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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese

Dr. Buni

What happens if you pause during an online match? I think one guy got mad and left when I paused accidentally.
I didn't know you could pause during online matches. Maybe instead of the opponent leaving, you got disconnected from the match when you paused it?
But B is used for special attacks, and A is used for normals/tilts/airs. Anything else is counter-intuitive to me. :p
B is used for jump in most games where you can jump. I can't bring myself to jump with any other button.
I have to try this out when I get home. I can't wait to wreak so many bowsers and dedede who think they can slam their rears into the ground as a standard way of landing. It would be great against Link too.
If I remember right, it's during the frames you can charge up and if you do charge up the up smash the invincibility frames should actually last as long as you're charging too :eek:

I tried out Palutena and I'm liking her. I can tolerate her moves start up being slow and her recovery slow. But I don't like her neutral b move. I like her reflect and counter move though. Any pointers on Palutena?

To give a bit more detail on her usages:
* her jab is solid. It will often beat out a lot of moves including yoshi, sonic and jigglypuff's rolling moves. You can also jab, wait a beat and then grab (if you try to jab then grab immediately it'll annoying go into her extended jab so the pause between them is crucial :eek: ) If you watch Coral play in the japanese tournament (they got 2nd place) you'll see they make extensive use of it.
* her dash attack and back-air both use her shield and have the properties of both nullifying all projectiles and non-armoured attacks (aka little mac's smash attacks) and having enough KO power to kill at high percentages. Just be aware that the dash attack is very punishable if blocked or evaded due to a slow recovery. It comes out incredibly quick though so you can catch a heck of a lot with it :3
* her forward air is fast and has almost no recovery on landing as long as you don't fast-fall it. It doesn't knock back much but it's good for pecking away at people for percentage, breaking up their flow and generally just getting in their face :p If you do a full jump and forward-air on the way up then you should recover in time to forward air a second time before you land, which can sometimes be handy.
* Being above Palutena is the worst possible position for your opponent as you have the tools to answer pretty much every falling strategy. Her up-smash, while sometimes difficult to land due to it's small horizontal range and the vertical range not extending as far as the graphic, still reaches fairly high. Her up-air is very difficult to beat and if it connects it has a fairly good chance of killing at higher percentages. Likewise, her neutral air hits all around her and can catch a lot of people. Her up-tilt lowers her hurtbox and creates a multi-hitting hitbox above her, often catching a lot of attackers before they can hit you and the launch at the end of it can KO. When you learn how to space/aim these and pick the right option you can basically juggle some opponents to death without them ever touching terra-firma again if they dare to the leave the ground :p
* If you do get into grab, then the down grab, as mentioned by a few folk, is your friend. After bouncing the opponent off the floor there's a few follow up options depending on their percent and how they move during their tumble... it's worth experimenting with all of them to see which is best for what situation: if they control back towards you then you can up smash, if they don't control you can often follow up with jump/short-hop neutral-air or even jump/short-hop up-air (which can kill at 120% or higher on most characters.) If they control away from you then you might need to jump and forward-air them or even chase and dash-attacking them as they land.
* Her smash attacks are really for punishing rather than using straight out. Down-smash punishes people rolling past (again, coral uses this beautifully in the japanese tournament to destroy Lucario) and forward smash has great KO power so if your opponent uses something laggy smack them with it for a kill at mid-high to high percents. Her upsmash on foes either on the ground or close to the ground has huge upwards KO power too so it also works as a punish. It loses a lot of it's knockback higher up the hitbox you go though so don't expect it to KO much against fully aerial targets unless they're at very high percents.
* Her tilts are mostly tools for pre-emptively punishing bad spacing: if an opponent is too far away to roll behind you, for example, you can throw out her forward tilt to catch them when they attempt to approach. Her down tilt isn't too much different though it lowers her hurtbox and recovers a little faster than her forward tilt: I've seen some amusing uses of it to catch aerial attacks from the side (the lowered hitbox cause them to whiff over her head and they landed on the spinning staff) but don't expect to pull that off very often :p I don't use them too often as the jab is considerably safer but if you have the space to use them and you're confident you won't get punished then feel free to try and include them if you want XD Her uptilt is the star of her tilts as it's a great answer to people coming in from directly above and beats a lot of down-airs that usually cause trouble for other characters.

