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Super Best Friends Thread 13: "The Storm Has Come And So Have I" 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2

Honest to god all I remember in Prime 1 is that first level and the final boss. I played the demo of that first level at K-Mart so many god damn times while I was saving up to buy it myself.


Metroid WiiU 2016 pls


Mostly because the tech wasn't there on the nes

Didn't have that turning into a child tech on the Gamecube or the Wii for Metroid Prime 3 either.

Also Holy Shit, how did I not know about this.

The idea that people think that Samus was a cowering, spineless child all the way back to the NES and it was a technical limitation that fooled us into thinking she was awesome is honestly disgusting. Other M is the equivalent of Batman literally bursting into tears at the SIGHT of Joe Chill.


The idea that people think that Samus was a cowering, spineless child all the way back to the NES and it was a technical limitation that fooled us into thinking she was awesome is honestly disgusting. Other M is the equivalent of Batman literally bursting into tears at the SIGHT of Joe Chill.

Who wouldn't love to play as batbaby who can't even fight thugs without the help of his strong independent helpers.
That does not excuse her turning into a little girl. Pit was a silent character in Kid Icarus and they made him into a really likable character in uprising.
Also prime exists.
Sakurai tha god

I couldn't give a shit less about Samus' character in any of the Metroid games. I don't care about the story and even I know it was awful in Other M. People just act like babies thinking Nintendo has moved forward with this Samus when we haven't seen THAT Samus since. People need to fucking relax.
The idea that people think that Samus was a cowering, spineless child all the way back to the NES and it was a technical limitation that fooled us into thinking she was awesome is honestly disgusting. Other M is the equivalent of Batman literally bursting into tears at the SIGHT of Joe Chill.

It has to be a troll attempt because anyone that truly believes that is so ignorant I can't even begin to explain it.

Why not both with a mix of being half awake.

I sure hope that's the case.

People just act like babies thinking Nintendo has moved forward with this Samus when we haven't seen THAT Samus since. People need to fucking relax.

I don't think that at all because I didn't even know about it until like an hour ago. Fact is that it's character assassination and anyone whose seen it will always remember it.
Sakurai tha god

I couldn't give a shit less about Samus' character in any of the Metroid games. I don't care about the story and even I know it was awful in Other M. People just act like babies thinking Nintendo has moved forward with this Samus when we haven't seen THAT Samus since. People need to fucking relax.

If you don't give a shit then why antagonize people who do pointlessly? I mean seriously. Part of the problem though is that you're dead on about that last point. We haven't seen that Samus since. We haven't seen Samus at all, actually. Aside from her appearance in Smash Metroid might as well be dead post Other M.
That's fucking horseshit and you know it. What about the Super Nes? Or the GBA? Or the Gamecube? Or the fucking Wii?
Of course it is. My point was that for a long time people gave Samus a character themselves and when it was different than the idea people had in their head, people flipped. Nintendo knows it stunk and will most likely never do a game with that kind of storytelling on their own.

My main nonsense point was that Other M was fun for me to actually play besides those god damn pixel hunt sections.

If you don't give a shit then why antagonize people who do pointlessly? I mean seriously. Part of the problem though is that you're dead on about that last point. We haven't seen that Samus since. We haven't seen Samus at all, actually. Aside from her appearance in Smash Metroid might as well be dead post Other M.
I'm just tired and can't sleep :(
Of course it is. My point was that for a long time people gave Samus a character themselves and when it was different than the idea people had in their head, people flipped. Nintendo knows it stunk and will most likely never do a game with that kind of storytelling on their own.

That's those peoples own faults, but when you make her cower against something that she's fought on multiple occasions before without so much as an attempt to back off then that's just retarded.
Of course it is. My point was that for a long time people gave Samus a character themselves and when it was different than the idea people had in their head, people flipped. Nintendo knows it stunk and will most likely never do a game with that kind of storytelling on their own.

My main nonsense point was that Other M was fun for me to actually play besides those god damn pixel hunt sections.

Honestly even without the story stuff, I think Other M was pretty awful. Metroid is about exploration and here's one that's entirely linear, with broken gameplay and poor controls.
That's those peoples own faults, but when you make her cower against something that she's fought on multiple occasions before without so much as an attempt to back off then that's just retarded.
My NES comment honestly was a troll and I don't disagree about it being dumb.
Honestly even without the story stuff, I think Other M was pretty awful. Metroid is about exploration and here's one that's entirely linear, with broken gameplay and poor controls.
I'll give you that about the exploration. I honestly wish they didn't have that awful switch when shooting missiles. Obviously that Team Ninja gave us NG3.

