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Super Mario Maker |OT| Miyamoto Simulator 2015


Here's a bunch of my levels:
(Sorry for the horrible quality pics.)

Buzzsaw Plains

Simplizität 3-1

Grisly Graveyard


If i make a few edits to my uploaded level, do i lose the stats of that level (stars, plays, etc)? I have a decently popular level but dont want to lose the stars on the stats page

I believe you lose all of the level stats as if it's a brand new level. Comments, plays, etc, all gone. But any stars you got from it, while not reflected on the new level, are not subtracted from your total user stars.

So I've never bought into the Amiibo stuff. Honestly, this is the first time my Wii U has been fired up in a year or so.

So what extra benefits does an amiibo offer? Does each one do different things for the game?

AFAIK the only amiibo that offers exclusive content in this game is the Pixel Mario which lets you place giant mushrooms (the ones that put up the TV filter and put moustaches and hats on enemies.)

Other amiibo just unlock their respective costumes for the Mystery Shroom, but you can unlock all of those without amiibo through playing 100 Mario mode.



Welcome to the first SMM-GAF Community Contest! The goal of this contest is to see how different creators tackle a certain theme and have the community vote on the best entry. To participate, all you have to do is create and submit a level that adheres to the provided requirements. You will find them below:

SMM-GAF Contest #1

Theme: Level 1-1 for a new Mario game
Description: Creating the first level for an entirely new Mario platformer must be a tough task for the level designers at Nintendo. Certain traditions of 1-1 stages must be respected while also avoiding the dangers of being derivative. Now it's up to you to create a level that would serve as the very first stage of a new Mario game. Think about what direction the game goes in. Think about a new idea that might be featured more heavily and expanded on in certain ways as the game progresses. The first impression is what counts, right?
Styles: All Styles allowed

Submission deadline: Monday, Sep 21 (12pm GMT+1)
Voting period: Monday, Sep 21 - Monday, Sep 28 (12pm GMT+1)

Submission Rules:

To submit a level, post the code of your level along with a screenshot in this very thread and clearly label it as entry for the contest by putting the following on the top of your post: 'Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1'.

Keep in mind that only one entry per user is allowed. If you wanna retract a level and submit a new one, make that absolutely clear and edit your old post to reflect that change. Please refrain from doing this a lot, better be absolutely sure that the stage you created is the one you wanna submit.

You can label your level in a way that relates it to our contest but you don't have to. Just make sure to properly submit a level in here by following the rules above.

Voting Rules:

Once the deadline for submitting levels is reached, I will assemble all the entries and post the list in here. SMM-GAF will then go ahead and try the levels. You can assign points to up to three levels - your first pick gets three points, your second pick two points, your third pick one point.

You can give feedback in the thread and reveal your ranking if you wish. However, you must send me your ballot in a PM, this ensures anonymity for those who want it and, more importantly, gives me an easier time counting your votes.

The deadlines for submitting and voting will be posted above. Feel free to quote this post on a new page to spread the word!

I should say that the first three winners will be included in the Community Showcase! However, I hope that, first and foremost, a contest like this will help people focus their creativity while trying to work around restrictions (which will undoubtedly become more strict in later contests!). Most importantly, though, I hope that everyone has a fun time!

It's all up to you, man.

It gives you a giant mushroom that you can put in the level to make (SMB1 style) Mario get huge, which offers its own level design capabilities but it's not necessarily a huge revelation or anything.

Have to decide on your own if it's worth it or not. People might enjoy seeing it in levels just as a rare fun thing that is relatively uncommon, and you might sell others on buying it even. :)
The whole point of a level is to have fun. The challenge must be from skill elements and not unfair elements. The moment you're trying to screw the player over it will be skipped. Hidden blocks in front of pits or enemies , pixel perfect jumps, enemies right at the level start. Those things for me are autoskip features.


