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Street Fighter X Tekken |OT| Truly, truly outrageous~


substitute the last knee life with a crouching fierce instead. its much easier to get the timing down if you do crouching fierce xx running jaguar bomb. it is possible to do it after a knee lift though, just a little bit trickier to time (gotta do it pretty early).

Thanks..easier and extra damage from the cr.HP sounds good to me. Will give that a try later.


I'm thinking of going Ryu/Kazuya to drop my Rolento.

Soon to be a part of the problem. If he doesn't pan out, then it's Rufus time.


i don't mind the time situation in this game. people are used to playing at their own pace, but in this game you'll have to adjust. people are saying it promotes overly defensively play, which yes it does, but it also promotes overly offensive play as well. i think more of an issue people should be worried about when someone plays defensive is not whether the time will run out, rather how do you open them up and how do you do big damage. this is extremely easy in marvel, but not so much in this game--at least not yet. i think people will find some nasty tricks. for example, people are spending bar on tag switch cancel combos that get hit hard by scaling. personally, i think that might be spent more wisely on a tag switch cancel to initiate a 50/50 mixup.

Nothing you said is incorrect, but I just feel path of least resistance is going to kick in (as it always does).

Defensive play seems safer in this game, so most will trend towards it.

It'll be interesting to see how the game develops, but I just hope I don't lose interest waiting for it to get there.

I still think it should be 2vs2, though :).

Uncle AJ

Mist step / special step is killing me. I really like using Kaz/Jin but I'm never gonna get really good at them unless I can get that movement down.

I can do enough damage with Kaz just using target combo/slaughter hook/god fist combinations but really feel I'm missing out not being able to combo DORYAS!

I guess it's just time in the lab.

Are you on an arcade stick or pad? I've moved over to the stick side but I've always found this input for mist step easier on a PS2 d-pad: you just tap the forward button, let go, and then push down with the base of your thumb before fully pressing down your thumb so it covers down and forward at the same time.

On a stick, you just need to get used to tapping forward (or down-foward if you're trying to cancel into mist step from a crouching normal), then letting go, and then a fireball motion.

If you're playing Jin, it helps to delay your attack button input after the SS motion. If it's too early, you'll get an empty SS and be left wide open. If it's on or close to the same frame, you'll probably get his fireball instead. Kaz obviously benefits from just-frame timing for the EWGFs, so it's different techniques to practice for different characters.


Nothing you said is incorrect, but I just feel path of least resistance is going to kick in (as it always does).

Defensive play seems safer in this game, so most will trend towards it.

It'll be interesting to see how the game develops, but I just hope I don't lose interest waiting for it to get there.

I still think it should be 2vs2, though :).

I fully agree with the 2v2 sentiment. If this game goes 2v2 at the pro level, then that's how I'll play it online as well for ranked.

Outside of the one fool that Shang Tsung wrecked this weekend with EWGF at NCR, it was a total snooze fest.


sometimes I just forget to tag out King... and then it's just rape time for my opponent when he get King down :(

He REALLY needs some buffs, make his giant swing like Gief's SPD or give him a cheap ass shoryuken-like move.

King is awesome flashy and does some good damage (no Heihachi, Hugo or Kazuya levels though). But he just feels incomplete. They gave him so many tools, but nothing really works.
Everything is just too punishable.


It's hilarious how many people are trying to use Akuma like he's just the other Ryu/Ken.

Guys. He has no health. GUYS.

sometimes I just forget to tag out King... and then it's just rape time for my opponent when he get King down :(

He REALLY needs some buffs, make his giant swing like Gief's SPD or give him a cheap ass shoryuken-like move.

King is awesome flashy and does some good damage (no Heihachi, Hugo or Kazuya levels though). But he just feels incomplete. They gave him so many tools, but nothing really works.
Everything is just too punishable.
Lame anti-air, lame command throw gimmick... As cool as the knee-knee-knee combos are, King isn't the powerhouse that he was in Tekken. I think he's a joke right now.


This is really just a general fighting game question, not specific to SFXT:

Do you guys who have played fighting games for a long time (5+ years) still have issues with dropping inputs for simple things? I've been playing less than a year, but I constantly feel tempted to play KoF just to practice inputs in that game due to how strict it is. In SF4 and now in SFXT I notice myself fumbling simple combos online that I've done a billion times in training mode.


This is really just a general fighting game question, not specific to SFXT:

Do you guys who have played fighting games for a long time (5+ years) still have issues with dropping inputs for simple things? I've been playing less than a year, but I constantly feel tempted to play KoF just to practice inputs in that game due to how strict it is. In SF4 and now in SFXT I notice myself fumbling simple combos online that I've done a billion times in training mode.

