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Summer Anime 2016 |OT| Makes Me Happy When Skies Are Grey

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Re:Zero 1-3

Cool series, but something is bothering me. In episode 2, the green haired store owner thanks Subaru for helping his daughter, but Subaru hadn't helped his daughter during that time segment. Did it happen off screen, or is it a plot point that's brought up later. Or is just a mistake or did I just miss something.

Zero Time Dilemma makes me overly cautious about anything involving time leaps.
Gintama Prime: End

These motherfuckers laughing and meanwhile here I am crying my guts out. Gintama never disappoints. Didn't expect a back to back serious arc that also finished some story lines and rivalries, while at the same time opened a brand new one that clearly when it comes will be the end of the series.

My god what a show, it never disappoints even if some of the funny arcs for this new season weren't as great as previous ones.

Re:Zero 15

What the fuck? This turned out to be one of the greatest single episodes I have seen in anime in a long time?? I'm like trying to grasp for air here. That was fucking ridiculous. In a good way. I was harsh on the show last week, I never expected it to lead to something like this. Fucking hell.


Re:Zero 1-3

Cool series, but something is bothering me. In episode 2, the green haired store owner thanks Subaru for helping his daughter, but Subaru hadn't helped his daughter during that time segment. Did it happen off screen, or is it a plot point that's brought up later. Or is just a mistake or did I just miss something.

Zero Time Dilemma makes me overly cautious about anything involving time leaps.

I don't remember that early stuff much but wasn't it shown that he was retracing his steps? Think he was doing the same things at that point.
Re:Zero 1-3

Cool series, but something is bothering me. In episode 2, the green haired store owner thanks Subaru for helping his daughter, but Subaru hadn't helped his daughter during that time segment. Did it happen off screen, or is it a plot point that's brought up later. Or is just a mistake or did I just miss something.

Zero Time Dilemma makes me overly cautious about anything involving time leaps.

Huh? In episode 2 the stall owner says that a broke kid like him helped his daughter, but doesn't thank him? I believe he was referring to Satella, who is also penniless. At what point in the episode are you referring to?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I don't remember that early stuff much but wasn't it shown that he was retracing his steps? Think he was doing the same things at that point.

I don't remember, but I think he mentions that someone brought his daughter back (Emilia?) and that he's happy about that so "It's on the house".

I only remember there being one complete fuck up in the current time line and it had to do with Emilia's interactions with Subaru in the first arc that didn't happen in the prime timeline.


ReZero 15
Boy did that ever take a turn, no more silly Subaru antics. Shit just got way too real, like fuck this episode made last weeks descent into madness look tame. Where do we go now? Can it maybe be Sunday already?


Dagashi Kashi 12 FIN

Surprised I didn't like this more in the end. Most of the humor felt forced or felt flat and I never bought into the waifu angle everyone else seemed to so I'm sure that hindered things. I mean, I liked bits and pieces of the show but nothing ever came together for me. The pleasant OST, the festival episode, what the show managed with such a small cast (which in turn helped sell the small town setting), some of the historical background of the highlighted candy, and Coconuts' dad being an anime dad we can finally appreciate were nice. But the overall experience was like watching 2016's Berserk adaptation in that it ultimately doesn't matter how many parts I can say I like when they don't fit together well. MPR summed it up best when he said the show was junk food even by anime standards.


New Game 01

Apparently it's super easy to get into game development, the main girl got there right out of school and she doesn't know how to do shit.


Fullmetal Alchemist:B ep.49
The battles with Pride and Gluttony continued on, well, until
Pride ate Gluttony and absorbed his stone
that was pretty wild, but quite the asspull if I've ever seen one.. Oh well, next episode should be pretty intense.
Qualidea Code 1

Maybe it's because I haven't actually watched a generic battle academy LN in a while, but I'm actually enjoying this. There's that mix of asshole "friends" actually being assholes on equal footing with each other, and then there's the large-scale academy fights where even ordinary students seemingly contribute. And then there's the idea that this might actually not end up a harem, and I'm pretty sold on it.

10/10, might be alright.

