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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


Well I guess I'll go over my list this weekend to find something to invest in. Markets are pretty low right now on a lot of fronts, might as well try to make up for some of my losses.

Maybe CRDN or XOM.

EDIT: I think that, I might sell ATVI after all.

Now worth:5358,92
Bought for: 2746,35
Gain: 2612,57

After the sale, my overall account will be at -4529.21.


EDIT: Might buy some WBD. Since Russia placed a ban on US poultry imports, any idea what Russia company produces poultry products in Russia or might fill this gap?



Electronic Arts Inc., the second- largest video-game publisher, said it ended discussions with Take-Two Interactive Inc. and won't make a proposal to buy the company.

Electronic Arts made the decision after considering management presentations and other due-diligence materials, it said in a statement today. Take-Two, the maker of the top-selling ``Grand Theft Auto'' series of games, is ``actively engaged'' in talks with other parties to consider strategic options, Chairman Strauss Zelnick said in a separate statement.

I knew this would be how it would end! Not only was it a waste of money for very short term goals, but EA needs to expand outside the game industry, not within it through spending money on the competition.


Comics, serious business!
I'm really not doing a whole lot today. I'm adding to my TXN. I bought Dec GE calls. Close to adding to my PEP puts.


I'm just leaving things alone as most everything is falling for me. NFLX is positive and I'm trying to get out of my calls for a paltry 10 cents. With only a few days to expiration it's the best I'll be able to do.

ERTS getting walloped. CAT not doing well either. SDVI down three tenths of a cent, which equates to roughly three grand for me :lol

You know it's a crazy day when you see the Dow is down 174 and you think "Hey things are improving!" :lol


Well they're down 25% already, so yeah probably down to 14 or 15.


On a less negative note oil is finally below $100, though the economy sucking is likely most of the cause making it a bittersweet drop.


Gold is falling too today. I wanted to possibly invest in some, might do so.


I'm selling everything. I'll be back to this game when things settle.

EDIT: Actually, I'm keeping ATVI, CGT, and STP. I sold ADSK, NVDA and IMMR. Will see later this week for the rest.

ADSK I sold for a 300$ gain. NVDA and IMMR for a loss of 4000.

I'm up 2450 on ATVI. Down 800 on CGT. Up 270 on STP.

That is where I now stand:p

So overall on 21000 I lost around 2500 or so.


Well, I just sold pretty much everything at a nice loss, killing most of my profits from last year. Feel like a sucker for getting back in - oh well, lesson learned.


Selling for a loss today? You gotta hold strong, men! HOLD!!!!


I just hit my account and the dow is down 388!!! WOW!


kathode said:
Selling for a loss today? You gotta hold strong, men! HOLD!!!!

That's what I told myself all the way down, until I couldn't take it anymore :lol

Consolation: my (former) stuff just keeps falling.


Well, I have money in treasuries and silver so at least that will help me out today. My AFJDX foreign mutual fund holdings are going to be slaughtered though, I await the 6 pm price update with a sick feeling in my stomach.


I'll probably get rid of STP and CGT later this week if it continues. I can keep ATVI as a trophy lol


The US has been liquidated so it could be sold to the highest bidders. Next asset on sale: the US army.


Well it's only funny if you can afford it.

I was like that too, but NVDA was down to 40% of what I paid for it and IMMR 35%. They were the rocks in my portfolio.

This year I haven't really lost much. On around 24000 I lost maybe 1500 when I count the profit I made on my TTWO sales. But what was left in my account this morning is not something I can afford to lose. If I had a higher paying job sure, but it's not the case. I only have a high school diploma. I managed to get where I am thanks to a lot of effort, skills, and some luck. But I can't risk much at this time.

If I get my promotion later this year and I feel like the company I work for is doing well, I'll be more willing to take risks.

I kept ATVI because I think they will perform better than everyone else this holiday while I believe EA might end up further down the hole even with its better lineup. Ubisoft is difficult to judge because of their casual DS/Wii lineup.

I kept also CGT even if this one is down around 2.25$ from what I paid for it, just because I trust the company, and they have been focusing on foreign markets.

And finally I have kept STP, which is in the green at the moment by around 6.5$.

We'll see by the end of the week!


Comics, serious business!
Ether_Snake said:
If I had a higher paying job sure, but it's not the case. I only have a high school diploma.

That's an awesome story. Congrats. You work hard & keep close tabs on your investments. You're already ahead of the game and know more than a lot of MBAs and PhDs I know.

Stay the course.



EDIT: BTW anyone noticed, AH, while red, has been mostly calm as far as I can tell. AIG is even up 1%. Looks like everyone is waiting for some sign. But I doubt it will be positive in the near term. I'm not getting caught, I prefer to miss out on a bottom. And really, does anyone seriously believe this is it? We shouldn't have literal faith in a country. There's no master plan behind the scenes to keep things going. The US could really be at the end of its apex.

