Avoiding the question? You pose the question with a loaded phrase. You say, without saying, AAA games = good games. So if the PC doesn't have AAA games it isn't good. Something along those lines. I will not answer a loaded question.
In terms of games that are getting at your loaded question: Crysis 1, the entire Arma series, the civilization series, the command and COnquer series, The Total War games, Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous, The witcher games, Dawn of war games, All the older id games, battlefield 2, whatever. Lots of PC only games are very high quality and high fidelty/production values.
I am avoiding AAA titles and using the phrase like you are becuase you have an inbuilt meaning into AAA that goes beyond its budget/fidelity meaning. AKA, that it is a good game inherently.
Devs make money on consoles. Devs also make money on PC. Games of similar "AAA" fidelity have always been on PC. Even then, games do not need that stuff at all to be good games. Some of the best PC games look crude even.
So you're saying the budget of a game has no tie in with the quality of the game? I'm sure most people would disagree with that, the budget of a game has a lot to do with the quality. The bigger the budget, the more time they have to work on the game, which means more features and less bugs etc.
I'm sorry why don't I rephrase that, tell me good quality AAA PC exclusives in the past 5 years. Almost all of them are very old games except Arma 3 but most people didn't like that game. Also, I said games that aren't MMOs and RTS, Command and Conquer, total war and the others are RTS. See you can't name any AAA PC exclusives in the recent years that are actually worth upgrading your pc for or even playing. Star Citizen, I will wait and see how that turns out, I can't say anything about that. Only 1 Witcher game was on only on PC and that was years ago.
I'm 100% sure that AAA title means the budget of the game. I honestly have no idea why you would think so otherwise. I'm also not saying only AAA titles are good. There are tons on indie games that are good but they aren't AAA. They aren't on the level of The Last of Us, Halo, etc. The point I'm trying to make is that if you ask people what there favorite games are, a majority of them will be AAA titles.
Also, no AAA games have not been on PC. Only in the past 2-3 years have these games started to come out to PC. It would be too much time but just look at the PS2 era. Tons of games that did not come out to PC.
Take a look at the PS3/360 era.
Tekken Series, never on PC.
Dragon ball Games, only Xenoverse is coming to PC.
Persona 4 Arena
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, 2, Generations.
Blazblue Series
Guilty Gear Series
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
Madden Series
Final Fantasy 13 Series
Yakuza Series
Red Dead Redemption
Shadows of the Damned
Dante’s Inferno
Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Anarchy Reigns
Dragon's Dogma
Star Ocean: The Last Hope
Resonance of Fate
Battlefield Bad Company 1
A lot more
These are games that were on PS3/360 but not PC. And tons of games you guys have gotten late.
Good riddance, hopefully it'll go back to more mid-tier titles that aren't homogenous, mass marketed and dull.
Tell me, I honestly want you guy to answer this question honestly. GTA 5, one of the most asked for games from PC gamers if not the most, do you believe that if GTA V came out on PC it would sell 34 million on PC? Holy shit no it wouldn't, it wouldn't even sell half.
It's so funny you guys are saying death to AAA titles yet you guys are on this topic and everywhere, you guys keep saying I hope this comes to PC. All of these games you guys ask for are AAA titles exclusive on consoles.
Take From Software for example, I honestly think they were mediocre before Demons Souls. But look what happened when they partnered with Sony, they made an amazing game, a game so critically received. Sony gave them the money to make it a good game, it ties in with the budget. That is what these billion dollar companies can do. I'm also sure most of the games you guys play are AAA titles, so I honestly think you guys should care about consoles because if they die so do AAA titles.
To MODS: Also don't ban me lol, I'm trying to have a honest talk about the industry because I truly believe that if consoles die, so will AAA titles. I'm also saying that because people keep saying they don't give a shit about these multi-billion dollar companies but the gaming industry is what it is because of them. I'm not trying to turn this into a console vs pc thread, just trying to defend consoles. I actually like it here.