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Street Fighter X Tekken |OT| Truly, truly outrageous~

The lack of any real anti-airs in this game is depressing.Got destroyed by a friend today who did nothing but jump on me to start his pressure and everytime i tried aa'ing with Heihachi, he lost half his health only to be looped into it back again -__-

Really? I know jump-ins are strong in this game, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to say they're free dmg

Anyone working with Asuka? Trying to get in the groove with her. What's the best hit confirms for her? LP MP LP?


To add to the Juri love/hate train - she can get out of stand jab pressure with her kasatushi since the counter is active on frame 1 :)

Unless I've just played rotten rolentos.


The lack of any real anti-airs in this game is depressing.Got destroyed by a friend today who did nothing but jump on me to start his pressure and everytime i tried aa'ing with Heihachi, he lost half his health only to be looped into it back again -__-

I'm treating AA'ing in this differently from every other game, people are still doing the same shit from SF4 and it just doesn't work. Heihachi has decent AA with back.MP, j.MK, j.HK, EX.DP but it's all very space dependent. Of course there's times when you just need to block but people are going to have to go back to training mode to learn when and with what to anti-air.


What THE &$#@ is this shit, finally getting some wins, so i'm on 134 bp, get a win (+50) then in the menu i'm on 24 bp, tried logging in and out but it stays that way. Damnit, I know it's not a lot but i'm just starting to get some points and then they're gone :S
Ryu + Ken is the most boring, most irritating team imaginable. Let's just spam shoryuken's all day.

Bait, block and punish? We've been dealing with shoto spam since sf2.

I actually find it kind of relieving when I get a shoto match because I know what to expect.


Cammy basically got the same boost Juri got. And Akuma. And Ryu. And Ken.

Part of the problem with Abel is that while he's a good anti-Tekken character he has huge issues with the SF cast. They got huge buffs while he got better footsies...and a charge command that great for catching people off-guard...but it still isn't enough.


I heard Yoshi is ass. Is this true? I was planning on maining him. :(

Ya he's pretty ass, thought he had promise.. but I doubt we'll see him blowing people up.

All his shit is really slow and unsafe. His combo potential seems really limited.

He might have the most worthless move in the game too (suicide), they should atleast made it unblockable.


Bait, block and punish? We've been dealing with shoto spam since sf2.

I actually find it kind of relieving when I get a shoto match because I know what to expect.
online lag

you know, ruining those link perfect combos with some idiot mashing dp

what's funny is that the tekken bros kick the shit out of people trying to do that because of the reliance on chains or whatever
online lag

you know, ruining those link perfect combos with some idiot mashing dp

what's funny is that the tekken bros kick the shit out of people trying to do that because of the reliance on chains or whatever

hey what's law's gtfo move when being pressured since he doesnt have a dp he can mash? ex somersault?
Try jumping forward/back + LP/LK instantly. I play Nina, so I understand that feeling. Cr.HP would not be spaced right even though I'm anticipating a jump in, so I just started doing jump back LK. I get crap damage, but at least i'm not facing a mixup.

I'm jumping ship to Lili only for the fact that she has an airthrow and Andante (or whatever that move is called).That thing has a godly hitbox and I have never seen that miss on anyone.


I'm jumping ship to Lili only for the fact that she has an airthrow and Andante (or whatever that move is called).That thing has a godly hitbox and I have never seen that miss on anyone.

I've heard she's one of the easier Tekken characters to learn. What's your opinion?

I tried Jin yesterday. That didn't work out too well.


I can't speak to how good you are, but what you said sounds like you need to step your game up.

I'm a beginner. Most Ryu + Ken teams I face end up jumping back constantly. Then mashing hadouken until I have to jump towards them. As soon as I get close, it's a shoryuken-spam fest.


Yeah it's why I play Kazua. Easy execution, fair mix ups, but if you crack them open then wham bam LOOK AT DA DAMAGE.

I haven't messed with Jin outside of his trials because my buddy uses him and I don't like overlapping characters against them. I feel like I only have a few characters left I haven't truly messed around with.

Oh and why is Yoshi's hitboxes so ass? ; ;
Aren´t spds 5 frames now?


So as a UMVC3 player, how will this game be? I suck at SF4, doing combos is that game is so fucking hard because of the timing. I played this one a bit at a friends house and I liked it, especially the 2v2, and it felt easier to do combos on that game than on SF4 even though I had no idea what I was doing. But yeah, the game was fun as hell, just wondering how hard is it going to be to adapt to it for combos and stuff.


I've heard she's one of the easier Tekken characters to learn. What's your opinion?

I tried Jin yesterday. That didn't work out too well.

I'm using Lili right now and she's definitely a lot easier to use than some of the other characters. When you do a cross over and bring Lili in do R1 and then d,d/f,f + LK as a follow up in case you happen to pick her up.


Paul is cool.

Wish I knew how to play him.

What I've learned:
- EX rush punch (pheonix smasher, or PS) in your punishes are good, but not in the corner
- he doesn't really have a good multi-hit move to tag cancel into
- his "go under fireball" moves is slow and doesn't go far enough, but can extend his wallbounce combos
- his fierce PS is -3 on block, but the other versions are way worse, so only use jab/strong PS if you're juggling and fierce will go under
- I need to test this out, but apparently his jabs have no hurtbox and are abuseable
- his overhead punch special (non-EX) is +3 so you can use it to put on the pressure, and causes a ground-bounce on counterhit
- his anti-airs are weak, but not useless

Paul specials are almost a mismash of SF characters:
Makoto dash punch, Yun's upkicks, Yang's low roll move, Oni's overhead smash move, Dudley's back-swing blow, Ryu's links but Dan's normals.


