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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!

So with FRE and FME done things are looking damn rosey for regular banks again. I'm fucking excited as hell to see what happens with my 2500 WM shares in the morning!


MobiusPigeon said:
So with FRE and FME done things are looking damn rosey for regular banks again. I'm fucking excited as hell to see what happens with my 2500 WM shares in the morning!
Did u purchase those shares (of WM) at or around its current stock price?
i've been buying for the past few months all the way down from $12 a share. total purchase price was $13000 over the past few months so its an average of 5 something a share. as of friday i'm down $2500 but monday should wipe that out easy. I'm not sure if its all pipe dream talk or if i'm just lucky but the talk is that the opening price is gonna be rather high due to short sellers having to cover a shitload of shares.


Comics, serious business!
MobiusPigeon said:
i've been buying for the past few months all the way down from $12 a share. total purchase price was $13000 over the past few months so its an average of 5 something a share. as of friday i'm down $2500 but monday should wipe that out easy. I'm not sure if its all pipe dream talk or if i'm just lucky but the talk is that the opening price is gonna be rather high due to short sellers having to cover a shitload of shares.

Well, in the pre-market they're up 21% to $5.18.

Dow futures +250
Nasdaq future +37
S&P futures +30

Holy shite!


European banks are doing great today.. Sold all that I had with a nice profit.

Now I just have to wait 'till it collapses again to rebuy.


Today is a beautiful day. Currently have C, HOV, and ABK. On moral principle I think the government should have put Fannie and Freddie in receivership and wiped out all shareholders as well as accelerating their plans to reduce their roles in the housing market (should go to the European model), but doing it this way is working wonders on my investments! I am torn between my morals and my greed.


Soka said:
ATVI had its split today, and while I understand the concept of a split, I don't know what price my shares are valued at currently? I use GoogleFinance to keep track of my stocks, should I just change my number of shares from X at the price I bought them to 2X at that same price?

Change your cost basis to half of what your purchase price was. If it doesn't automatically account for the split that is. If it doesn't update your quantity, change it to 2x.
I love this quote on CNN Money:

The government bailout is aimed at making mortgages easier to obtain and afford. By shoring up the mortgage financing giants, they can continue buying mortgages from lenders and injecting much-needed cash into the system.

I mean, Jesus Christ. It's like an obese person who gets lipo only to wake up the next morning and shovel down Twinkies and Big Macs.

It may be good for your stocks short term, but it just seems like, long term, this has disaster written all over it.


CharlieDigital said:
I love this quote on CNN Money:

I mean, Jesus Christ. It's like an obese person who gets lipo only to wake up the next morning and shovel down Twinkies and Big Macs.

It may be good for your stocks short term, but it just seems like, long term, this has disaster written all over it.

There is another part of the plan, by 2010 the GSEs are forced to reduce market share every year until they are very small players in the market if they exist at all.

So the plan uses the GSEs to provide liquidity in the market now, but makes provisions when we are out of the housing crisis to reduce their role in the markets.

Personally, I think this is risky as in 2 years and under new leadership people may have forgotten the lessons of moral hazard and the fundamentally broken business model of profit incentive with a government backed get out of risk free card. So Congress may end up not enforcing the pairing down of the GSEs, which would just start up the boom/bust cycle again.


Ether_Snake said:
Of course they won't enforce it.

Maybe, but if things are as bad as I think they are for the GSEs, the government has put taxpayers on the line for quite a hefty bill. And honestly, more and more shady shit is going to come out about the practices of the GSEs, shady government lobbying, cronyism, collusion with the mortgage writers, shady gifts to congressman (low interest financing to some major congressional figures in the banking world is already proven), etc. I think the worst scandals are yet to come. People are going to realize that Treasury just basically bailed out the financial version of Enron. It was necessary for the safety of debt markets and the world financial system as a whole, but damn is it going to look bad in the coming months.

