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Suicide Squad Review Thread: As Fresh As Green Lantern!

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If this is the worst movie some of you have ever seen, you're lucky bastards. It's a 5.5-6/10 movie, nothing offensive, nothing great.

Stop trying to be apart of the hivemind. Makes you look a bit ridiculous. It's fine to dislike the movie, hell, hate it if you do, but objectively speaking, it's technically competent and far from being deserving of the shit like 'Worst experience I ever had viewing a film in my entire life."

That's the Internet.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I liken SS to Jurassic World. Wasn't great by any stretch but I enjoyed it.

Hell, I'll watch both National Treasures every time they come on and that movie isn't all that good. I can enjoy flawed films.
You know all these it was good but it has its problems 5.5-6/10 reviews.. if I could read my own review from the future and I decided it was a 5.5/10.. I wouldn't see it. There's not enough time in this life to be wasting it on 6/10 or lower anything. But then I'd create a time paradox and destroy my future self from existence.
No one is forcing you to go see it you know. If you don't think it's worth it then just don't go. I consider it to be a 6 elevated to a 7 due to some performances and the style of the movie and I don't feel like I wasted my time, of someone else decides that it's not for them and doesn't wanna go see it that's fine too. Not every opinion is an endorsement, just an opinion stating their thoughts.
If this is the worst movie some of you have ever seen, you're lucky bastards. It's a 5.5-6/10 movie, nothing offensive, nothing great.

Stop trying to be apart of the hivemind. Makes you look a bit ridiculous. It's fine to dislike the movie, hell, hate it if you do, but objectively speaking, it's technically competent and far from being deserving of the shit like 'Worst experience I ever had viewing a film in my entire life."
I wonder if you'd be whining about the "hivemind" if it was a consensus good flick.

See now your opinion of those things is subjective and clearly very divisive. You didn't like those things and many others didn't, but I did and so did many others. I'll admit that the story and editing are objectively poor but everything else is down to preference so I'm not going to argue with you about it. Let's just agree to disagree and move on from there.

You can go ahead and like a movie with a shoddy story, thin characters, unearned moments, and shit dialogue, I won't stop you.
You can go ahead and like a movie with a shoddy story, thin characters, unearned moments, and shit dialogue, I won't stop you.
Is this what elitism looks like? Dude let it go you're just being silly at this point. You didn't like it, great, but why shit on those who did like it by going "NO IM RIGHT, ITS BAD BAD BAD AND NO ONE CAN SAY OR FEEL OTHERWISE". Like seriously.
Is the finale of this movie really a CGI shitstorm?
Sure, and to that person we could ask "would you be complaining if this was a consensus bad/divisive flick?"
Just seems like a roundabout argument.


No one is forcing you to go see it you know. If you don't think it's worth it then just don't go. I consider it to be a 6 elevated to a 7 due to some performances and the style of the movie and I don't feel like I wasted my time, of someone else decides that it's not for them and doesn't wanna go see it that's fine too. Not every opinion is an endorsement, just an opinion stating their thoughts.
True, and definitely skewed higher than the RT average of 4.7/10. I'll admit that I haven't seen it yet, and I will, but man how does someone give it a 2/10. Can it possibly be that bad? I'm just shocked impressions are going back and forth between "it's pretty good" and "it's a f'ing shitshow". And you know, I don't think people are bandwagoning. I believe these are honest to goodness opinions.


You can go ahead and like a movie with a shoddy story, thin characters, unearned moments, and shit dialogue, I won't stop you.

earned the right to see his daughter, I will tell you that much. The epilogue scene was really well done. Hell, Harley finally getting back with Joker in the break out as well for that matter.
I liked it, not so bad, not very good either, but not as bad as I expected. I feel bad for Jared Leto and I think it's funny that Killer Crocs only character is that he's a black guy.
I mean when Waller asks what they want for saving the day he says
for God's sake.


Junior Member
Because there's more to a movie than the story? It's like a million different moving parts and the story is something that gives those moving parts direction. Not every movie is story heavy or has a good story and there are plenty of movies with weak stories that can be considered great movies. Like Pulp Fiction.

The hell are you talking about? Pulp Fiction's narrative approach was groundbreaking. Don't confuse plot simplicity with poor execution.

Also Walter Chaw's review is LIFE: http://www.filmfreakcentral.net/ffc/2016/08/suicide-squad.html


True, and definitely skewed higher than the RT average of 4.7/10. I'll admit that I haven't seen it yet, and I will, but man how does someone give it a 2/10. Can it possibly be that bad? I'm just shocked impressions are going back and forth between "it's pretty good" and "it's a f'ing shitshow". And you know, I don't think people are bandwagoning. I believe these are honest to goodness opinions.

The later won't forgive SS's major technical (from a filmmaking pov) sins, just because the cosplay and few line deliveries were done well, or "bah, it's a superhero movie!"

The former can, and finds the skin level context to be enough to have fun with what the film does deliver.

