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Suicide Squad - Cast Photo (In Costume)

I feel embarrassed to ask but this is the first comic property I have never heard of.
What is the suicide squad?
Task force x aka Suicide squad is an effort where Waller takes violent criminals that are locked in prison and gets them to go on dangerous covert missions for the government with the enticement of a reduced sentence. They also have implanted explosives so if they get out of line or try to flee their head blows up.

And it's the books tradition to see various characters die



It's ruining every DC films thread at this point, turning them into unreadable Groundhog Day loops of 'LOL REALISM/MARVEL IS BETTER/NO COSTUMES/IT'LL BOMB' comments that stop any genuine discussion from emerging.

You're not helping your case.

I feel embarrassed to ask but this is the first comic property I have never heard of.
What is the suicide squad?

Convicted low-tier villains forced by the government to serve as off-the-book expendable agents for impossible missions. If they are captured or try to escape, they will be disavowed and have their heads blown off via remote detonation. If they succeed, they get time off their sentences.


I feel embarrassed to ask but this is the first comic property I have never heard of.
What is the suicide squad?

Bunch of comic book villains hired by the government to go on suicide missions. Survive and you're pardoned or die trying. Usually B-C tier villains.
I feel embarrassed to ask but this is the first comic property I have never heard of.
What is the suicide squad?

Ok, so, there's a government agency led by a badass black chick called Amanda "The Wall" Waller. This agency has a program called "Task Force X" which is also known as the "Suicide Squad" by its participants. They basically take inmates from Belle Reeve (maximum security prison where they keep all the super villains) and offer them years off of their sentence in exchange for doing black ops work. If they agree they're given bombs implanted in their neck to keep them in line and given orders. Orders range from
killing an entire football stadium of innocent people infected with a zombie virus
taking on evil super villain cults.
. Participants range from pure villains to anti-heroes to actual heroes that have been arrested for whatever reasons, most of them are B tier characters that won't be missed in other comics if they die, which adds more suspense as it probably has the highest "protagonist" death toll of any other comic..

It's pretty awesome tbf.

The super villain version of the Avengers.

Well that's both inaccurate and over simplified.

It's ruining every DC films thread at this point, turning them into unreadable Groundhog Day loops of 'LOL REALISM/MARVEL IS BETTER/NO COSTUMES/IT'LL BOMB' comments that stop any genuine discussion from emerging.

The labeling and fanboy crap is in all the comic movie threads. In the DC movie threads it is the "Lol. Dark and gritty. Marvel is better." crap, while in the Marvel threads it is usually the "Safe and sterile. This is boring. Save us DC! Just wait till DC does it better." I think the only comic movie thread that didn't suffer from it was Dredd. It is getting tiring of seeing it all, and while your point is good, it also felt like it was the same thing you were complaining about.

But, back on topic now. Cast photo looks good. Much better than I was expecting after the Joker picture came out and the Will Smith in his civies stuff. The pictures showing the many faces of Harley are particularly good, as is the shot of Deadshot in full costume with the mask.

Of all the DC movies coming up, this is the one I am the most intrigued by. Hey, at least it looks like we are getting a great Amanda Waller in this, unlike Not Waller on Arrow.


Good post.
Do you know anything about the source material at all? Just asking. Because they're all pretty faithful to it except for Slipknot and Enchantress.
I do. What now?
So you're ignoring that Harley Quinn has her costume from the current comics, that Killer Croc has prosthetic make-up, and that Deadshot's costume (as per Will Smith's Facebook) is the spitting image of the comic-book one?

Seriously, can you Marvel fanboys just grow the Hell up and stop with the 'IT'S GOTG LOL/WHERE ARE COSTUMES' rubbish? You come across as idiots.
Lol, yeah good thing you don't look like an idiot now.
Croc looks like a radiation victim and not like Croc. Harley looks more like a cheap punk girl, Wearing two coloured stuff and have the tip of the hairs dyed doesn't match the Harley look 100% you know.
Also the Joker, anyone who tries to defend this shit is not even to be taken seriously at this point for me..
I complimented Deadshot, nice try kid.

I wouldn't come of as a Marvel fanboy if the DC movies would give me the comic feeling. So far only Marvel nailed it in the recent years for the most part, eventhough I also made it pretty clear how I disliked Ultron's design and more but, that is not in your interest, I disliked something you liked and now you are outraged, it is ok, most kids behave like this


Edit: Oh I guess Katanna also looks ok. Enchantress though is fucking horrible.
I do. What now?