Edit. Not to mention very questionable if not illegal accounting practices (don't have to write down loans until 24 months delinquint, WTF! 2 years people!)
dionysus said:
Personally, I think this is risky as in 2 years and under new leadership people may have forgotten the lessons of moral hazard and the fundamentally broken business model of profit incentive with a government backed get out of risk free card. So Congress may end up not enforcing the pairing down of the GSEs, which would just start up the boom/bust cycle again.

IMO, this is where it's heading. If there isn't some major reform in lending practices, I could see the whole cycle starting again buoyed by lower mortgage interest rates. Somehow, all of the weight of the responsibility of this entire fiasco is landing square on the shoulders of the tax payers while the businesses and individuals which engaged and even promoted unethical lending practices get off with a slap on the wrist.


IMMR up 5% other than that not a great day, STP and NVDA down over 4%, the later having been downgraded.


Basically everyone is thinking short term, there is no more accountability. I don't see what could change that in the near future, unless there arrests, a lot of them. They will keep thinking on the short term, more money will be borrowed, etc., everything pushed to later, the debt will get bigger.

Sometimes I think the US actually believes the world is going to war soon anyway, so they don't have to worry about the debt; just borrow money, buy lots of guns, and when the collector rings at the door shoot him.


I'm thinking of testing the water with selling short, but, am confused of the different sell options with selling short.

If XYZ is currently at $64 and I want to sell it short for $60, what is the difference between Market, Stop, and Stop Limit? Is it just the opposite of buying stocks using those types?


Megat0n said:
I'm thinking of testing the water with selling short, but, am confused of the different sell options with selling short.

If XYZ is currently at $64 and I want to sell it short for $60, what is the difference between Market, Stop, and Stop Limit? Is it just the opposite of buying stocks using those types?

Should be exactly the opposite of buying. So you sell it short at $64, and then buy to cover at $60 assuming it goes down, so the profit comes from that difference.

Not a lot moving big for me today. Looking forward to the Apple event later. Just hoping people's expectations are realistic so it doesn't bomb like last Macworld :)


Comics, serious business!
TXN is kicking my but. All my other tech plays worked this week: ORCL, DELL, INTC & IBM. TXN continues to eat dirt.


Ether_Snake said:
Basically everyone is thinking short term, there is no more accountability. I don't see what could change that in the near future, unless there arrests, a lot of them. They will keep thinking on the short term, more money will be borrowed, etc., everything pushed to later, the debt will get bigger.

Sometimes I think the US actually believes the world is going to war soon anyway, so they don't have to worry about the debt; just borrow money, buy lots of guns, and when the collector rings at the door shoot him.

Wait, wait, I don't agree that people on Wall St. need to be arrested. Most of the fraud that was committed was done, not by bankers and GSEs, but by the individuals taking out the loans. Lying about residency, incomes, jobs, etc. And a long hard look, including an investigation, needs to be taken at the relationship between the GSEs and Congress. There are a few isolated instances of things that could conceivably be fraud on the part of Wall St, but really what the street is guilty of is ignoring risk and boundless and unfounded optimism facilitated by credit kept too cheap for too long. None of that is a crime.

I see plenty of accountability for the truly private players. Lehman shareholders were wiped out, most banks have lost over half their value, the GSEs shareholders are basically wiped out.

The lack of acountability is for our fugging government who promoted the GSEs, ignored warning calls from the Fed, Wall St., and the Treasury, instead shifting more power to the GSEs as a response. Now they are risking 200 billion of taxpayer money saving the beast they created.

Hell, some congressman still think the GSEs are great and its not their fault.

Great article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122091796187012529.html?mod=opinion_main_review_and_outlooks


Megat0n said:
I'm thinking of testing the water with selling short, but, am confused of the different sell options with selling short.

If XYZ is currently at $64 and I want to sell it short for $60, what is the difference between Market, Stop, and Stop Limit? Is it just the opposite of buying stocks using those types?

Market, stop, and stop limit orders should be the exact same as if buying a stock long.


MobiusPigeon said:
So with FRE and FME done things are looking damn rosey for regular banks again. I'm fucking excited as hell to see what happens with my 2500 WM shares in the morning!

