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Suicide Squad Review Thread: As Fresh As Green Lantern!

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A director's cut of the movie won't fix the Enchantress and Incubus being uninteresting villains, nor will it fix the general lack of justification for the Joker being involved outside of flashback stuff, nor will it completely fix the movie doing a terrible job juggling its cast, nor will it fix character issues that were obviously not victims of bad editing. This isn't to say that a recut version can't at least be less bad with those areas, but I don't think just adding back in scenes and recutting things are going to go as far as we'd all hope nor do I think holding out for a recut version of the movie is going to make a big difference on whether or not somebody is going to like the movie or not.

That said, while I am very unsatisfied with how this movie turned out, I sincerely hope it gets a sequel because there absolutely is potential for a great movie there and I really think the cast could knock it out of the park if they were working with better material going by what they were able to do with what they were given here.

Agree on your first point though disagree about your others. Especially since having Joker back adds a lot to Harley's character and does a lot for world building. We don't know what or how much they cut for other characters so I don't really think you can say that for sure. I'll agree that there's a ton of potential in the idea and cast but I think there's a ton of potential in this movie alone had it been arranged with more care. There's enough here that I think could've been salvaged to make something great despite the villains shortcomings. It won't fix all of the issues but I think it's fairly obvious that there's a great film in there somewhere.

For me personally the character moments and characters themselves, Harley and Joker especially along with Deadshot made me really happy combined with the stylistic choices created something really special that I think is unmatched in any other superhero movie and for that I'm willing to forgive it's shortcomings, that and it's potential, although maybe it's unfair to judge s movie by what it could be instead of what it is. I didn't hate what it was not was I ever bored so for me it's maybe a 6 elevated to a 7 for style and characters.
Killer Croc, Deadshot and Harley are pretty bad.

Boomerang just robs a lot of banks, I don't know if we are ever told why he is seen as such a bad guy and did we ever find out why Rope Guy is even in prison?

Believe it or not, they had the scenes and cut them. Details will be out soon. He's the worst of them all for what he is in for.


The tone was also all over the place, I mean when the main villain who at no point has shown any humor at all said "you don't have the balls" 5 mins after a "major emotional scene", then something is mess up


Someone spoil me, how does Ropeguy bite it? I don't even know if he bites it, but come on, it's obvious to anyone he bites it.

Oh yeah the opening digital intro cards for each character with character profile tidbits that seemed to be written by the film's titling team screamed straight to dvd producer trying to be creative with a film in post.

Didn't you read the report that the studio actually brought in the marketing company that created the trailers to edit the actual movie? hahahaha
I also really don't wanna see this joker change. I like this interpretation and I think he needs to be set apart from the others, especially visually and in this movie it works. Otherwise he'll just feel like a sillier Heath Ledger imo.
Someone spoil me, how does Slipknot bite it? I don't even know if he bites it, but come on, it's obvious to anyone he bites it.

Didn't you read the report that the studio actually brought in the marketing company that created the trailers to edit the actual movie? hahahaha
Boomerang tells him that the bombs in their necks aren't real, just mind games and that he's gunna split so slipknot should join him, he lets Slipknot run off and then his bomb goes off. Everything else he does was in the trailer.
Seriously though guys, I wish I had the time and money I paid to see this back. If you're lucky enough to have not seen it yet, don't put yourself through it.

It's not a case of an interesting trainwreck. This film is a slog to get through.
I also really don't wanna see this joker change. I like this interpretation and I think he needs to be set apart from the others, especially visually and in this movie it works. Otherwise he'll just feel like a sillier Heath Ledger imo.

Boomerang tells him that the bombs in their necks aren't real, just mind games and that he's gunna split so slipknot should join him, he lets Slipknot run off and then his bomb goes off. Everything else he does was in the trailer.

lol so he basically put the suicide in the suicide squad :>
Someone spoil me, how does Ropeguy bite it? I don't even know if he bites it, but come on, it's obvious to anyone he bites it.



