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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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Sound! Euphonium - 12


Previous Eupho Reviews:
Episode 01
Episode 02
Episode 03
Episode 04
Episode 05
Episode 06
Episode 07
Episode 08
Episode 09
Episode 10
Episode 11

- Kind of a fun way to open with showing the passage of time. Rehearsal during the summer from morning to evening. Damn if that isn't a lot of hard work for an ensemble, especially full of high-schoolers. Depending on where you study in high-school and the types of ensembles, the most groups I've been in have usually gone is about six hours at most! Wind players have their chops (lips, mouth muscles, etc) and endurance to worry about!

- Now this is cool. Taki-sensei recognizes a hole in the sound in what seems to be an important part. This could be because the rest of the ensemble is too loud, maybe the composer wrote the dynamics out of balance and Taki-sensei's intuition as a conductor tells him to emphasize that part, or perhaps even that the contrabassist is not playing loud enough or her part could've had amplification indicated but they just don't have the equipment.

- A contrabass in a wind ensemble is a common occurrence with more advanced music, but to compensate for lesser-funded schools, their parts are almost always doubled in something like the tubas by the composer. Sometimes a composer will also make recommendation for voice-doublings if they anticipate an instrument may not be available in an ensemble. If an ensemble has a contrabass, 99% of the time there will only ever be one.


- Kumiko can play her part because it's written in the same concert pitch, and the contrabass parts are written an octave higher than they sound because it's significantly easier to read the music when 95% of it is on the staff-lines proper. So Kumiko will double the contrabass part an octave higher. This kind of voice-leading allows the lower sound to travel more. A smart decision by Taki-sensei.

- The contrabass part seems easy enough for a string instrument because it's a scalar ascending pattern. I wonder whether Kumiko will end up playing the passage at 158 tongued or slurred. Certainly, since the passage basically lives in tenor-clef range, she would likely slur, however that's not the original intention of the composer in this section. I guess it would have to be the latter to maintain a uniform sound.

- I love the markings on the sheet music on these cuts. The key of the piece is B-flat Major, you can see the tempo marking at Rehearsal J, custom dynamics written in like the decrescendo at 157, the emphasis on circling dynamics (forte at 155), each measure after the left-most indication is numbered to facilitate faster rehearsal ("Hey start at 160, 167." You don't don't have to wait for people to count or anything or for them to find the spot because it's marked; a common practice), the 1/2" G is in reference to using the G-string at 160 (the 1/2" referes to the size of the string), and the dynamics (purple)/articulations (red)/measure numbers (green) are all color-coded.

- Gotou mentions the part too! So the lack of presence is the reasoning.

- ... And Asuka is sight-reading that... and it's tongued ( each note is detached versus being connected). RIP Kumiko.

- As Kumiko practices through the line, you can hear her lack of confidence. Weak air support (no diaphragm breathing), spitty-sounding tonguing, sloppy fingerings where the speed is making her fingers fumble over the valves trying to keep up with a tempo she clearly cannot play yet, missed notes, that weak ending... I don't think Asuka will be mad, but I think she'll expect it to be perfect the next time she hears it.

- I want that Tuba-kun polishing cloth.


- At least you can hear an improvement! Reina even says as much. It's funny how Reina responds to Kumiko saying she wants to be as good as her though.

- I appreciate that the sound design reflects the space Kumiko is in. Being in a tall, cornered area while being outside really makes the sound travel in an odd way, and you can tell from the audio mixing that it's a different space than the rehearsal room or the practice classroom.


- RIP Kumiko. It's cool to see to what extent her determination has been changing all this time. Now everyone else is starting to see it too! I can totally relate to her feelings. When you see someone give it their best and improve, it really helps move you to want to accomplish that same thing too, especially in music! That following scene by the river was pretty nice.

- Taki-sensei for the win indeed. Aoi-chan is pretty honest, though you can hear a twinge of regret.


- Kumiko, haha. Taking it out.

- Sounds like it's starting to come together finally! They're almost there, so I hope they can do it!

- Taki-sensei is testing her resolve. It's good to see Kumiko didn't back down after being challenged so directly. I think she'll do it. In the next scene it's good that she mentions she can visualize and hear exactly what needs to be done. Getting over that mental hump is one of the bigger obstacles when overcoming a difficult section. The growth demonstrated in this scene shows how serious she is and how much she's changed from the initial episodes. She sure sounds much better too.

- Reina is cool in this scene, having her part memorized! And her apology in the next scene was nice too. You can tell Kumiko had an effect on her. Natsuki's teasing was funny too.

