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STRANGER OF SWORD CITY |OT| - "We're going to need another Timmy"


There is also a skill you get as one of the first things in the game that lets you escape battles that are not events with 100% certainty. So if you lose a character and are backtracking, I recommend keeping some Morale around so you can escape any battle that happens to have a lot of enemies and/or high-levelled ones. It's part of the game risk/reward to use your morale as you make your way through the dungeon, while still saving enough to make sure you can escape if needed.

Ok. Good to know. I think i've settled on a 2lp party.

Is a 14 roll a keeper? Saw enough 7s and 8s to think 14 is about the best i can reasonably hope for.


Ok. Good to know. I think i've settled on a 2lp party.

Is a 14 roll a keeper? Saw enough 7s and 8s to think 14 is about the best i can reasonably hope for.

I'd take a 14 for sure. Highest I got on my party this time around is 10 on my wizard. Everyone else I settled for 7.


I'd like to add that the Roll mechanic is really, really stupid.

Rolling for bonus stats? It's just a tradition for these kinds of games really. It's not necessary to roll absurdly high. I got by in the Japanese release just fine with 6-8's I think.


Yeah, I'd go for more for your main character though. May take a while, but worth it!

Rolling for bonus stats? It's just a tradition for these kinds of games really. It's not necessary to roll absurdly high. I got by in the Japanese release just fine with 6-8's I think.

pulled in both directions. I have 14 up on my main character, had to go do stuff before i needed to commit anyway. Now... I don't know.

I saw a 25 on here, i guess that's the highest?

Now I need to decide.


pulled in both directions. I have 14 up on my main character, had to go do stuff before i needed to commit anyway. Now... I don't know.

I saw a 25 on here, i guess that's the highest?

Now I need to decide.

The highest is 30, but you'd have to be pretty insane or insanely lucky to get it.


pulled in both directions. I have 14 up on my main character, had to go do stuff before i needed to commit anyway. Now... I don't know.

I saw a 25 on here, i guess that's the highest?

Now I need to decide.

I mean, it just comes down to how long you want to spend re-rolling. You'll have an easier time early on if you roll 15 bonus points for everyone instead of 6, but like I said, it's far from a requirement.


My stupid party is all made from 3-4 bonus stats characters. I really do feel like maybe I should start a new game...


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
How much fanservice are we talking about? I really enjoyed playing Demon Gaze, but quit playing due to all the fanservice. I've been considering whether or not to buy Stranger. It looks like something I'd really enjoy playing, and I've always loved a good dungeon crawler, but too much fanservice just destroys the experience for me. Would you say that there is more or less fs compared to DG?

Its way more. So seeing your post here Id have to tell you to not get the game, which is dungeon travelers 2 that is. This game outside of the character portraits with the "new" art there pretty much isnt any.

That comment was about DT2, not Stranger.

I haven't played Stranger yet, but as far as I'm aware it's not an issue here. At the very least, I haven't seen anyone mentioning it in reviews or anything.

And this is such a dumb question but I just can't help myself.
You're dual wielding shields. Can Knights do that naturally, or is that from reclassing?

One shield is considered a weapon thats why. Which is that Guilius Shield or whatever.


My stupid party is all made from 3-4 bonus stats characters. I really do feel like maybe I should start a new game...

I have rolled one character. Based on some rough estimates and counting, I'd say my 2lp 7 min character got 3 or more bonus points (double digits, so 10+ total) sub 5% of the time. That is, every hundred rolls I'd see around five rolls that were 10+. The vast, vast majority of those were 10 or 11 (so, +3/+4).

I got a 14 (so, +7) relatively early, but tried to do better. I honestly regretted this decision -- it took an hour or so to see another 14.... and I accidentally skipped past it. Thankfully, I got another 14 about not too long later and was glad to keep it.

In all of those rolls, I only saw those 3 14s, one 12, one 13, and then 10s and 11s about 5% of the time (so, a 10 or 11 every 20 rolls, give or take).

My personal lesson learned:

Happily taking a +7 (14) for my main character. I will take +4s (11) on all the rest of my characters, spending any longer would drive me insane.

