Beyond was great, the trailers and makreting fucked it over. Meanwhile, Jason Bourne is a hit and it was dull as nails.
The part of the reviews that bothers me the most is the common thread of 'messy editing'. I fucking hate disjointed films.
Ghostbusters had bad trailers and was a bad movie.
This atleast had great trailers, and now we're left with what seems to be a real stinker.
So Ill be giving Suicide Squad a fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes, if only because the site doesnt let you give a mixed review. This movie is barely fresh, but it represents a step forward for the DC movies. It took a film full of supervillains to make a film about people who want to be heroes, but Ill take what I can get from these guys. And honestly, any movie that makes me deeply care about El Diablo and Harley Quinn (a character I never, ever liked), isnt all bad.
Its just mostly bad.
Nothing Hollywood is doing has changed, audiences are just finally wising up thanks to social media and not buying into any of their tired retreaded shit.
This is a good thing.
I'm probably getting more enjoyment out of this thread and Twitter meltdowns than I would have from a good Suicide Squad movie.
One more from the archives.
originally had captain america hail hydra there
This review thread will be a garden party in comparison.So how's about that No Man's Sky, guys?
We still got Nolan, it's all good.
whats the original of that evans laugh anyway?
It's like DC can't make a movie anymore lol. Marvel is on fire for the most part and DC is just straight terrible! They need to find better directors.
So what's gonna be the first fresh DCEU film? I hear James Wan can actually make a coherent movie, so maybe Aquaman.
If it ends up being a Cyborg movie, just shoot me now.
Meh, a hot Harley Quinn is all I need anyways.
So did the reshoots really try to make the movie more like Deadpool like rumors sugested?
I'm probably getting more enjoyment out of this thread and Twitter meltdowns than I would have from a good Suicide Squad movie.
Lololol Devin Faraci with the (barely) positive review
You mock, but I'd rather have gotten Burton's Superman than anything the modern DCCU has given us.
I dunno, it doesn't really have much in the genre to contend with for quite some time. I don't think Sausage Party, Pete's Dragon or Ben Hur are going to knock it down much. This film might do really well even with a sub 40% RT score.Wonder how audiences will like it.
Another 60-70℅ second weekend drop?
So did the reshoots really try to make the movie more like Deadpool like rumors sugested?
So did the reshoots really try to make the movie more like Deadpool like rumors sugested?
So did the reshoots really try to make the movie more like Deadpool like rumors sugested?
So Daredevil is still Affleck's most critically acclaimed Superhero movie?
I guarantee I'll enjoy this WAY more than Ghostbusters. Thought GB was a 6/10 and totally forgettable. Are the DC movies being held to some subconscious standard of superhero movie making? Just because they're not as light hearted as the Marvel movies they get reviewed harsher? I'll find out in 3 days.
EDIT - It was a rhetorical question! I know there's no bias, haha.
This isn't true in the slightest - Marvel villains have personal connections to the Heroes, being their brother, their mentor, their best friend, etc, they have goals and motivations of their own, they have actual personality and character.
DC so far has had two villains that are lumps of hitpoints with no motivation, in fact they're so mindless they're barely sentient - Doomsday and, and are about to get another in Steppenwolf.the Adversary
If the next Spiderman film had Carnage as a villain, who is a similar pile of uninteresting, impersonal, mindless hitpoints as DC's villains, then maybe they'd be equal comparisons.
At what point do you think people will stopped getting hyped for these films? Lets just say Wonder Woman reviews poorly (Please please don't let this happen), same with Justice League and Flash. Do you think there would be a point where people wouldn't show up the next film? Like could you imagine after all that the solo Batman doing poorly?
So Daredevil is still Affleck's most critically acclaimed Superhero movie?
Well, we don't have an Espilbergo these days for starters. Even Spielberg doesn't deliver Spielberg-tier quality or success.
It's the age of the IP, the franchise, the trilogy, the cinematic universe, the young adult book adaptation, the reboot, the remake. There ain't no room for no original blockbuster IP. And when your movies cost 100~200 million dollars, you're gonna for the the alleged safe route.
Guess I'll just go see Star Trek another three times. Nothing else for me until Star Wars.
Sweet baby Jesus.
No, that's not weird at all. It's actually quite normal. It's people having different opinions.No I don't have a damaged tattoo. I didn't even particularly like that design at all. Could have been much better. I'm not saying Suicide Squad is a good movie. It could be terrible. I don't know yet as I haven't seen it. I do know I fucking loved BvS, and I do know Thor was one of the worst movies I've ever had to sit through. I was pretty down on DC even attempting a cinematic universe when hey were hyping up on it. Didn't really want it nor did I care for it, but BvS made me want it now. I was engaged in a way Marvel never really did.
I also think there's something weird going on with how people seem to perceive the Marvel movies which by now are insanely boring and predictable to me. They all seem like brightly colored popcorn fests with not much more to them. Writing is passable. Cinematography is ok at best. The big Marvel movie I'm really looking forward to is Doctor Strange because that seems at least a bit different.
To each his own of course, but I never liked any of the Marvel villains aside from Loki and Zemo. That last one is strange, I know, I just thought the actor sold it well in his scene with Black Panther, also he won. But in general, their ties to the heroes are too fomulaic at this point, it already felt tired with Jeff Bridges in Iron Man 1. I think the DC villains have historically been a lot better up until Man of Stee with Zod being the last good one imol. And as I mentioned in another post, I agree with you that Steppenwolf worries me. I don't want Doomsday 2.0.