My wife and I experienced this today...not saw, experienced...

T-Mobile's all "here's a free ticket!", so we went. I don't like showing up early just for a good seat, so I went to the only theater in the area that had assigned seats...but, upon booking, it was a little strange. The assigned seats were only for one section of the theater. Didn't think too much about it, bought the tickets, and showed up today to discover that we were going to see this IN D-BOX!!!

For those of you who are like me, and don't know what D-box is, it's "a non-intrusive enhancement" for the movie. It's basically a motion-controlled seat:

and there's really nothing 'non-intrusive' or 'enhancing' about it...but fuck was it hilarious.

So the movie opens with Smith working a heavy bag, and the seat's jostling left-right-left-right with every punch. From that point through the rest of the film, my wife and I are struggling not to burst out laughing, and it made the film fucking brilliant. No, scratch that, it made the experience fucking brilliant with how absolutely ridiculous it was. The movie? well...

The good:
-Characters...I liked a lot of the characters. This was a good Harley (though why was she on the team?) Deadshot surprised me in being interesting, as did Diablo. Heck, at one point late in the film (the bar scene) I realized I liked Killer Croc, even though they hadn't really given him anything.

The bad:
-Story....there was none.
-Joker....one of the strangest, most anemic takes on the Joker I've seen. And 100% superfluous to the movie. Seriously, remove EVERY scene with him, and it changes the movie none. What was the point? "We want Harley, so we have to have Joker"? I think the biggest failing of this Joker is that I simply don't want to see him again.
-Action...the one little scene of action I liked was Deadshot handling his own. Everything else was forgettable.
-Music...so clear they what they were going for, and so obvious that it missed. The soundtrack has no cohesion, and came off as a 'don't you love this song?' type of thing.

Yeah, I'd say this movie deserves the panning it's getting...but I'd also say that the critics probably didn't get the best experience unless they, too, were sitting in D-Box seats.


I also really don't wanna see this joker change. I like this interpretation and I think he needs to be set apart from the others, especially visually and in this movie it works. Otherwise he'll just feel like a sillier Heath Ledger imo.

Boomerang tells him that the bombs in their necks aren't real, just mind games and that he's gunna split so slipknot should join him, he lets Slipknot run off and then his bomb goes off. Everything else he does was in the trailer.

Thanks. I think I actually would've laughed at that, but in an ironic, meta sort of way. Honestly, this dude shouldn't have even been in the trailers or part of the marketing at all. Was way too obvious.
My girlfriend and I both liked the movie. Sucks to see most everyone here is not enjoying it.

I was supposed to watch it Thursday with my cousin but had to duck out. He came with me to my screening tonight to watch it again. We both loved it. Lot's of laughs in the theatre too. Sure the movie has it's problems but overall its just a fun ride. I'm guessing fans and general audiences will like it too.
I watched the movie for free and was not even on my radar.

I thought the movie was fine but I'm not into DC comic lore or comics in general. I watched Batman the Animated series when I was a kid on TV is about as much I know about who i saw in the film.

Honestly I don't think it was as bad as I've read and I could hear people discussing the same thing during the credits. I think stands alright on its own. That's about all I got to say. I think I might have been fine paying for this actually. Does this make me a bad moviegoer?
I watched the movie for free and was not even on my radar.

I thought the movie was fine but I'm not into DC comic lore or comics in general. I watched Batman the Animated series when I was a kid on TV is about as much I know about who i saw in the film.

Honestly I don't think it was as bad as I've read and I could hear people discussing the same thing during the credits. I think stands alright on its own. That's about all I got to say. I think I might have been fine paying for this actually. Does this make me a bad moviegoer?
I liked it and I payed $20 for it. I don't feel cheated. So if you're a bad moviegoer I guess so am I. But if you liked it why should anyone tell you otherwise right?
Ledger's wouldn't be near as good if he is cast in this movie. I agree that Leto is trying too hard in the wrong direction, but writing/directing has a lot of influence to the actor's preformence. He could have been better.
Right, absolutely, but I was more going for "you only need a few minutes to see what kind of Joker we're getting" regardless of whether it's a good interpretation of the Joker or not.