* Auto-reticule: I hate this move but if you're not using customs it's worth learning to use it.
It's main function is to harass your opponent into approaching you, forcing them to jump and interrupting their range game. It will fail to lock on if they're out of range, you don't have line of sight (like they're below the stage rim for example) or, much to my constant annoyance, if they have any intangibility (most commonly dodge roll,spot-dodge and air-dodge.) While it doesn't come out super fast, it's fast enough to interrupt Robin or Samus doing their charge-ups, especially if you keep them on their toes with your reflect so they're not sure when they can safely fire.
A jumping foe can actually be hit with auto reticule if you time it so you lock on as they travel up, that way when they complete the jump's arc and start falling they'll come down into the line of bolts you're sending out. If for some reason they walk at you then you can peg them with auto-reticule repeatedly too until they learn to stop being so oblivious :p
It's also worthwhile trying it out against a large number of projectiles as it will often stuff them, including all of robin's ranged spells outside of fully charged thunder, and in DeDeDe's case it will actually knock his Gordos back at him at fairly high speed :3

* Reflect: This move is freaking awesome :p On start-up the shield on her arm has an actual hit-box so you can smack people in the face at point-blank range with it if you're feeling extra risky and the energy field itself will push people back. The reflect field stays out for a lot longer than people expect and if you spam it continuously I don't believe there's actually a usable gap to slip a projectile through (several people have tried and I've yet to see any succeed :p ) Much like mario's cape, the reflect field will turn around Villager's rocket even if they're riding it and when it explodes it counts as yours so it will harm/kill the rider :3
Be warned, if someone knows you're going to do this, the push-back effect of the field isn't sufficient to stop them dashing through it and you can be punished, however, if they're not running then they won't overcome the backwards force so you can often do some tricky things such as pushing away people who are recovering or trying to standing/walking grab or attack you often causing them to whiff.

* Teleport: Nothing special to remark about this other than it's relatively fast. Don't be afraid to use this on the stage to warp horizontally if you need to escape pressure or if the opponent chases you into the air and you're not confident you can beat their approach you can always warp past them onto the stage :3

* Counter: this move has an incredibly long start-up compared to most other counters in the game but can sometimes get some of the more rush-down based characters off you if you can find the time to fire it off. You won't see this used very often by most Palutena players though as the lengthy start-up and long recovery make it difficult to use and despite some claims that it has the highest knockback magnifier of all counters, I've yet to see any evidence from this in my own usage (I've not only never killed anyone with a direct hit from it, but the knockback on it has often been extremely poor)

Default Palutena in a nutshell:
Basically Palu's entire moveset is situational. In the right situations some of her tools are genuinely great but she doesn't have a sold 'go-to' you can mindlessly spam like a lot of other characters so expect her to demand a lot of effort compared to a lot of the cast. She gets a hell of a lot better with customs but it doesn't hurt to learn her default play all the same, especially if you plan on maining her in any capacity and still play online :p

~watches people flee in terror from the giant post~


I didn't know you could pause during online matches. Maybe instead of the opponent leaving, you got disconnected from the match when you paused it?

I'll have to check my stats later but I don't think I got disconnected because I wasn't banned for 10 minutes.


Last night I ended up doing a fight or so with a certain person in For Glory with the name "arif". It was some normal, relatively competitive stuff at first. After a while we ended up in a Ness mirror, which was some of the most fun and next level stuff I've ever been involved in. It seems like we both thought the same thing after that first mirror because we kept using Ness in each subsequent match and played for the next half hour. It was so much fun. I learned a lot of things about Ness I didn't know was possible, I scored myself a couple wins but for the most of the part it was just awesome trying to get a read on each other and learning our patterns, with the odd accidental self destruct for us happening in between. It was a set of games that taught me a lot.

I would have gone on for so much longer but not only was it 3:30 AM at the time but my battery was running out. If that person is out there somewhere, I just want to say that was some of the best Smashing I've ever been involved in and I'm glad I have some of the replays from that night. Ness is so great to play in the new Smash.
So who is everyone's absolute worst characters? I'm not talking about characters you just kinda suck with and would rather not use; I mean characters you literally cannot play for shit with, like it's not even worth trying. For me, that list looks something like:

