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Stock-Age: Stocks, Options and Dividends oh my!


I wish I had money at the beginning of the week. All my purchases date back to late September/early October, markets feel so much since.

Oh well, I'm continuing to save money.

And I knew there would be a drop from 3:30 onward followed by a rally at the very end!:D

CGT finished up 11% for some reason, good. Still far from my 9.8 a share.

I'm still down like 36% all around in my portfolio.


Geez Marvel is the only company that has been going in the opposite direction to the markets. Up 30% from a year ago.


Yeah I think super hero movies for one are the one kind of movies people will still go out to see in droves. But no market is 100% recession proof. But it's good for you:)

Now as for the markets, I'm a bit puzzled as to why we kept going up this week. Looks more like some sort of quasi-superstitious "October is historically the worst time, so this is the bottom" or some such.
Ether_Snake said:
Yeah I think super hero movies for one are the one kind of movies people will still go out to see in droves. But no market is 100% recession proof. But it's good for you:)

Now as for the markets, I'm a bit puzzled as to why we kept going up this week. Looks more like some sort of quasi-superstitious "October is historically the worst time, so this is the bottom" or some such.

Buying the rumor (Nov. 15th) and selling the news. Or maybe due to the elections coming up on Tuesday. Who knows.


Comics, serious business!
tarius1210 said:
I totally agree with u

YOU WORK AT MARVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WILL GIVE YOU STOCK TIPS FOR LIFE IF YOU SEND ME SOME COOL ULTRA RARE WOLVERINE THINGY MAJIG!!!!!!!!!!


Oh btw my next purchase will probably be ERTS. But I won't have the money for at least another two weeks, if not a month from now, which is quite far away. But I doubt the markets will be significantly higher by then. If ERTS is in the 30s by then I won't buy it.

Of course, it all depends on where we are when I DO have the money.


Ether_Snake said:
Oh btw my next purchase will probably be ERTS. But I won't have the money for at least another two weeks, if not a month from now, which is quite far away. But I doubt the markets will be significantly higher by then. If ERTS is in the 30s by then I won't buy it.

Of course, it all depends on where we are when I DO have the money.
Why would u buy ERTS? Consumer spending is down and their outlook doesn't look bright. I'm assuming that you are planning to go long with this stock, right? I'm not too high on ERTS right now. The stock price is pretty cheap now though.


Yeah it's not set in stone. I think that long term they could do well. Activision will remain #1, but I don't see another competitor being strong enough to take 2nd spot, especially not for long.

EA has potential. But you're right, it's risky, and I'm being careful. This will not be a good year for them no doubt. The company is bleeding money over things I can't figure out.

Their portfolio is certainly getting better, but the company still has some serious weight on its shoulders.

We'll see how things go with Dead Space and Mirror's Edge, and how well others will do. Like I said, at 30 I'd skip it. They still don't have a major WoW-like game, but neither does Ubisoft, and in some way their sports games fills that hole.
Quick question - McCain is "pro-war" and Obama is "anti-war" right, as far as Iraq/the Middle East is concerned?

I'm wondering if buying into some Aerospace/Defense companies would be a wise idea if McCain wins. I'm assuming Obama has this wrapped up, but if McCain wins, I can't help but feel like military spending will stay the same or even increase in the next 4 years, where as Obama will lessen it.


Looking at the 90s Aerospace/Defense stocks started going down in the second half of the 90s, probably due to budget cuts if I recall.

Regardless you can't really predict this, I think both candidates have no intention to take a personal stance on that outside the campaign.

EDIT: Boeign strike is over btw.


Solars are up good for some reason today, even with low oil prices, weird.


FWIW, Zecco is reporting that they've increased their website capacity by 10x in the past month. Which begs the question.. just how small is this operation?!
gkrykewy said:

I'm starting to think a lot of the Presidential election stuff has already been taken into account in the market, with Obama being the assumed winner. If McCain wins, expect some shit to happen for a few days, but I would be surprised if much happens in the very short run with Obama winning.

Also, go COOL, go.


Soka said:
I'm starting to think a lot of the Presidential election stuff has already been taken into account in the market, with Obama being the assumed winner. If McCain wins, expect some shit to happen for a few days, but I would be surprised if much happens in the very short run with Obama winning.