Oh man, I was just looking at some news from today and saw WM. I hope you haven't jumped off a building yet!


Seriously, what terrible times. I wish I had started investing before late mid/2007:p


So unfortunately I am going to have to take some big hits on AAPL and NFLX which are going to suck up most of my funds available for day trading. Holding NFLX calls for so long was just a bad move on my part. Going to hold on to ERTS calls for longer and hope it recovers up to around $50. Beyond that it's pretty much just waiting for SDVI to pop further. If they can generate some momentum with Mazes of Fate and Black Sigil sales, as well as get uplisted to the OTC.BB, I think it should be in the .20s within six months or so, which would make it worth a good six figure sum to me. Of course that stock is super risky though.

On the bright side I'm due for my annual review at work soon just as we're about to ship a major product, so I'm hopeful at having some spare change to invest again soon.


Comics, serious business!
kathode said:
So unfortunately I am going to have to take some big hits on AAPL and NFLX which are going to suck up most of my funds available for day trading. Holding NFLX calls for so long was just a bad move on my part. Going to hold on to ERTS calls for longer and hope it recovers up to around $50. Beyond that it's pretty much just waiting for SDVI to pop further. If they can generate some momentum with Mazes of Fate and Black Sigil sales, as well as get uplisted to the OTC.BB, I think it should be in the .20s within six months or so, which would make it worth a good six figure sum to me. Of course that stock is super risky though.

On the bright side I'm due for my annual review at work soon just as we're about to ship a major product, so I'm hopeful at having some spare change to invest again soon.

Too bad, man, we've all been there. This market is vicious. However, an equally vicious rally can materialize very quickly. Hedge funds are liquidating and wreaking havoc everywhere. The speed at which a lot of stocks have come down (especially commodity related stocks) is almost unprecedented.
i jumped the hell out before a 3rd day of losses. left 500 in just in case but it's been 3 days and the new ceo has said NOTHING. are they purposely letting it fall so the new guard can jump in on the cheap? WTF.


I really don't know what to do at this point. I've lost $180 on $1K of AFJDX, I keep buying at a lower level and it just keeps going lower and lower. Were international stocks a bubble too? If so, did I just get busted for good? I still have 34 years to go until I can withdraw from my Roth IRA, but I want to put myself in a good position for returns in a market which will be a golden opportunity for such, rather than hold on to a sinking ship.


Comics, serious business!
sonarrat said:
I really don't know what to do at this point. I've lost $180 on $1K of AFJDX, I keep buying at a lower level and it just keeps going lower and lower. Were international stocks a bubble too? If so, did I just get busted for good? I still have 34 years to go until I can withdraw from my Roth IRA, but I want to put myself in a good position for returns in a market which will be a golden opportunity for such, rather than hold on to a sinking ship.

It's no big deal. We're at a cyclical bottom for value investing. Value investing hasn't worked now for 2 years. In fact, I'd be buying more.


sonarrat said:
I really don't know what to do at this point. I've lost $180 on $1K of AFJDX, I keep buying at a lower level and it just keeps going lower and lower. Were international stocks a bubble too? If so, did I just get busted for good? I still have 34 years to go until I can withdraw from my Roth IRA, but I want to put myself in a good position for returns in a market which will be a golden opportunity for such, rather than hold on to a sinking ship.

Reacting to the past the surest way to lose money, every second is a new second and in your investment mind you shouldn't even remember what your purchase price was, just what the current price is.

Reevaluate and reresearch whether the reason's you bought in the first place are still there and whether the valuation is still good and make the decision about what to do.


dionysus said:
Reacting to the past the surest way to lose money, every second is a new second and in your investment mind you shouldn't even remember what your purchase price was, just what the current price is.

Reevaluate and reresearch whether the reason's you bought in the first place are still there and whether the valuation is still good and make the decision about what to do.

