.40 instead.

Good luck on VISA!

EDIT: Stpuid me, I should have just left ym 32.25 oder lol.


I'm beginning to look at stocks. I usually follow the stock market a bit in general, but with my company offering me a 401K and I'm also interested in green investing and stuff like that so for the first time I'm actually looking into stock related stuff specifically. Don't really have the money to invest yet but...Maybe.


Wow at ADBE. It started off around 7% up, now 12%. I really wish I had made my move last week. Earnings came earlier than I expected.


my moves for today:

Cover ADBE at lost
Buy HXD (it's like shorting TSX60 X 2)
Buy HFD (it's like shorting the financial sector X 2)
Buy HGU (like buying gold sector x 2)


Crap, I should have bailed on my mutual fund yesterday. Oh well. I'm trying to find a decent exit point to cut my exposure off completely, and yesterday was it.


Don't want to push people toward pennies, but I had a big win today with SDVI, a place that publishes shitty little games for the DS and some other systems :lol Went from 3 cents to 4 cents today. Woo! Looks like they've got a DS game shipping by the end of June, so hopefully it will go up a few more cents going forward based on that. Of course with pennies, you never know.

Between that and a last minute bump in the NTDOY ADR price, I came out positive for today despite a broad slaughter in my other stocks. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit less brutal.


how much money do you guys play with ? over 10k? what would you suggest is a good amount to buy for a long stock? I am thinking about spending $5000 of shares of some stock.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
^DJI down 293 today. So much for this week's edition of the Fed cut and stock market "rally." :lol :lol :lol

Fucking loony Corporate Socialists.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
stormer said:
how much money do you guys play with ? over 10k? what would you suggest is a good amount to buy for a long stock? I am thinking about spending $5000 of shares of some stock.

I assume you mean short-term investors?

I just got out of college a year ago, so I haven't had the time, but I plan on crafting a tax-shelter-less portfolio of individual stocks. I'll probably start at 5-10k, and then I'll just rebalance after certain % changes.

For long-term, I'm loading up 100k in the next ~5 years for 401k and IRA.


teh_pwn said:
^DJI down 293 today. So much for this week's edition of the Fed cut and stock market "rally." :lol :lol :lol

Fucking loony Corporate Socialists.

Everytime they cut rates things will get worst. They have to stop intervening, and in fact they should have done nothing at all for the past few months.

If people are so worried about their 401K or whatever, they can just fucking place it in another account or stop contributing until things get better. The feds should only proceed to eliminate corporate corruption and the likes.

People don't seem to accept the following fact:

Imagine if the only people who invested in the markets were perfect investors that invest based on value. The value of the companies would always be perfectly accurate. Of course, no one can be a perfect investor, but still, good investors that invest on value could manage to keep share prices in line with true valuation. Now add more investors, investors who don't only invest on value but on trend, emotions, and advices from psychics or who knows what else. The accurate valuation of the market starts to dissipate as trades are less and less based on perceive value. After some time, value becomes irrelevant; the value-driven investors can no longer invest based on perceived value, they are forced to play the wrong game by having to guess how the markets made up of terrible emotion-driven investors will react. Now you're left with a facade, an illusion, something that becomes completely undecipherable, a market on which you can't put an actual value.


It's no different than if you could keep adding dozens and dozens of players every year to your baseball team to have a bigger talent pool to chose from; at some point you will lose track of who is skilled and who isn't, and if you can't get rid of the bad players after a strong careful review you're going to do what any human would do and instead rely on superstition or emotions. You'll see trends were there are none, because anything random will have discernable patterns emerge out of them (see; the whole fucking universe).

This is the kind of markets we now have, and it is why no action can be taken by the feds to correct anything. The only thing you can do is let investors leave the damn markets. The ones that corrupted the markets will have no choice but to leave eventually, while the real good investors will be safe and will return to play when the place has cleaned up.


Ether_Snake said:
People don't seem to accept the following fact:

Imagine if the only people who invested in the markets were perfect investors that invest based on value. The value of the companies would always be perfectly accurate. Of course, no one can be a perfect investor, but still, good investors that invest on value could manage to keep share prices in line with true valuation. Now add more investors, investors who don't only invest on value but on trend, emotions, and advices from psychics or who knows what else. The accurate valuation of the market starts to dissipate as trades are less and less based on perceive value. After some time, value becomes irrelevant; the value-driven investors can no longer invest based on perceived value, they are forced to play the wrong game by having to guess how the markets made up of terrible emotion-driven investors will react. Now you're left with a facade, an illusion, something that becomes completely undecipherable, a market on which you can't put an actual value.

