Its name is Cha and don't you forget it!
His fight with Kanbaru made a much bigger impression on me than that fight.If you like watching Arararararagi get the shit beaten out of him then watch Nise because man that fight at the end makes Kanbaru look gentle
I will forever associate BGBW with Pop Team Epic pictures.
I watched all of Valkyrie Drive and Nisemonogatari and I'm still here.
You're gonna carry that weight.Cowboy Bebop ep.25-END
Oh wow. What a closing, just wow. Whoever said last week that there should be a continuation of the show was out of their mind after that ending. Poor Faye, I mean, dammmmn.. I wasn't expecting that one at all. Really well done. My only gripe with ghe show is the episodic approaxh they took to tell Spike's story. I mean, they give you bits and pieces along the way, but that central story from the two middle episodes and the end would have been great...
Damn, that ending though..
Yea boiiiiiBrave Witches
Bubuki Buranki Hoshi no Kyojin
ViVid Strike!
Fall gon b gud
Have I told you about the time I danced the OP while playing it on the kazoo?Lucky Star still has one of the best OPs of all time.
Cowboy Bebop ep.22
Andy the cowboy/musashi, lol. Pretty funny episode as Spike and Andy clash as they chase down the wordless bomber. Also, hippie Jet is best Jet!
This is how I felt at recent eva watches. Everyone should use the actual BD source and 2MB PNGs!I just can't handle someone in 2016 watching the Cowboy Beboo DVD.
Please, you're killing me. Based on the quality of your screenshots you don't even have a decent DVD transfer!
I just can't handle someone in 2016 watching the Cowboy Beboo DVD.
Please, you're killing me. Based on the quality of your screenshots you don't even have a decent DVD transfer!
This is how I felt at recent eva watches. Everyone should use the actual BD source and 2MB PNGs!
I don't like your new avatar BGBW.
You can't say something like this without linking to a video.Have I told you about the time I danced the OP while playing it on the kazoo?
I would never say a word against our lord and benefactor.Blame Google, not me.
Can't win them all.![]()
You can't say something like this without linking to a video.
Would you prefer Hundred instead?
I hate it. Its the usual LN trash with a gimmick. Couldn't take it seriously and dropped it.
Might just be because I binged it all in 2 sitting, but one area I've been disappointed with Re:Zero was with the animation
Having trouble remembering specific standout moments
The meat of the arc again wasn't particularly interesting but the confrontation at the end served well to put the Sibylla system and its vices in the forefront. That can be said for Akane too as she's been playing second fiddle to Kogami for the longest time.
Sony Pictures is releasing a fantastic four disc collection consisting of Memories, Steamboy, Paprika, and Tekkonkinkreet!
Now that I've raised your hopes, it seems to be DVD only. I'm pretty disappointed, since I really want to own Memories on BD.
Episode 3 battle scenes ? Ep 7 or 8 character art ?Ep 15's character animation for Betelgeuse and Rem's fights ?
I feel the bigger problem is that what's between those is pretty far removed from that level and frequently butchered but the CG use but at the same time, if you overlook the latter, it's still pretty competent production to me on that front.
Sony Pictures is releasing a fantastic four disc collection consisting of Memories, Steamboy, Paprika, and Tekkonkinkreet!
Now that I've raised your hopes, it seems to be DVD only. I'm pretty disappointed, since I really want to own Memories on BD.
I got this one from Sony released in Scandinavia with those 4 + more:
All got English subtitles as well
Two of those are already available on BD in the UK lol.
That's a pretty crazy collection! A lot of neat stuff in there.
As the months go by, i get more and more pissed of at Kawaisou not having a BD release.
come the fuck on sentai, you said you'd do it and i'm trying to be patient here, but jesus christ just release it so i can buy it!
Brave Witches
Bubuki Buranki Hoshi no Kyojin
ViVid Strike!
Fall gon b gud
My greatest wish for a BD release in the US at the moment is still Mushishi Zoku Sho. Aniplex of America will release (sadly popular) junk like Asterisk War but refuses to give us Mushishi, grumble grumble.
This time I will take your words for it. It's just that, ever since Lucky star was brought up, it is the first time I really hear anything negative about it.
If Gorou Sessha doesn't work on last eps of Naruto I'm holding you responsible.
Psycho_Mantis, what episode of Re:Zero were you at when you dropped it? Because it sounds like we are watching a different show than you.
Yes it is.
Re:Zero does handle certain scenes very well and subvert the genre but it also falls back on the LN trash and ultimately as a result is unable to escape it.
I even would be not sure about subverting the genre.
The genre is 'heroic fantasy'. Now, it's true it doesn't follow the easy way of heroic fantasy of other LN-trash, but it's still squarely in the genre.
Re:Zero stands out because at least it takes the hard road to heroicness. It plays the 'long game'*, making the MC fail and be an ass, and of course all the deaths and suffering in between, until it eventually reaches the more heroic status, that way when it finally reaches it, it's all more rewarding for the viewer/ LN reader.
But if you think carefully enough, It's still wish-fulfillment in LN form, it's just more realistic and better thought out wish-fulfillment, the author knows the otaku that reads it and can perfectly put himself in place of the loser MC who hasn't done anything important in his life (like them), and it pays off to have the MC to be still a loser in the fantasy world until he hits rock bottom, so then he gain his eventual redemption from neet and ascent to hero, that way the reader can self-insert and feel with him that redemption.
The only real subversive thing I've found is the dude being the worst guy ever rather than the best guy ever. Like, most LN focus on how cool and important the MC is whilst Re:Zero focuses on how lame and unimportant Subaru is.I fail to see how Re:Zero is subversive.
The largest part of the premise is Subaru's timeloop mechanic upon death. Of course that allows him to suffer and fail regularly, to the point of death. But since few, if any(?), other 'sucked into fantasy-world' anime have that mechanic, I cannot see how it subverts those. It still might allow the MC to be different, which can still be nice, but it just isn't subverting those other shows.
In fact, when you look at other shows who do have similar time loop mechanics, you'll find the same sort of suffering. Steins;Gate has all that in heaps.
Oh fuck off. Is everyone a Remnant of Despair now?
don't expect a conclusive or "happy" end here. While Re:Zero is adaption all available LN volumes, its still very much mid-series as a stopping point. Things will happen, we won't have full answers, and we will be left in the dark at least a bit. Not to mention, the author is a sadist.
All this AOTY talk already.
Just wait.
Let the salt begin now because the "casual" voters will stuff the ballot.
Erased should finish up there as well.
Cowboy Bebop ep.25-END
Oh wow. What a closing, just wow. Whoever said last week that there should be a continuation of the show was out of their mind after that ending. Poor Faye, I mean, dammmmn.. I wasn't expecting that one at all. Really well done. My only gripe with ghe show is the episodic approaxh they took to tell Spike's story. I mean, they give you bits and pieces along the way, but that central story from the two middle episodes and the end would have been great...
Damn, that ending though..
I just can't handle someone in 2016 watching the Cowboy Beboo DVD.
Please, you're killing me. Based on the quality of your screenshots you don't even have a decent DVD transfer!
As someone who currently has Re:Zero in his Top 3 for AOTY, I'll say this.
It's not 'subverting the genre'. My eyes are dangerously close to rolling into the back of my head whenever I read this word.
It has it's fair share of tropes associated with the 'transported into fantasy world LN' genre (or whatever you call it).
It uses some of them at face value, it doesn't use others at all, it mixes in some new and interesting stuff. The end-product is not some deep and thought-provoking story, but does everything have to be?
It's just damn entertaining and has me glued to the screen whenever a new episode hits.