A-Mei-zing!Btw, I got a PM yesterday from someone with a Mei too. I'm not sure if he's shy about posting it on the thread, but I think it's pretty cute! (Pls take credit if you want to!)
A-Mei-zing!Btw, I got a PM yesterday from someone with a Mei too. I'm not sure if he's shy about posting it on the thread, but I think it's pretty cute! (Pls take credit if you want to!)
I have a question about the Danganronpa anime/games. I have only completed Danganronpa 1, and most likely half way through Danganronpa 2. Without spoiling anything to me, is the Danganronpa 3 anime a prequel to the 3rd game, or is it a pretty much an anime version of the 3rd game?
People like good things!
I finished The Lost Village last night.
Man, that was easily my biggest surprise of the season. It... was actually good?? I went in expecting a stupid if entertaining horror where everyone died that I could laugh at.
And it was nothing like that. Although it was pretty funny! Very subtly so, and definitely not the laugh out loud kind of funny. The show did an amazing job of setting up very stereotypical scenarios so that you expect something to happen, and then... not doing those things, basically ever.
And all that buried beneath the guise of a show about dealing with past traumatic experiences.
(Turns out I'm not the only one who felt this way.)
"I don't like what it was trying to do, so it was bad."
Hmmm. Compelling argument.
Persona 5 The Animation: The Day Breakers anime airs on September 3rd, here's the trailer:
Link to Tweet with PV
Needless to say, I am stoked.
Orange 3
It's still at the start, it shouldn't be that sad... I can already see the future and it doesn't seem bright.
"I don't like what it was trying to do, so it was bad."
Hmmm. Compelling argument.
Well, the show's atmosphere was the only reason I kept watching. I mean, it's fine if you liked what the show turned into, I won't judge you for that, but if someone like me doesn't exactly appreciate it then what's left to enjoy? The plot? Compelling characters? Good drama? Nice visuals? It's just a bad show that plays with our expectations.
I made my argument and it was dismissed as if I was an idiot! Twice!
I know no one called me an idiot. But neither did I call anyone an idiot.
With that said I'm still not sure if it or Big Order was the worst thing I watched last season. That itself is a much more worthwhile mystery. To each his own though.
That was certainly not what I was intending to do, which is why I went into a detailed description of why I found Lost Village unsatisfying, which you causally thrust aside with a frivolous comment. Which is fine; you don't want to engage in a serious discussion about the merits of the show; sure, there's no requirement to do so. But then repeatedly making short, dismissive comments about people's criticisms comes across as being deliberately obnoxious and insulting towards those who stated a position you didn't agree with. Perhaps that was not your intent, but that's how it came across to me.
Perhaps it's my fault for expecting that reasonable discussion on the Internet is possible, in which case I apologize.
Oh please, Big Order wins that hands down. At least LV didn't have disgusting crap going on with minors to close out the series, with a complete nonsense story; LV just plain sucked with it's lack of a coherent story and bait and switch approach, but at least in an unoffensive way...
People really enjoying Lost Village overall will always baffle me.
Since I'm on a blackout for this game, is this an anime adaptation of the game or something else like a prequel?
True but my hatred for both is pretty close just for very different reasons.
still haven't seen the last episode of Lost Village
I mean... You're right. I'm sorry. Sorry to you, too, Qurupeke. It's just that when the first response to my post basically amounts to "it makes no sense that anyone would like this", it puts me on the defensive from the getgo. That's not an excuse, just an explanation of where I was coming from.
I did not come into this intending to convince anyone of anything. I was just sharing my opinion. I think it's good. I definitely don't think it's great. The animation and art are uninspired at best. The music is, well, I don't remember it at all. The dialogue is mostly straightforward, but also mostly insipid. When it succeeds is when it's essentially breaking the fourth wall. Not every story has to be about... the story. Sometimes a work exists precisely to mock itself. In this, The Lost Village succeeds.
It's fine that other people don't like it. Literally nothing is enjoyed by everybody. There will always be people who think your favorite anime is shit. (This is not my favorite anime! It's just the biggest surprise from last season.)
Although, ironically (not actually ironically), it's fun to see that the reasons everyone hates it are the exact reasons it's actually secretly worth existing.
Lol both of those fit just fine.LOL, fair enough.
"disappointment" is more appropriate for Mayoiga
"straight garbage" is more appropriate for Big Order
Thank you. That's a sensible response and I respect you for writing it.
I certainly don't think every work has to be about the story, and I'm not even entirely adverse to self-depreciating works, such as Gintama's continual explicit mockery of itself, which perhaps reached its peak in the popularity poll arc. But what continues to baffle me about some people's response to Lost Village is that I don't think it did any of that well. Perhaps part of that is that I'm not big into the "so bad it's good" mode of viewing these days, but even considering "so bad it's good" works Lost Village is so tame and tepid. When you've seen Garzey's Wing, your standards for nonsensical anime are pretty high. I'm currently watching Shirobako, a previous Mizushima show, and Lost Village has none of the creative energy Mizushima put into Shirobako or the fictional director Kinoshita put into Exodus. Where is my cowboy leading ten thousand horses who sprout wings with jet engines? Watching Lost Village makes me feel like the show is trying to create the same feelings of apathy in me the viewer that the characters developed towards the end of the story. So it baffles me how anyone can have a reaction more positive than passive, bland acceptance towards the show.
I was actually looking forward to the show because I somewhat enjoyed Blood-C and Another - and I don't inherently mind that it didn't deliver another kill-em-all fest, but it didn't actually deliver anything interesting in its place either. Even judging it purely as a comedy, well, when you're stuffing 30+ characters into every episode there's no room for any of them to be more than one-note gimmicks, which becomes tiresome.
Really pleased Studio Khara doing the Gravity Rush short, thought sure A-1 Pictures would get it.
Lol surprising isn't it?Khara is doing it? How the hell?