And if I did get lucky and roll a 20 or something, there's always the chance I'd click past it by accident, which would cost me a couple hundred bucks since I'd stomp my vita into the ground.

tldr - +3/+4 for all characters is what I'd recommend for people who want to stay sane and don't have a robot that will roll for them.
Its way more. So seeing your post here Id have to tell you to not get the game, which is dungeon travelers 2 that is. This game outside of the character portraits with the "new" art there pretty much isnt any.

Okay, thanks for the info, guys. So...just to be perfectly clear- I should avoid DT2 but should be fine to buy Stranger, right?
Ok, so if I understand correctly:

If I had a 1 LP party, and someone falls in battle, they're dead forever and I'd be screwed. Either lose the character, start a new one [or have one accruing some exp in my base, but definitely losing levels], or scum save.

If I had a 2 LP party, and someone falls in battle, I now have to -fight- my way out of the dungeon with only 5 characters. If I manage to survive that, then my injured character would have to be taken out of rotation for an amount of time for them to recover back to 2 LP. During that time i'd be using a scrub.

2 LP party sounds more fun in terms of forcing me to interchange various party members, etc. I think. Does regaining the 1 lp take forever in game time, or is it relatively painless?

You have to fight your way out with 5 chars, get back to base, revive the dead character, let them recuperate before they can rejoin your party for a day or so. Then if you want to restore the lost life point you have to leave them in the hospital for 7 days of game time, which works out to 84 more battles (1 fight = 2 hours).

I rolled a party of 2 LP chars and even that has you taking every turn of every fight seriously because if they lose that life point they're 1 unlucky turn away from being lost forever, and recuperating a life point is really punishing.

This sounds like it's the game for you; it's a stiff challenge, but it's a welcome antidote to a field of RPGs that have you plowing through trivial fights. Because regular battles can be intense and really matter, they feel like you're actually playing the game instead of just grinding until something interesting happens.
Ok, so if I understand correctly:

If I had a 1 LP party, and someone falls in battle, they're dead forever and I'd be screwed. Either lose the character, start a new one [or have one accruing some exp in my base, but definitely losing levels], or scum save.

If I had a 2 LP party, and someone falls in battle, I now have to -fight- my way out of the dungeon with only 5 characters. If I manage to survive that, then my injured character would have to be taken out of rotation for an amount of time for them to recover back to 2 LP. During that time i'd be using a scrub.

2 LP party sounds more fun in terms of forcing me to interchange various party members, etc. I think. Does regaining the 1 lp take forever in game time, or is it relatively painless?

You have to fight your way out with 5 chars, get back to base, revive the dead character, let them recuperate before they can rejoin your party for a day or so. Then if you want to restore the lost life point you have to leave them in the hospital for 7 days of game time, which works out to 84 more battles (1 fight = 2 hours).

I rolled a party of 2 LP chars and even that has you taking every turn of every fight seriously because if they lose that life point they're 1 unlucky turn away from being lost forever, and recuperating a life point is really punishing.

This sounds like it's the game for you; it's a stiff challenge, but it's a welcome antidote to a field of RPGs that have you plowing through trivial fights. Because regular battles can be intense and really matter, they feel like you're actually playing the game instead of just grinding until something interesting happens.


This sounds like it's the game for you;

yes, it does. I've been waiting for this game long before it was even announced for localization - in fact, back when nobody thought it would ever be localized i debated importing a non-english game for the first time ever. Now I'm just psyched to play it. It always takes me awhile to get going due to limited time... i've only rolled one char so far, lol. Once I do get playing i tend to find more time, though... rolling characters drives me up a wall.
My party is approaching Level 13, which is the recommended point to start changing classes. Planning on doing this...

Samurai -> Knight -> Fighter
Fighter -> Knight -> Fighter / Samurai (not sure)
Knight (No change)
Ranger -> Dancer -> Ranger
Priest (No change I guess, not sure)
Wizard -> Priest -> Wizard

The mid classes will go to level 13 before switching, then the third class will stay till the end. Don't think I can go any longer that three switches without boring myself to death from the grinding.

General idea is beefing up my front row folks for Knight defense passives, giving my ranger some motivation benefits, and some minor healing and MP regen for my Wizard.