- Midori is taping her fingers because it'll make it easier for her to play. Depending on the size of your fingers, the amount of calluses on your fingers, the speed of the piece, or your general level of comfort, taping is a common practice done by contrabass players.

- The horns are always the most impressive part of any piece, Taki-sensei (*insert smug face here*).

- I love the level of detail on the sheet music on every performer's stand. Some have markings, some don't, each section has different parts from the other sections while same instruments have the same parts. It's a very minute detail, but significant in terms of being authentic.


- And remember when I said earlier that writing in the measure numbers facilitates faster rehearsal (making a much more effective use of limited time)? Check out speed in which Taki-sensei calls out a measure number, tells them to ready their instruments, and starts conducting. You think with the variability in parts, rests, and people that you could start that fast without everyone having that written in? Think again. You can tell he's serious because he's wasting no time, and expects the same out of the ensemble.

- Check out that detail in how he does his count-off with hand-conducting. Nice attention to detail in the contour and movement of his hands. Even before he starts conducting he signals their instruments to be at the ready with his right hand (while calling out a measure number with his hand open), while telling them to not yet play by keeping his left-hand low. Good awareness of conductor mannerisms and body language are on display.

- Even the xylophone animation is on the money. As a percussionist should, she starts the pattern with her right hand. The movement between notes is also accurate. From the long distance shot they even have minor details like this absolutely spot-on, which is impressive. The behind-the-back shot has her ending with the correct hands at the right time too!

- Shots. Fired. I hope Kumiko doesn't back down. The severity of such a situation has at least dawned on Kumiko, and i'm glad she didn't seem discouraged. She was shocked, understandably.


- Holy cow what an amazing scene, where she's running. The frustration, disappointment, and release of inner-turmoil at working so hard just to be shut down for not being good enough... So good! The emotions in her voice and her body language are so damn good in this scene. Amazing. This whole scene is so cool! And the realization at the end is the icing on the cake.

- Band director getting yelled at sounds about par for the course when it comes from people who don't understand how much hard work it is to run an ensemble! Taki-sensei is awesome.



- And when he tells Kumiko to keep practicing the part... It's so hard not to get emotional when he drops that information on her. It almost made me teary-eyed!


Man, what an inspiring episode. It went far to show the struggle of what it's like to not be good enough and how to overcome a challenge you aren't immediately good enough to defeat. The mental states, the sheer amount of time and practice someone puts in, and the emotions from still not being good enough were so fantastically executed. This episode really built up and showed the development of Kumiko and her resolve over the series thus far, and to see the emotions that come with situations like the ones in the episode be so accurately portrayed and well-delivered was outstanding. It really hit close to home and felt extremely genuine that I found myself getting really emotional being all too familiar with similar feelings and experiences. I'll probably cry next episode after their performance, haha.


i live for throx eupho reviews. vocalises so much of what i inherently know about being part of a group ensemble but forgot since it was like a decade ago at this point.

maybe i'll pick up the violin again some day


Played Deemo recently, it sort of motivated me to pick up Piano again but I just don't see that happening anytime now unfortunately.
Thoraxes' Eupho write-ups always tempt me to watch the episode again, and I often do. Watching the show with the distinctions and observations he makes in mind is a good time.

I'm glad Shin Godzilla turned out well.

Ditto. As much as I like Anno, I braced for impact slightly when the film released. Looking forward to seeing it now though.


I haven't played the piano in years, so it'll take a while before I can get back into rhythm with muscle memory, but I can still at least read music sheets.

I wish I would've learned cello though. I think back to all the Bach cello pieces that were played by Haji in Blood+ and how beautiful they sounded in that pitch.
Re:Zero - 23

Holy fuck at that ending. I don't see how Subaru can possibly win. Even if all the fingers die, he'll be possessed. I don't think the gospel is related to the possession because in retrospect, I think he was being possessed by Betelgeuse in episode 18 after his body was destroyed.

I'm also beginning to believe that Subaru isn't reverting time completely, but is instead creating an alternate timeline upon each death. As far as I recall, this is the second time in the series where an "aftermath" of his death was shown. In 15, it showed his frozen body continue to be covered in snow, and in this episode it showed Emilia looking to the forest after Julius executed him. If this is the case, it's terrifying to imagine the aftermath of his deaths. Especially his suicide in front of Beatrice and Ram.

