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Super Best Friends Thread 7: FRIENDER65

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REmake or Director's Cut? But this line is the way I describe it to most people, fucking love that concept and game.
RE1 is the greatest game of all time.
I played the Director's Cut. I know there's an arrange mode that mixes up item placement, and I got a key for a room I could not access on the first run, so I might still mess around with the game before jumping to RE2, the one Kamiya game I have yet to play.

When Remake rereleases, I said that I would give the game another try. As a children, fighting the game controls was not my favorite activity.

Funny that I like MGS in the first place.
I don't know how much better it would've been, but I feel like maybe having the triggers be your back and forward movement instead of the d-pad would've helped ease some into manuevering around that game? At least it would have fit better with the term tank controls (it's also the custom control setup I use in the old Armored Core games, and it works).

It's not bad for just exploring. Some enemy encounters and especially boss battles though, it might be tricky.
Fuck you Yawn, you piece of shit snake.


I have my presentation in 5 minutes!
Please everyone! Give me your energy!

I played the Director's Cut. I know there's an arrange mode that mixes up item placement, and I got a key for a room I could not access on the first run, so I might still mess around with the game before jumping to RE2, the one Kamiya game I have yet to play.
It's not bad for just exploring. Some enemy encounters and especially boss battles though, it might be tricky.
Fuck you Yawn, you piece of shit snake.

What was your end time? I think my best time for best ending is 1:36 with Jill.
And what weapon did you use for Black Tiger?
Did you actually fight Yawn the first time or just avoid him?
What weapon did you use to actually fight Yawn?
What was your primary weapon?
Did you actually use the handgun?
What're the odds of you doing a knife only run?
I'm thinking about working on a knife only run.

RE1 is the greatest game ever made you guys.

I have my presentation in 5 minutes!
Please everyone! Give me your energy!

My arms were already raised.


I have my presentation in 5 minutes!
Please everyone! Give me your energy!
Just slap a tharja or ZSS amiibo onto my Wii U gamepad and let my big screen be filled with Life and Hometown automatically makes the Wii U GOAT.

Sony and MS gonna have to step it up to compete
BloodBourne and Scalebound cant keep up with the Hometown and Life hype
I'm just laughing at the idea of Reggie skeezing on all the nintendo girls.

That would seriously be the greatest
What was your end time? I think my best time for best ending is 1:36 with Jill.
And what weapon did you use for Black Tiger?
Did you actually fight Yawn the first time or just avoid him?
What weapon did you use to actually fight Yawn?
What was your primary weapon?
Did you actually use the handgun?
What're the odds of you doing a knife only run?
I'm thinking about working on a knife only run.

RE1 is the greatest game ever made you guys.
End time was 4 hours and 20 minutes, but with the times I died and was sent back, there was probably an extra hour or so spent playing it.
Black Tiger's the big spider, was it? Used the magnum, made pretty quick work of it.
I avoid Yawn the first time to get the Moon crest, obviously couldn't avoid the second encounter.
I used the Shotgun on Yawn. Still a pain in the ass because of his tail getting me trapped in corners and for the multiple times I tried fighting him, he always got at least one hit on me.
I'd say I used the handgun the most, because I kept coming across so many ammo clips and didn't see the need to use my shotgun until the Hunters showed up.
So yes, I used the handgun.
Odds of a knife run probably not very likely. I could tell off the bat it wasn't as good as the knife in RE4, so that kind discouraged me.
End time was 4 hours and 20 minutes, but with the times I died and was sent back, there was probably an extra hour or so spent playing it.
Black Tiger's the big spider, was it? Used the magnum, made pretty quick work of it.
I avoid Yawn the first time to get the Moon crest, obviously couldn't avoid the second encounter.
I used the Shotgun on Yawn. Still a pain in the ass because of his tail getting me trapped in corners and for the multiple times I tried fighting him, he always got at least one hit on me.
I'd say I used the handgun the most, because I kept coming across so many ammo clips and didn't see the need to use my shotgun until the Hunters showed up.
So yes, I used the handgun.
Odds of a knife run probably not very likely. I could tell off the bat it wasn't as good as the knife in RE4, so that kind discouraged me.

Instead of replying to every bit, I'll just say Chris' campaign is shit in comparison to Jill's. Jill has more guns, more ammo, can get into more rooms has more inventory space and needs one less key. Chris isn't even considerably harder considering all that, since he takes more damage and runs faster, allowing him to mostly just avoid everything.

With Jill, the grenade launcher replaces any need for anything else, the shotgun one shots every zombie and everything else dies to one shot from the grenade launcher. There's also trying out the different grenade types on different things to find the best routes. It's just way more fun.

Black Tiger also dies to one flame round.
I can't really join in on disliking or liking it so, is it bothersome for you?

Not the actual game discussions, they aren't for me so I just leave the topic for a bit when the discussion focuses on it, like any other discussion I don't participate in.
But the Nintendo characters thing really gets under my skin, like I genuinely find that gross and bleh.
I don't care about fan art, I believe that anyone should be able to draw whatever they want- but to be a developer and to go out and say how you'd like Nintendo characters to be in your pervy fanservice game? Nah man, that's just wrong.

So seeing that brought back up here and having everyone agreeing with it and talking about how they'd like to see X or Y, I dunno man it does just make me sad I guess.

I'm tired and about to go to bed, so I'm more susceptible to salt I spose.
I have pretty great self esteem, some might even call me narcissistic, my self control is terrible, though. Completely terrible.

Mines kinda the opposite. I use my lower self esteem to actually have better self control. Like not eating unhealthy desserts so I don't get as fat as I used to be, or spending less time playing games and goofing off and studying and doing homework because I'm a dumbass and things come slower to me.
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