- Charizard: I'm not one for big, slow characters, and I just can't use any of his moves properly. He just feels awkward to me. I felt the same way in Brawl.
- Duck Hunt: Sadly. :( I love the character but can't figure out their kill moves and how best to utilize their smashes, which have terrible KO power.
- Falco: As always, to me he's like a slower, more awkward Fox. I hate his weird high jumps with almost no horizontal movements, his slow blaster, and the fact that he throws his reflector. Still like Fox, but I can't stand using Falco for anything. Which is too bad, because he's cool as a character!
- Ganondorf: Again, big/slow characters are not for me. I'm okay with Bowser and King Dedede because of their specials and the way they move, but Ganondorf just feels horrible to even try to move around. I have a lot of respect for pro 'Dorf players.
- Lucario: I just don't understand this character. My best friend is amazing with him, but I can't ever seem to hit with his normals or airs and it always feels like his specials like Force Palm and whatever his down special is have less range than they should. Clearly that's not the case, though, because pro Lucario players are horribly difficult to deal with.
- Meta Knight: I was pretty crappy with him in Brawl, but he might very well be my absolute worst character in this one. That probably has to do with his nerfs, but I also just don't like the way he plays at all. His specials are awkward to use and his flurry attacks are weird.
- Rosalina & Luma: This is mainly because I haven't put in time to learning how exactly Luma works; I think I could be good with her once I do.
- Samus: She's always been way too floaty for me, her smashes lack killing power, and I absolutely *hate* her slow Morph Ball dodge. If only it was faster!
- Villager: Love the idea of the character, but he/she's just too niche and gimmicky for me to use effectively. I prefer characters with more straightforward strategies (which is ironic, since I'm maining Mega Man to good effect).
- Zelda: I'm really sad to have to put her on this list. She was my second-best in Brawl and I could absolutely wreck shit with her, but she seems to have been nerfed to hell here... or at least, I can't do anything with her anymore. Her up smash and Din's Fire both suck now, she has more ending lag on Nayru's Love, and it feels like she was made even slower than she already was. R.I.P. in peace Brawl Zelda. :(

I feel like I should maybe add Olimar/Alph to this list, but I somehow seem to do all right when I play them. I'm not sure how that makes any sense, but yeah.
There's a lot of characters I don't know how to use. Hell, even the characters I frequently use (Wario, R.O.B, Charizard, Jigglypuff, Yoshi) I don't think I'm using properly, if that's the right word.

Also, I'm either on a winning streak or a losing streak online and it gets frustrating. :lol

Dr. Buni

For me...

Charizard: I have no idea what I am supposed to do when playing it
Palutena: Defensive specials + laggy smashes/tilts makes her really hard for me to play
Robin: They are so slow :/
Zelda: I liked how her smashes "trapped" the opponent in Brawl, but apparently it doesn't work this way anymore
Lucina/Marth: Good Lucina and Marth players amaze me
Rosalina & Luma: People in For Glory are so good with them, but I can't do shit with Rosaluma

Also Meta Knight and Jigglypuff. I would love to play Purin but I have no idea what to do with its moves.

Masked Man

I said wow
I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing when playing as Pikmin & Olimar.

~watches people flee in terror from the giant post~

Thanks for your impressions! It's always fun to read what people think about my goddess. :3 I agree that her tilts (aside from UTilt) are too slow to use with any frequency. I'm interested to watch how Coral plays--gonna go look for videos!


I can't get kill moves with meta Knight for the life of me.

I keep suiciding by accident trying to use Din's Fire with Zelda but that feels like more me fucking up than some inherent property of me and Z


Ok, Gaffers. What are the tips for classic mode, 9.0 intensity? I've been alternating between Ganondorf and Bowser. When I'm not sucking I can get to Master Core but I die every time. Should I be using custom characters? If so, what equipment should I use?
Thanks for your impressions! It's always fun to read what people think about my goddess. :3 I agree that her tilts (aside from UTilt) are too slow to use with any frequency. I'm interested to watch how Coral plays--gonna go look for videos!
Heh, no worries. I'm always dabbling with her to see what more I can get out of her as I'd like to main her :3

My fave vid of Coral's Palutena is the lucario match here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_iML_fFpwY they win against the blue jackal fairly convincingly and don't even take any % damage for the first 30 seconds XD
There's some good examples of down-throw combos (e.g. f-air into jab into another throw) and some excellent down-smash punishes when Lucario tries to roll later :3 It's a shame the match is brought to a close so early by a fudged up-B by lucario :p


As in "Heathcliff"
Aaaaand done!


Feels good. <3 The third page of challenges is pretty tough. Wonder how the Wii U version's challenge board(s) will compare...