I wouldn't be surprised if the pros make far more money in an unstable market like this. If they know the true value of a company yet others don't it stands to reason that the non-pros will over-pay for a stock or under-ask on a sell.


Javaman said:
I wouldn't be surprised if the pros make far more money in an unstable market like this. If they know the true value of a company yet others don't it stands to reason that the non-pros will over-pay for a stock or under-ask on a sell.

No because they are over taken by non-pros and crooks. They don't KNOW the true value of a company anymore because the waves are moving to the motions of the swimmers rather than the other way around, and you can't predict how people will flail their arms:p


stormer said:
how much money do you guys play with ? over 10k? what would you suggest is a good amount to buy for a long stock? I am thinking about spending $5000 of shares of some stock.

There's no right answer to this. It's basically just invest what you can, when you can. You always want to be diverting as much money as possible to assets like investments from depreciating assets like cars, movies, games :D Whatever it is you spend your money on. The right answer is up to you though. In general whatever I have left from my paycheck every two weeks, I split evenly between my brokerage account and a high-yield savings account. I also have a 401k but I barely think about that - automatically comes out of my paycheck. Debating whether to open an IRA account as well. I probably should, but I keep thinking it would divert money away from my stocks, where I'm always thinking I'm one day away from finding that big 1000% one-day gainer stock :lol

lil smoke

Ether_Snake said:
Imagine if the only people who invested in the markets were perfect investors that invest based on value. The value of the companies would always be perfectly accurate. Of course, no one can be a perfect investor, but still, good investors that invest on value could manage to keep share prices in line with true valuation. Now add more investors, investors who don't only invest on value but on trend, emotions, and advices from psychics or who knows what else. The accurate valuation of the market starts to dissipate as trades are less and less based on perceive value. After some time, value becomes irrelevant; the value-driven investors can no longer invest based on perceived value, they are forced to play the wrong game by having to guess how the markets made up of terrible emotion-driven investors will react. Now you're left with a facade, an illusion, something that becomes completely undecipherable, a market on which you can't put an actual value.
In other words the market is driven by a bunch of pussies really.


Well, I got in at a good point with Citibank - currently at break-even after holding it about a week - but I bought GLD at $99.67. I'll be holding onto that one until inflation does its thing.


All my watch-list stocks are up (but nothing I have), and if markets do recover I feel they will be good investments. Maybe in two weeks on my next paycheck:)


EDIT: ABX is pretty good when you invest in gold.


koam said:
I'm up $5000+ thanks to Visa. I've been shorting and buying then buying and sell for the past two days.

How do you do it? No penalties?


koam said:
I have 50 "free" trades for $395 and $7 afterwards. Switch to CIBC.

Yeah but by selling quickly, aren't you dealing with the bank's money before it actually becomes yours? It usually takes days for my transactions to be completed.


My Dad set up a stock account for me, but I haven't used it yet. I just want to know....Can you buy stocks over the internet and if so what websites? My trading account is with TD canada.

Seth C

_Frank_ said:

Or, perhaps you should? Our President retired a few weeks back, and now we apparently didn't meet our earnings for the quarter, as well as sales being down. Anyway, they are laying off a bunch of people today. At least 20 so far at the corporate headquarters.


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah but by selling quickly, aren't you dealing with the bank's money before it actually becomes yours? It usually takes days for my transactions to be completed.

euh? What's your bank/trading plateform....Usually, transactions are completed whithin seconds..


Ether_Snake said:
Yeah but by selling quickly, aren't you dealing with the bank's money before it actually becomes yours? It usually takes days for my transactions to be completed.

It takes does but that doesn't stop you from trading. As long as the funds are there when it settles, you're fine. You can do hundreds of buys/sells on the same stock in one day without any consequence, they just care if the final funds are there 3 working days later.


koam said:
I'm up $5000+ thanks to Visa. I've been shorting and buying then buying and sell for the past two days.

i can't short this stock cause it just came out yesterday. My broker says nobody can short this stock yet....Whos lying? I think its my broker since i never heard of something like that


Visa is going to float an extra 40.6 million common shares.. won't that depress the share price severely by increasing the supply?


sonarrat said:
Visa is going to float an extra 40.6 million common shares.. won't that depress the share price severely by increasing the supply?

Yes, more of anything decreases its value. But I don't understand how they could do that without a split.
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