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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


I started "playing" on the stockmarket last week. Made my first profit today (96 euro, sold when it was up 5% today).

While I plan on investing in more long term stock, I also plan to do some short term selling and buying. I'm going to start out with normal stocks though, no options or futures for the moment.


Fuck why is CGT down today, -5%? Makes no sense, no news, lower oil. WTF:mad:


Over the last 5 business days I have made 142% on ABK. Trade of my lifetime, especially since it was my first entirely margin trade.


We have some silly downtrends in oil over the next weeks before the monster picks up again.

The demand destruction is the key and has nothing to do with supply, the bulls are a bit fazed by it and some hedge funds are covering at the high watermark well at least those that our clients are.

Post Olympics and into the autumn the oil rally will be back with a vengeance.

Federal Reserve will not cut any more and discount windows are all the rage. Merrill is still hiding something. Lehman will be carved up very soon.


How can CGT be down 6% today? Crazy shit.

EDIT: And they announced an acquisition after the close, at 5:30pm.


Comics, serious business!
Made 12% on Avon today and 19% on International Paper on Monday.



RSTEIN said:
Made 12% on Avon today and 19% on International Paper on Monday.


I bought a few calls :) lololol

Trying to dump my MMM calls for around a ~27% gain. Here's hoping.

I totally stopped paying attention to ERTS and now it took a big jump. I was looking to get in. Doh!


Holds a little red book
Holy crap, GRMN (Garmin) got as high as $38.21 before falling back down to the mid-$37. I'm almost breaking even. Gonna dump it as soon as it hits $40. The barrier of entry to the GPS market is too low. The company doesn't have enough advantages.


Stele said:
Holy crap, GRMN (Garmin) got as high as $38.21 before falling back down to the mid-$37. I'm almost breaking even. Gonna dump it as soon as it hits $40. The barrier of entry to the GPS market is too low. The company doesn't have enough advantages.

Ummm... GRMN is pretty much a buy right now any price. They keep beating their estimates by double-digit percentages.


Holds a little red book
sonarrat said:
Ummm... GRMN is pretty much a buy right now any price. They keep beating their estimates by double-digit percentages.
Which is why they're $80 off their October high and still suffering from heavy short volume? I think the shorts got this one right. Some analysts are comparing them to Palm. There is practically no barrier to market entry. Computer companies like Apple, cell phone and electronics conglomerates are all diving in. The GPS market will commoditize and it will be a cutthroat price war. That's the expectation the price is reflecting right now. Besides, Garmin's entry to smartphones is like asking to be knifed.


Stele said:
Which is why they're $80 off their October high and still suffering from heavy short volume? I think the shorts got this one right. Some analysts are comparing them to Palm. There is practically no barrier to market entry. Computer companies like Apple, cell phone and electronics conglomerates are all diving in. The GPS market will commoditize and it will be a cutthroat price war. That's the expectation the price is reflecting right now. Besides, Garmin's entry to smartphones is like asking to be knifed.

They said the same thing about the iPod. Garmin has quite an advertising machine, I don't get much exposure to advertising in general but I always hear something about Garmin.. just trying to play devil's advocate.


STP was up 6% today.

I might miss the ERTS boat, we'll see.

i'm not buying Ubi stocks after all, even at the 15% discount, it's very high and I'd have to wait a month to sell them.


Comics, serious business!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Haha, wow, what a reversal on AMGN. Volume just went through the roof there at the end. Wonder if there was some specific trigger.

NFLX up. ERTS still up! Damn, the boat might've sailed on that one. Going to wait for it to come back down a bit.


Spot crude is down to $113. Maybe that was not the best time to invest in Russia, but at least my other holdings are keeping me in the black. :lol


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
Spot crude is down to $113. Maybe that was not the best time to invest in Russia, but at least my other holdings are keeping me in the black. :lol

Look at AMGN. Up 2.50%! Good thing I sold yesterday!


Yes I'm missing ERTS again, second time this happens in the past few months. It's always low at a time when I have no funds to invest:|

And now I have some:p

Anyway I think ERTS can go to mid 50s relatively soon. But I would have liked to make 10$ a share on that one, so I'm just going to continue to accumalte funds instead for now.

ATVI has been going down since the earnings, might add to that if it goes really low, it's the only one saving my portfolio right now:p

I want ADSK to go back to the low 40s.

BA up 5%, IMMR up 8%


I think POT is a long-term steal at these levels (~170). Granted I'm sitting on a small holding at $219 cost average (very small, thankfully! - sold most at ~210 to limit my exposure). But I do think oil will rally in the fall, and money will move back into commodities.

At these levels though, POT has an 08 P/E of ~7.5 and an 09 P/E of ~8.5.


BA rocked the house today, apparently on account of landing a new fat military contract. It was over 6% at one point. My calls advanced nicely, though still have a little way to go before they're out of the red after the earnings miss.