Going with water resistant as I haven't done any water in a long while. Was fun, but probably a little too simple filled with at least 50% too many enemies to compensate. Try a level that's a little bit longer with slightly easier sections that makes the player feel rewarded for getting through them onto the next, not a huge sigh of relief. Otherwise good start! I died in the 5 1up area and was determined to go back again and get them all and finish it :p

Thanks for taking the time to play it and give some feedback! In the levels I've done since I am trying to do just that (making them longer and spread out more evenly).

Again, thank you!


Just finished my first full music level to show my support for the need for vegetables in this game. Forget slopes, we want turnips!

Vegetables In Mario Maker Please - DD68-0000-003C-F3E9

The limitations of the music making in this game can be pretty frustrating. I tried putting in extra instrumentation but I either ran out of room or instrument got in each other's way.

If you play it then let me know so that I can try one of yours.

Added to my OP.



Welcome to the first SMM-GAF Community Contest! The goal of this contest is to see how different creators tackle a certain theme and have the community vote on the best entry. To participate, all you have to do is create and submit a level that adheres to the provided requirements. You will find them below:

SMM-GAF Contest #1

Theme: Level 1-1 for a new Mario game
Wow, this is awesome. I'm gonna get started right now!

But... October 21?! Do we really need a month and a half for a 1-1 competition? lol just sayin'...


Anyone get a chance to play any of my levels yet? Love some feedback, especially on my latest Pikmin themed level! Also, PM me more stages! About to run through a whole bunch more. I star all Gaf levels and always give my critique.

You can find all my stages HERE.



I just played through this one. Let me start by saying that I suck at (and tend to dislike) water levels in general. haha. But I actually liked your concept in this. It is well designed. It will be a challenge I think for anyone who comes into it and thinks they can rush through to the end. I like to take my time and explore levels so it is more my style. Everything seems to be really meticulously placed with thought. All of the timing was very well worked out to award a careful run through. I was a bit nervous coming into the final stretch and seeing all the fire and thinking uh-oh here comes the gauntlet that will stop me from succeed. But it was more a fear of what's to come rather than it actually being too difficult or anything which is good. Nice job


Wow, this is awesome. I'm gonna get started right now!

But... October 21?! Do we really need a month and a half for a 1-1 competition? lol just sayin'...

oh dear, i meant september, of course! fixed, thank you!

*ahem* i mean, i'm from the future, you see


Question: How has everyone been playing the game?

Building on the gamepad, playing on TV
Building on the gamepad, looking at TV as you build from time to time, playing on TV
Building and playing on Gamepad exclusively

I have been 99% gamepad, when I first fired up the game, I had the TV on, but since then I usually just quick start the game and then mess around with it with the TV on a tv channel or not on at all.

Yep, I'm about like you. 99% gamepad. I occasionally glance at the TV, but very little.


So if we can't get a separate topic for level code sharing can we get one for level design discussion? As mentioned a couple times in this thread solid advice gets easily lost in the torrent of creativity.


SMM-GAF Contest #1

Theme: Level 1-1 for a new Mario game

I'm totally going to enter this (I actually have a 1-1 styled level that needs some modifications anyway). Honestly though, I think a full month is probably too much time. I think you could trim this down to two weeks.

Edit - Nevermind you fixed it! :)

That block limit is really starting to annoy me. I have to carve holes in my walls everywhere just so I can finish my level.

Yeah, I kind of wish the block limit was higher.



Welcome to the first SMM-GAF Community Contest! The goal of this contest is to see how different creators tackle a certain theme and have the community vote on the best entry. To participate, all you have to do is create and submit a level that adheres to the provided requirements. You will find them below:

SMM-GAF Contest #1

Theme: Level 1-1 for a new Mario game
Description: Creating the first level for an entirely new Mario platformer must be a tough task for the level designers at Nintendo. Certain traditions of 1-1 stages must be respected while also avoiding the dangers of being derivative. Now it's up to you to create a level that would serve as the very first stage of a new Mario game. Think about what direction the game goes in. Think about a new idea that might be featured more heavily and expanded on in certain ways as the game progresses. The first impression is what counts, right?
Styles: All Styles allowed

Submission deadline: Monday, Sep 21 (12pm GMT+1)
Voting period: Monday, Sep 21 - Monday, Sep 28 (12pm GMT+1)

Submission Rules:

To submit a level, post the code of your level along with a screenshot in this very thread and clearly label it as entry for the contest by putting the following on the top of your post: 'Submission for the SMM-GAF Community Contest #1'.