Also, go COOL, go.

You forget that the market is not behaving very rationally right now. It's the fucking wild west.


tarius1210 said:
Holy crap!!! How the hell did u know?

Well I just thought it was logical :lol I explained my position better in the new thread I made here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=13484211&posted=1#post13484211

Wouldn't be surprised if the WSJ reads GAF! :lol

Oh and I came here to post: WTF was up with solars today? Whole sector, for the most part, rose significantly (except what I own d'uh).

FSLR 161.91 +18.21 +12.67%
LDK 22.41 +4.22 +23.20%
SPWRA 44.08 +5.02 +12.85%
TAN (Solar ETF) 11.99 +1.59 +15.29%

And CGT went up 6.7% on no news.

And ADSK, which I wanted to buy, up 7% on no news.



What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
Would it be a good idea to buy shares in EA in hopes that Disney or an entertainment giant will buy them?


Poody said:
Would it be a good idea to buy shares in EA in hopes that Disney or an entertainment giant will buy them?

I don't think so, not for those reasons no. This wouldn't just happen like that, difficult economic times makes it difficult and EA is very expensive. There's isn't much indicating that this would happen now. If it was to happen, or something of the sort, it would be months from now I would think, after EA has demonstrated they are getting back on their feet (which would in no way ensure them #1 spot tho).

I really believe some guy at the WSJ read GAF and wrote an article about it :lol

Only EA knows where they stand as far as mergers/acquisitions go.


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
Ether_Snake said:
Well I just thought it was logical :lol I explained my position better in the new thread I made here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=13484211&posted=1#post13484211

Wouldn't be surprised if the WSJ reads GAF! :lol

Oh and I came here to post: WTF was up with solars today? Whole sector, for the most part, rose significantly (except what I own d'uh).

FSLR 161.91 +18.21 +12.67%
LDK 22.41 +4.22 +23.20%
SPWRA 44.08 +5.02 +12.85%
TAN (Solar ETF) 11.99 +1.59 +15.29%

And CGT went up 6.7% on no news.

And ADSK, which I wanted to buy, up 7% on no news.


Is Autodesk a good buy? Funny, I use this at work

I bought HIG today and it soared 6%


Poody said:
Would it be a good idea to buy shares in EA in hopes that Disney or an entertainment giant will buy them?

I don't think it's realistic to expect someone to buy out EA. It's just too big at the moment. There are lots of more attractive buyout targets that are still privately held, like Epic, Id, or Gearbox. Not sure if any of them would actually sell, I'm just saying I think those are more likely to sell than something as big as EA. I think TTWO is probably the most likely big publisher to get bought out in the near future, with further slim chances to Midway and THQ.


I think it's safe to say now that I made the right choice going all in on October 27. The stocks I bought are up an average of 7.3%. QCOR is up 14% and AAPL is up 11.5% since purchase, and only EK is down, by 2%. Good place to start for the long road ahead, though the gains are all on shaky ground in the near term. My F calls are still a question mark though. Their earnings are likely to be disastrous, and the prediction of a 93-cent loss per share might be conservative. But they did just launch their new F-150, so that might give them a boost.


Nice rally today, solars continue their rally. All hail Obama! STP up like 60% in 5 days or so.

But I have a feeling the current rally is too good to be true. Too bad it's not allowing me to sell anything at a profit right now.

Poody: ADSK is a good company, almost no competition. Whether to buy or not is up to you:)

ATVI down again today.


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
Ether_Snake said:
Nice rally today, solars continue their rally. All hail Obama! STP up like 60% in 5 days or so.

But I have a feeling the current rally is too good to be true. Too bad it's not allowing me to sell anything at a profit right now.

Poody: ADSK is a good company, almost no competition. Whether to buy or not is up to you:)

ATVI down again today.

Ether Snake, I'll look into ADSK but their main competition is Bentley--their cad program is called microstation and inroads..etc.


Poody said:
Ether Snake, I'll look into ADSK but their main competition is Bentley--their cad program is called microstation and inroads..etc.

