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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Go Go Neo Rangers!
Monday Beat Up GIF by SEGA


Gold Member
Down 3%. Big red. Even my boring Can stocks are down 1%. Only down to 6 stocks. Collectively down 15% on them. Last two weeks, had one giant green day and MIK got bought out, yet still down 5%.

On the plus side, my portfolio is only 5% off it's all time high as I've sold off winners the past bunch of months. Big rebound since Labour Day.
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One of the reasons why I haven't necessarily jumped into some financials such as Morgan Stanley is due to the current high price. I just don't see it as a good entry point for me right now. I've heard many people who've been trading for years tell me that "past performance is not an indicator to future performance"...which I totally get. But in the case of MS, it' would be somewhat worrisome to jump in at the current price especially with what's going on with the market right now. The last time the price reached the current share price was 20 years ago.



Fuck me why do I always get so fucked/burnt on pharma/Biotech?


I think I should take the hint.


I've been thinking about dumping Apple. It's been a pretty sad and boring few weeks, and sentiment on their car announcement didn't have as much of an impact as I thought. I still think it will be a good longtermer, but it's feeling like a big correction will be here before any significant value movement. Gonna see what happens today and maybe dump tomorrow.
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Plus Member
One of the reasons why I haven't necessarily jumped into some financials such as Morgan Stanley is due to the current high price. I just don't see it as a good entry point for me right now. I've heard many people who've been trading for years tell me that "past performance is not an indicator to future performance"...which I totally get. But in the case of MS, it' would be somewhat worrisome to jump in at the current price especially with what's going on with the market right now. The last time the price reached the current share price was 20 years ago.

Banks are fairly safe investments. BASEL requirements have removed most risk however given the market volatility, capital requirements could increase in the future for financials which hurts return on equity


I've been thinking about dumping Apple. It's been a pretty sad and boring few weeks, and sentiment on their car announcement didn't have as much of an impact as I thought. I still think it will be a good longtermer, but it's feeling like a big correction will be here before any significant value movement. Gonna see what happens today and maybe dump tomorrow.
I’m so disgusted with Apple right now.


Plus Member
OIH and USO for me right now:

ManofOne ManofOne any other industries that we should be looking at other than oil/financials.

Firstly USO is the worst fund to invest in. Be VERY careful there.

Secondly you should be looking at real estate or commodities. Also look at the Russell companies. It’s up over 30% for the year and could go higher as we reopen
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Firstly USO is the worst fund to invest in. Be VERY careful there.

Secondly you should be looking at real estate or commodities. Also look at the Russell companies. It’s up over 30% for the year and could go higher as we reopen

What do I need to look out for specifically regarding USO?

Will look into real estate although it's not something I'm familiar with at all (in the US) since I don't live in the US and I'm not American.


Plus Member
What do I need to look out for specifically regarding USO?

Will look into real estate although it's not something I'm familiar with at all (in the US) since I don't live in the US and I'm not American.

USO is a very dangerous fund and it’s part of the reason why oil prices went negative. When WTI oil contracts were trading in the low $20s, retail investors naively bought USO, thinking they buying low and selling high. So you saw fund inflows neared $2 billion in April for example. With money flowing in, USO’s AUM grew substantially until they owned approximately 25.0% of the outstanding volume of May WTI oil future contracts.

The problem is that USO designed their fund to buy contracts I think on the 7th of every month. Think they changed that. So they dumped their contracts and bought new contacts but they buying contracts that higher than the expect future value of the oil. So if things go bad or oil reverses it’s direction. I would dump USO.
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Plus Member
Nobody is buying treasuries per say. They're selling it off. So when they sell treasuries, yields rises. So the 10 year yield is rising which is resetting valuations.

So the basic valuation equation is


Growth = growth rate of the company and then when you project forward into perpetuity you use growth rate of the economy. The U.S economy is projected to grow around 6.0% this year alongside that growth is higher inflation.

Cashflow = company expected cashflow projected forward

r = the discount rate. The discount rate being WACC (Weighted average cost of capital) simply put if 10 year treasuries increase so does r.

So initially growth expectations were outpacing inflation and discount rates, so stocks rose. However, inflation expectations are rising which means reduce margins also the 10 year yields are rising b/c inflation eats away at bond returns. It makes no sense holding a 1.5% bond if inflation expectation exceed that. So bonds are being sold off.

So you have compressed expected gross, operating and net margins from inflation, higher cost of capital, increase borrowing rates etc......so companies value fall.

Its gonna taper eventually and then we could see a rise but as long as yields keep rising, the fundamentals are catching up to tech. They are far to frothy so the valuations should reset plus stocks with longer equity duration i.e tech stocks will fall.

Now is a great time to go bargin hunting. Eventually it will taper.

Lol seee above


Seems to me this is the beginning of the bubble bursting. Gonna see if we get a mini recovery tomorrow before i started moving to cash
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