It's completely reasonable, both sides, and had these been superheroes/villains with better pedigree (Joker was barely in it) I probably would have been slightly easier on it myself. But fucking rope guy and boomerang man, lawl.
True, and definitely skewed higher than the RT average of 4.7/10. I'll admit that I haven't seen it yet, and I will, but man how does someone give it a 2/10. Can it possibly be that bad? I'm just shocked impressions are going back and forth between "it's pretty good" and "it's a f'ing shitshow". And you know, I don't think people are bandwagoning. I believe these are honest to goodness opinions.
"Worst movie ever" is definitely hyperbolic. But I can see why some people didnt like it and I can see why some people really didn't like it. Some people's negatives are my positives, it's just a highly subjective film. I liked the subjective things and they were strong enough to allow me to look past the objective stuff. But for those that don't i can see why they'd consider it a shit show. It's really something you need to see for yourself.
The hell are you talking about? Pulp Fiction's narrative approach was groundbreaking. Don't confuse plot simplicity with poor execution.

Also Walter Chaw's review is LIFE: http://www.filmfreakcentral.net/ffc/2016/08/suicide-squad.html
I didn't say that it was poorly executed. It just wasn't front and center or that deep which is my point, it's not what carries the film, it's style and characters do. Stop over reacting.
earned the right to see his daughter, I will tell you that much. The epilogue scene was really well done. Hell, Harley finally getting back with Joker in the break out as well for that matter.

I wouldn't put Joker breaking out Harley in that, but Deadshot getting family time with his daughter definitely counts. That was earned.
Because there's more to a movie than the story? It's like a million different moving parts and the story is something that gives those moving parts direction. Not every movie is story heavy or has a good story and there are plenty of movies with weak stories that can be considered great movies. Like Pulp Fiction.

ayyyy lmao. Pulp Fiction has god-tier story. Nothing "weak" about it.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm glad Harley played a big part, but if they bring her and deadshot back for another movie, they should play the Harley character straighter to her source material. Harley is best when she's on her own, in the scenes where Joker is around, she becomes a nobody who is overshadowed by him.

And when the relationship is not played as abusive, its worse because then she is without her main motivating factor.

She's not defined by being Joker's love interest but as a person continuing a cycle of self destruction who needs to inevitably break her habit to become better.

Also, Dead shot was cool, it was Will being Will as usual. I wanted to see more from Flame guy as he was the only decent dude in the movie. And Amanda was great too as a Kiritsugu type.

I thought the movie was a decent 7 out of 10. Def not the worst movie ever. It was much better than BvS in any case


Now I love the DC TV shows but the film universe is turning into a trainwreck. It'll no doubt be profitable for DC and WB but fans will rapidly lose interest and wonder what the point of spending $200 million on films with Will Smith and Ben Affleck and Margot Robbie and all those special effects when the end result is a messy script, poorly developed characters and bad editing.

Can you imagine the entire film series never having a genuinely good movie? It'll be like the Underworld or Resident Evil movies. Or like hoping that the next video game film adaptation won't suck. You'd just keep hoping and then after repeatedly being disappointed you'd just give up altogether.
It does? Unless you mean it's orchestrated score. Its a mix of licensed music, songs created for the film and orchestrated music.

Orchestrated is indeed what I meant. The more reasons to see the movie asap for me. I was under the impression it was licensed music through out the whole thing and that it was mostly forced and awkward.
No, I read your other post. Still wrong.
Whatever man. Pulp Fiction isn't carried by its story, it's fairly thin and I doubt most of the people that enjoy the film care for it either. It's not bad but it's definitely not the greatest thing ever and that films strengths aren't its story. But we can agree to disagree.


There are people that think the plot and writing is not bad in this? I don't understand how these criminals became allies or how Deadshot becomes the leader of the group. Things in the movie just happen with no development.

I think they needed two movies. One that is mainly about the squad starting to trust each other and built around a smaller scope and a second one that would have enchantress betraying the squad with one or 2 members jumping ship with her. And in the second movie you could have had Batman and Wonder Woman show up.

The biggest problem with DC is that they so badly want to catch up to marvel and have that heroes vs the ultimate villain movie that they are killing themselves.
Because there's more to a movie than the story? It's like a million different moving parts and the story is something that gives those moving parts direction. Not every movie is story heavy or has a good story and there are plenty of movies with weak stories that can be considered great movies. Like Pulp Fiction.

Well the cgi, pacing, character development, and editing were all bad too.

So there's that.


Neo Member
I'm going to preface this by saying I like ass, and I like actors playing crazy people.

But can we get Robbie's ass off the screen for more than a moment or two? Or if it's going to be there can she say anything interesting that isn't either a one liner to make her seem "damaged" or reacting to people looking at her ass? No? That's goes for the whole movie. Nice.

Also Leto was a disgrace. How dare you

Well the cgi, pacing, character development, and editing were all bad too.

So there's that.

There was character development?
/s but still. it was awful
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