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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


So STP has been up almost 20% in the past three days. I want another 7$ a share before I sell:D


Only options I have are ERTS and NFLX calls, both of which are hurting today of course, but I think will come back.

I raised my position in SDVI again, so now I'm up to 750k shares. It's on fire, relatively speaking. Increased in value for me about $10k in the past 10 days. I'm long on it though, so it could all vanish in a day (as it has before). They do have a DS game coming out early next month, so that is driving it forward. I would like to get to a million shares but at this point it would overextend me.

Considering buying UNH calls.
Interesting. The put/call ratio on UNH looks to be very heavy on the put side, for October at least. (edit: On second thought, just high volume on the put side, so probably lots of people selling out. Still big open interest on the call side.)


Now would be a great time to buy some natural gas or gasoline futures, because of the impending hurricane.. it won't affect crude much, but finished products tend to spike by double-digits after a major storm in the gulf.


Where'd everyone go? :) I stopped updating because I was stagnating and couldn't make any moves. I finally got out of UNH for a piddly 7% gain. Tried to get out of NFLX today with a limit .05 over breakeven and it wouldn't hit. Very frustrating.

Bought some MER puts. Was thinking about betting big but I went in with half of what I wanted because I couldn't get out of NFLX.

SDVI has hit some choppy waters as day traders take over and there's uncertainty about the release date for Mazes of Fate DS. It has ranged between .015 and .019 here for a couple days. It's fun to see my portfolio go up and down by about $5k per day depending on how many tenths of a cent this stock moves :lol


Soka said:
COOL is now facing de-listing.


Any thoughts? I feel like bailing out now might be my only chance to save some face, but I hate selling out at a loss.

Selling for a loss sucks, but sometimes your choices are selling for a loss or selling for a bigger loss :) It depends on how much you believe the company's upcoming games are going to buoy them. Remember that if nothing else, losses are still tax deductions.

It's interesting that they decided to post that news on their own homepage. I guess maybe there's some reporting requirement, but it's odd to go to this happy casual and kid-friendly publisher's site and have the first news article be about a Nasdaq delisting notice :lol


I haveN,t made any move since my STP purchase a couple of weeks. I'm up on ADSK, ATVI, STP and down on CGT, IMMR, NVDA.

Today is not a good day either except for STP.


Why did you put ur money into Majesco? The stock price has been declining ever since 2004. That company reminds me of Acclaim Entertainment. ERTS and ATVI are ur best bets.


Man today was a slaughter for me.

ADSK -5.3%
ATVI -1.6%
CGT -3%
IMMR -5.8%
NDA -3.8%

Only STP was up, +2.8%

lil smoke

Ether_Snake said:
Nintendo jumped 10% yesterday:p Probably why COOL rose.
Yup, I made about $120 off of that. Lunch money!

I'm going to start to pay some attention to Radio Shack for a little while and see whats going on here. I also am still considering getting into a vice fund. People will always smoke, drink and gamble right?


I went long on KLAC, they haven't been this low in 5 years. Their market is highly cyclical so the stock will come back.


ITY could be nice.

But these days I have no faith in the markets. I want to see 13000 again.


hey guys got a quick stock question, why are the opening prices of most stocks different then the price traded @ 9.30

for example, if you look at Google today, it says it opened at 460. But if you look at the trading chart for today at yahoo finance or AOL finance, the first price it shows @ 9.30 is 458.68 with volume traded of 84,648. Why is this the case?

if i wanted to sell my google stock as soon as the market opened today @ 9.30, do i get to sell it at 460 or 458.68?

Thanks guys.

lil smoke

Soka said:
These worry me, personally. I see little that could ever cause a rapid upswing for these stocks, but I see all sorts of increasingly strict laws and regulations that will start to hinder sales for these companies, at least in the U.S.

They already banned smoking in all public buildings, or within 15 feet of the entrance of any such building, in the state of Illinois, and I know that has already occurred and is spreading to other states.
Yeah I am concerned with this as well, however as long as these products can be taxed, they'll always be there. And there has been growth in some tobacco companies overseas. Then there are the aerospace and defense sectors.