In training mode you are just concerned with the combo inputs. In a match, online or offline, you have lots of things in your mind, so you will drop several combos. The key is to train this combos on a match. I train against the cpu in training mode, so it's a walking target, a more match-like situation


This is really just a general fighting game question, not specific to SFXT:

Do you guys who have played fighting games for a long time (5+ years) still have issues with dropping inputs for simple things? I've been playing less than a year, but I constantly feel tempted to play KoF just to practice inputs in that game due to how strict it is. In SF4 and now in SFXT I notice myself fumbling simple combos online that I've done a billion times in training mode.

I didn't get into getting serious with fighters until SF4/SSF4 hit. I was masher on controllers until then.

I got my arcade stick before SSF4 was coming out. As far as dropping combos it was definitely that way at the start and for a good long while. I'm still shitty at SF4 combos with characters I wanted to play, mainly Cody. I can strum his BnB's in training and nail like 99/100, but get online and I could just never adapt, which is why I took up Abel, because outside of his 1 frame link I could do everything.

UMvC3 is a similar thing. Offline I can do Nova fly/unfly combos, but online it just doesn't work for the same timing, and I simply can't adapt that well on the fly to know if it's too fast or too slow depending on connections.

Here in SFxT I tend to drop Rolento jab jab jab low forward rekka a fair amount online, but offline I can hit it no problem every time.

I bought KoF13 this weekend, and haven't played more than 1 online match, but we'll see how I fair there in terms of consistency with my combos.

It takes a lot of time invested overall to get up to snuff either way. For me it wasn't till UMvC3 here and SFxT where I feel 100% comfortable with my execution. It's also a matter of finding characters that may fit your style and execution. In UMvC3 I'd LIKE to play Doom or Magneto, but there's just execution tendancies with myself I know won't allow me to. So I play Nova, Hawkeye, and Wesker. My overall goal in character selection now is just hits like a truck and has great mobility, but I want them to have low execution requirements. In SFxT right now I'm doing Rolento and Kazuya which both fit that as well, minus the Rolento hitting like a truck, and that Kazuya does have the EWGF 1 framers.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Came across my first instance of someone using the DLC characters online over the weekend:


Also doing better now. I'm sticking with my original team of Poison/Hugo and am learning to exploit everything that Hugo has to offer. I don't think I'm going to find my "real team" until the DLC characters are out.


sometimes I just forget to tag out King... and then it's just rape time for my opponent when he get King down :(

He REALLY needs some buffs, make his giant swing like Gief's SPD or give him a cheap ass shoryuken-like move.

King is awesome flashy and does some good damage (no Heihachi, Hugo or Kazuya levels though). But he just feels incomplete. They gave him so many tools, but nothing really works.
Everything is just too punishable.
I´m concerned about his AAs and his command grabs. Beyond having to train the opponent to block you have to then get high or low and hope he doesn't have the ability to react to the start up.

As for i-frames go he has some in the middle of his step. His ex grabs seem to beat strikes though you still have to guess on height . Most cross ups are kick attacks .


Came across my first instance of someone using the DLC characters online over the weekend:


Also doing better now. I'm sticking with my original team of Poison/Hugo and am learning to exploit everything that Hugo has to offer. I don't think I'm going to find my "real team" until the DLC characters are out.

Does Cody just hit like a truck in this game like in SF4? I'm wondering if he's able to juggle easily to with a combo into HK ruffian, another ruffian, into tag cancel or can he do a criminal upper, tag cancel and set up some shit? I feel like he'll be really good in this game as a point character.

Also, you can report his slap happy ass to the CapCops over at Unity. You just show them that picture with the gamertag and he's as good as done.
sometimes I just forget to tag out King... and then it's just rape time for my opponent when he get King down :(

He REALLY needs some buffs, make his giant swing like Gief's SPD or give him a cheap ass shoryuken-like move.

King is awesome flashy and does some good damage (no Heihachi, Hugo or Kazuya levels though). But he just feels incomplete. They gave him so many tools, but nothing really works.
Everything is just too punishable.

I dropped King and picked up Kaz. Never looked back.
sometimes I just forget to tag out King... and then it's just rape time for my opponent when he get King down :(

He REALLY needs some buffs, make his giant swing like Gief's SPD or give him a cheap ass shoryuken-like move.