Glad I decided to skip COOL. I was definitely thinking about getting in at one point just north of $1.


Sold out of ERTS calls for about 10%. I really waited too long to buy in, but I'm happy to book a couple hundred bucks in gains.

Worried that tomorrow is going to bring a reversal. Considering puts on UNH, GOOG, and S. I hate buying puts. It's against my good nature to bet against people :lol


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
It's against my good nature to bet against people :lol

Unfortunately that's the path to superior returns. The market is the grand sum of all human emotion. Human emotions swing wildly. Take advantage.


I hate myself for thinking like this, but I'm wondering what the Russia-Georgia war is going to do to my holdings in Third Millenium Russia. It's only a couple hundred dollars, but it might turn into a hundred pretty swiftly.
sonarrat said:
I hate myself for thinking like this, but I'm wondering what the Russia-Georgia war is going to do to my holdings in Third Millenium Russia. It's only a couple hundred dollars, but it might turn into a hundred pretty swiftly.
I'd say that's a substantial risk. Western-Russian relations just keep falling down the shithole. You saw what happened with TNK-BP. This might make Russian oil profits grow even more, but could make your investments more illiquid, as western investors might shun anything Russian depending on how things pan out, it's pretty unpredictable.

EDIT: Apparently US Financials might have bottomed out, it might be a good time to invest, both short and long.


Date of Lies said:
I'd say that's a substantial risk. Western-Russian relations just keep falling down the shithole. You saw what happened with TNK-BP. This might make Russian oil profits grow even more, but could make your investments more illiquid, as western investors might shun anything Russian depending on how things pan out, it's pretty unpredictable.

Yeah, since the stock prices are pretty well dependent on improving international relations with Russia, I think I'd better bail out. At least I don't have to pay a fee to get out early.


CGT earnings Wednesday. Please be good:| I want to see 14$ or 15$ eventually:|


sonarrat said:
Yeah, since the stock prices are pretty well dependent on improving international relations with Russia, I think I'd better bail out. At least I don't have to pay a fee to get out early.

Did you sell out? Just heard on Bloomberg "Russian stocks are surging" as the president called off military operations against Georgia. Though on CNN it says they're actually still attacking...


kathode said:
Did you sell out? Just heard on Bloomberg "Russian stocks are surging" as the president called off military operations against Georgia. Though on CNN it says they're actually still attacking...

Most of the fund is in energy, so it's pretty well tied to the price of oil, nickel, gold, etc.. and yes, I did sell out. I might re-enter if hostilities are over since it's at a much lower level, unfortunately I already ate a significant loss.


sonarrat said:
Most of the fund is in energy, so it's pretty well tied to the price of oil, nickel, gold, etc.. and yes, I did sell out. I might re-enter if hostilities are over since it's at a much lower level, unfortunately I already ate a significant loss.

You said you only had a couple of hundred dollars in there. If you're viewing a 30 dollar loss as significant, you probably shouldn't be looking at your holdings so carefully.


gkrykewy said:
You said you only had a couple of hundred dollars in there. If you're viewing a 30 dollar loss as significant, you probably shouldn't be looking at your holdings so carefully.

45, but it's only significant because it happened over a couple of days. Anyway, that just shows the risk of investing in something you don't know about.. I don't think that Ether Snake would make much money just buying video-game stocks, because historically the tech field has performed extremely poorly long-term. But since he follows it consistently he can make predictions and make money with the knowledge he has.


I bought some puts on UNH and S yesterday. Might both prove to be bad moves.
Bought some ERTS $50 calls for December. Between Madden and Spore I think that's close to a lock.


Looking into buying ERTS mainly.

NVDA up 10% right now, too bad I'm still down like 9$.

CGT released their earnings, its good but not enough I guess.


UNH is going to become my AMGN :) Up when everything else is down!
If I can make a profit on anything today I'm buying more ERTS calls.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
UNH is going to become my AMGN :) Up when everything else is down!
If I can make a profit on anything today I'm buying more ERTS calls.

:lol Man, I bought calls at the bottom. It kept going down down down. It was painful, but eventually made money. I don't think you're wrong buying puts here.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
UNH is going to become my AMGN :) Up when everything else is down!
If I can make a profit on anything today I'm buying more ERTS calls.

Just bought some UNH puts :)


Frustrating - Everything's just been treading water the past couple days. Both puts down about 10 cents and the EA calls retreated as well.

RSTEIN said:
Just bought some UNH puts :)

Don't jinx me! :lol


Go go AMGN! :) Goldman Sachs added it to the Conviction Buy list. Fat lot of good that did for my Monsanto disaster, but appears to be giving this one some momentum.

UNH down slightly. S is up but somehow my put is back up to breakeven. Can't complain :)
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