Thoughts? High level Fighter seems to have better skills, so might end up with two fighters for the end. High level Samurai skills seems kinda meh, anyone use 'em? Also, any recommendation for Knight or Priest? I think they're fine for their purpose so far, don't see the reason for them learning other stuff.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
My party is approaching Level 13, which is the recommended point to start changing classes. Planning on doing this...

Samurai -> Knight -> Fighter
Fighter -> Knight -> Fighter / Samurai (not sure)
Knight (No change)
Ranger -> Dancer -> Ranger
Priest (No change I guess, not sure)
Wizard -> Priest -> Wizard

The mid classes will go to level 13 before switching, then the third class will stay till the end. Don't think I can go any longer that three switches without boring myself to death from the grinding.

General idea is beefing up my front row folks for Knight defense passives, giving my ranger some motivation benefits, and some minor healing and MP regen for my Wizard.

Thoughts? High level Fighter seems to have better skills, so might end up with two fighters for the end. High level Samurai skills seems kinda meh, anyone use 'em? Also, any recommendation for Knight or Priest? I think they're fine for their purpose so far, don't see the reason for them learning other stuff.

Actually the Carnage back skill the one where you keep attacking and dodging till you or your target is dead can deal the most insane amount of damage for a melee character if you have the class kitted / specced out correctly. It generally is how the samurai is in most of the games with the carnage builds.

Knight you will want to go into the cleric tree though you need to get up pretty high for that holy spirit or whatever the skill is called. As it helps protect against bad status effects and works with the knights higher lv skills also. Also other things on top of that is adding stuff like the dancers multiple item use ability can be helpful at times when you want to keep your damage dealers focused, casters nuking / supporting and need to heal or recover mp / do something else besides trying to attack with the knight. Knight with Ninja can help too for that utsusemi skill. The one where you create doubles to help protect the party.

Cleric is basically mix it with the Wizard and from there you can do other stuff like combine the ninja skills of raising dodge and the knights skill of raising def to keep it from dying.

Honestly there are a fair amount of combinations the problem is they will take an EXCESSIVE amount of time to perfect due to levels being constantly cut in half. So you will have to plan them out pretty well ahead of time.

Btw you will want to change the knight a few times also for the HP bonus. As a character that has changed class at least once will still out class another non changed character HP wise, even if its by slightly.

Though this game for the first play through you do not need to really class change, but it does help out a lot if you do.

For the ranger combining samurai with it along with the ninja helps. Samurai for row attack as you can use that slash with the bow and from the ninja the crit hit skill forgot what it was called helps too.

With the Wizard also it would help to mix in the dodge and def up passives just in case. Since there will be times when certain enemies can do physical attacks that can reach the back row.

Fighter most def would benefit from that hunters secret as it helps you keep the concentrate status on allowing you to not waste turns prepping. Also with the melee classes you will want to toss the dancer in there for weapon trick which cancels out the range limitations on weapons. So you can keep hacking away from the backrow if an asshole swaps your formation. Or in the event when doing hiding you can hit the leader who at times will be hiding way in the back. The dancers multiple attack on a single target is useful too for those times when you do not like how the fighters is "random" targets. As the attacks get spread out more if there is multiple targets.

Samurai -> Dancer -> Ninja -> Fighter (if you want but you dont really need it)

Fighter -> Ranger -> Dancer -> Samurai or Ninja

Knight -> Cleric -> Ninja or Dancer, then the other

Ranger -> Ninja -> Dancer -> Samurai or Fighter

Cleric -> Wizard -> Knight -> Ninja -> Dancer

Wizard -> Cleric -> Ninja -> Dancer -> Knight

These are the excessive examples, but if you look through the skills of the class am sure you will figure out why.
Dont burn yourself out though as it will take a good amount of time if you want to try these lol.