Keep in mind that only one entry per user is allowed. If you wanna retract a level and submit a new one, make that absolutely clear and edit your old post to reflect that change. Please refrain from doing this a lot, better be absolutely sure that the stage you created is the one you wanna submit.

You can label your level in a way that relates it to our contest but you don't have to. Just make sure to properly submit a level in here by following the rules above.

Voting Rules:

Once the deadline for submitting levels is reached, I will assemble all the entries and post the list in here. SMM-GAF will then go ahead and try the levels. You can assign points to up to three levels - your first pick gets three points, your second pick two points, your third pick one point.

You can give feedback in the thread and reveal your ranking if you wish. However, you must send me your ballot in a PM, this ensures anonymity for those who want it and, more importantly, gives me an easier time counting your votes.

The deadlines for submitting and voting will be posted above. Feel free to quote this post on a new page to spread the word!

I should say that the first three winners will be included in the Community Showcase! However, I hope that, first and foremost, a contest like this will help people focus their creativity while trying to work around restrictions (which will undoubtedly become more strict in later contests!). Most importantly, though, I hope that everyone has a fun time!

Heck yes! I'm all about this!
The limitations of the music making in this game can be pretty frustrating. I tried putting in extra instrumentation but I either ran out of room or instrument got in each other's way.

Speaking of music editing, what ever came of this?
While we do have some robust sound editing functions involved, there’s no music creation section

Koji Kondo said it a few months ago. There's no "robust" sound editor in the game, just the ability to attach sounds to enemies and events and record your own sounds that can't even be uploaded. Not really a "robust" system.

He also implied some sort of music remix or mixing was going to be possible.
I want to make the music part [in Mario Maker] even more intuitive and easier this time around [than the music editor in Mario Paint] as well. I mean, we're working on it, and I don't know exactly what we can do, but that's our goal.


Okay, I switched my latest level to Super Mario 3 style which actually turned out to be a better fit for how the level works except that the secret area is a little harder to reach now, but it's still doable. I made a couple minor tweaks to the stage to so it's a tad easier.


Title: There and Back Again v2.0
Difficulty: Medium
Code: FB72-0000-003D-1FC6

Let me know what you think and how it could be improved.


-The invisible blocks at the beginning cause several deaths before you realize how many of them there are. This isn't inherently problematic for me, but a lot of people are going to skip your level if they die a couple times in a row at the beginning (one of my levels has a similar hidden block trap and most deaths are there.)
-As someone else said the first 1-up should just be a coin
-The Mystery Shroom felt a little arbitrary, but a little whimsy never hurt anyone.
-I'd put the Goomba's Shoe somewhere on the ground but where it can't kill itself, and replace the koopas with pirhana plants with just chompers like you'd expect in a goomba's shoe segment in a normal Mario game.
-The Thwomps also felt a little out of place.

Other than those things, the level is more playable than most that I get thrown into on 100 Marios. But the sky section is your biggest problem.

-First of all, the vine at the beginning of the level is incredibly easy to find and lets you skip the entire ground section. What I would suggest is probably to just have some platforming to work your way up and left from the end of the ground area to some standard cloud-style platforms above, maybe some minor obstacles - no pitfalls to the ground - and a lakitu that you can get up to and steal his cloud. It might work even better if you could just put the cloud section in a sub-level. Maybe a vine at the end of the ground section leading to a pipe in the sky.