Never heard of Bentley, I work in the game business and use 3DS Max. They recently acquired Avid Software's Softimage software, after acquiring Alias|Wavefront a few years ago (which made Maya).

I don't usually trust businesses that eat their competition but in this case Autodesk has been pretty good management-wise.

Careful tho, since the economy is going down it is likely that there will be less demand for their softwares, especially from the construction front.

But if governments invest in infrastructure to help the economy then there could be some good benefits. I'd buy some shares but I don't have money now, so I'll wait a few weeks.


I am currently rebalancing my portfolio to account for a new strategy. I am going to have at least 30% of my portfolio at all times in shorts or similar options strategies. My first target will probably be to short either TM or HMC.


Haven't read through the entire thread... But do most of you guys do option trading? I really don't have a lot of time to spend to do research and do jump in and get out kind of short term trading. I was thinking of maybe just snatching up index funds for long term. Any suggestions?


RuGalz said:
Haven't read through the entire thread... But do most of you guys do option trading? I really don't have a lot of time to spend to do research and do jump in and get out kind of short term trading. I was thinking of maybe just snatching up index funds for long term. Any suggestions?

I did some option trading in my Roth IRA while Zecco was running its free-trades promotion, but right now my options positions are medium-term - January 2010 to be precise, by which time most analysts say we should be out of the shitter.


RuGalz said:
Haven't read through the entire thread... But do most of you guys do option trading? I really don't have a lot of time to spend to do research and do jump in and get out kind of short term trading. I was thinking of maybe just snatching up index funds for long term. Any suggestions?

Many do. I avoid short term options because the additional level of complexity introduced because of the time value of the option, etc, makes it difficult for me to calculate the value of the option.

I tend to use options as a way to leverage myself in the medium term or as a risk management tool.


Solars down 10% on average. Buy the rumor selling the news indeed sonarrat:p


What program do you use to photoshop a picture?
Ether_Snake said:
Solars down 10% on average. Buy the rumor selling the news indeed sonarrat:p

My only investment that went up was HIG today. While my others including Solars went down. What should I do? Buy low?


Poody said:
My only investment that went up was HIG today. While my others including Solars went down. What should I do? Buy low?

Only you know:) They could fall further. Basically the idea is that a recession will make governments more careful about giving subsidies, and the solar industry gets a good part of its funding from governments.

ATVI had great earnings, down 7% today but up 9% in AH. Cool:)

* Activision shares up 10 pct after hours

* Sets $1 billion share buyback

* Affirms full year outlook for revenue, operating income

* THQ results miss estimates; to close studios, cut jobs

* THQ shares decline 10 percent after hours


Another bloodbath today.
Anyone want to make any predictions for tomorrow? (Employment numbers coming)...Think that is already priced in?

lil smoke

ArtG said:
Another bloodbath today.
Anyone want to make any predictions for tomorrow? (Employment numbers coming)...Think that is already priced in?
Yeah this sucks. Tuesday has been erased. I'm thinking that this is the way it's gonna be for a long time. One good day nulled by 2 following bloodbaths. This means that tomorrow will be a green day overall, but next week will start off tumbling down. Numbers or not, we're stuck in a rut.


Well I was right about the huge crash starting yesterday, I just thought it would be starting from a couple hundred points higher.
lil smoke said:
Yeah this sucks. Tuesday has been erased. I'm thinking that this is the way it's gonna be for a long time. One good day nulled by 2 following bloodbaths. This means that tomorrow will be a green day overall, but next week will start off tumbling down. Numbers or not, we're stuck in a rut.

Bottom line is that it seems like no one is in it for long term gains; everyone is in it for short term gains followed by a round of sell-offs to cash out. As I stated in another thread, I think that as we approach 1/20 and the new administration comes in, this will get better incrementally as the picture at Treasury and the general direction of the administration materializes. It's just a mess right now because there is pretty much very little visible leadership on the economy -- or so it seems -- from the current administration and the temporary postings at the Treasury as well as how the actions made now will jive with the long term goals of the new administration are pretty much muddying the waters.


I still think the market has bottomed, financial apocalypse is off the table, and this is just a recessionary market rather than a depressionary one. If we fall back to the low 8000s, I'll be buying blue chips this time for the long haul. DOW, specifically.
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