IT's a bad plan.
The shooting is a direct result of comedy and the comedy is part of the shooting.
If you take one without the other, the result is just bland.
Exactly. Where C3bu failed, Sabagebu is succeeding.
IT's a bad plan.
The shooting is a direct result of comedy and the comedy is part of the shooting.
If you take one without the other, the result is just bland.
Did someone say Clannad?![]()
Decided to pick up Sabagebu and just skip through all the nonsense and get to the shooting stuff. Seems to be a good plan.
Ergo Proxy - 16
What the fuck did I just watch, Jexhius did you ruse me?
I was expecting some awesome showdown/twist, but instead I got toilet seats, spaghetti, socks with holes, and what I assume was a vibrator??
Ergo Proxy isn't really a show about 'awesome' things happening, although I'll admit it's quite hard to describe what the show is about.
Ergo Proxy isn't really a show about 'awesome' things happening, although I'll admit it's quite hard to describe what the show is about.
Black Butler - Book of Circus 3
It's interesting that two manga/anime set in Victorian England, this and Emma: A Victorian Romance, randomly introduce an Indian prince into the mix. I suppose the authors want to add some Asian color to the locale to help capture their audience's interest, and since India was actually a British colony that's the nation that makes most sense to pull someone in from. Although it's still not very realistic to have Indian royalty show up.
Not that there's any point talking about realism with Black Butler, with its demons and reapers and supernatural goings-on. Sebastian is a highly unrealistic character, capable of impossibly fleet athleticism, but it's somewhat justified compared to most "Gary Stus" due to his position as a demon. And the absurdity of what he pulls off makes him just plain entertaining to watch. His manipulating Ciel's circus test with measly rocks was particularly enjoyable. So far the series has done a good job of balancing its humor with its darker elements; it'll be interesting to see what happens when the darker elements come more to the fore, as they promise to do in subsequent episodes. The abduction of children is a delicate matter that can't quite be treated in the same way as the villainous weapons merchant from the first episode.
I wouldn't say it's one of the best scenes in 2014, but the guy-talk had me giggling like a little girl. I actually wish anime would show that sorta stuff more often -- just casual, fluffy, everyday stuff related to guys. Shoujo series get that stuff a lot because so many of them take place in school, but it's usually girl-talk. I enjoyed Chiyo's paranoia in the first half too. And yeah, Nozaki could do with less screentime. He's not all that funny.Nozaki Kun Episode 11
The second half was the best part of the show and one of the best things animated in 2014. If only it could have taken up the entire episode instead of that silly sakura mess. Wakamatsu, Mikorin interacting so much together, Im glad it was taken to that level instead of just left off screen and unstated. Show truly shines when Nozaki gets decreased screentime.
Huhuhu. Thay scene reminded me of the After Story ED (and the Tamako Market OP)
I'll be content with people just knowing of what this project was and could have been, let alone instil them any further hope of seeing it someday. :-(We can only try to keep hope alive!
I would say so, and in my opinion if there is one studio that I'm convinced can survive operating in the most penniless, cheapest way with just a carcass of a crew I think that one is GAiNAX. After the painful demise of GENERAL PRODUCTS and how their (few) full-time employees passed it I'll believe any situation of actual survival coming from them. Although going over-budget soon during productions has been their staple in the past, managing their finances efficiently in lean years was as well (cue 'tax evasion incident' jokes)... the old Mr. Okada way:Will Gainax even still exist in 2018? (In a form capable of actually producing a film.)"In my day, one year we would make so much money, and - ha, ha, ha - next year, very poor. One month we’d be making films [BERSERKER SCREAM] every, every, every day! But next month we wouldn’t have any work [CRY OF DESPAIR]. That’s the way it was."
Raison d'être?
Fair warning. this series gets supremely dark, but I think it excels when it's at its darkest and most cynical moments.
G Gundam - 44
G Gundam - 44
Just curious now, how many people here who think G Gundam is best Gundam of all time also think Macross 7 is best Macross of all time. Personally I think the exact opposite for both G Gundam and Macross 7 (I rate both near bottom of their franchises) but considering all the similarities they share in epic stupid I want to know if enjoyment of one also means enjoyment of the other as well. By the way, both are series I probably would have loved at one point in time in my life but when I saw them I had already seen all the other series from their franchises so I think my bias from seeing the other series ruined anything I could get from G Gundam and Macross 7. Oh and that is not to say that regular Gundam is all good. I would rate Victory Gundam as far worse than G Gundam.
G Gundam - 45
You must be swift as a coursing River
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire.
Mysterious as, the dark side of, THE MOON!
Blue Blazes - 1-5
People should watch this.
Love the dude they got for Anno, haha. (And Yamaga)Not only is it a fun show, but also you get to learn life lessons from Anno
I wouldn't say it's one of the best scenes in 2014, but the guy-talk had me giggling like a little girl. I actually wish anime would show that sorta stuff more often -- just casual, fluffy, everyday stuff related to guys. Shoujo series get that stuff a lot because so many of them take place in school, but it's usually girl-talk. I enjoyed Chiyo's paranoia in the first half too. And yeah, Nozaki could do with less screentime. He's not all that funny.
Just curious now, how many people here who think G Gundam is best Gundam of all time also think Macross 7 is best Macross of all time. Personally I think the exact opposite for both G Gundam and Macross 7 (I rate both near bottom of their franchises) but considering all the similarities they share in epic stupid I want to know if enjoyment of one also means enjoyment of the other as well. By the way, both are series I probably would have loved at one point in time in my life but when I saw them I had already seen all the other series from their franchises so I think my bias from seeing the other series ruined anything I could get from G Gundam and Macross 7. Oh and that is not to say that regular Gundam is all good. I would rate Victory Gundam as far worse than G Gundam.
And there are still episodes to go, man!
How can they possibly top this episode? Next episode should have been some kind of epilogue. I mean, this is FINAL BOSS tier stuff! Anything after this might as well just be the EX dungeon!
G Gundam is probably #3 and good for me due to Imagawa and just how different it is from other Gundam stuff. How many angsty war stories do we really need, y'know? As I've gotten older, I've found myself thinking the shows that break the mold and entertain a different tone to be the superior shows of the franchise.
This is as lewd as I remember when someone posted about the manga being published. Looking forward to it!