General breakdowns of levels to get the useful skills for classes.
*In general the bare minimum will be 13 for the skill token (skill slot)

Fighter - 28 (if you want genocide)
Knight - 21 (for the defensive passive)
Samurai - 19 (for carnage back or whatever its called)
Wizard - 27 (for master cast x 3) - 14 (for high cast x 2)
Cleric - 26 (for holy spirit, this you most def want the knight to have or other classes you dont want to die) - 25 (if you just want both mana regen passives)
Ranger - 28 (for hunters secret, a basic must if you want to make the fighter / dancer be more efficient at dealing damage with its skills) - 13 (for the skill token + pin down - dodge / hit debuff attack can be used with other weapons)
Ninja - 15 (for utsusemi or whatever they call the localized name, the hiding stuff you can skip as it wastes turns, unless you are trying to go for a pure crit character)
Dancer - 23 (for star step for melee characters as its 5 attacks on a single target) - 18 (for trick use II, use a single item 3 times. Uses 3 of selected items.)

Since there is no real English wiki, lots of the more specific data comes from here the main JP wiki. For those that cant read Japanese go use google translate or whatever else you normally have available.

Other stuff is from lots of experimentation and whatnots. Since at first had no idea what I was doing with the class change system, so basically all of us JP players were making all sorts of abominations till we figured things out to be more efficient.

Tossing in the base stats + max value data + what stats do info again as it ties into the whole planning for class changing.


1st Playthrough Max Stats = Starting racial stats value + 20
2nd Playthrough Max Stats = Starting racial stats value + 30
*Value doesnt change after that for the 3rd, 4th and 5th playthrough if you even bother to do them.

In regards to age general breakdown
10~19 Years:Max LP 3、Lowest Bonus Pts 3
20~39 Years:Max LP 2、Lowest Bonus Pts 5
40~59 Years:Max LP 2、Lowest Bonus Pts 7
60~99 Years:Max LP 1、Lowest Bonus Pts 10

STR - Attack damage (this is for all weapon types including bows)
INT - Mage spell damage / effectiveness + max MP
PIE - Cleric spell effectiveness + max MP
VIT - Defense and HP gain
AGI - Effects turn in combat, accuracy and dodge / Helps with Open Lock (trap disarm) rating also.
LUC - Effects various things, one important one is helps with protecting against bad status / chance of getting 1 hit killed. Also effects damage from non-elemental items such as explosive powder? and helps with Open Lock (trap disarm) rating.


In regards to age general breakdown
10~19 Years:Max LP 3、Lowest Bonus Pts 3
20~39 Years:Max LP 2、Lowest Bonus Pts 5
40~59 Years:Max LP 2、Lowest Bonus Pts 7
60~99 Years:Max LP 1、Lowest Bonus Pts 10

certain stats is more dependant on what you are going for in a class

Fighter - Str, Vit, Agi
Knight - Vit, Luc, Agi if you want dont need Str as much since you wont be attacking too often with it later on.
Samurai - Str, Agi, Vit, Luc
Wizard - Int, Agi, Luc, Pie if you plan to give it cleric skills
Cleric Pie, Agi, Vit, Int if you plan to give it wizard skills
Are some examples.

Once again in closing none of the shit above in the block of information is necessary to beat the game in the first play through.

For those who actually give a shit about class changing, pay attention to what I wrote above and read it. Otherwise you will be screwing up your own characters by switching willy-nilly wasting the 5 times you can class change. As once you use those those thats it for the playthrough. Screwed up my characters a bunch of times early with the JP 360 ver on so the rest of you dont have to lol


Is this out on the Australian store today? can't seem to find it. I thought we had the same release date as europe.


Is this out on the Australian store today? can't seem to find it. I thought we had the same release date as europe.

Neither Sony (S*EE) nor NISA (Europe) has been able to form an adequate or satisfactory answer to this question yet. Twitter questions remain unanswered and the only statement on the EU Blog by Sony has been:
The physical release is on track for the 29th, but the digital release is TBC, which is why we haven’t mentioned it in this post. Francesca Mead 26 April, 2016 @ 3:12 pm

The NISA entry on the EU blog mentions "Friday", but is obviously an all-but-copy-paste-job from the US Blog. Also it doesn't actually mention if that means a digital/PSN 'EU' release or not.

So either nobody knows or can be bothered to provide useful information. Hopefully it will just magically appear at some arbitrary (US-centric) moment later today for those who were looking forward to buying digitally.


