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Super Best Friends Thread 5: There's a Skeleton Inside Each of Us

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Implying there is even a difference between "Real porn" and 50 Shades.

They both are missing a few crucial details about basic human anatomy (women's anatomy specifically), they both give completely unrealistic expectations of what actual sex is even like, and they both have terrible terrible dialogue.

This sounds just like my Japanese animes.
Honestly if those romanced by a T-Rex stories can get onto Amazon, I'm sure a well written story regardless of premise will do well.

Amazon self publish has next to no standards for moderation, you have to submit practically nothing in order to get it taken down.

That or incest stories... Don't ask how I know that.
Amazon self publish has next to no standards for moderation, you have to submit practically nothing in order to get it taken down.

That or incest stories... Don't ask how I know that.

Doesn't Amazon pride itself on being the biggest online bookstore in the world?
How can they practice censorship on certain subjects and call themselves the #1 biggest bookstore in the world?

I can't decide if White People dancing is the worst thing, or the best thing....

Why not both?
No apologies. Only self-improvement.

Ulala please -___-


Amazon self publish has next to no standards for moderation, you have to submit practically nothing in order to get it taken down.

That or incest stories... Don't ask how I know that.

I can't even been angry with the guy, he's probably sold more than me. Plus his stories are probably better written then mine as well. Can't get angry at people who get popular with their shit, they must be doing something right.


You can still be upset at its drivel though.

Stephanie Meyer and EL James' writing does more damage to young and impressionable women than anything Bayonetta or SK could do in video games.

One knows exactly what it's doing, the other blurs the line between reality and fiction.

My girlfriend refers to Jack London as erotic fiction.

The Sea Wolf was one of my favorite books as a teen too, I can never look at it the same way again.
I still love you wolf larsen
I can't even been angry with the guy, he's probably sold more than me. Plus his stories are probably better written then mine as well. Can't get angry at people who get popular with their shit, they must be doing something right.

They really don't have to be doing anything right.
Oh, you're new, yeah, you probably missed my talks about my writings. Yeah, I write erotic fiction and plan to finally self publish in the new year.

My first one is about lesbians in a near future world where men are useless from disease and the only remaining sport that has complete integration into every aspect of the world, including government, is Professional Wrestling.

Factoid: The president of the united states is determined in a 30 woman over the top rope battle royal.

GIRLS DOING GERMAN SUPLEXES. Hello everyone how's your morning


Never read The Sea Wolf, but from the Wiki synopsis it sounds really interesting.

Jack London wrote the manliest stories.

Basically take the mind of Hannibal, and put him in the body of Andre the giant and then make him captain of a sealing ship.

Then take Shinji from EVA and put him under his thumb.
Can't we just combine the two into an Izuna Suplex?


Jack London wrote the manliest stories.

Basically take the mind of Hannibal, and put him in the body of Andre the giant and then make him captain of a sealing ship.

Then take Shinji from EVA and put him under his thumb.

That sounds so interesting.

It don't know what bothers me more, the fact that you wrote those lyrics wrong or the fact that I know the correct ones. :/

"it's Fiiiinnnne!"
Doesn't have to be at the same time. You can Izuna drop first without letting go, then grab them properly and do a german suplex. Or you can german suplex someone, punch them into the air and do an Izuna drop.


Always gotta throw in the Mike Haggar drop kick too for added measure.
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