Dunno, just keeping an eye, to see how it moves. I know I'll do my part to keep breweries going strong :D


Sold my MER puts and ran for a 15% gain. I am still holding onto ERTS and NFLX calls. I'm really pissed at myself for missing an early rally on NFLX yesterday. It was at .85 which would've been a decent profit, but I missed it and now it's down in the .20's after a couple days of losses. This market seems to just be bouncing back and forth between high and low 11,000's and nothing is sustainable for very long.


mackaveli said:
hey guys got a quick stock question, why are the opening prices of most stocks different then the price traded @ 9.30

for example, if you look at Google today, it says it opened at 460. But if you look at the trading chart for today at yahoo finance or AOL finance, the first price it shows @ 9.30 is 458.68 with volume traded of 84,648. Why is this the case?

if i wanted to sell my google stock as soon as the market opened today @ 9.30, do i get to sell it at 460 or 458.68?

Thanks guys.

Most likely the opening price is what resulted from the last trade of pre-market trading. The actual 9:30 price comes from the first sale of the day, which people queue up for execution as soon as the market opens.

As always, you get whatever price someone else is willing to pay. If you put in a market order, the way I understand it is the computer just tries to link you up with the lowest ask price available for the number of shares you want. If you ever want a specific price, use a limit order instead of a market order.


Comics, serious business!
Well, after being basically out of the market last week, the last two days have probably been the busiest ever. I've made 23 trades the last two days. Here are my returns for the last two days:

TWX puts: 31.72%
IBM puts: 18.83%
AMD puts: 8.76%
LTD puts: 12.83%
LOW puts: 8.43%
GAS puts: -1.72%
HD puts: 7.08%

Basically I loaded up on puts Tuesday morning. Perfect timing :D


kathode said:
Most likely the opening price is what resulted from the last trade of pre-market trading. The actual 9:30 price comes from the first sale of the day, which people queue up for execution as soon as the market opens.

As always, you get whatever price someone else is willing to pay. If you put in a market order, the way I understand it is the computer just tries to link you up with the lowest ask price available for the number of shares you want. If you ever want a specific price, use a limit order instead of a market order.

thanks for getting back to me.

I just have one last question, not sure if you would know it, so if anyone knows and can answer it, that be great.

Are you saying about a market order, if i have a stock for like a week and i want to get rid of it in the morning as soon as the market opens at market price. if 3 guys are willing to buy it at 2.85, 3.00, and 3.15 and everyone else sells it at 3 and buys it at 3. If i put a market order would i be matched up at 2.85 or 3.00?


also, i dont want to go through all the posts, is there a good website that could teach me about option trading? it seems quite a few posters here make a pretty good % return.


Comics, serious business!
mackaveli said:
Are you saying about a market order, if i have a stock for like a week and i want to get rid of it in the morning as soon as the market opens at market price. if 3 guys are willing to buy it at 2.85, 3.00, and 3.15 and everyone else sells it at 3 and buys it at 3. If i put a market order would i be matched up at 2.85 or 3.00?

If everyone wants it at $3.00 and sellers are willing to part with it at $3.00 then that's the market and you'll get hit at $3.00 because that's the current bid. When you place a market order you're simply saying "I will accept whatever the best bid or ask is at this very second." So, basically there's a whole list of buyers and sellers behind the quotes you see on your screen. If the stock is, say, $3.00, it may look like this:

STOCK: $3.00

2.99 x 4000
2.94 x 10000
2.90 x 15000
2.85 x 10
2.82 x 13000

3.01 x 10000
3.05 x 1100
3.10 x 15000
3.50 x 14

So, right now, the best bid (i.e. the maximum amount a purchaser is willing to pay) is $2.99. Someone out there wants 4000 shares @ 2.99. This could be one individual or a broker representing a number of individuals/institutions. If you put a market order in to sell your shares, this is the price you're going to get because that's the best bid. Buying works the same way. If you want to buy then you're going to get hit at 3.01, which is the best ask at the moment.

This can get tricky when you're talking about thinly traded stocks or options. Options have big spreads - sometimes 20% of their current price. A thin stock could have a huge spread. You want to stay away from market orders because the price you're going to get is going to be vastly different from the one you see on your screen.

also, i dont want to go through all the posts, is there a good website that could teach me about option trading? it seems quite a few posters here make a pretty good % return.

Options trading is very, very tricky. If you don't mind the idea of losing all your money very quickly then it could be for you. Unfortunately I don't know of a single website that teaches one how to trade options effectively. There are numerous websites out there that talk about options strategies (e.g. bull spread, butterfly, etc.). But trading is a whole different thing.


