Damn. What prompted you to do that?
I started investing in AMC before the first squeeze, first it was just hype, but after the first squeeze I started looking at the numbers in depth and doing my own DD.
As soon as I started watching borrow fee go through the roof, utility rate at 100%, I was certain the squeeze hadnt happen, so I started selling all my other positions and got in heavily in AMC at 7$ and 9$ (theres a few posts I made about this if you look up this thread).
After months of DD and investigation, I'm certain there is no exit for them, and I truly think it will skyrocket for the last time in history, I dont think naked shares/dark pool will continue after this, this will certainly change the market for the better.
The only question right now is, how fuk'd are they.
IF I had kept my portfolio, which was respectable and isnt in terrible state at the moment, I would still be losing 50% of what im in profit right now...and those stocks I had ivnested in are pretty safe bets that most of us have.
I've always been a high risk investor, and regarding AMC I honestly think the upside is much much greater than the downside.