Only four trophies to go as well, but at this point who knows how long it'll take me to get lucky enough to have them show up in Trophy Rush...

Nice job! Well, Sakurai said that Wii U version's challenge board would be tougher than 3DS'.
Ok, Gaffers. What are the tips for classic mode, 9.0 intensity? I've been alternating between Ganondorf and Bowser. When I'm not sucking I can get to Master Core but I die every time. Should I be using custom characters? If so, what equipment should I use?

I used a custom Ganondorf tweaked for maximum defense. Despite the resulting loss in speed, if you stick to the easy paths and rely on items, the battles leading up to Master Core aren't usually too bad.

For Master/Crazy Hand and Master Core, unfortunately it's really just a matter of playing them enough times to learn how to anticipate and dodge their attacks. Dodging their attacks in the first place is key, because if they rack up damage on you and manage to knock you off, you're almost certain to be unable to get back because of your low speed/mobility (and because Ganondorf is already slow and heavy).

As for damaging the final bosses, I mainly just relied on repeated up smashes (be careful not to accidentally do the Volcano Kick instead!) for the humanoid form and forward smashes for the beast form. The sword form is probably the toughest because you have to rely on Ganondorf's weird, awkward aerials to damage it while having almost no air time/mobility and still having to dodge its attacks. The Ganondorf Swarm clone is actually pretty easy because it shares your customizations, making it just as slow as you are and similarly unable to get back once you knock it off-stage (and the AI doesn't seem to be particularly smart in that particular part of the battle for some reason). Make sure to charge an up smash underneath Master Core when the sword form is changing into the Swarm clone for a free power hit as it's falling to the stage!

tl;dr - Learn Master Core's attacks inside and out to learn how to dodge them consistently, and ALWAYS play it safe instead of trying to get an extra hit in; it's never worth the risk. Better to have the fight take a bit longer and not take a stupid hit (which could lead to a KO) than rush things and take unnecessary damage.

Even with these strategies, though, it took me a good five tries to beat it on 9.0. It's not an easy task in the least. Hang in there!


Ok, Gaffers. What are the tips for classic mode, 9.0 intensity? I've been alternating between Ganondorf and Bowser. When I'm not sucking I can get to Master Core but I die every time. Should I be using custom characters? If so, what equipment should I use?

Critical Hitter Badge on either one + possibly extra brawn badges. You have to be really good though otherwise you'll die very easily (since brawn badges lower your defense). Just know/learn the attack patterns and you'll have your second stock at high % on Master Core's final form and from there it's pretty much a cakewalk. I used Bowser for what it's worth. His Up smash can hit Master Core's first form so all you need to do is spam that and then the rest is knowing his patterns and trying not to take as many hits or as much damage.


I used a custom Ganondorf tweaked for maximum defense. Despite the resulting loss in speed, if you stick to the easy paths and rely on items, the battles leading up to Master Core aren't usually too bad.

For Master/Crazy Hand and Master Core, unfortunately it's really just a matter of playing them enough times to learn how to anticipate and dodge their attacks. Dodging their attacks in the first place is key, because if they rack up damage on you and manage to knock you off, you're almost certain to be unable to get back because of your low speed/mobility (and because Ganondorf is already slow and heavy).

As for damaging the final bosses, I mainly just relied on repeated up smashes (be careful not to accidentally do the Volcano Kick instead!) for the humanoid form and forward smashes for the beast form. The sword form is probably the toughest because you have to rely on Ganondorf's weird, awkward aerials to damage it while having almost no air time/mobility and still having to dodge its attacks. The Ganondorf Swarm clone is actually pretty easy because it shares your customizations, making it just as slow as you are and similarly unable to get back once you knock it off-stage (and the AI doesn't seem to be particularly smart in that particular part of the battle for some reason). Make sure to charge an up smash underneath Master Core when the sword form is changing into the Swarm clone for a free power hit as it's falling to the stage!

tl;dr - Learn Master Core's attacks inside and out to learn how to dodge them consistently, and ALWAYS play it safe instead of trying to get an extra hit in; it's never worth the risk. Better to have the fight take a bit longer and not take a stupid hit (which could lead to a KO) than rush things and take unnecessary damage.

Even with these strategies, though, it took me a good five tries to beat it on 9.0. It's not an easy task in the least. Hang in there!

