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Street Fighter X Tekken |OT| Truly, truly outrageous~

PSN: tobiasboon
Region: East Anglia, England
Internet: 100/10Mb/sec (down/up)
Current team: Guile & Cammy (Arian Army)
Working on: Jin & Kazuya (Team Devil)
Controls: Madcatz SF4 Fightpad

Have had zero lag or rollback so far, might even get away with playing a few East Coast Americans. Do get the sound issue occasionally. In fact I would go as far to say as the net code is some of the best I've experienced so far in a fighting game.

I don't really know what I'm doing yet, mainly just enjoying the fact that I can have Guile and a really fast on reaction character like Cammy together in a team, using Guile to chip away and build meter and then Cammy has the speed and damage output to really hurt people given the chance. Both characters having air throws I'm finding also helps a lot, no-one seems to expect them so far in this game, or at the very least the poor nature of most anti-airs means people aren't afraid to jump. Light and medium Cannon Spike is decent anti-air and not bad on wake up as the push back is substantial and she can just walk up and throw people seemingly at will when her speed gems activate.

So far loving the game.
Why is Ryu such beast? His combos are so easy to chain compared to Ken. I sucked at chaining c.mp's together in Street Fighter 4, but doing two of them after a j.mk crossup then into a c.mk into an EX Axe kick into a j.HP into a c.mk, then into Super is SOOO EASY and does MASSIVE damage.

I'm not even very good and I'm on a 21 game win streak without knowing how to play my second character. Ryu just has an answer to everything. EX Axe kick is so quick and has great range and is so good at punishing. And it leads to massive damage. Such a good punishing tool.

I had a very similar experience. I've had the game since launch but haven't played it yet, he just got it this past weekend so we're still trying to get use to the game. He picked up a couple of characters already while I only had Ryu. In our first long set he edged me by a bit because he picked up the game quicker than me. But I started getting the hang of playing Ryu and only Ryu. After taking a break we start playing again and I beat him 30-10. And I was doing it mainly with just Ryu as I can't play Ken worth a crap. I love this version of Ryu, big damage, easy links, ending launcher into st. HK actually seems somewhat safe, etc. Who needs SRK, if somebody jumps in on you, just do cr. HP > sweep for 180 damage lol.

You should start applying fireball cancels and cr. MK > LK donkey kick as well. LK donkey kick when spaced right is a great pressure tool and doing it constantly will frustrate them and make them jump which can get you the cr. HP>sweep(or cr. MK>tatsu) I was talking about. Same goes for fireball cancels, it's a great way to bait jumps or to try and dash in for throws. Now I just need to learn a second character and I'm good.

I love that donkey kick so much, I really wished they would have added it to SF4.


Well today I´m gonna try some different characters than my team of Guile / King.

Still have no clue which ones though, as long as they're no shoto's they all seem fun to play.

Quick summary:



-A defensive beast, you can build meter with him all day with his sonic boom zoning.
His Flashkick is just awesome, it feels like you cover half the screen and you always have time to tag out during one.

- His normals are very fast, his cr. lp, cr. lp is a perfect hitconfirm for a launcher combo.
His cr.mk is a godlike poke, and try to finish every combostring with a mp + flashkick.

- His unique attacks are also great in range and damage. You can actually use his f. HK to combo into your launchercombo. And that one goes over all low attacks.

- His Alpha counter is mash able! Just Block an attack and mash that f. HK+HP

- And his crouching HP is back to being a strong option against cross-ups.

- Worthless Superart, no range, difficult to combo, just don't use any meter with Guile except for ex Flashkick and Alpha counter

- When you're behind with Guile it's difficult to get in against other zoners. You can't win any projectile fights, just tie them (again, don't use meter for ex sonic boom).

- Tekken characters have so many mix-ups that in the future Guile's gonna have a lot of difficult match-ups.

So use him on point, controlling the match and bring in your secondary character for the damage.



- Kneelift is beastmode, such an easy way to get 400+ damage without using meter!

- I really like his Superart, it's fast, I believe it got some invincibility and it even works as an anti-air. And you can combo it quite nicely from your knee's. And you can finish it with a Musclebuster, which is badass and does more damage than most supers in the game.

- Some interesting unique attacks, it's a shame that his shoulder tackle is so hard to perform on a fightpad :(. His forward mp, forward mp. fprward mp is a great mix-up ending in an overhead.

- He just has an awesome moveset, making him fun to play

- He can counter jump ins, but I'm still having trouble with the timing. And it's a very high risk against reward situation.