History shows that every cycles of human development and their micro cycles have been going at a faster rate, from science to computer development to political and social change, so the idea that the US must still have at least a century or more ahead of itself is baseless. At least not as the world's definite leading super power.

EDIT2: I think solar stocks are gonna get beaten hard, on a speculative level at least. #1, lower oil leads people to think that investment in solar energy will be less pressing. #2, the current economic outlook will make it unlikely that governments would get involved in financing solar-energy projects due to other immediate priorities.

Of course I personally disagree, I think that the drop of oil and the current economic situation should push FOR solar energy, as a precautionary measure for when oil does rise (imagine if we had rising oil prices right now due to political reasons, drop in supply, weather, or war, all of that could happen at any time) and to reduce the population's unavoidable expenses when it comes to energy consumption, leading to more money in people's pockets.


Ether_Snake said:
This year I haven't really lost much. On around 24000 I lost maybe 1500 when I count the profit I made on my TTWO sales. But what was left in my account this morning is not something I can afford to lose. If I had a higher paying job sure, but it's not the case. I only have a high school diploma. I managed to get where I am thanks to a lot of effort, skills, and some luck. But I can't risk much at this time.

Yeah don't fret too much. 24 grand is a good amount of savings for someone your age. How old are you? I'm 27 and my liquid assets only amount to slightly higher than that. I don't have many non-liquid assets either. You just gotta keep the faith and keep pumping as much life into your account as you can afford. The market's either going to eventually go up or it's going to crash and burn and your money is going to be worthless anyway :)

Today isn't looking too bad. CAT is advancing very nicely and I'm thinking I should be able to make around a 40-50% profit without much trouble if things keep improving. SDVI back to .024 so I'm seeing a good 10% gain in portfolio value from my baseline (yesterday lost around 15% value from the baseline).


I just turned 26. The difficult part for me has be no family to support me, but that's another story.

ANyway, I see ATVI is up 2% right now. STP -5% and CGT is now under 10$.

EDIT: What, ATVI now up 3.6%, like a minute after it was at 2%.

EDIT2: 4% now, 30seconds after my edit! :lol

EDIT3: Back under 1%


Comics, serious business!
I'm 26 turning 27. It doesn't matter how much money you have at this point in your life. What is INFINITELY more important is that you stay committed to a disciplined investment plan that involves weekly or monthly contributions to either a tax-deferred or investment account. If you can stay the course - and shut out periods like this - a monthly contribution of $500-$1000 is going to make you a millionaire by the time you're 60.


Yeah but I'm new to this since a year ago so I still have to get a better understanding of it all. I don't know much about investing in anything else than stocks, and I've never shorted.

BTW ADBE earnings today.

lil smoke

gkrykewy said:
I just can't help myself - back in to NTDOY this morning at 53.50 :lol
I was JUST thinking the same thing just now. When the dust settles, this will probably get back to 57. I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow morning's ask.


lil smoke said:
I was JUST thinking the same thing just now. When the dust settles, this will probably get back to 57. I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow morning's ask.

My only regret is that my $$ from my loss sales over the last week haven't yet cleared, so I could only buy a small number of shares.

But NTDOY has never done me wrong before. If it's this low again tomorrow and I have more cleared $$, I'll probably buy more.

lil smoke

gkrykewy said:
My only regret is that my $$ from my loss sales over the last week haven't yet cleared, so I could only buy a small number of shares.

But NTDOY has never done me wrong before. If it's this low again tomorrow and I have more cleared $$, I'll probably buy more.
NTDOY hasn't done me wrong either, but it hasn't been this low in a over a year IIRC. I'm glad I didn't have a position.

Next 2 days should say a lot.


lil smoke said:
NTDOY hasn't done me wrong either, but it hasn't been this low in a over a year IIRC. I'm glad I didn't have a position.

Next 2 days should say a lot.

You are correct - 52-week low. I could be catching a falling knife, but at least this is a company I have long term confidence in.

lil smoke

RSTEIN said:
Go play some nongames on your Wii, fanboy.
:lol Hey well MSFT and SNE suck. I've only lost with them. NTDOY helps to fund XBOX games, so it's all good!

(why am I always at the top of the friggin page?)


I have to go over my list to be ready to buy something when I feel it's the right time.

BA, 3M, ADSK (again), and some others I'm forgetting.


I have no confidence left in my international stock holdings (AFJDX). They might as well have called it the "bubble portfolio" because there was precious little fundamental value there.. just a lot of hype.


IMMR up 4%, surprisingly.

Russian stocks are getting killed.

BA is really tempting.
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