RSTEIN said:
If everyone wants it at $3.00 and sellers are willing to part with it at $3.00 then that's the market and you'll get hit at $3.00 because that's the current bid. When you place a market order you're simply saying "I will accept whatever the best bid or ask is at this very second." So, basically there's a whole list of buyers and sellers behind the quotes you see on your screen. If the stock is, say, $3.00, it may look like this:

STOCK: $3.00

2.99 x 4000
2.94 x 10000
2.90 x 15000
2.85 x 10
2.82 x 13000

3.01 x 10000
3.05 x 1100
3.10 x 15000
3.50 x 14

So, right now, the best bid (i.e. the maximum amount a purchaser is willing to pay) is $2.99. Someone out there wants 4000 shares @ 2.99. This could be one individual or a broker representing a number of individuals/institutions. If you put a market order in to sell your shares, this is the price you're going to get because that's the best bid. Buying works the same way. If you want to buy then you're going to get hit at 3.01, which is the best ask at the moment.

This can get tricky when you're talking about thinly traded stocks or options. Options have big spreads - sometimes 20% of their current price. A thin stock could have a huge spread. You want to stay away from market orders because the price you're going to get is going to be vastly different from the one you see on your screen.

Options trading is very, very tricky. If you don't mind the idea of losing all your money very quickly then it could be for you. Unfortunately I don't know of a single website that teaches one how to trade options effectively. There are numerous websites out there that talk about options strategies (e.g. bull spread, butterfly, etc.). But trading is a whole different thing.

thanks for the great explanation. Just a couple of quick questions.

You said stay away from market orders, is that only when it is a thin stock that you were saying doesn't trade that much or does it apply to all stocks in general? Like a stock at $2.50 trades about 5,000,000 shares a day and at open it trades 500,000 and i only own 5,000 shares. If i did a market order should i be getting roughly the price it says on the computer or should i not rely on market orders period?


and also, how did you learn to do option trading? Through school? or reading online and books dedicated to options?

Thanks again, the information was very helpful.


Comics, serious business!
mackaveli said:
You said stay away from market orders, is that only when it is a thin stock that you were saying doesn't trade that much or does it apply to all stocks in general? Like a stock at $2.50 trades about 5,000,000 shares a day and at open it trades 500,000 and i only own 5,000 shares. If i did a market order should i be getting roughly the price it says on the computer or should i not rely on market orders period?

If you own a big cap stock like Intel or McDonald's or something like that then market orders are perfectly fine because the bid-ask spread is going to be very tight. This is the case for Dow 30 stocks, big cap NASDAQ, etc. When you're dealing with medium cap stocks or even bigger cap stocks that just don't trade heavily, you definitely want to check out the bid-ask spread before placing the order. If you're not happy with the current ask (again, it could be very different from the price on the screen) then place a limit order. Look at this stock, for example: http://finance.google.com/finance?q=EL+FINANCIAL. The current price is $585. The market cap is a couple billion dollars so you're saying, well, no need for a limit order, it's a big company, it probably trades a lot. Well, I know for a fact that earlier today the best bid was $501. So, if you're a novice, and you want to sell, you're thinking hey, I'm going to get $585! Sweet! You're going to have a rude surprise when you see your sell order executed at $501.

and also, how did you learn to do option trading? Through school? or reading online and books dedicated to options?

I went to business school and am a CFA charterholder but neither teach you about trading. I learned stock trading strategies and applied them to options trading. Lots of books out there, but unfortunately if it's in print then the strategy will probably stop working after a while or become less effective as more and more do it.


mackaveli said:
and also, how did you learn to do option trading? Through school? or reading online and books dedicated to options?

It's best to have a solid foundation in plain vanilla stock trading before leaping to derivatives. Just for reference, as an inexperienced options trader, I've had two instances of essentially 100% losses. (GOOG and T for anyone keeping score), and several smaller losses. You need an iron stomach and a lot of time to devote to it to be good at it. And just FYI, if you're scanning the thread, I post just about all of my gains, but I don't post all my losses :D I'm solidly positive overall but there have definitely been days when my account value has dropped ~20%.
so if i want to buy a chinese stock (like chinese oil company). can i do it through td ameritrade?
is selling and buying the same as any stock in the USA?
also TD ameritrade offers like $10 straight comission, will this apply?
and lastly another info i need to know?

big thanks.


Comics, serious business!
Zhuge_Xing said:
so if i want to buy a chinese stock (like chinese oil company). can i do it through td ameritrade?
is selling and buying the same as any stock in the USA?
also TD ameritrade offers like $10 straight comission, will this apply?
and lastly another info i need to know?

big thanks.

