A 10 does two things. First, it solidifies Galaxy 2 as a standard-bearer and reason for everyone to become reacquainted with their Wii consoles if they aren't already.
Second, it gets the "You scored this low because it's a Wii game." crowd off their backs for an entire generation.
I have no doubts that Galaxy 2 deserves the praise it's receiving, but make no mistake, there's absolutely no downside or potential for backlash in these reviews.
Indeed this series is the only one which can consistently dazzle the eyes after playing Uncharted 2, and any motion, tilt, or pointer implementation actually helps these games rather than making them in any way awkward.
They're what a Wii game should be, and although it's a shame to say this, only Nintendo knows or cares how to put all these fantastic elements together on its own console.