This film was seriously terrible. From acting, tone, wring, characters, music placement and definitely editing. My opinion of Ghostbusters has actually gone up just slightly, at least they knew how to edit a fricking movie.
Seriously why do scenes have a song playing over the dialogue making it hard to hear the characters.
Will Smith is not Deadshot he's just Will Smith.
I suffered through two bad Joker films this year With this and The Killing Joke which I honestly have no idea how they messed up.
Why include so many scenes in the trailer to not include them in the movie. I know this happens but I have never seen this amount before ever.
Half the characters didn't need to be on the squad and are just their to sell merch.
They're bad guys so show us the bad things they do.
I could seriously write paragraphs on everything in this film.
Please Wonder Woman and Justice League. Just be average films with average writing and editing. No need to be something really big and have it blow up in your face. I still have a some hope for the future.