Good post.
Do you know anything about the source material at all? Just asking. Because they're all pretty faithful to it except for Slipknot and Enchantress.
I do. What now?
So you're ignoring that Harley Quinn has her costume from the current comics, that Killer Croc has prosthetic make-up, and that Deadshot's costume (as per Will Smith's Facebook) is the spitting image of the comic-book one?
Seriously, can you Marvel fanboys just grow the Hell up and stop with the 'IT'S GOTG LOL/WHERE ARE COSTUMES' rubbish? You come across as idiots.
Lol, yeah good thing you don't look like an idiot now.
Croc looks like a radiation victim and not like Croc. Harley looks more like a cheap punk girl, Wearing two coloured stuff and have the tip of the hairs dyed doesn't match the Harley look 100% you know.
Also the Joker, anyone who tries to defend this shit is not even to be taken seriously at this point for me..
I complimented Deadshot, nice try kid.
I wouldn't come of as a Marvel fanboy if the DC movies would give me the comic feeling. So far only Marvel nailed it in the recent years for the most part, eventhough I also made it pretty clear how I disliked Ultron's design and more but, that is not in your interest, I disliked something you liked and now you are outraged, it is ok, most kids behave like this
Edit: Oh I guess Katanna also looks ok. Enchantress though is fucking horrible.