Neither Sony (S*EE) nor NISA (Europe) has been able to form an adequate or satisfactory answer to this question yet. Twitter questions remain unanswered and the only statement on the EU Blog by Sony has been:

The NISA entry on the EU blog mentions "Friday", but is obviously an all-but-copy-paste-job from the US Blog. Also it doesn't actually mention if that means a digital/PSN 'EU' release or not.

So either nobody knows or can be bothered to provide useful information. Hopefully it will just magically appear at some arbitrary (US-centric) moment later today for those who were looking forward to buying digitally.

I have a feeling it won't be up this week at all.


Neither Sony (S*EE) nor NISA (Europe) has been able to form an adequate or satisfactory answer to this question yet. Twitter questions remain unanswered and the only statement on the EU Blog by Sony has been:

The NISA entry on the EU blog mentions "Friday", but is obviously an all-but-copy-paste-job from the US Blog. Also it doesn't actually mention if that means a digital/PSN 'EU' release or not.

So either nobody knows or can be bothered to provide useful information. Hopefully it will just magically appear at some arbitrary (US-centric) moment later today for those who were looking forward to buying digitally.

Ok bummer, thanks for the info.


Whoever told me to go the Slums first instead of the Frozen Forest, thanks :)

Feels much safer after the initial event battle.

How many dungeon maps total are there in the game, anyways? I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface of the second dungeon I'm going into after 6 hours.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Whoever told me to go the Slums first instead of the Frozen Forest, thanks :)

Feels much safer after the initial event battle.

How many dungeon maps total are there in the game, anyways? I feel like I'm barely scratching the surface of the second dungeon I'm going into after 6 hours.

For the normal part of the game about


About 4.5 hours in, and this is what i really hoped Operation Abyss would have been like. Much better mechanics, but old game old system I know.

Playing on Normal, didn't really do any stat re-rolls. Cleared all Lineage hunts in the M.o Metal, and was working on the Forest one....got to the Orc Village and can't kill the Orc Chiefs fast enough before they run off with the loot. Currently around Level 6 or so.

Switched over to the V.o.t and have been running ambushes here to gear up...found that archer Lineage and he absolutely wrecked me lol.

Any specific place I should be farming ambushes for better weapons?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
About 4.5 hours in, and this is what i really hoped Operation Abyss would have been like. Much better mechanics, but old game old system I know.

Playing on Normal, didn't really do any stat re-rolls. Cleared all Lineage hunts in the M.o Metal, and was working on the Forest one....got to the Orc Village and can't kill the Orc Chiefs fast enough before they run off with the loot. Currently around Level 6 or so.

Switched over to the V.o.t and have been running ambushes here to gear up...found that archer Lineage and he absolutely wrecked me lol.

Any specific place I should be farming ambushes for better weapons?

Just keep working on leveling for the most part and running ambushes. Remember skip stuff if you dont like the chest, just remember you can get ambushed in reverse if you skip too much.

The valley is the easiest place to start off, but yeah that archer can do some pretty mean damage if you have bad luck. Hes around lv 8-9
Oxyjien (sp?) art confirmed. Could mean no custom portraits.

The only thing the new art means is that they either ported the Xbox or Vita version of the game and likely didn't use the older PC version. Custom portraits were confirmed when they made the release announcement.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I thought this might be the right place to mention it, so~

Store page on steam is up, releases June 2016 for those interested.

This info was out since the 21st, so the general June release has been known for a week+ now.

Oxyjien (sp?) art confirmed. Could mean no custom portraits.

Thats the Tsukamoto artwork not Oxijiyen if you are talking about whats displayed on the banner.

The only thing the new art means is that they either ported the Xbox or Vita version of the game and likely didn't use the older PC version. Custom portraits were confirmed when they made the release announcement.

Doubt it was the Vita version as had mentioned before they would have to screw with the code to cut out the ranking stuff which could potentially cause all sorts of problems. So would have to imagine its the XBO version / build that they are using as that one is based off of the X360 / PC version.

I haven't opened my Vita copy, too busy chipping away at Cold Steel. How hard is SoSC?

Basically if you try to rush through it you will die a lot. Pay attention and work on getting good equipment and level yourself properly and for the most part you should be fine. Though just keep in mind even normal fights can go bad at times due to the level differences with enemies vs your party, so you need to watch out for that. You will get a divinity skill that allows 100% escape from any non-event battle, so be sure to use that as this game most def does expect the player to be smart about knowing when its time to turn tail.