- When you're on the ground, you're fucked. Forward roll is your ONLY option not to get raped after a knock down.

- His command throws are just too gimmicky. I hate having one throw for standing (which you can get thrown out!!) and one for crouching opponents. They have a pretty good range, but they are way too slow to connect. If you want to use them, only use the faster Ex-command throws. But connecting with a tomahawk against a character that's crouching in fear for your kneelift feels really good.

So use him as your second character, arrive, kneelift combo, leave.


Feeling pretty good about a 1-meter combo I have down with Lili for 443 dmg (on cross-up) or 403 from c.MP-st.MP link. Can make it 565 by finishing with Super.

Nose Master

Fuck Hugo's 20th. I got it with three ex presses, but one of them didn't register. It seems to only register if you get the first hit, not the second. Ugh.


PSN: Shadybiz
Region: Northeast US (NJ)

Feel free to add me, but be warned that I'm very much a beginner. Played a lot of Street Fighter II back in the day, but it's been awhile.

Trying to get good with Steve, but it's slow going. Sometimes I panic and go into button-mashing mode.

Finally dared to go online yesterday. I performed okay enough I guess...got in a few good licks before I tagged out (Endless). Only got to play one match, but it was pretty smooth; no noticeable lag, and the sound didn't cut out too much, I don't think. I'm liking it!
Still spending time in the training room, trying to get more comfortable with my TE stick and trying to find two fighters to focus on. Played a little local with my buddy and once Im in an actual fight, all combos and knowledge of the game vanishes. Need to get these moves seared into my brain.

Went from Abel/King to Kazuya and I think Juri.


Neo Member
I really want to see Blanka's trials at this point, because I have a feeling that he will not fit into this game at all. Like what is he going to juggle with? His entire game revolves around getting hard knockdowns. I need some reassurance that my favorite character
no really
will be properly represented in this game.


Do what I did. Just mash dat shit

Yeah 'quick' seems like the way to do it.

I'm having a hard time finding Tekken characters that I like. I've gone through Paul, Jin, Kuma, Marduk and Julia. Pretty much only Paul has clicked with me. I should really try out Hworang Law and Heitachi since that seems to be the characters most people are flocking to.


I've been playing this game offline for a while, can someone explain why didnt they include a movie theater for the endings ? i mean SF4 SSF4 MVC3 and all tekkens have it, its weird, i want to finish the game with all characters but now i forgot who's remaining,,, can you unlock it or something ?


Region: Midwest (OH)

Might not be on SFxT much yet but I should be soonish, I have the game, just not the time lol (and still practicing too).


I think my next character to learn will be Lili. I'll be on the 360 playing if anyone wants to play some games online here in the next hour.
any word on tourneys allowing default gems? All these time outs might not be happening as much if they at least allowed people to pick the default power or speed sets. There's nothing terribly broken about those sets and they take a second to choose.
Added some online gamtertags to the first post; anyone else want me to add theirs?
psn: ihearthawthats
location: east coast, canada

finally got around to messing with zangief last nite, and while his spds are also pretty damn slow in this game at least they retain its range. the armored throw is also pretty interesting. i'm so torn between characters because i really like hugo as a character but he doesn't feel like that much of a grappler character.

are there any grapplers on the tekken side other than the obvious king and marduk?

seraphinianus said:
any word on tourneys allowing default gems? All these time outs might not be happening as much if they at least allowed people to pick the default power or speed sets. There's nothing terribly broken about those sets and they take a second to choose.
word is they're waiting for the "tournament patch".

honestly though, i don't mind time outs.


This tag team busisness is brutal. Beating someone without leaving him a chance to tag feels cruel. Being beaten without having a chance to tag feels like someone just cheated a victory from you.
Worst feeling in the world? Losing a won fight for being stupid and not tagging out.


Xiao's stance/unstance normal cancelling potential is ridiculous. 480 damage meterless corner combo. 480 damage fullscreen punish (ex shooting star) for 1 bar.


I know that feel. I've lost a dozen times from doing over 50% damage on both characters with Ibuki but then end up losing for getting too cocky.

I think a big reason for it is that Ibuki is really the only character I'm familiar with and consider my main, so I just want to do everything with her. Once I find that second character it might be different. If Sakura was in this game it would be all over :p


any word on tourneys allowing default gems? All these time outs might not be happening as much if they at least allowed people to pick the default power or speed sets. There's nothing terribly broken about those sets and they take a second to choose.
It's wait and see till after the Tournament patch hits. The big problem is also going to be the DLC gems.