Critical Hitter Badge on either one + possibly extra brawn badges. You have to be really good though otherwise you'll die very easily (since brawn badges lower your defense). Just know/learn the attack patterns and you'll have your second stock at high % on Master Core's final form and from there it's pretty much a cakewalk. I used Bowser for what it's worth. His Up smash can hit Master Core's first form so all you need to do is spam that and then the rest is knowing his patterns and trying not to take as many hits or as much damage.
I'll give these a shot. Thanks. I've went against master core enough on lower difficulties but I can barely get to the doppelganger.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Bowser is pretty awesome, but is it just me or is he quite slow in his turns and whatnot?


So I'm pretty sure, Smash Bros just killed my Launch 3ds.

It turned of when I was playing it. Now when I turn in on, it flashes on before turning off. Has this happened to anyone here?


So who is everyone's absolute worst characters? I'm not talking about characters you just kinda suck with and would rather not use; I mean characters you literally cannot play for shit with, like it's not even worth trying.

For me it's probably easier to point out the ones that I can actually use lol, it's a long list.


I also mained Zelda in Brawl and can't play her worth beans anymore. I was convinced she's just bad, but the very day I surmised that, I ended up fighting one that beat me in For Glory... I guess you can make her work but it seems like a really uphill battle.
IMO, a character tweaked for maximum offense > maximum defense at 9.0. You can kill every form in 3-4 smash attacks with Ike at ~110 attack and criticals. Some of the forms don't even get to act.

If I remember right, it's during the frames you can charge up and if you do charge up the up smash the invincibility frames should actually last as long as you're charging too :eek:

To give a bit more detail on her usages:
* her jab is solid. It will often beat out a lot of moves including yoshi, sonic and jigglypuff's rolling moves. You can also jab, wait a beat and then grab (if you try to jab then grab immediately it'll annoying go into her extended jab so the pause between them is crucial :eek: ) If you watch Coral play in the japanese tournament (they got 2nd place) you'll see they make extensive use of it.
* her dash attack and back-air both use her shield and have the properties of both nullifying all projectiles and non-armoured attacks (aka little mac's smash attacks) and having enough KO power to kill at high percentages. Just be aware that the dash attack is very punishable if blocked or evaded due to a slow recovery. It comes out incredibly quick though so you can catch a heck of a lot with it :3
* her forward air is fast and has almost no recovery on landing as long as you don't fast-fall it. It doesn't knock back much but it's good for pecking away at people for percentage, breaking up their flow and generally just getting in their face :p If you do a full jump and forward-air on the way up then you should recover in time to forward air a second time before you land, which can sometimes be handy.
* Being above Palutena is the worst possible position for your opponent as you have the tools to answer pretty much every falling strategy. Her up-smash, while sometimes difficult to land due to it's small horizontal range and the vertical range not extending as far as the graphic, still reaches fairly high. Her up-air is very difficult to beat and if it connects it has a fairly good chance of killing at higher percentages. Likewise, her neutral air hits all around her and can catch a lot of people. Her up-tilt lowers her hurtbox and creates a multi-hitting hitbox above her, often catching a lot of attackers before they can hit you and the launch at the end of it can KO. When you learn how to space/aim these and pick the right option you can basically juggle some opponents to death without them ever touching terra-firma again if they dare to the leave the ground :p
* If you do get into grab, then the down grab, as mentioned by a few folk, is your friend. After bouncing the opponent off the floor there's a few follow up options depending on their percent and how they move during their tumble... it's worth experimenting with all of them to see which is best for what situation: if they control back towards you then you can up smash, if they don't control you can often follow up with jump/short-hop neutral-air or even jump/short-hop up-air (which can kill at 120% or higher on most characters.) If they control away from you then you might need to jump and forward-air them or even chase and dash-attacking them as they land.
* Her smash attacks are really for punishing rather than using straight out. Down-smash punishes people rolling past (again, coral uses this beautifully in the japanese tournament to destroy Lucario) and forward smash has great KO power so if your opponent uses something laggy smack them with it for a kill at mid-high to high percents. Her upsmash on foes either on the ground or close to the ground has huge upwards KO power too so it also works as a punish. It loses a lot of it's knockback higher up the hitbox you go though so don't expect it to KO much against fully aerial targets unless they're at very high percents.
* Her tilts are mostly tools for pre-emptively punishing bad spacing: if an opponent is too far away to roll behind you, for example, you can throw out her forward tilt to catch them when they attempt to approach. Her down tilt isn't too much different though it lowers her hurtbox and recovers a little faster than her forward tilt: I've seen some amusing uses of it to catch aerial attacks from the side (the lowered hitbox cause them to whiff over her head and they landed on the spinning staff) but don't expect to pull that off very often :p I don't use them too often as the jab is considerably safer but if you have the space to use them and you're confident you won't get punished then feel free to try and include them if you want XD Her uptilt is the star of her tilts as it's a great answer to people coming in from directly above and beats a lot of down-airs that usually cause trouble for other characters.