Those two scenes (in which the Joker is present for a total of about 4 minutes) make pretty clear what kind of direction he's taking. Again, regardless of whether Leto is actually good or not (I haven't watched the movie) even if he's in for a few minutes it should have been clear what they were going for with him.


Shame WB is already too deep in this bed they've made not to start this universe from scratch again.

That's the nuclear option I guess, but BvS didn't actually bomb, and this won't either. Who knows with Wonder Woman, but Justice League will probably still make money.

I'm all up for an emergency reboot myself. This universe is built on the decaying foundations of Zack Snyder*. These movies are never going to be good. The level of course correction needed to right the ship is too much I think.

And I can probably take another scene of Krypton exploding lol, why not. Snyder's idea of Krypton was complete balls anyway.

*edit: A Zack Snyder misguidedly trying to make a Superman movie feel "grounded" like Nolan's Batmans. What a MORAN.
WB have absolutely shat the bed with this film. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet, don't bother.
I think you guys should stop doing this, theres enough people here and outside that seem to enjoy it and even though you don't you should probably at least encourage people to go see it on their own and make up their own minds. Even on rotten tomatoes there's a pretty big divide between the regular viewers and critics and maybe even some of the critics if the (2.5 rotten can mean fresh) thing is to be believed. Or just let then read some of the reviews or thoughts in this thread and let them decide that way if it's worth seeing. It's kinda shitty to potentially screw someone out of what might've been a great experience for them just because it maybe wasn't for you.


Thanks. I think I actually would've laughed at that, but in an ironic, meta sort of way. Honestly, this dude shouldn't have even been in the trailers or part of the marketing at all. Was way too obvious.

It's obvious in the movie, too. When introducing everyone, he's the only character, including their military babysitter, who doesn't get a 'stylish text on the screen montage introduction' showing their name, what they can do, and their favorite color or some shit. Heck, even when they activate the team an implant the neck-bombs, they don't show him...they don't even mention him until they're finally all there getting suited up, and he gets off a helicopter.
"Who's that?"
"The man who can climb anything."

10 minutes later, he's dead.
I liked it and I payed $20 for it. I don't feel cheated. So if you're a bad moviegoer I guess so am I. But if you liked it why should anyone tell you otherwise right?

I'm reading this thread for the first time. It seems like we're the odd ones out. I'm scratching my head at the over the top reactions of how this movie is the worst thing ever. Really? I dunno I thought fantastic 4 was hot garbage but Suicide Squad is no where close as an Incoherent mess that movie was.

Maybe I'm getting old and have no dog in this fight.


Especially since having Joker back adds a lot to Harley's character and does a lot for world building.
I don't really think Harley would be that much different without that subplot. If anything, you'd get an even better Harley if
it was played off as her just really making herself believe that Mr. J was coming to save her
and you even really get the same ending
where she approaches the Enchantress to try and be reunited with him even without the other fakeout of him being seemingly killed earlier on

The way the movie uses him honestly comes off more like them not trusting the film to stand on its own without a more recognizable character to draw people in.

Which, again, that is something that totally could be fixed in editing, but I don't have any delusions that it's something they'd ever want to address.

We don't know what or how much they cut for other characters so I don't really think you can say that for sure.
I'm going by that "leaked" list of cut scenes that everybody seems to have accepted as legit. Regardless of whether those are legit or not, there's only so much you can do with restoring cut scenes. Unless you're fine with an overly bloated and long mess of a movie, Croc, Boomerang, and Katana are going to all be comically underused.
As it is, I doubt the mess with Killer Croc being almost given a big moment at the end and then it just ending up being that the nameless military dudes doing all the actual work was an editing problem, unless they just flatout reshot most of that portion of the movie


No, I cannot in good faith encourage ANYONE who is on the fence to waste their time and money on this film. And I generally do believe that people should watch something to make up their own minds about something. In this case I think you're better off just not having an opinion on the movie and saving yourself from 2 hours of pain.
Was that comment about "if he dies" a joke?