I'm thinking about picking up Dragon Ball Super after reading some information about the current arc. Has the show significantly improved compared the lackluster movie remake arcs?
I haven't played the piano in years, so it'll take a while before I can get back into rhythm with muscle memory, but I can still at least read music sheets.

I wish I would've learned cello though. I think back to all the Bach cello pieces that were played by Haji in Blood+ and how beautiful they sounded in that pitch.
You play the piano line?! All these OSTs have me wanting to learn the violin or cello lol.
I only play the guitar :/


You play the piano line?! All these OSTs have me wanting to learn the violin or cello lol.
I only play the guitar :/

I did, but I stopped after high school. I'll admit, I did play a few OST's that had piano tracks on it since they weren't that difficult and I was bored, lol

Can you play Hisoka's theme with the right guitar though? ;P
I did, but I stopped after high school. I'll admit, I did play a few OST's that had piano tracks on it since they weren't that difficult and I was bored, lol

Can you play Hisoka's theme with the right guitar though? ;P
Hisokas Spanish guitar theme? Yeah with some practice for sure. There aren't a lot of guitar themes that really captivate me like the piano and violin ones though.

I would just play metal in high school, iron maiden, Metallica, Alice in chains, that sort of stuff. I could do Nirvanas cover of The man who sold the world really well.

You should do the HunterxHunter piano theme when Gon fights pitou

I wanna pick up either the Bass or the Double Bass at some point.
Oh, this too. I would totally wanna do the bass for that monogatari theme from the last season.


Hisokas Spanish guitar theme? Yeah with some practice for sure. There aren't a lot of guitar themes that really captivate me like the piano and violin ones though.

I would just play metal in high school, iron maiden, Metallica, Alice in chains, that sort of stuff. I could do Nirvanas cover of The man who sold the world really well.

You should do the HunterxHunter piano theme when Gon fights pitou

Ahh, The Man Who Sold the World... So good.

I don't think I got to that part yet, unless I'm forgetting who that is.

This is what stood out to me musically in Blood+ though, Bach's "Cello Suite No. 5 Prelude."


Thanks for the post Thoraxes - I was going to ask you about your write up on Eupho.

i live for throx eupho reviews. vocalises so much of what i inherently know about being part of a group ensemble but forgot since it was like a decade ago at this point.

maybe i'll pick up the violin again some day

Thoraxes' Eupho write-ups always tempt me to watch the episode again, and I often do. Watching the show with the distinctions and observations he makes in mind is a good time.
Thanks for the kind words. Just one more episode to go till I finish S1. I'll probably do Monaca after S2 or something, maybe even during, idk.

I'm going to try to be much more consistent with S2 if I can help it.


I'm calling it now.
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda is going to be the most overlooked show of next season :p
The description sounds like a bunch of "have your cake and eat it too" bullshit where the viewer can indulge in gay male fantasies while still knowing the male characters are only attracted to the audience self insert.


Thanks for the kind words. Just one more episode to go till I finish S1. I'll probably do Monaca after S2 or something, maybe even during, idk.

I'm going to try to be much more consistent with S2 if I can help it.

oh Monaka is something I'd highly recommend, it's my favorite episode


The description sounds like a bunch of "have your cake and eat it too" bullshit where the viewer can indulge in gay male fantasies while still knowing the male characters are only attracted to the audience self insert.

we will have to see.
I've been hoping for a new decent reverse harem comedy since ouran high school host club, thus I at least have minor hopes for it.

it will at least be something to talk about between all of the Drifters talk.
Thoraxes' reviews of eupho are great because I love seeing the perspective of someone who's really into music review it and see if it bs or the creators really know their stuff.

Good stuff dude.


According to MAL the next season has 3 ecchi shows and 2 harem
but by the looks of they are both reverse

having just made my seasonal anime list to pick shows for the season with friends, I can safely say there are at least a few shows that are ecchi that haven't been tagged as such.


Macross Delta 23
Mikumo is actually the best, hands down. But why did the good Mikumo scenes take so long to appear? Anyway, it still feels like they keep dragging the show. The grand finale should be pretty close though.


I'm calling it now.
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda is going to be the most overlooked show of next season :p

Nah at least me(I like the manga well enough) and a certain returning banned hero will probably watch it.

The Tiger Mask anime though, now that'll get buried.


Danganronpa 3 - Future Side 9

Munakata's Wild Ride.


Mob Psycho 109

The only thing missing from this episode was Reigen.

That hall scene was brutal.

I'm thinking about picking up Dragon Ball Super after reading some information about the current arc. Has the show significantly improved compared the lackluster movie remake arcs?