Qualidea Code episode 1

Okay, who was the idiot who came up with these characters? Hime is love, though.
Apparently this is a multimedia franchise where three different LN authors published their own stories and characters in the same universe/setting, and then the anime is an original one that just throws them all together.

Hime/sword girl from DAL's author.
Gunner siblings from Oregairu's author.
MC and heroine from Henneko's author.


Haifuri - 12

Good show, good cast of characters. I hope they make more some day, cause the crew of the Harekaze was fun. Also that Nozumu Abe cut was great.

Qualidea Code 1

Maybe it's because I haven't actually watched a generic battle academy LN in a while, but I'm actually enjoying this. There's that mix of asshole "friends" actually being assholes on equal footing with each other, and then there's the large-scale academy fights where even ordinary students seemingly contribute. And then there's the idea that this might actually not end up a harem, and I'm pretty sold on it.

10/10, might be alright.

Apparently this is a multimedia franchise where three different LN authors published their own stories and characters in the same universe/setting, and then the anime is an original one that just throws them all together.

Hime/sword girl from DAL's author.
Gunner siblings from Oregairu's author.
MC and heroine from Henneko's author.

Its leagues above other generic battle anime like Magical Warfare, avoids the obligatory ln anime scenes that hundred loved, and at least has the good parts of superior entries like index, anti magic academy 35th platoon, etc.
I'll just say that that's usually a minus in my book. Because if you really can't guess where the plot is going, that often means the narrative is not following any rules of logic but instead pulling out constant "shocking" twists to try to surprise the audience instead of having believable character motivations and an internally consistent world. That's cheap, disposable storytelling.

Yeah, while I enjoy a good twist and a story that goes against my expectations, it has to be playing by the rules. A good plot twist in my mind should be something that even if I don't see it coming, I should say afterwards "yeah, I really should have seen that coming". It's important to have a narrative that builds upon things in a consistent and fair manner, and characters who behave believably.

I respectfully disagree.

Not knowing where the plot is going can be a huge factor that can add to one's enjoyment of a show.

I had no idea where Eureka Seven, Madoka Magica, and Gurren Lagann, were going and those ended up as some of my favorite shows with tons of believable character motivations and an internally consistent world.

I especially hate it when I see people say that Madoka relies on shock value. It's like they're ignoring everything about the characters and their motivations for making their wishes. I went into Madoka completely blind, completely lost as to where it was going and it blew me away. If I knew that Homura
was actually a time traveler and everything we've seen in the show up until episode 10 was an iteration of events that she's been through hundreds of times
going into the show, it wouldn't nearly have had the same impact. That's a good example of a shocking plot twist. It completely shatters everything you knew about the show's world beforehand and makes you see everything in an entirely new way. Done well, that can be a fantastic element of a show.

I don't think this really is a disagreement? Madoka has a narrative that's full of foreshadowing. While you might not see every plot point coming, the show is pretty narratively consistent. The ultimate tone the show is going to take is obvious from the first episode, the whole
Homura has been repeating time over and over again
element was very heavily foreshadowed, and I think the vast majority of viewers had picked up on that well before the episode aired, and most of the twists about soul gems and witches fit right in with the narrative and themes that were built up over the course of the show.

I'd say Madoka is a good example of doing the "surprise" thing right. Elements of the show might be surprising to some while watching it, but they're all largely foreshadowed heavily, and it all fits together in a way that is consistent both tonally and thematically, the story holds up to scrutiny on repeated viewing, which makes it clear that it wasn't just made up as it went along, and there were no twists being thrown in for the hell of it.


The Bizzare Adventures of Umami Wars 2-2
It's nice to see Megumi finally being a badass and while it seems super unlikely that she won I feel like if she wins the first round she could just win the whole thing while Reaper would just get destroyed by Soma in the next round.


Qualidea Code ep.1

I have no idea what I just watched, but I love the bard role that the MC's friend took on, lol. Who knows where this anime is going, but tgat was pretty stupid and entertaining at the same time. I'll give it tgr three rule.