I know that feel. I've lost a dozen times from doing over 50% damage on both characters with Ibuli but then end up losing for getting too cocky.

I think a big reason for it is that Ibuki is really the only character I'm familiar with and consider my main, so I just want to do everything with her. Once I find that second character it might be different. If Sakura was in this game it would be all over :p

Man, we are twins. Ditching rolento for Asuka. Then getting frustrated by Asuka, not quite yet finding that second characters, betting all on Sakura's DLC

Only thing different is that I main poison.


Law so stylish. I wonder if some people get discouraged out scared after using to wait like 10 seconds for laws punishes to finish animating.


Man, we are twins. Ditching rolento for Asuka. Then getting frustrated by Asuka, not quite yet finding that second characters, betting all on Sakura's DLC

Only thing different is that I main poison.

I haven't given up on Asuka yet. Ibuki I can frame trap and do some nice punishes. With Asuka she has some damaging combos but I don't know how to set people up with her yet. I still really like the character though and see potential for my team. I'm pretty good with rolento but I don't like his playstyle much anymore. jab jab jab jab rekka gets boring after a while :)


Ain't the default gems just the connect with 3 specials (or something like it) and a pandora damage boost gem? The latter is more likely to be very situational.


Rather than mix and match I'd rather come up with another new partner for Heihachi that isn't abel/law. Suggestions? I'm looking at Kazuya/Raven right now. Basically anyone who can get in and has some great meter building would go well I think.

Also, Heihachi in the corner + full meter + auto grab tech assist gems = fuckin hilarious


My final match for the night was against vVv CD jr and I beat him..

Holy Shit, I didn't think I was gonna beat him, and it was a very close game (not bragging whatsoever)

His tech with Juri/Akuma is insane.

Is that a GAFfer? I fought him twice yesterday I think? I believe I beat him or it was close. Not 100% sure.

I also played against Pikachuakuma and threw away a win. ; ;

Cr.hk stance/unstance cr.hk stance/unstance cr.hk stance/unstance etc --

It juggles up to 6 times. Simplest way to get into it with xiao alone is doing her towards+mk overhead/ground bounce or doing her ex shooting star. As you can see from that video there are other ways to set it up though.

oh shit, i knew stance canceling had potential...

damn it, my stick is gonna be getting dual modded today and I probably won't get it back until Wed or thurs :( I guess I have a fighting commander 3 pad to use...meh.


Are the special edition gems worth it?

My amazon next day delivery fucked up and i still haven't received it. Got posted on Thursday at 11am. So i'm thinking its been stolen by some dodgy postman, or just sat in a warehouse somewhere.

I'm thinking of just picking up the standard edition in a supermarket on my way home from work.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Besides Ryu did anyone else from the SF cast got new moves? Well.. no that the Joudan Kick is a new move but you know what i mean.


Why do all the Tekken characters suck so much on wake-up?!?!?!

When I'm floored I'm done for if I don't use the forward roll.


Besides Ryu did anyone else from the SF cast got new moves? Well.. no that the Joudan Kick is a new move but you know what i mean.

Abel now has a charge move that lets him tackle like Urien did in SF3, plus his super is a completely new motion by being a charge move as well.

Edit: That stance cancel loop posted above is cool, but if you want some real shit with a loop, Bob is where it's at. If you can do like 6 loops of his stagger move(think it's a 1 frame link to keep getting them together), then you can just cancel into a super after 6th one and you get 90% health off most characters. Shit is fucked up.


The thing with xiao's loop is that - with her cr.rh anyway - it's a super easy loop to go in to. You can land it any time there's a ground bounce or after a launcher, and once you can execute it, it's not a tight link. I'm sure there's other places where you can find cool things to do with her. You can actually do some AE viper stuff, like cr.fierce stance/unstance cr.fierce -> things.
Does hers work like Raven's charge cancel loop? I had someone online do his cr fierce, slash cancel, cr fierce around 4+ times.

Yes. cr HK cancel with QCB P dash. Her stance/unstance is easier but CADC is better cause you can take the opponent to the corner also you mixup as well.
The thing with xiao's loop is that - with her cr.rh anyway - it's a super easy loop to go in to. You can land it any time there's a ground bounce or after a launcher, and once you can execute it, it's not a tight link. I'm sure there's other places where you can find cool things to do with her. You can actually do some AE viper stuff, like cr.fierce stance/unstance cr.fierce -> things.

I was messing around with it. I'm having trouble canceling out of the stand though, I always get a move instead. Is there a trick to get out of the stance or is it the same command just twice?
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