Yes and no.

Yes, as in the overall quality is better. There are some good shots that really stand out and episodes become more dense in presentation.

No, as in it's still not there yet. Animation still lacks punch, bad shots are still there and continuity errors are made. While the fights have improved from simple tug of wars, it's still not really that creative or imaginative.

Even without the first two arcs, I would say Dragon Ball Super is a mediocre series. If you can accept that the Champa and Future Trunks arcs will be more enjoyable. While watching I have no real complaints, but analyzing and reflecting upon it Dragonball hasn't really moved much on. It deserves more imo.


Kuromukuro - 16

Strange cosplay episode, especially with Ogina getting a bit too close to the teacher in one of the shoots. The second half of the episode was pretty great, especially how Kennosuke deals with the princess and how he got scolded for it. Finally I take back what I said last episode
purple haired girl was always planning on two timing her, I found it pretty jarring how her personality changed so radically but it makes perfect sense here.

I'm glad Shin Godzilla turned out well.

Same here, every kaiju forum I went to had me worried because they kept saying Toho was interfering with production ordering reshoots and how the puppet/suit kept failing. Safe to say it was much ado about nothing.
Same here, every kaiju forum I went to had me worried because they kept saying Toho was interfering with production ordering reshoots and how the puppet/suit kept failing. Safe to say it was much ado about nothing.

Production issues only make the Anno stronger.


Same here, every kaiju forum I went to had me worried because they kept saying Toho was interfering with production ordering reshoots and how the puppet/suit kept failing. Safe to say it was much ado about nothing.

I also read a lot of those rumors and I'm pretty puzzled as to where they originated from. Is there truth to the production problems or was the film meant to use full CG from the start? Because either way, Anno knocked it the fuck out of the park as far as I'm concerned in terms of really understanding Japanese tokusatsu. This isn't a Hollywood blockbuster, this is a Japanese Tokusatsu blockbuster and it looks so unique. Godzilla might be full CG but he is intentionally made to look really close to a live sized model in some shots and a man in rubber suit in other shots. There's tons of detail, but none of it looks "real" in a monster sense. I've even read reviews complaining of how "lame" it is compared to The Host, but clearly people just don't understand what it was going for in that case. So fucking good. The limited motion on Godzilla only makes the scenes where shit happens all the more glorious.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Posted in another thread but was redirected here.

I'm completely out of the anime loop. The last thing I checked and liked was Kill la Kill. Before that, some of the more recent Ghost in the Shell stuff which wasn't too exciting, Gurren Lagann (best thing happening to me since FLCL). I liked some episodes of Space Dandy, but not all of it. Dropped out of Michiko & Hatchin - it looked pretty but nothing much happened. Everything that came after Bakemonogatari was a waste of time I wished I hadn't seen but couldn't help hoping the series would return to former greatness. I think I stopped somewhere in Koimonogatari. Wikipedia tells me there's a boatload of additional seasons since - same trajectory as before?

Is Little Witch Academia worth the time? Is there anything out there comparable to GL/KlK yet?

Edit: completely forgot I watched Attack on Titan which I had a massive love/hate affair with. The action was amazing but most of the characters were supernovas of cringe. I've seen some buzz around Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. Might I like this considering I liked the action in AoT but hated 99% of its whiny cast with religious passion?


Posted in another thread but was redirected here.

I'm completely out of the anime loop. The last thing I checked and liked was Kill la Kill. Before that, some of the more recent Ghost in the Shell stuff which wasn't too exciting, Gurren Lagann (best thing happening to me since FLCL). I liked some episodes of Space Dandy, but not all of it. Dropped out of Michiko & Hatchin - it looked pretty but nothing much happened. Everything that came after Bakemonogatari was a waste of time I wished I hadn't seen but couldn't help hoping the series would return to former greatness. I think I stopped somewhere in Koimonogatari. Wikipedia tells me there's a boatload of additional seasons since - same trajectory as before?

Is Little Witch Academia worth the time? Is there anything out there comparable to GL/KlK yet?

Edit: completely forgot I watched Attack on Titan which I had a massive love/hate affair with. The action was amazing but most of the characters were supernovas of cringe. I've seen some buzz around Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. Might I like this considering I liked the action in AoT but hated 99% of its whiny cast with religious passion?

Kabaneri isn't worth it.

Little Witch Academia is good.

If you want something like Gurren Lagann, the closest is probably Gunbuster and Diebuster (moreso the latter).

