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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


So anyone else already looking forward to the dead cat bounce tomorrow? That's about all I can hope for right now, because all my positions are long at this point. :lol

lil smoke

ShOcKwAvE said:
Help me understand something.

If the whole world is fucked, isn't everyone on equal footing?
My question is: If everyone is losing money, doesn't someone have to be making money at this time?


ShOcKwAvE said:
Help me understand something.

If the whole world is fucked, isn't everyone on equal footing?

How's that house payment going? How's your credit? Etc. Equal footing, more like worse situation for at least most of us.


lil smoke said:
My question is: If everyone is losing money, doesn't someone have to be making money at this time?

Nah, just because so much investment these days is in pieces of paper or bytes of memory, no tangible asset means wealth can actually disappear.
Well, I guess I'm just along for the ride. Maybe I'll be able to sell in 3 years. Until then, I'm going to invest as much of my income as possible into this low, low market. Everything's on sale!


lil smoke said:
My question is: If everyone is losing money, doesn't someone have to be making money at this time?

A lot of people are. My portfolio went up about 10% from yesterday, for example, because I had short positions in financial stocks.


Gold Member
Are bonds an okay investment right now? I have way too much in stocks and I want to minimize losses.

I'm getting the feeling it won't matter either way.


Cheesemeister said:
Well, I guess I'm just along for the ride. Maybe I'll be able to sell in 3 years. Until then, I'm going to invest as much of my income as possible into this low, low market. Everything's on sale!

That's the spirit!


Chiggs said:
Are bonds an okay investment right now? I have way too much in stocks and I want to minimize losses.

I'm getting the feeling it won't matter either way.

There are funds based on the LIBOR overnight rate, it would have been great to invest in that a week ago when it was at 6.88%. With bonds, if you're holding one, when market interest rates go up, the bond you're holding is worth less money. It's just one of the quirks of the market. So when the Fed bumps interest rates, you're going to see a reduction in principal followed by a bump in returns. The trick is to buy when the return rate is very high.


Quick question. I can save about $6-8k per month. Am I better off leaving it in my WaMu Savings account which is 3.93%, or should I consider investing maybe half of it in the market? I notice the market has lost over 30% of its value since peaking at over 14,000 a while back. That's not very encouraging, even with the holiday season approaching. Is 4% a good rate of return right now?

I'm under the FDIC barrier, and I'm really saving up for a house. I can get the house next summer, even with 20% down, but there's always an option of waiting an additional year, since my two biggest clients are contracted for 2 years. I don't want to lose my shirt, but I don't want to miss out on another huge payday either. I was on the frontlines for the tech boom, and just didn't have the capital. Now that I do, I want to maximize its value. PEACE.


Unconfirmed Member
Pimpwerx said:
Quick question. I can save about $6-8k per month. Am I better off leaving it in my WaMu Savings account which is 3.93%, or should I consider investing maybe half of it in the market? I notice the market has lost over 30% of its value since peaking at over 14,000 a while back. That's not very encouraging, even with the holiday season approaching. Is 4% a good rate of return right now?

I'm under the FDIC barrier, and I'm really saving up for a house. I can get the house next summer, even with 20% down, but there's always an option of waiting an additional year, since my two biggest clients are contracted for 2 years. I don't want to lose my shirt, but I don't want to miss out on another huge payday either. I was on the frontlines for the tech boom, and just didn't have the capital. Now that I do, I want to maximize its value. PEACE.

Personally I think we're far from seeing the bottom yet, a guaranteed anything is a good option when many are worried about capital protection rather than capital growth.


lil smoke said:
My question is: If everyone is losing money, doesn't someone have to be making money at this time?


Money can vanish, unlike energy.

Pimp: 6 to 8K a month? Wow, I wish I was rich! :lol

BTW, we are almost down 700pts.


Vennt said:
Personally I think we're far from seeing the bottom yet, a guaranteed anything is a good option when many are worried about capital protection rather than capital growth.

True, it's all a matter of perspective. The only money I have to play with is in my IRA. I'm at the stage of my life where I have the least to lose, and the most to gain, by trading extremely volatile options where the only thing bigger than the chasm your money can fall into is the heavens that it can soar up to, to be overly verbose and poetic.


Pimpwerx said:
Quick question. I can save about $6-8k per month. Am I better off leaving it in my WaMu Savings account which is 3.93%, or should I consider investing maybe half of it in the market? I notice the market has lost over 30% of its value since peaking at over 14,000 a while back. That's not very encouraging, even with the holiday season approaching. Is 4% a good rate of return right now?

I'm under the FDIC barrier, and I'm really saving up for a house. I can get the house next summer, even with 20% down, but there's always an option of waiting an additional year, since my two biggest clients are contracted for 2 years. I don't want to lose my shirt, but I don't want to miss out on another huge payday either. I was on the frontlines for the tech boom, and just didn't have the capital. Now that I do, I want to maximize its value. PEACE.

You can save 6-8k a month after taxes and living expenses? What do you do?


sonarrat said:

Actually, I think after 2:30 they don't halt trading unless it hits -30%

EDIT: My mistake - after 2pm, if it drops 20%, trading halts for the day. 10% after 2pm doesn't even earn a pause, however.


I knew something bad must be going on because my religious right-wing nutcase sister-in-law just called me to tell me to get all of my money out of the bank because there is a worldwide bank run going on.

Of course... its not that bad, yet, but its worth watching.


Wooooo! About to hit 800!

Holy shit, Cramer's mic was on when they were doing a segment and you could hear him start choking on his water when they flashed up some horrible Hedge fund numbers.:lol


Tamanon said:
Wooooo! About to hit 800!

Holy shit, Cramer's mic was on when they were doing a segment and you could hear him start choking on his water when they flashed up some horrible Hedge fund numbers.:lol

saw it hit 800 for a sec. so much for bailing out wall street. do i hear a 2nd bailout?

Duke Togo



Sorry can't help it/

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Currencies have been 'fun' today. After taking a massive haircut at the open I've gone on to do very well in this choppy environment but I my lord.. I think most everyone on this board would be best served to just stay on the sidelines for now.


mrWalrus said:
Currencies have been 'fun' today. After taking a massive haircut at the open I've gone on to do very well in this choppy environment but I my lord.. I think most everyone on this board would be best served to just stay on the sidelines for now.

But not get on the sidelines at all costs, I trust?


gkrykewy said:
But not get on the sidelines at all costs, I trust?

Sorry I don't follow. If you mean sell everything even if there are immense losses. Yeah kinda.. I mean if you still have some capital you'd be better served holding on to it for the time when the fear is completely out.

Throwing money into the market now is like throwing it into a tornado. You might get lucky but.. odds are your neck is gonna break.
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