If you are worried about permadeath dont make 1 LP characters. Its not something Id suggest for those new to the game to do. You can make up for the lower stats points with gear anyways.

Though as any wiz-like title there will be events where characters can potentially get 1HKed so keep that in mind. Which would be from either physical or magic attacks (such as requiem). Which is another good reason why you do not want to play with 1LP characters unless you are insane like the few of us here who do it lol.

There are ways to help lower the chances of it happening but still bad luck will occur. A lot of the stuff which further help protect against it are quite high on the character lv req to unlock the skills.

Folks new to the game in regards to divinity skills do suggest picking the ones that are defensive types of buffs like protection from magic / status effects and the debuff types which lowers enemy hit / evade rating. Dont go for the attack / attack type of buffs as staying alive is far more important.

Read the info had posted around the thread. Esp about the character stats and whatnots. You should find a massive post about class changing also up above. Hard to miss.


While Id imagine the numbers are low to none, anyone in Japan that doesnt use a VPN with Steam, dont plan on bothering to try and get it as apparently its "Not Available" here lol. Which makes sense considering NISA was the one who did this PC version.


The only thing the new art means is that they either ported the Xbox or Vita version of the game and likely didn't use the older PC version. Custom portraits were confirmed when they made the release announcement.

Yup custom portraits are in

Just glad they were honest and told people about the PC port earlier. No need to buy the Vita or Xbox One version and I will wait for the PC version.


Thats the Tsukamoto artwork not Oxijiyen if you are talking about whats displayed on the banner.

I was actually referring to the screenshots on the steam page but I guess that was my fault for not making it clear lol.

Yup custom portraits are in

Just glad they were honest and told people about the PC port earlier. No need to buy the Vita or Xbox One version and I will wait for the PC version.

So the prinny portrait isn't some bonus by NISA? In that case it's probably the pc original version with the Oxyjien portraits coded in.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I was actually referring to the screenshots on the steam page but I guess that was my fault for not making it clear lol.

So the prinny portrait isn't some bonus by NISA? In that case it's probably the pc original version with the Oxyjien portraits coded in.

Its odd that they didnt just include that info in the initial PC announcement on the 21st, since all they talked about was the custom portraits and didnt show any stuff with the Oxijiyen art in it. At least that solves the issue then lol.

What will really show which version it is, would be if the PC version still has the language options, though seeing how its blocked in Japan would imagine that they will have it removed. But in the small event if its still there would point towards the XBO version as the base.


My Amazon order switched to "we need more time to provide you with an estimate" so I've given in, cancelled it, and bought it digitally instead.

My characters are all planned out in my head, now I just need to create them \o/
Are there gods in this game? I need to know who I need to pray to for better luck with my stat rolls.
I've been rolling my main character, with 1LP and minimum rolls of 10 because why not abuse that system quirk, for the last hour. In that time I've seen an entire one roll over 13 (it was a 16, and I would have taken it except I rerolled without thinking :p).

I'm already dreading trying to roll my other characters and I'd decided I'd "settle" for 7s for them... I've already gone and downgraded their "acceptable" rolls to 5s now ^^;


Spent about an hour making characters, now partway through the tutorial quest. Doing some ambushing before I go to the underground part of the area though, wanna outfit my peepz! Party is Fighter/Knight/Samurai in front, then Wizard/Archer/Cleric in back. Made all the types I could except for dancer, may just remove the pre-made one they had and make my own.

Also, Experience , pls give name generator. I hate thinking of names :(


Spent about an hour making characters, now partway through the tutorial quest. Doing some ambushing before I go to the underground part of the area though, wanna outfit my peepz! Party is Fighter/Knight/Samurai in front, then Wizard/Archer/Cleric in back. Made all the types I could except for dancer, may just remove the pre-made one they had and make my own.

Also, Experience , pls give name generator. I hate thinking of names :(

My names:



The physical relase has been delayed in my country (Spain), who knows why. No problem, I thought, I'll buy it digitally.
Yeah, no clue about when this will be available digitally in the EU store.

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