For some other actiony stuff check out:
One Punch Man
Hunter x Hunter 2011
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Mob Psycho 100
Gundam Build Fighters
Majin Bone
Blood Blockade Battlefront
JoJo (start with the 2012 anime, then Stardust Crusaders, then Diamond is Unbreakable)
Haikyuu (not 'action' per se, it's sport)

Non-actiony stuff:
Death Billiards & Death Parade
Silver Spoon
Kagewani (just remember that the second season doesn't exist)


Posted in another thread but was redirected here.

I'm completely out of the anime loop. The last thing I checked and liked was Kill la Kill. Before that, some of the more recent Ghost in the Shell stuff which wasn't too exciting, Gurren Lagann (best thing happening to me since FLCL). I liked some episodes of Space Dandy, but not all of it. Dropped out of Michiko & Hatchin - it looked pretty but nothing much happened. Everything that came after Bakemonogatari was a waste of time I wished I hadn't seen but couldn't help hoping the series would return to former greatness. I think I stopped somewhere in Koimonogatari. Wikipedia tells me there's a boatload of additional seasons since - same trajectory as before?

Is Little Witch Academia worth the time? Is there anything out there comparable to GL/KlK yet?

Edit: completely forgot I watched Attack on Titan which I had a massive love/hate affair with. The action was amazing but most of the characters were supernovas of cringe. I've seen some buzz around Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. Might I like this considering I liked the action in AoT but hated 99% of its whiny cast with religious passion?
The older GiTS movies and series are much better, watch them if you haven't already.
I don't get why you like Bakemongatari, but not the rest of the series ( I get why you wouldn't like Nise,though), so I can't comment that.
You will probably like Little Witch Academia. I suppose Uchuu Patrol Luluco is also a good recommendation, but I haven't seen it myself yet.
If you google "NeoGAF Anime" the first image result is Hyouka lol
More importantly, why the fuck is the 12. image from Zero no Tsukaima?


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
The older GiTS movies and series are much better, watch them if you haven't already.
I don't get why you like Bakemongatari, but not the rest of the series ( I get why you wouldn't like Nise,though), so I can't comment that.
You will probably like Little Witch Academia. I suppose Uchuu Patrol Luluco is also a good recommendation, but I haven't seen it myself yet.

More importantly, why the fuck is the 12. image from Zero no Tsukaima?

I grew up with the older GitS stuff (the manga, the first movie), then proceeded to be blown away by the SaC series. For me it's the pinnacle of 'serious' anime. When I'm thinking of what I like about anime, I think firstmost of Ghost in the Shell, most of the Studio Ghibli catalogue, the work of Shinichiro Watanabe and the hyperkinetic nonsense from Gainax and Trigger. In that order, I think :) Even the third SaC installment (the movie) was pretty great if you ask me. I was pretty lukewarm on the Arise episodes though. I just found out there's also a movie continuation of the Arise series, but I haven't seen that one yet.

With Bakemonogatari, it's hard to explain. The first season felt really fresh, I hadn't seen anything that was even remotely like it in presentation. And it had this weird but likeable cocktail of part horror/detective story, part romance I really dug. But both elements (the romance and the sequential horror/detective stories really fell apart after that first season in my opinion. And maybe I glossed over it but Aragami wasn't as much as a perverted freak in the first season as in later seasons. They went overboard with the innuendo and groping for me.

Kabaneri isn't worth it.

Little Witch Academia is good.

If you want something like Gurren Lagann, the closest is probably Gunbuster and Diebuster (moreso the latter).

For some other actiony stuff check out:
One Punch Man
Hunter x Hunter 2011
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Mob Psycho 100
Gundam Build Fighters
Majin Bone
Blood Blockade Battlefront
JoJo (start with the 2012 anime, then Stardust Crusaders, then Diamond is Unbreakable)
Haikyuu (not 'action' per se, it's sport)

Non-actiony stuff:
Death Billiards & Death Parade
Silver Spoon
Kagewani (just remember that the second season doesn't exist)

Thanks for the recommendations. I've seen Gunbuster/Diebuster and while entertaining, it didn't register like KlK and GL did. I've seen so much talk of Hunter x Hunter by now, I think I'll start there.

Oh, I just remembered I have sorta soft spot for Puni Puni Poemy but I was rather high when watching it and it was ages ago. I remember it was rather fast and weird.


The new Ghost in the Shell movie is better than arise, so you should probably watch it.
Also, if you want mindfucks + cyberpunk watch Serial Experiments Lain.
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