It's hard to tell. People have morbidly speculated that Jared Leto commits suicide (get it, Suicide Squad?) to immortalize his performance and transend what Heath Ledger achieved once he died.

Given the reception of Suicide Squad, that would be a bad way to go out.
Yeah his comment with reference to Ledger's death came across as something in bad taste imo.


For those of you who are like me, and don't know what D-box is, it's "a non-intrusive enhancement" for the movie. It's basically a motion-controlled seat:

I saw Civil War in a similar system called 4DX and it was just too much lol. At the end I felt like I had been given an ass kicking by Black Panther


Just got home from a late showing.
I could think of two things the entire time:
1. This would have been better as a Justice League: Dark film (and would have made more sense to boot)
2. I enjoyed Vin Diesel's The Last Witch Hunter more. Vin Diesels DnD character made for a more compelling film than the fucking Suicide Squad. Fuck this movie.
I'm reading this thread for the first time. It seems like we're the odd ones out. I'm scratching my head at the over the top reactions of how this movie is the worst thing ever. Really? I dunno I thought fantastic 4 was hit garbage but Suicide Squad is no where close as an Incoherent mess that movie was.

Maybe I'm getting old and have no dog in this fight.
Yeah I watched Fan4stic a couple months ago and it legitimately had no redeeming qualities aside from maybe the main 4 actors. This on the other hand is half and half imo but I like the good half enough to look past the bad, and again I can completely see and understand why people wouldn't like it but it's in no way nearly as bad as some are making it out to be and I feel similarly about BvS. I don't think that the issues being stated about either movie are untrue, but they're definitely exaggerated if the conclusion is "worst movie ever"
I don't really think Harley would be that much different without that subplot. If anything, you'd get an even better Harley if
it was played off as her just really making herself believe that Mr. J was coming to save her
and you even really get the same ending
where she approaches the Enchantress to try and be reunited with him even without the other fakeout of him being seemingly killed earlier on

The way the movie uses him honestly comes off more like them not trusting the film to stand on its own without a more recognizable character to draw people in.

Which, again, that is something that totally could be fixed in editing, but I don't have any delusions that it's something they'd ever want to address.

I'm going by that "leaked" list of cut scenes that everybody seems to have accepted as legit. Regardless of whether those are legit or not, there's only so much you can do with restoring cut scenes. Unless you're fine with an overly bloated and long mess of a movie, Croc, Boomerang, and Katana are going to all be comically underused.
As it is, I doubt the mess with Killer Croc being almost given a big moment at the end and then it just ending up being that the nameless military dudes doing all the actual work was an editing problem, unless they just flatout reshot most of that portion of the movie
I meant more about the Joker's abusive relationship with Harley adding to her character, not really the love plot and coming to save her. As for the others, it doesn't entirely "fix" them sure, but it elevates them from being useless like they pretty much are now, though I don't really have hope for Croc. I haven't seen the list of cut scenes but I'd be greatful if someone could show it to me, I'm just going off of rumors and my opinion right now.
I enjoyed the film. I also enjoyed BvS and MoS for what it's worth.
This movie could have been greatly improved with different bad guys and more of a focus on the Joker.


semen stains the mountaintops
Yeah his comment with reference to Ledger's death came across as something in bad taste imo.

I really don't think he was saying that since Ledger's death didn't make them release more unseen footage. I think it was his way of saying that they fucked him over and that if he dies, they'll be nice and release all the scenes he worked hard on.


Which is likely at least three films starring and two cameos. Contractually speaking.

Someone needs to hand that man a sack of money and tell him it comes with executive authority ASAP. I'd say $100 million, but he could probably hold out for $200 million.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Take a step back and ask yourself why, as a studio, you establish a cinematic universe.

It's for the halo effect. You hope that the good vibes viewers have from one movie will translate into their willingness to watch another in the universe.