Unless someone else uses TD Ameritrade then you're going to have to call their service line. That being said, I'm 99.9% sure you won't be able to buy domestic Chinese stocks, only Hong Kong.


Today was really crap. I was in the green on a few stocks last week. Let's go back over 12000:|


RSTEIN said:
Tech is the best trade right now. I just loaded up on TXN and IBM calls.

Yup, I'm in on AAPL calls and still have my ERTS. Both are down but only slightly today (so far at least). NFLX though... :( I am dumb for not ditching that one earlier.

lil smoke

Zhuge_Xing said:
so if i want to buy a chinese stock (like chinese oil company). can i do it through td ameritrade?
is selling and buying the same as any stock in the USA?
also TD ameritrade offers like $10 straight comission, will this apply?
and lastly another info i need to know?

big thanks.
I bought Nintendo off of TD, don't know if that helps. As far as I know the 9.99 comm. does apply.

If you aren't aware, there is a clearance period when depositing into your account, so just plan ahead.


RSTEIN said:
Tech is the best trade right now. I just loaded up on TXN and IBM calls.

Best trade is bond insurers. I have made 50% of my account value in 1 month when I only risked 10% of the account.


Supposedly EA is pulling off their TTWO offer. I knew they wouldn't go through with it, it was always a bad idea and they have bigger fish to try. It would have been a "throw money away to eliminate some competition" instead of investing in giving the company stronger foundations.


Ether_Snake said:
Supposedly EA is pulling off their TTWO offer. I knew they wouldn't go through with it, it was always a bad idea and they have bigger fish to try. It would have been a "throw money away to eliminate some competition" instead of investing in giving the company stronger foundations.

It's still officially on the table, but looking less and less likely. With TTWO's excellent results yesterday, they'd have to move the bid up to around $28 IMO, and I'm not sure they're willing to go that high. I'd like it to go through simply because I think with TTWO, ERTS is worth a good $5-10 per share more than they are right now.


kathode said:
It's still officially on the table, but looking less and less likely. With TTWO's excellent results yesterday, they'd have to move the bid up to around $28 IMO, and I'm not sure they're willing to go that high. I'd like it to go through simply because I think with TTWO, ERTS is worth a good $5-10 per share more than they are right now.

Maybe on the short term, but I think video games companies need to look further. Ubisoft's acquisition of Hybrid (SFX studio behind 300, Sin City, etc. sounds like a better use of money than buying some studio of which the quality of the titles is highly volatile. The only reason EA felt pressured into acquiring TTWO was because someone was likely to make a move. When you buy a studio just to protect yourself or eliminate competition it's a sign you're not in control of your own money, it's merely reactionary and can't be any good long term.

EDIT: ATVI is up 3% today so far.


Hey guys again, got another question,

how does short selling really work in the real world? i know about it through school and in principle but i just got a couple of concerns.

Can i short any stock on for example the Nasdaq or does it have to be a certain price or a certain amount of shares traded? Also if i shorted a stock and i wanted to return the shares the next week that shouldn't be a problem as long as the stock broker or whoever doesn't want the shares back right away?

Also, if i wanted to short the stock for 2 weeks and the stock traded often and lets use google as an example, would i have to worry about a person asking for the shares in a week when google went up $2 because he wants the shares back or would i be able to keep it for another week hoping it goes down and he can get the shares from someone else?

if its kind of concerning sorry, and i will retype what i want to say i'm just in a rush, so any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.


ATVI, CGT, NVDA, and STP (+4%) were up today, overall I'm doing ok but I wonder what will happen with NVDA from here on. I don't think I'll ever see 23 again:|

Ubisoft is back under the 60 euros. After AC last year I wonder how they'll do this time. Naruto, Far Cry 2, Prince of Persia, Brothers in Arms, Shaun White Snowboarding, End War, Raving Rabbids party thing, and a couple of DS games.

The have the good foundations to get some good sales, but competition for Naruto will be extremely high this time around, and Far Cry 2 is going to face Gears 2 and Resistance 2, while Brothers in Arms seems to be on no one's list. Shaun White looks like it will have little to no competition. Prince of Persia will be a tough sell with no online or co-op or anything like that.

If the DS games make up for it fine, but otherwise I think they'll have their first disappointing quarter in a while.

And as for EA, I think this is going to be their make-or-break quarter. Either their new direction doesn't pay off even tho it's a respectable lineup, Activision eats more of their market shares, or they pull it off. We'll see.
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