Played a Hwoarang that knew what he was doing. Again with the high/low mixups only he could do it at range with a lot of safety. His rising jaguar is on par with DP as an AA. I'd be surprised if he isn't top tier or somewhere near there as the game matures.

Marduck is literally Abel only his falling sky doesn't suck. Pretty sad from an Abel player's perspective.
I heard Yoshi is ass. Is this true? I was planning on maining him. :(
yoshi is one of my favourite characters right now. he needs meter to be good. you'd think his sword poke normals would be godlike, but the hitbox on them is decieving. they're definitely not as good as rolento's baton normals. his air normals seem pretty good though.

most of his specials are unsafe unblock. but if you have meter to tag cancel them you can get a free mixup off most of them.

he's really slow, but he has an invincible teleport. so those who hate fighting against rolento frametraps might be able to use it to get out safely.

gameplan would probably be a lot of neutral jumps, c.mp pokes, random breaths and poison winds, to build meter. and then once you have the meter start playing a bit more risky.
I'm treating AA'ing in this differently from every other game, people are still doing the same shit from SF4 and it just doesn't work. Heihachi has decent AA with back.MP, j.MK, j.HK, EX.DP but it's all very space dependent. Of course there's times when you just need to block but people are going to have to go back to training mode to learn when and with what to anti-air.

I have tried all those options with Heihachi and each of them gets beaten quite fairly.

B.mp only works if they have jumped in from far away distance which doesn't usually happen.
J.HK usually trades or gets beaten against the likes of Ryu's J.HK or Ogre's.I'll probably have to hit training mode like you mentioned and see what my options are.
The lack of any real anti-airs in this game is depressing.Got destroyed by a friend today who did nothing but jump on me to start his pressure and everytime i tried aa'ing with Heihachi, he lost half his health only to be looped into it back again -__-

Back + MP is a good anti air for hachi, gotta get used to its space and timing tho, it moves you forward a bit. I just got done blowing up a Hugo by basically just hitting him out of the air with that and starting a mixup when he landed.
Doesn't his heavy raijin stance let him move across the screen fairly quickly? Why not try to do what I do as Law with his dash knuckle, use it to go out under the jump in.
MP Raijin is alright for gaining ground after a knockdown, but nothing incredible.

Oh you're talking about getting out of wakeup jump in pressure... I'll have to try that out.


online lag

you know, ruining those link perfect combos with some idiot mashing dp

what's funny is that the tekken bros kick the shit out of people trying to do that because of the reliance on chains or whatever

It does get annoying when you run into the people who spam dp the entire time theyre in block stun. I know theyre an easy win but I still like getting execution practice in for when I face better players.


What I've learned:
- EX rush punch (pheonix smasher, or PS) in your punishes are good, but not in the corner
- he doesn't really have a good multi-hit move to tag cancel into
- his "go under fireball" moves is slow and doesn't go far enough, but can extend his wallbounce combos
- his fierce PS is -3 on block, but the other versions are way worse, so only use jab/strong PS if you're juggling and fierce will go under
- I need to test this out, but apparently his jabs have no hurtbox and are abuseable
- his overhead punch special (non-EX) is +3 so you can use it to put on the pressure, and causes a ground-bounce on counterhit
- his anti-airs are weak, but not useless

Paul specials are almost a mismash of SF characters:
Makoto dash punch, Yun's upkicks, Yang's low roll move, Oni's overhead smash move, Dudley's back-swing blow, Ryu's links but Dan's normals.

His crouch HP is a solid anti air. I eat that shit a lot trying to jump at him.

Paul is damn basic, and anyone with shit execution can go right to him for some big ass damage.

I may try Paul/Kazuya later today online to see how I fair.
Back + MP is a good anti air for hachi, gotta get used to its space and timing tho, it moves you forward a bit.

I don't know about Hugo but Ogre was hitting me out of it each time to the point that i just didn't bother with it anymore.Tekken characters in general seem to have very weak anti-airs in this game from what i have noticed so far.
"Comparing some characters is like night and day. Training with Poison, I can easily her limits as far as damage and combos go. On the other hand, just starting to goof around with Julia, and there are so many possibilities is overwhelming."

Julia has some really sick flashy looking combos and after deciding to stick with her, I feel like I'm starting to piece together how you're actually supposed to play her.


Comparing some characters is like night and day. Training with Poison, I can easily her limits as far as damage and combos go. On the other hand, just starting to goof around with Julia, and there are so many possibilities is overwhelming.

Really sad how they handled poison. Like a shitty fei long or something.


Really sad how they handled poison. Like a shitty fei long or something.
I wouldn't even really compare her to Fei Long, the only thing that Whip of Love and Rekka have in common are that both are a three-stage move. The only way to use Whip is to hit-confirm into it. They should have gave the move more range though, it's funny that her shoryu has more range than Whip.


Has anyone evaluated Bob or Julia's styles? I need a new anchor for two weeks from now (tourney with a bonus Qanba prize and my stick just broke).

how do you get in with king? any vids/tips?

As much hype as convict kicks into knees bring to a crowd, I'm dropping him. Getting pressured and guessing shoulder/EX high throw/EX low throw/EX elbow is not so fun, and he can't out-poke anyone.


C-rank and on a winning streak of 9 matches :)

My Guile kills everything and everyone, and King picks up the scraps.

Really tried some other characters today, but they don't click as well as this team.
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