But this DCCU has been so bad, at least for me, that it's having an opposite halo effect. I am less willing to see a movie if it is set in this universe. If you announced that Wonder Woman were going back to the drawing board and being re-worked into a standalone film, I'd be more likely to see it than any DCCU-connected version.

I think the DCCU is tainted, and it doesn't seem tenable to start over.

I say go back to standalone films from creative auteurs. Look to The Dark Knight. That was DC's strength and the model they should have followed, not Avengers. That doesn't mean copy Nolan. That means open the gates to real filmmakers and give them real creative control. Be the opposite of Marvel, who demand directors that need to play ball with the studio and stay "on brand". Instead, be the arthouse destination for superhero films.


I think you guys should stop doing this, theres enough people here and outside that seem to enjoy it and even though you don't you should probably at least encourage people to go see it on their own and make up their own minds. Even on rotten tomatoes there's a pretty big divide between the regular viewers and critics and maybe even some of the critics if the (2.5 rotten can mean fresh) thing is to be believed. Or just let then read some of the reviews or thoughts in this thread and let them decide that way if it's worth seeing. It's kinda shitty to potentially screw someone out of what might've been a great experience for them just because it maybe wasn't for you.
Let's be real, is "don't see this movie" really that much a worse message than "this movie that is not reviewing well is fiiiiiine, ignore the haters"?

Personally, yes, I have already told friends that I do not recommend seeing it, but, if any of them does not go see the movie, it won't be because I told them not to. It will be because they weren't really that interested in it in the first place.


I think you guys should stop doing this, theres enough people here and outside that seem to enjoy it and even though you don't you should probably at least encourage people to go see it on their own and make up their own minds. Even on rotten tomatoes there's a pretty big divide between the regular viewers and critics and maybe even some of the critics if the (2.5 rotten can mean fresh) thing is to be believed. Or just let then read some of the reviews or thoughts in this thread and let them decide that way if it's worth seeing. It's kinda shitty to potentially screw someone out of what might've been a great experience for them just because it maybe wasn't for you.

I don't think anyone would read my post and take it as a direct order. The film is awful in my opinion and I don't want people to waste their time when there are much better things to do like sit in a cold dark room and stare at the wall.

People are free to watch the film no matter what I say
Yeah I watched Fan4stic a couple months ago and it legitimately had no redeeming qualities aside from maybe the main 4 actors. This on the other hand is half and half imo but I like the good half enough to look past the bad, and again I can completely see and understand why people wouldn't like it but it's in no way nearly as bad as some are making it out to be and I feel similarly about BvS. I don't think that the issues being stated about either movie are untrue, but they're definitely exaggerated if the conclusion is "worst movie ever"

Well I'm relived you're feeling the same way I do. Hopefully more level headed thinking will prevail. It's fine to not like something but hyperbole isn't very constructive however it is admittedly fun. Yay internet.

I think the caracters especially Deadshot and Diablo were thoughtful and a big reason I was down with the movie as a whole. I even liked killer Croc.

I'd like to see a second Suicide Squad. DC can scrap the justice leauge stuff. I'd be satisfied.
The problem I saw with this movie is that it's cameos felt much smaller than they should have. Not to compare to MCU, but Ant-Man had an awesome Falcon cameo and it was a long one and well lit and well shot. This entire movie was shot in a dark alley, with cameos barely talking.


I say go back to standalone films from creative auteurs. Look to The Dark Knight. That was DC's strength and the model they should have followed, not Avengers. That doesn't mean copy Nolan. That means open the gates to real filmmakers and give them real creative control. Be the opposite of Marvel, who demand directors that need to play ball with the studio and stay "on brand". Instead, be the arthouse destination for superhero films.

They actually already tried that route with Green Lantern and Man Of Steel (which wasn't supposed to be the DCEU kickstarter it retroactively became). Those movies didn't make what they should, so WB figured going the Mahvel route would be a surefire way to make some hits.

Everything WB/DC does ends up all fucked to be honest.
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