Super Best Friends Thread 17: I don't have Bloodborne or Monster Hunter... Uhh...

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Retro Samurai

Neo Member
Welcome. So, how did you learn about BestGaf and what are your favourite videos?

Always kinda knew about it, just started posting today, haha.

Favorite Best Friends videos? I loved their Last of Us playthrough, as well as Silent Hill 2.

Absolute favorite is Final Fantasy 8, tho.


Its fiiiiiiiiiine.

Its spooky

I guess its A.O.K. for a studio with a budget and time constraints in a real world scenario picking from an under-developed talent pool.
I'm just not used to it because I just play everything subbed these days. I assume this is an English development company?

They deserve to be shit on for their poor life choices and astounding display of inadequacy as human beings.

With that, time to sleep now.
So I've been playing da:i for a bit. Just started a new file. I go to the hinterlands and I can't go five steps without running into a damn bear!


Always kinda knew about it, just started posting today, haha.

Friend, your avatar is a little rough there. Would you like some assistance photoshopping a newer better one? Shouldn't be too hard to rectify the one little problem with it. Just tell us a game that isn't bad that you like and we can put that in instead.


So I've been playing da:i for a bit. Just started a new file. I go to the hinterlands and I can't go five steps without running into a damn bear!
Just bear with it.
Friend, your avatar is a little rough there. Would you like some assistance photoshopping a newer better one? Shouldn't be too hard to rectify the one little problem with it. Just tell us a game that isn't bad that you like and we can put that in instead.
It's fiiiine.

Retro Samurai

Neo Member
Friend, your avatar is a little rough there. Would you like some assistance photoshopping a newer better one? Shouldn't be too hard to rectify the one little problem with it. Just tell us a game that isn't bad that you like and we can put that in instead.

Thanks for the heads up, haha. Didn't know what to put up, so I kinda just put up whatever.

Well if you're offerin, Persona 4 is my persona GOAT


Always kinda knew about it, just started posting today, haha.

Favorite Best Friends videos? I loved their Last of Us playthrough, as well as Silent Hill 2.

Absolute favorite is Final Fantasy 8, tho.

Ahhh, I jumped on the hype train pretty late, haha, haven't seen much of their old stuff. I'm watching their Prison Break Playthrough in between bouts of Radiant Historia, that's been pretty hilarious.

confirmed for taste


haha, thanks! You are literally the only person I've met that knows of Radiant Historia. I'm 13 hours in and I'm smitten. Fantastic music, beautiful art, and that battle system is hype as hell.

I hyped that game up to all my friends when it came out. This thread is low-key the Atlus fan club so I bet you'll find other people who love it here, too. Really great use of time travel, and the battle system stays interesting.

Whereish are you in the story?

Retro Samurai

Neo Member
I've seen a bunch of hype for Radiant Historia. Mostly people comparing it to Chrono Trigger, which is some pretty rad, high praise.

It's probably because I have no one to talk to about videogames offline, then, haha. But yes the Chrono Trigger comparisons are totally apt.

I hyped that game up to all my friends when it came out. This thread is low-key the Atlus fan club so I bet you'll find other people who love it here, too. Really great use of time travel, and the battle system stays interesting.

Whereish are you in the story?

A certain pal lost a certain thing that he needs to be himself, in the Alternate Timeline. Also met up with the Resistance, in the real timeline.
I hyped that game up to all my friends when it came out. This thread is low-key the Atlus fan club so I bet you'll find other people who love it here, too. Really great use of time travel, and the battle system stays interesting.

Whereish are you in the story?

Fucking amazing RPG. One of the best ever made, and the third best game on the DS.
How many times did you die? Cause I've seen you play. You're not good.
Well I beat the last 6 or 7 bosses first try, but man something about these types of fights ruin me. I spent a good 2-4 hours on this.
Man, I love that cane, but the damage output just doesn't do much for me.
It starts scaling really well with skill once you pump it up. I ended up with 30 and A scaling with a +9, it's a monster.

Retro Samurai

Neo Member
It starts scaling really well with skill once you pump it up. I ended up with 30 and A scaling with a +9, it's a monster.

Good to hear, I have it as my side weapon atm and I've been pumping points into Skill, so this should work out!

Also, because I was asked, I forgot to say I love the Sadness Trilogy playthrough that SBFs did.
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