Well, I only bought into it because of the fund's track record. It has produced huge returns every year, which is why it's such a shock that the downturn is so severe. It has never been this bad in the fund's history. And that fact is ringing in my ear, because I can think of a few other things that have also never been this bad.


sonarrat said:
Well, I only bought into it because of the fund's track record. It has produced huge returns every year, which is why it's such a shock that the downturn is so severe. It has never been this bad in the fund's history. And that fact is ringing in my ear, because I can think of a few other things that have also never been this bad.

Well, even Berkshire is down this year (17% or so). So obviously it's a tough market for anyone to succeed in.


Soka: Good for you concerning COOL.

Some people made a whole lot of money Monday on UAUA.

Six-Year-Old News Story Causes United Airlines Stock to die

Panic ensued, as they say, and United Airlines stock price plummeted 75 percent (down from $12.30 to $3 a share) before someone realized it was an old news story and things righted themselves. The stock rebounded to $10.92 a share by Monday's closing.

Anyway, these days I haven't been feeling too good about where things are going at work. I really hope I can move up soon, I have all I need to, but it won't happen until the current project is done and right now I'm not so sure when that will be. I feel like I'm in limbo!


BP has fallen so much. Too bad I can't figure out what a decent price on them would be, I'm out of the loop.

EDIT: Thanks Soka. It's going well for me, but the project I'm working on turned out to be not so hot, we need more time, and at this point I'm feel like I want more time so we can make it good, and at the same time I want to move to another project and get my promotion now, not some time next year. Meanwhile I'm feeling like the company is not going to have another record year unlike the past few ones. We'll see this holiday I guess!:p


ATVI stock split is through.

Ubisoft trading at 56, wondering how things will go this holiday.


So I lied and about an hour after posting about how I wasn't going to be trading anymore, I bought a grand worth of November $70 CAT calls. How can something called a CAT call fail?? :lol (Note: I also liked my chances with Sprint puts a few weeks back because the options ticker was .SUK :lol That one didn't work out so well for me).

I usually bet on bounces, but since that had been failing a bit for me lately I decided to try the old "buy into strength" routine and bought as CAT was up over 3%. They were well off a recent high and near a 52-week low, so it seemed like a good bet for recovery. Opened up this morning down 2%, but trended up the rest of the day. My call ended the day up around 10%. I'd like to see it in the 20-30% range before I sell though.


UAUA was up 11% today.

Other than that, CELG +3.85%
NVDA -4.81%, that sucks>:|

Let's see if ATVI can rise to 25!

A lot of energy stocks have been down since May or so. Some are interesting at this price. SU, XOM, and more.

CAT is also interesting at the current price.

lil smoke

Ether_Snake said:
Terrible day. ATVI, ERTS, down 3%, NVDA down 5%. Argh.
It just seems like a bad time to be messing around. I've got some funds burning a hole in my account at the moment, but I'm not trying to make another big mistake.


Comics, serious business!
Tech is getting crushed. INTC, TXN, AAPL, ORCL you name it. I just sold all my oil calls (thank you very much Ike) and am redeploying the cash into tech calls as I speak. Big tech names are way oversold here.


Looks like things are turning positive for the moment at least. I'm actually doing ok. NFLX and CAT are both green. ERTS turned up there for a bit. Sad to see it break down below $45 though. I was hoping for more resistance at that level.

(heh, that was shortlived. Looks like it's going to be a fairly volatile day. What else is new?)


Just went long on SLV, it got so low that the paper price of silver was below the cost to produce. Besides, without being too cynical about it, if anything can make commodities go back up, a 700-mile-diameter hurricane in the Gulf will do it.


Holy hell, SDVI up to .024 (opened at .0195). My holdings in that one stock are now worth more than my entire portfolio was a month ago :lol


You guys make me feel like I should be trading short term. Last time I sold something was soon after TTWO reached 25.75 for the first time.

BTW anyone knows how well Spore is doing? I'm getting bad vibes from Dead Space and Mirror's Edge. I think ERTS' attempt at making "quality" games to get back on top will have ended up being just another random attempt at getting back on top, and it will just set them back moreso if this holiday is not good for them.

Actually I think that for EA and Ubisoft, this holiday won't be very good. Unless in the later's case the FarCry 2 reviews are good.
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