Plus this always makes me laugh.


My NES comment honestly was a troll and I don't disagree about it being dumb.

I'll give you that about the exploration. I honestly wish they didn't have that awful switch when shooting missiles. Obviously that Team Ninja gave us NG3.

Plus this always makes me laugh.





It means your friend has bad taste.

It means she's disappointed you didn't give her low quality and poorly written porn.

That's hilarious that she thinks 50 shades of grey was good even if you only care about the "porn" aspect of it. If she really doesn't care and want some trashy porn, just give her doujins.

This makes me kind of curious. Should I ask her to lend me the book, so I could read it and tell her what's wrong with it?

I disagree with them, but looking at Other M, you can see why a huge contingent of people are horrified at the idea of Link speaking. Because this shit can happen. Hell Other M killed Metroid. Other M was 7 years ago and the only Metroid thing we've gotten since then is a fucking Nintendoland minigame.

We got metroid prime trilogy rereleased instead of other M. Maybe it's to introduce a new generation to first person Metroid to then follow up with a sequel on WiiU ( or 3DS)?

Scrubs is the best fucking show ever and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

He's so mistaken on Other M though.

Scrubs is the best comedy show out there.
Malcolm in the middle is up there too.
Scrubs is good. That's the only side.
Scrubs is the best fucking show ever and I'll fight anyone who disagrees.

He's so mistaken on Other M though.
Yes it is.

And I'm still on team ehhh. I guess my problem is that some people who hate, HATE what it did to Samus let that be what the game is all about. I don't mind the game. To me, it had it's moments and I don't think it's necessarily bad IMO. It was an interesting turn for the series as far as mechanics and such goes. Again, story was really bad but I never stop playing a game because of it if I enjoy what I'm playing.
Reading trough that Star Trek LTTP saddens me because Voyager never get's any love. :(
It might not be the best Trek, but it was the Trek I grew up with.


Neelix da real mvp
Fuck this. I've caused enough trouble already so one more attempt to sleep before I just say to hell with it. I'll put on the soothing sounds of a MST3K episode to help me. Maybe some Puma Man or Escape 2000. Nothing like drifting off to groovy disco fighting or machine guns and explosions.


Sweet, just got 4 way fusions..now to spend an hour going back and forth looking for something decent to fuse ;p.

Oh nevermind..it's set fusions.
It was pretty good and the game is amazing at setting a tone and building atmosphere, but it is easily one of the weaker Metroid games both in terms of story and level design (if we were to exclude Other M). When not looking at it relative to other Metroid games, it's a really good game.
But still, I didn't actually dislike the story either.

I thought the stuff with the computer was a bit odd but you're definitely right about the game setting a great atmosphere.

More Persona 5 news? Okay waking up to Other M has been redeemed.

What? Where?


Do any of you guys know a good place to stream video game music from?
I need something with a decent variety to listen to while playing LoL.


From the Persona Community Thread.

-The MC transferred to the city as a 2nd year in the spring.

-He lives in a cafe run by an old friend of his parent’s.

-The MC has a certain problem, and if he doesn’t fight back against whatever it is, some kind of distressing future will come to be. The sequence in which he looks like a prisoner takes place in what could be called a prison of the soul. Basically a prison in his mind I guess.

-The game takes place in Shibuya and various other places in the megalopolis.

-The dungeon in the PV is not randomly generated, and the main areas in the game will consist primarily of places that would make sense for a phantom thief to infiltrate. Various gimmicks included as well.

-Something resembling S.Links will also be in?

-MC’s main Persona is called Arsene (?). Looks like it could be a rif on the famous thief Arsene Lupin.

-Instead of the “カッ” seen in previous Persona summon sequences, it looks like it’ll be “ブチッ” instead.

Spoilered just in case..
Fuck, it's icy out, and knowing how my school does a half assed job salting the walkways, it'll be icy there too. I hope I don't slip and crack my head on the ice. Wish me luck. Fuck, there shouldn't be school today. I took a walk when I woke up, and Main Street is ice. But if it isn't disaster condition snow or ice, we're going. Shit, it's raining ice.
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