I'd like to join you all in praising Re:Zero's latest episode but the fact that I'm unaffected by this kind of suffering makes it hard to do so.This is the same feeling I had when people were raving about Madoka.

That probably says more about me than the show itself but eh, show's still pretty good overall.


Space Brothers - 1 to 3

I love going into a series blind and then getting something completely different than what I thought I was in for. I had presumed this was a series set around the time of the anime airing, about two brothers who dreamed to fly into other space but how one of them was bound to be a technician working for the space program and the other an astronaut.

Instead its so far been about an older brother dealing with being surpassed by his younger brother but having a shot to at his dream of reaching space after being inspired by
an alien spacecraft, I wasn't quite expecting that!
and being set in the year 2025 (Though outside of some car designs, nothing so far has indicated that it's set in the future)

Loving what I've seen so far, the humour clicks with me a good deal and I'm interested to see where Mutta develops as a character. On one hand does seem... Disappointed in himself compared to his younger brother almost to a cynical level that he SHOULD be better than him but he shows great admiration and
easily angered when anyone insults him resulting in him getting fired.

I'm also loving this show is 99 odd episodes long, was getting tired of watching 1 cour shows. I might slow down and watch this at the same rate I've been watching Shirokuma Cafe just to savor it more.


Re:Zero 1-3

Cool series, but something is bothering me. In episode 2, the green haired store owner thanks Subaru for helping his daughter, but Subaru hadn't helped his daughter during that time segment. Did it happen off screen, or is it a plot point that's brought up later. Or is just a mistake or did I just miss something.

Zero Time Dilemma makes me overly cautious about anything involving time leaps.

He mentions "another broke kid" helped her daughter. Without Subaru the white haired girl still helps the store owner's daughter.


Concrete Revolutio: 22
What an incredible Jirou centric episode. The nonlinearity of the story worked to its advantage and when the big reveal happens at the end, everything about Jirou and Rainbow Knight and the whole point just comes together.
Fafner - Right of Left

This was... really good. What the heck? I liked the TV series well enough, but this was on a whole other level. The basic visual design is the same as the series, but the execution here is way better. Fafner TV was consistently ugly, but Right of Left is mostly attractive throughout. It's not just higher production values, but a greater ambition and creativity in shaping the direction. There was an impressive command of cinematography, and a lot of experimentation with camera focus and movement. The more energetic and nuanced visuals helped make the storytelling more gripping, instead of being a barrier to overcome as they were in the original TV series. There was just a year between the end of the series and the release of this special, and I'm not sure what happened in that year but whatever it was it was good.

I was going to complain about the excessive internal narration about the plan from Ryou, which felt like he was speaking directly to the audience, but the revelation that
it was his final recorded audio message to the people of the island
made me think appreciate it more in retrospect. This was certainly a much better introduction to the premise of Fafner than the baffling TV beginning. Props again to Ubukata, I guess.
Fafner - Right of Left

This was... really good. What the heck? I liked the TV series well enough, but this was on a whole other level. The basic visual design is the same as the series, but the execution here is way better. Fafner TV was consistently ugly, but Right of Left is mostly attractive throughout. It's not just higher production values, but a greater ambition and creativity in shaping the direction. There was an impressive command of cinematography, and a lot of experimentation with camera focus and movement. The more energetic and nuanced visuals helped make the storytelling more gripping, instead of being a barrier to overcome as they were in the original TV series. There was just a year between the end of the series and the release of this special, and I'm not sure what happened in that year but whatever it was it was good.

I was going to complain about the excessive internal narration about the plan from Ryou, which felt like he was speaking directly to the audience, but the revelation that
it was his final recorded audio message to the people of the island
made me think appreciate it more in retrospect. This was certainly a much better introduction to the premise of Fafner than the baffling TV beginning. Props again to Ubukata, I guess.
Everything fafner after the original tv series just goes up so you are in for a great fun! It's a real shame this series is so forgotten.

Heaven and earth was my favourite part.


Yeah, but it doesn't feel real enough for him to just be like rawr, I got betrayed. Now I must kill everyone.

