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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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91 Days is turning out to be everything that I hoped it was when I looked at its synopsis and poster back in the Spring. It is already an easy candidate for my top 10 anime this year.


91 Days 06

Seriously, is meat the only thing Don Orco eats?

Damn, that risky switcheroo worked out and good Gawd Almighty Fango...



Mob Psycho 100 08

Holy shit, that was some outstanding action animation, especially when it tried to pull off a sense of elasticity to Mob taking punches you could get a good mental impression of the impact and weight every punch and kick had.

The show took an abrupt turn to an adrenaline fueled moment, even though it was hinted in by the end of the previous episode I was a bit surprised.


Macross Delta 14

So... Why did they have to strip down to connect those power cables? It seems like it was just there to get the stereotypical embarrassed reaction from Mirage (and Freya, to a lesser extant).

Due to the sweat and the types of clothes they were wearing, it was restricting them for the job they had to do. Have you ever tried to do hard work and found that the jacket you were wearing was too restrictive for full-body movement, so you take it off? It's kinda like that, but it's anime.


91 Days: 8
Of course all the horrifically bloody murders have to be accompanied by nice music these days.
Can't say I expected Corteo of all people to get rid of Fango.


Orange: 7-8
All because of a snail an invitation to go walk with them.

Kind of sad at the falling production values, but I think the show is still worth it. Don't care much about the romance like always, it's boring and cliched, but that talk they had about what has been emotionally eating Kakeru was damn good.


Episode was alright. Some decent-ish action. Plot continues to move along. But a bunch of little things added up, and I'm not really sure how much I like this arc. Kinda soured on the show.

Things I did not like:
-Scene with the kid was cheesy as fuck. And stupid. It was a nosebleed from a flick. My god.

-Melodrama with Suya (the MC's assistant).

-I sort of feel like the past few episodes have failed to make it seem like they were actually fighting a war. Maybe its cause we didn't really see the front lines. The totally unnecessary idiocy of the leadership isn't helping. Theres not really any tension, any sense that time is o the essence, or really that anything is happening outside the bubble that the main characters exist in, barring a few scenes last episode.

-That entire fucking hero or warriors conversation.

-"How did they get troops directly above us?!" Maybe because you're in the fucking mountains you halfwit.

-Not a fan of the enemy commander's design. Sticks out like a sore thumb from anything else we've seen. Also, the fight was fun, but he was defeated so quickly - it seemed like a waste. Kind of made this whole arc seem pointless (Which maybe was the point) - but if these tribes people were not going to pose even a slight threat, what was the point?

-"Lets just stand here and have a personal conversation as our comrades are being slaughtered around us."

-MC continues to be a little too flawless.

-I'll keep watching. The show is alright. Maybe I'm being too hard on it. I like the setting. But theres been just too many cracks to ignore lately.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta


Hopefully it does some original stuff and isn't just a rehash of season one like season two was.

It's been four years so I will probably appreciate it either way. The first two season have kinda morphed together in my head and I can't remember too much of the second outside of the first episode lol.


Heartcatch Precure - Ep. 13
Cure Moonlight is pretty badass even without her powers. It was nice to learn more about her.
The fights this episode were very good.
Fablous guy showed up again and was able to keep up with Dark Precure at least for a short time.
Overall a great episode.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
Everything is shit so I'm just rewatching Silver Spoon, now on episode 3. Really like this anime, shame the manga just stopped.


Sweetness and Lightning 7

i dunno how i feel about this ep. A good subversion of the usual kid's adventure alone thing with dad-sensei worrying and it causing a big fight and tsumugi throwing a fit in the middle of a shopping street, and the direction was overall pretty good and very striking at times (the dark muted colours in the restaurant a particular highlight)

but it kinda just... ended. I dunno. They kissed and made up and then they also made mochi?

cute as balls though. i've never seen a kid as young as tsumugi wandering around alone, but i definitely have seen gaggles of elementary schoolers wandering the streets without supervision


Anthem of the Heart

K̶o̶e̶ ̶n̶o̶ ̶K̶a̶t̶a̶c̶h̶i Anthem of the Heart(that was an honest mistake) was a good drama with very nice themes, aside from a few surprises it is often too familiar. That's probably just me projecting my own desire for what it should be or me having heightened my expectations.