Stop trolling because if you do then you know you're wrong then? :|

edit: For reference, the character that actually have "Costumes" in the comics are Slipknot, Harley, Deadshot, Katana and Enchantress. Captain Boomerang dresses exactly like he is in this promo. El Diablo doesn't have a costume, he's just a gangbanger with pyrokinesis. Killer Croc doesn't have a costume, he has a skin condition. Rick Flag is just a soldier dude. Harley, Deadshot and Katana are wearing outfits incredibly similar to their most recent incarnations in the comics. The only ones looking wrong are Slipknot and Enchantress, Slipknot being the character most likely to die in the first 20 minutes.
I wouldn't come of as a Marvel fanboy if the DC movies would give me the comic feeling. So far only Marvel nailed it in the recent years ;)

Watch Flash. It definitely has the comic feeling and it isn't ashamed of it.

Not even close. Think of 'em as a bunch of Snake Plisskens, complete with tiny bomb! Well, they are by definition more straight villain than pure anti-hero but let's see what they do with the characters.

Actually a good way to put it. I like that analogy.


Watch Flash. It definitely has the comic feeling and it isn't ashamed of it.

Actually a good way to put it. I like that analogy.

Flash is sadly not in the DCCU as far as I know, I watch it, it is awesome. Hamill as trickster was alsmost too close to being a perfect Joker

Broken Joystick

At least you can talk. Who are you?
Thought Jai Courtney was Tom Hardy then. Resemblance is quite scary.
Looking through those set photos, Croc looks great, in fact, they all look great. Tonally they all look like they've come from the same universe. Can't wait for the first trailer.


The costumes look great even in crummy set photos. It also looks like we more or less have confirmation that Scott Eastwood is playing Steve Trevor given the military gear he's wearing.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Suicide Squad, I highly recommend watching the fairly recent DC animated film 'Batman: Assault of Arkham' - it's really well done. It also looks as though the live-action SS is taking elements from it as well.



The costumes look great even in crummy set photos. It also looks like we more or less have confirmation that Scott Eastwood is playing Steve Trevor given the military gear he's wearing.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Suicide Squad, I highly recommend watching the fairly recent DC animated film 'Batman: Assault of Arkham' - it's really well done, It also looks as though the live-action SS is taking elements from it as well.


Also features my favorite harley design.


I apologize for everyone who is now alerted and was shocked by my post.

I still have high hopes for the movie, because the source material is the bomb.
I just wanted to voice how I dislike the look and style of this movie already.
Also features my favorite harley design.
I haven't watched it yet, but the cover does have a great Harley design. I am not a fan of the New 52 costume for her. I am just an old man stuck in my ways wanting the Batman TAS costume for her or close to it all the time.
Eh, I like it. I wonder if we've basically hit "peak Internet cynicism" (the deifying of Edgar Wright through the month of July will be the capper) on the superhero movie stuff or if we've still got another level to go in 2016.


Eh, I like it. I wonder if we've basically hit "peak Internet cynicism" (the deifying of Edgar Wright through the month of July will be the capper) on the superhero movie stuff or if we've still got another level to go in 2016.

I think it's just general cynicism re: DC films.


So when can we expect a trailer or teaser?

in front of BvS?

Most likely a a full trailer in front of the BeevS, as the film is being released in August 2016. However, WB has traditionally launched their teasers a full year in advance, so we might see something in August/September (right when they finish shooting).



is it weird that he seems to be right-handed, but the reticle is over the left eye? tiny thing I know but I wondered if anyone actually shoots like that. I thought you'd aim with your dominant eye.


I hope the movie is good.

The costumes feel/look uninspired except for Deadshot.

Crochet looks like a prototype of Chiklis' Thing costume.


Sorry guys but looks terrible. I know i'm not the first to say this but why can't the ones making the Flash and Arrow make the movies. Their rendition of suicide squad was awesome and these all seem to be in line with the stupid joker getup.
I haven't watched it yet, but the cover does have a great Harley design. I am not a fan of the New 52 costume for her. I am just an old man stuck in my ways wanting the Batman TAS costume for her or close to it all the time.

I never really liked the TAS design for Harley. It just never sat right with me (but then again I hate onesies in general) so her more recent designs, though often a little slutty, have actually made me warm to the character a little more. I actually really enjoyed her Suicide Squad iteration as costume aside, it actually allowed her to evolve beyond being an extension of the Joker (I have a soft spot for sidekicks who come into their own, like Jason Todd and Roy Harper).
That Disney/Marvel fan sure embarrassed themselves.

Anyways the set picture reminds me that I really, really have to find the time to watch The Wolf of Wall Street.


Killer Croc on the left

Why did I think that was Solomon Grundy in the cast promo pic? Killer Croc makes a lot more sense. I'm a dumb.

I was planning on canceling my MU subscription since I hadn't read anything on it in awhile, but since they added Star Wars comics, I think I'll keep it around a little longer.


Sorry guys but looks terrible. I know i'm not the first to say this but why can't the ones making the Flash and Arrow make the movies. Their rendition of suicide squad was awesome and these all seem to be in line with the stupid joker getup.
I don't watch Arrow or Flash, but after googling I'm not really sure what's supposed to be better about those


I mean, I can imagine that they get the characterization right, but when we're judging books by their covers this doesn't look all that good.
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