It's a simple motivation that came at a formative time in his life. Now if it gets needlessly complex in the next couple of eps, welp



This short piece from Studio Colorido landed on my radar late last year when a bunch of people here gave it absolutely glowing impressions, but I never quite got around to it. It's almost criminal that I wasn't able to give it just under 17 minutes of my time sooner, because it's a masterful work, and far and away the best movie/short of 2015.

Shashinkan is a dialogue-free tale spanning decades of history at a small little photo shop on a hill. I don't want to say too much, because in terms of plot, there's not a lot to say. Shashinkan isn't about words, after all. It's about pictures, which can be far more eloquent.

It's at turns energetic, funny, beautiful, and melancholy, but most of all it's sensitive and human. And the director knows that a single tap, at the right place and the right time, can hold more power than a thousand sledgehammers.

An absolute must.


One thing I liked about Right of Left is that you see a bunch of scrubs die at the beginning of OG Fafner and it actually expanded on their story in a meaningful and tragic way instead of just coming off as cannon fodder so the protagonist can get in the mech.

You were right!

One thing I liked about Right of Left is that you see a bunch of scrubs die at the beginning of OG Fafner and it actually expanded on their story in a meaningful and tragic way instead of just coming off as cannon fodder so the protagonist can get in the mech.

The beginning of original Fafner was so empty, it was impossible for me to believe in the world it was attempting to create. The later parts of the series fleshed the setting and characters out in a good way, but it always rested on a shaky foundation. Right of Left helps to shore up that foundation by giving a more comprehensible and compelling picture of the events before the true nature of the island was revealed to all the teenagers.
Fafner - Right of Left

This was... really good. What the heck? I liked the TV series well enough, but this was on a whole other level. The basic visual design is the same as the series, but the execution here is way better. Fafner TV was consistently ugly, but Right of Left is mostly attractive throughout. It's not just higher production values, but a greater ambition and creativity in shaping the direction. There was an impressive command of cinematography, and a lot of experimentation with camera focus and movement. The more energetic and nuanced visuals helped make the storytelling more gripping, instead of being a barrier to overcome as they were in the original TV series. There was just a year between the end of the series and the release of this special, and I'm not sure what happened in that year but whatever it was it was good.

I was going to complain about the excessive internal narration about the plan from Ryou, which felt like he was speaking directly to the audience, but the revelation that
it was his final recorded audio message to the people of the island
made me think appreciate it more in retrospect. This was certainly a much better introduction to the premise of Fafner than the baffling TV beginning. Props again to Ubukata, I guess.

That OVA quality combined with Ubukata not having to spend time patching up and working around the intro of the TV series. There's quite a bit of ideas and explanations taken directly from his novel version of Fafner, like the hypnotic/subliminal memories, so it's not entirely congruent with the show where it wasn't mentioned, but it just flows much better in the OVA. And giving Kuramae, Soushi's dad, and Shoko a bit more scenes went a long way in developing them, considering how they quickly they exited the TV series..


The beginning of original Fafner was so empty, it was impossible for me to believe in the world it was attempting to create. The later parts of the series fleshed the setting and characters out in a good way, but it always rested on a shaky foundation. Right of Left helps to shore up that foundation by giving a more comprehensible and compelling picture of the events before the true nature of the island was revealed to all the teenagers.

I definitely feel it 'cleans' up the earlier aspects by expanding on some tertiary characters but also the setting in general by reinforcing the dangers of piloting in a way that the original TV series never did. There's a certain brutality to Right of Left that we never see again in the franchise but it helps to contextualize the unfairness of the entire situation.

It also ties into the generational aspect that will be expanded upon in Exodus, both for the Festum and humans.
Well you know even Rakudai did made some blew up in reddit before(even though not as blew as Re:Zero).

Whats Rakudai? Was that the battle school harem that was very similar to another battle harem that came out the same season?

You need to start binging it....

Between Fire Emblem Fates, FE X SMT, and all the anime from Winter, I'm still a little burned out on anime for a while. Havent watched anything from Spring aside from Kabaneri.

Only watching Pokemon now but I'll check out this show later this year when I have some downtime!
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