Originally the invisible block at the beginning was the only the single block with a vine. I should change it back I think. I was trying to get more people to notice it because I was getting a bunch of non-completes. I never inteded death from it. It was meant to just be an alternate route for a lucky handful rather than an always on insta-win button. I really like the final suggestion about platforming to get to it and a lakitu.

I'm thinking the 1-up has to go (or be placed elsewhere :) (And the mystery shroom was very arbitrary - haha - and no longer there in my in-progress update)

I really appreciate the comments everyone. This was the first of the levels I built and the one I have most invested in to get it working well. So the feedback really gives me some things to look into changing!


AFAIK the only amiibo that offers exclusive content in this game is the Pixel Mario which lets you place giant mushrooms (the ones that put up the TV filter and put moustaches and hats on enemies.)

Other amiibo just unlock their respective costumes for the Mystery Shroom, but you can unlock all of those without amiibo through playing 100 Mario mode.

Thanks! Good to know, I might pick up the pixel Mario then, if I can find him anywhere.


Alright I missed out on 14 makers who quoted my post, I'll get around to them later. No more quotes please lol!

Meanwhile, if anyone was so inclined to give me some feedback, try my two levels!

Whoever the one person was who solved the end of Whacker Mole Hollow, I salute you! (In hindsight I could probably have made the way to activate the coin switch a bit more obvious :p)

finished whacker mole hollow. I figured out the trick a few games in but another game for me to figure out how to activate it. I think its obvious enough but the tight time limit is probably what's hindering more people from stumbling onto it.


Updated my Mariotroid level. Fixed that sequence break, replaced the Shy Guy and completely redid that final "boss" section to make it a bit more Metroid.


Mariotroid v2
Bowser's Undersea Artillery - 0575-0000-003C-E1DB - New Super Mario Bros U skin, Underwater setting, Low-Medium difficulty.

I gave this a whirl, I thought it was pretty good seemed quite bit harder than you expected though. I had a pretty hard time with it. There was some nice variety, it was pretty clear about what needed to be done and the pacing was solid for the most part. The switching fire shoots were pretty cool. You need to tell me how you did that.

I do have some nitpicking to make,
I guess you were trying to go for a risk reward with the power ups but the level was hard enough I had to go for all of them and some of them were abit tedious to get to (the fire flower by the bullet bills, I don't think needed the blooper)
and some platforms screwed me over in unintentional ways (the platform before the saws and bouncing of a cannon threw me into another one)
The fire shoot things (I don't know what there called) whilst cool, it was hard keeping track of which set was which maybe force moving platforms to stay under them and colour code it.
The mushroom at the beginning is a little to easy to miss

And finally the pacing at the end is pretty wired, the challenge reaches its apex, then the level keeps going on for some reason with a fairly complicated looking section I literally just sailed over.

I did liked it more than I didn't, I'm just way better at complaining than complimenting. Good job dude.


If you unupload a level do you lose its stars? I'm hitting near my cap and while there's a few that have only 2-3 stars, I don't really want to base my removal criteria solely on the number of stars (the ones I'm planning to remove don't really feel like they gel with my philosophy of level design now). That said, if the number of stars does get removed, I might have to keep some of my less preferred levels in the short-term.


Question: How has everyone been playing the game?

Building on the gamepad, playing on TV
Building on the gamepad, looking at TV as you build from time to time, playing on TV
Building and playing on Gamepad exclusively

I have been 99% gamepad, when I first fired up the game, I had the TV on, but since then I usually just quick start the game and then mess around with it with the TV on a tv channel or not on at all.
Mostly on the Gamepad, but I kind of try to make it so when the stage is done and ready to upload, I play the verification run on the TV. Sort of like the stage getting its big screen debut there.

Also, I got a Ghost House idea now. It's simple, fair and I'm having a headache trying to keep it that way in the editor... I need a secondary idea, though. What's common to do in a ghost house other than running around all confused-like. Dodge Boos, of course, but what else?


