Shin Mazinger Z 1-26 (End)
Started it last year, but did not make it very far for various reasons like it usually is with half the shows I pick up lol.
Jumped back in because of the Let's Watch, and went ahead and finished it all (sorry cornbread).
Now, that was certainly one crazy wild ride. I'll get the bad stuff out of the way first:
- The first episode starts as in medias res as possible
- It likes to jump forwards in time only to fill in the missing parts later occassionaly. At times it works really well, but sometimes it's just annoying.
- There are too many flashbacks to stuff just had happened a bit earlier.
With that done, here's the good stuff:
- It's non-stop crazy action with nearly no downtime at all and looks really good as well.
- The soundtrack is great.
- Baron Ashura is amazing, I really liked how creative the direction was in nearly all scenes he was in.
- The large cast of other characters is also really entertaining. Seriously, everyone and their grandmother is a badass in this show.
- The narrator is the hypest thing ever. His occassional casual 4th wall breaks were fun and there was one time he was so hyped narrating things that he had to take a break the next episode (I assume

- Zeus picking up his severed arm and throwing it towards an enemy while shouting Rocket Punch.
- Many more great Rocket Punches. At least a hundred.
- There are twists left and right and if you think you know what's going to happen next you can bet a twist is getting twisted.
The only other fault was that it was over too soon.
However, the ending tried to be as conclusive as possible at least, and I think it succeeded.
The several plotlines were all appropriately tied up and thankfully the show did not leave us hanging with a sequel tease or just end in the middle of the war.