King is awesome flashy and does some good damage (no Heihachi, Hugo or Kazuya levels though). But he just feels incomplete. They gave him so many tools, but nothing really works.
Everything is just too punishable.
king is one of my favourite characters, but yeah, guess wrong and eat a full combo. when you guess right though, its so satisfying. he is capable of safe offense though even if it isn't as good as other character's safe offense.

for reversals, he has his shoulder charge which has armour and on counterhit leads to wallbounce, he has his counter special move, and he has his ex grapples which have full body strike invulnerability. none of them are particularly great since again its a guessing game, but when you do guess right its awesome.

if you love playing risky, you'll love king. i'd find it less enjoyable if they took that aspect out of him. if you want someone with safe offense, play ryu or rolento or something. he's not meant to be played like an spd or a dp character.


This is really just a general fighting game question, not specific to SFXT:

Do you guys who have played fighting games for a long time (5+ years) still have issues with dropping inputs for simple things? I've been playing less than a year, but I constantly feel tempted to play KoF just to practice inputs in that game due to how strict it is. In SF4 and now in SFXT I notice myself fumbling simple combos online that I've done a billion times in training mode.

Yes, but it is mostly due to lag or pressing too fast due to long recovery windows when I'm trying to rush an input in a match.


Frank "Trashman" Reynolds;36367911 said:
So the game was balanced around an unbalanced and poorly implemented mechanic? that sucks.

Fyi, that type of play still occurs with gems enabled.

Not that I don't agree that Gems are poorly implemented, but there's alot of untapped potential in the game. My statement was more of one that people aren't playing to the maximum extent of what's intended. Yes there are Damage/Speed gems and Health/Defense gems to offset each other as well as autotech/autoguard, alot of variables haven't been counted for.

Although with the way the nature of the game is right now, it's easier than most games to take a life lead and play runaway.


I was gonna write some cody info, but seeing you are probably gonna report me to the capcops i will stay silent.

You will gimme dat info! I'm looking forward to trying out Cody. One of my top three favies in SF4. I don't even know what the DLC list of characters consists of. Shows how much I've been paying attention.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Xiaoyu sucks.

She's gonna have a real tough time opening people up once people get used to fighting her. She does have really good meterless damage, insane corner carry, and good antiair, but it's not gonna make up for her non-existent midrange game and bad reversals. Chris G does make her look good, but that's because it's fucking Chris G. That guy makes Sean look really good in 3S.

I don't know if she's like the 3rd worst character like that JP tier list says, but yea, gonna be surprised if she doesn't end up in low tier.
Xiaoyu sucks.

She's gonna have a real tough time opening people up once people get used to fighting her. She does have really good meterless damage, insane corner carry, and good antiair, but it's not gonna make up for her non-existent midrange game and bad reversals. Chris G does make her look good, but that's because it's fucking Chris G. That guy makes Sean look really good in 3S.

I don't know if she's like the 3rd worst character like that JP tier list says, but yea, gonna be surprised if she doesn't end up in low tier.

Yeah. At mid range she is utterly useless. No decent normals as well. I do not know why Chris G uses her first though.


Flower Power switch cancel mixup is actually ridiculously easy to block. Just hold downback away from Xiao until she runs off the screen. You can do the same thing for any switch cancel crossup as far as I know, just block the character that did the switch cancel until they leave. You don't even have to block high or low if the tagged-in character does jumping or low attacks, the game automatically blocks it for you.
Flower Power switch cancel mixup is actually ridiculously easy to block. Just hold downback away from Xiao until she runs off the screen. You can do the same thing for any switch cancel crossup as far as I know, just block the character that did the switch cancel until they leave. You don't even have to block high or low if the tagged-in character does jumping or low attacks, the game automatically blocks it for you.
only when its a true block string. the mixup comes in due to the frame advantage after the block string lockdown.


only when its a true block string. the mixup comes in due to the frame advantage after the block string lockdown.

Yeah and Xiao's Flower Power is a full blockstring for the duration of her being out there. The only way it isn't is for you to interrupt her block stun with your own smaller block stun before she lands another of her hits, which is ridiculously hard to do for the reward you get.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Flower Power switch cancel mixup is actually ridiculously easy to block. Just hold downback away from Xiao until she runs off the screen. You can do the same thing for any switch cancel crossup as far as I know, just block the character that did the switch cancel until they leave. You don't even have to block high or low if the tagged-in character does jumping or low attacks, the game automatically blocks it for you.

Flower power isn't a true block string so you have to switch the side you're blocking depending on where the other character is.

But yeah, it's still a ridiculously transparent mixup.


sometimes I just forget to tag out King... and then it's just rape time for my opponent when he get King down :(

He REALLY needs some buffs, make his giant swing like Gief's SPD or give him a cheap ass shoryuken-like move.