Mostly on the Gamepad, but I kind of try to make it so when the stage is done and ready to upload, I play the verification run on the TV. Sort of like the stage getting its big screen debut there.

Also, I got a Ghost House idea now. It's simple, fair and I'm having a headache trying to keep it that way in the editor... I need a secondary idea, though. What's common to do in a ghost house other than running around all confused-like. Dodge Boos, of course, but what else?

Usually subvert expectations. Things showing up in places they wouldn't normally, a P switch puzzle (with a way to reset it). Go outside the bounds of the level.


Not being able to do a level update is probably my least favorite thing about this game right now. I get why (you wouldn't want people just making one popular level and then switching things in and out constantly), but it is a bit annoying. One of my levels, for instance, has some nice comments on miiverse, and some stars, etc, but there were a few tweaks I wanted to make. So I uploaded a better version. But now I am torn on deleting the old one! Oh well, probably just gotta bite the bullet (bill).


So has a Balloon Fight level been done yet? I'm sure it has (I only got the game today and haven't checked out other levels yet) but here is my attempt:

Extra goal is to get every coin, but I hope it's a challenge just finishing the level :D

ID: F99E-0000-003D-49CE
Alright I missed out on 14 makers who quoted my post, I'll get around to them later. No more quotes please lol!

Meanwhile, if anyone was so inclined to give me some feedback, try my two levels!

Whoever the one person was who solved the end of Whacker Mole Hollow, I salute you! (In hindsight I could probably have made the way to activate the coin switch a bit more obvious :p)

I tried the first one - wow - great effort. Haven't managed to clear it yet (got frustrated dying towards the end). I'm constantly looking for a way to get back to the area at the top of the beginning section. I hope it's possible...


What's an average amount of stars to get for an average stage, and how many stars do I need to get a new upload spot?

My first level, Spikey Dave, has 5 stars now! ..And only 14.54% completion rate, which I find strange, because it wasn't designed to be brutal.


Spikey Dave & Pals

Dave Fever is catching. Hope you all try it and have a great davesperience.


If you unupload a level do you lose its stars? I'm hitting near my cap and while there's a few that have only 2-3 stars, I don't really want to base my removal criteria solely on the number of stars (the ones I'm planning to remove don't really feel like they gel with my philosophy of level design now). That said, if the number of stars does get removed, I might have to keep some of my less preferred levels in the short-term.

No, you keep your stars.
Mostly on the Gamepad, but I kind of try to make it so when the stage is done and ready to upload, I play the verification run on the TV. Sort of like the stage getting its big screen debut there.

Also, I got a Ghost House idea now. It's simple, fair and I'm having a headache trying to keep it that way in the editor... I need a secondary idea, though. What's common to do in a ghost house other than running around all confused-like. Dodge Boos, of course, but what else?

Carrying switches from room to room.. Maybe, and having to freeze boos from multiple directions whilst doing simple platforming, and lots of hidden things the player accidental runs into.

I wish I could be of more help, but I hate the haunted house levels and remember little about them.


Question: How has everyone been playing the game?

Building on the gamepad, playing on TV
Building on the gamepad, looking at TV as you build from time to time, playing on TV
Building and playing on Gamepad exclusively

I have been 99% gamepad, when I first fired up the game, I had the TV on, but since then I usually just quick start the game and then mess around with it with the TV on a tv channel or not on at all.

I often find myself building on the Gamepad and playtesting on the gamepad most of the time, i have to remember to look at the tv most of the time. However when playing other users' levels, i play turned on the tv with comments on in the gamepad.
Trying this once more still no plays yet :p

Would love to have some people try out my first stage!

It's called Hot Hot Lava! And it's fairly difficult took me quite a few tries to get it uploaded but it is fair!

Would love to get some feedback and some plays! Gimme a like if you enjoy it and some feedback to let me know what direction to take with it!



If you play mine Leave some feedback here or in game please star and I will play yours when I'm home from work!
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