Naruse's predicament though somewhat extreme, was relateable in some form and it's nice that it got a proper resolution for it by the end. I was quite moved. The egg allegory wasn't the most fantastical element for the theme but it relayed the message well. Essentially the egg encapsulates what a person really wants to say or is unable to say it straight - we often find ourselves in such a situation but the fact about eggs is that they're fragile and at some point they can break erupting all the gooey truths of one's mind. Just as much as these "words/truths" might hurt someone, they might help someone too. Naruse was under the impression that all she would do is hurt everyone over her bitter childhood experiences so she convinces herself over a delusion to stop talking entirely. Despite her being adamant about not talking at all, she does give away a lot through body language and facial expressions which Takumi notices
and at one point considers if he is the same. Naruse's self abuse and her struggle to overcome it resulted in her becoming an effective example in teaching her friends about themselves as a person.

Tasaki's transformation as a character felt a tad abrupt to a point that his side of the story felt a bit rushed but I'll let it pass. Takumi was very reminiscent of Houtarou in Hyouka and for a male lead he was exactly as one would expect - disinterested at first but eventually gets empathetic and supportive towards Naruse.

I was really surprised at the romantic pairings towards the end of it, I'm glad at least this turned out different from the rest of it but as far as romance subplots go, it isn't anything out of the ordinary aside from the way it concluded.


Maturity, bitches.
Diamond is Unbreakable vs Amanchu

This week both shows dealt with dilemma. But, while JJBA dealt with the tricky situation of trying not to get blown up, Amanchu took it one step further with a proper perilous situation; what do you do when your camera's memory is full and you haven't backed any of them up, but want to save a new photo. There's no Stand that can help you there. JoJo was, quite honestly, pedestrian in comparison to the edge of your seat gripping action of this week's Amanchu.

Whoop whoop.
seems like i have to watch this now

Yeah you should. Woof I believe says this is his AOTS already. If it weren't for how much I am enjoying Re:Zero and Mob, this would easily be a candidate for the top spot. This a serious show, top tier drama, and mobster at that - we don't get stuff like this done right all the time.

Glad it didn't turn into another Joker Game.

YES! This show is EXACTLY what I also hoped Joker Game was! They are totally nailing it here.


Diamond is Unbreakable vs Amanchu

This week both shows dealt with dilemma. But, while JJBA dealt with the tricky situation of trying not to get blown up, Amanchu took it one step further with a proper perilous situation; what do you do when your camera's memory is full and you haven't backed any of them up, but want to save a new photo. There's no Stand that can help you there. JoJo was, quite honestly, pedestrian in comparison to the edge of your seat gripping action of this week's Amanchu.

Whoop whoop.

Underworld, part 6. Place the camera on the ground once and you can recreate it in that state at any point.

Although it wouldn't help with the emotional side of the issue...


Anthem of the Heart

I was really surprised at the romantic pairings towards the end of it, I'm glad at least this turned out different from the rest of it but as far as romance subplots go, it isn't anything out of the ordinary aside from the way it concluded.

This was really a beautiful movie bith in theme and visuals. There were sone breathtakingly good shots of the town and the skyline that really stood out. It definately focused more om the drama sode of things, but the romance side of things at the end was handled pretty well at the same time. Definaty a touching story all the way around.


Danganronpa 3 Despair 08

Watching this after Mob Psycho 100 really brings out how lack luster the visuals can be more than I'd otherwise notice but I'm watching it regardless because DANGANRONPA.

I sorely want to resume Future arc but I should finish that UDG walkthrough first.
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