Sölf;210052755 said:
Hybrid x Heart ep.2
I have no words for this show, that was ummm, something.... More battles please, everything else can fu(k the right off.. Well, there was some funny comedy this episode at least... However, that can't cover-up that this is trash...
I think the action will be, at best, as bad as in Cross Ange's early episodes. It's funny that the awful CG mecha are completely binary in that they're either a waste of resources (as they get crushed by even a single girl), or ridiculously powerful until the MC molests a girl.
Right now it looks like the unholy offspring of Cross Ange, Symphogear and To Love Ru Darkness... at best.
It's hard to know what Griffith really thinks, since he plays his cards so close to his chest, but given that Griffith has extremely keen awareness of his surroundings (as the assassination attempt on him showed) I'm inclined to suspect that he does know that Guts is there. At any rate, Griffith seems to be expressing his true feelings at this point, especially considering how he shoved his dirty work off onto Guts.
Now watch Non Non Biyori ;P
It is 2016. Matoi Sumeragi, a second-year junior high school student, works part-time as a shrine maiden at Tenman Shrine in the city of Kamaya. Ever since being separated from her mother in early childhood, Matoi has been entrusted to her grandparents on her father's side, but three months ago, she finally began to live with her father Shingo. In those circumstances, she only wishes for a peaceful, normal life.
Her close friend and part-time workmate Yuma Kusanagi is part of the family of the shrine's chief priest, and is a candidate to be the successor shrine maiden. For generations, her family has performed exorcisms of evil spirits. She invites Matoi to one of these exorcism ceremonies, a so-called "Divine Possession" that she will attempt.
One day, Matoi and Yuma walk from the school to the shrine as usual, but when they arrive, they are greeted by the shrine's now damaged grounds, and Yuma's parents have both collapsed from their wounds. Matoi's father Shingo, a police detective, launches an investigation, and he comes upon a man who does not seem entirely sane: his only witness. When he holds down the man, Yuma begins the ritual of Divine Possession.
Something strange then happens, not with Yuma, but with Matoi. Matoi Sumeragi, who had only wanted a normal, peaceful life, takes the role of a god, and gains the power to banish evil spirits! To get her precious everyday life back, Matoi must conduct exorcisms!
this is the dumbest next step imaginable. feet are disgusting. end re:zero.
If you think this looks bad check my twitter
Stupid Piece of Shit That Sucks 03
Staff Member 1 - "Hey should we keep the Lost Children Arc, the Apostles, any of the character development or theming or nah"
Staff Member 2 - "No that's not important. We need to keep the important stuff. Like Horse Rape."
I'm dropping this before I go insane.
wtf is that
A butchered adaption.
You know how people say "*blank character* did nothing wrong!"?
Griffith did everything wrong.
Considering I'm 86 chapters in right now, can someone let me know what this new anime is adapting? Cause I want to jump on the hate train if for nothing else than to bitch about white Casca.
Thanks, but aww man, that's a ways off.You're still at the part the old anime and movies covered, the new anime is after that.
Based on the scenes talked about, it should currently be at around chapter 140 or so.
Regalia: The three Sacred Stars - 2
I thought the 2D mechs were just gonna be passable. But no, it's actually some pretty darn great stuff.
The mechs are so good that it's freaking infuriating at how cringe-inducingly awful everything else is.
I see what people meant when they said that the Infinite Stratos director wasn't very good. In one scene people are talking about stuff in a throne room and there's a sudden cut to some of the same people in another room on the same subject of the conversation, before cutting back to the throne room again still on the exact same subject!
Part of me almost wishes this show had awful CG mecha so I could just ignore it like I do with so many other shows. But no. They just HAD to make cool robot designs and give them good 2D animation that's gonna be what brings me back to this show every week.
Why bother doing the anime if they were doing to half ass it so hard?
Regalia: The three Sacred Stars - 2
I thought the 2D mechs were just gonna be passable. But no, it's actually some pretty darn great stuff.
The mechs are so good that it's freaking infuriating at how cringe-inducingly awful everything else is.
I see what people meant when they said that the Infinite Stratos director wasn't very good. In one scene people are talking about stuff in a throne room and there's a sudden cut to some of the same people in another room on the same subject of the conversation, before cutting back to the throne room again still on the exact same subject!
Part of me almost wishes this show had awful CG mecha so I could just ignore it like I do with so many other shows. But no. They just HAD to make cool robot designs and give them good 2D animation that's gonna be what brings me back to this show every week.
Roswaal? I assume he's at the mansion.The shit he has to go to in order to save the Mansion. He probably even realizes his own weakness.
Also where the fuck is clown looking wizard and the blonde magician? That Clown has always been suspicious to me.
Shumatsu no Izetta(fall 2016) new key visual.
Stupid Piece of Shit That Sucks 03
Stupid Piece of Shit That Sucks 03
Staff Member 1 - "Hey should we keep the Lost Children Arc, the Apostles, any of the character development or theming or nah"
Staff Member 2 - "No that's not important. We need to keep the important stuff. Like Horse Rape."
I'm dropping this before I go insane.
Isn't this the episode Miura wrote himself? I guess we know what his priorities are!
Finally a dosage of Shinbo i've been waiting for.So March comes like a Lion is 22 episodes long.
Oh jesus.
Best boy has arrived.
So March comes like a Lion is 22 episodes long.
Oh jesus.
Stupid Piece of Shit That Sucks 03
Staff Member 1 - "Hey should we keep the Lost Children Arc, the Apostles, any of the character development or theming or nah"
Staff Member 2 - "No that's not important. We need to keep the important stuff. Like Horse Rape."
I'm dropping this before I go insane.
Nah, if they would have believed horse rape is important, they would have spend more time doing a decent face for the horse. Because that's nightmare inducing, but for the wrong reasons.
I don't watch Berserker, but didn't Horse Rape inspire a Bloodborne boss? Sounds prestigious stuff.
I don't watch Berserker, but didn't Horse Rape inspire a Bloodborne boss? Sounds prestigious stuff.