King is awesome flashy and does some good damage (no Heihachi, Hugo or Kazuya levels though). But he just feels incomplete. They gave him so many tools, but nothing really works.
Everything is just too punishable.

Yeah, King could be tightened up a bit but it's also a function of the game. Combos are the big damage dealers in the game and folks fish for it all over the place so getting in throws can be difficult unless it's got the insane power reach of the SPD, the rolling capabilities of Kuma's Headbutt or invincibility like on an EX. King needs them to land in combos IMO, particularly the Tomahawk and Giant Swing.

I will say that it's interesting that the damage on his attacks actually works in reverse for his two big throws. Tomahawk and Giant Swing do more damage using LP than with HP.
Yeah and Xiao's Flower Power is a full blockstring for the duration of her being out there. The only way it isn't is for you to interrupt her block stun with your own smaller block stun before she lands another of her hits, which is ridiculously hard to do for the reward you get.
its actually not a true block string. and it can be combined with ambigious cross ups, or using the 2nd character to hide the animation of grounded overheads. the window is pretty small though and requires good timing.


Set up training mode against xiao & partner, record her doing flower power + tag cancel and then jump back and forth with the second character. Just hold down back. You'll block everything.


This is the video I did explaining what I found.

edit: Start watching at 1:50 ~ 2:10. I just held downback and blocked the whole string. I go on to show in the video why it's not as effective as it should be.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Finally got around to trying Heihachi and waooow he really is Derpy Makoto LOL I LOVE IT.

I even finished all 20 of his trials and that has got to mean he's a noob toob cuz I can't yet do most of the last few trials for the other characters.

Hate to jump on bandwagons but I may join the Heihachi Force just to have a comfortable set of training wheels if nothing else.
I meant he should put Xiaoyu second. She has trouble getting in so maybe its better to use B.O.B first as he can rush down. That's how I use Xiaoyu.


I meant he should put Xiaoyu second. She has trouble getting in so maybe its better to use B.O.B first as he can rush down. That's how I use Xiaoyu.

Same here. Her divekick gets shut down by jumping forward, if she can't divekick she can't get in. Even when she's in she has to work hard to score big damage. Getting her in with a tag cuts down on the footwork and guarantees lots of damage with her breakdance.
Set up training mode against xiao & partner, record her doing flower power + tag cancel and then jump back and forth with the second character. Just hold down back. You'll block everything.


This is the video I did explaining what I found.

edit: Start watching at 1:50 ~ 2:10. I just held downback and blocked the whole string. I go on to show in the video why it's not as effective as it should be.

So you can block overheads by holding down back? Just by putting you in stun you should be able to get any number of mixups, right?


You know what's sad though? No Bob players yet.

I still think at a pro level he can be a forced to be reckoned with especially in an execution monsters hands like Mr. Naps.

6 reps of his SRK Kick into LPMP is all 1 frame links, but you get like 70% health off a character, and can go right into super for 90%+.

He has solid footsies, some good damage combos, and an ok air to air and anti air game.

Where you Bob's at? :(


So you can block overheads by holding down back? Just by putting you in stun you should be able to get any number of mixups, right?

Yeah as long as you're still in block stun from Xiao, you'll automatically block overheads and lows from the second character just by blocking Xiao. UNLESS, you interrupt that block stun. After the block stun gets interrupted, you have to block both characters as if they're separate characters.

Edit: The situation is still rather ambiguous, especially as Xiao begins to travel off the screen, but if this ever happens to you in a real match your best bet is to just block Xiao the whole time.
"So you can block overheads by holding down back? Just by putting you in stun you should be able to get any number of mixups, right?"

Overheads aren't considered overheads while switch canceling a block string. I thought this was common knowledge?

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Set up training mode against xiao & partner, record her doing flower power + tag cancel and then jump back and forth with the second character. Just hold down back. You'll block everything.


This is the video I did explaining what I found.

edit: Start watching at 1:50 ~ 2:10. I just held downback and blocked the whole string. I go on to show in the video why it's not as effective as it should be.

Huh, guess you're right. That's weird. Guess they were afraid of mixups like those becoming too powerful.

Flower power isn't a true blockstring, though. Otherwise there would be no chance of blocking the first bit and getting hit by the end since there's absolute guard in this game.


Huh, guess you're right. That's weird. Guess they were afraid of mixups like those becoming too powerful.

Flower power isn't a true blockstring, though. Otherwise there would be no chance of blocking the first bit and getting hit by the end since there's absolute guard in this game.

Hm. I'll have to try more stuff with it in training mode once I get home. It's definitely an interesting mechanic :p


Scrable Mode online is a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Taking down both opponents at once with an EX pinwheel kick is so satisfying.
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