* Auto-reticule: I hate this move but if you're not using customs it's worth learning to use it.
It's main function is to harass your opponent into approaching you, forcing them to jump and interrupting their range game. It will fail to lock on if they're out of range, you don't have line of sight (like they're below the stage rim for example) or, much to my constant annoyance, if they have any intangibility (most commonly dodge roll,spot-dodge and air-dodge.) While it doesn't come out super fast, it's fast enough to interrupt Robin or Samus doing their charge-ups, especially if you keep them on their toes with your reflect so they're not sure when they can safely fire.
A jumping foe can actually be hit with auto reticule if you time it so you lock on as they travel up, that way when they complete the jump's arc and start falling they'll come down into the line of bolts you're sending out. If for some reason they walk at you then you can peg them with auto-reticule repeatedly too until they learn to stop being so oblivious :p
It's also worthwhile trying it out against a large number of projectiles as it will often stuff them, including all of robin's ranged spells outside of fully charged thunder, and in DeDeDe's case it will actually knock his Gordos back at him at fairly high speed :3

* Reflect: This move is freaking awesome :p On start-up the shield on her arm has an actual hit-box so you can smack people in the face at point-blank range with it if you're feeling extra risky and the energy field itself will push people back. The reflect field stays out for a lot longer than people expect and if you spam it continuously I don't believe there's actually a usable gap to slip a projectile through (several people have tried and I've yet to see any succeed :p ) Much like mario's cape, the reflect field will turn around Villager's rocket even if they're riding it and when it explodes it counts as yours so it will harm/kill the rider :3
Be warned, if someone knows you're going to do this, the push-back effect of the field isn't sufficient to stop them dashing through it and you can be punished, however, if they're not running then they won't overcome the backwards force so you can often do some tricky things such as pushing away people who are recovering or trying to standing/walking grab or attack you often causing them to whiff.

* Teleport: Nothing special to remark about this other than it's relatively fast. Don't be afraid to use this on the stage to warp horizontally if you need to escape pressure or if the opponent chases you into the air and you're not confident you can beat their approach you can always warp past them onto the stage :3

* Counter: this move has an incredibly long start-up compared to most other counters in the game but can sometimes get some of the more rush-down based characters off you if you can find the time to fire it off. You won't see this used very often by most Palutena players though as the lengthy start-up and long recovery make it difficult to use and despite some claims that it has the highest knockback magnifier of all counters, I've yet to see any evidence from this in my own usage (I've not only never killed anyone with a direct hit from it, but the knockback on it has often been extremely poor)

Default Palutena in a nutshell:
Basically Palu's entire moveset is situational. In the right situations some of her tools are genuinely great but she doesn't have a sold 'go-to' you can mindlessly spam like a lot of other characters so expect her to demand a lot of effort compared to a lot of the cast. She gets a hell of a lot better with customs but it doesn't hurt to learn her default play all the same, especially if you plan on maining her in any capacity and still play online :p

~watches people flee in terror from the giant post~

I read all of this and appreciate it.


So i've just been playing local multiplayer since my online sucks, and I always choose random.

My trouble characters are:

Samus (especially vs a reflecting character), Metaknight, Kirby, Peach, Palutena, and ROB.

Anyone have any tips on how to use them? What should general strategies be? What are my best KO moves for each? I can't kill with them at all.

Well, I can KO w/ rob, but I have a hard time landing his back air and all of his explodey moves since the momentum on them is weird.
I also mained Zelda in Brawl and can't play her worth beans anymore. I was convinced she's just bad, but the very day I surmised that, I ended up fighting one that beat me in For Glory... I guess you can make her work but it seems like a really uphill battle.

I've been doing extremely well with Zelda when I play her online (not very often though, admittedly) and I used to main her in all the smash games before (except 64 for obvious reasons :3 )
The general tricks I find that make her work are...

a) Her teleport is an amazing attack. Seriously, I get about 80% of my Zelda KOs via telefrag now :p Even if they wise up to it and start shielding you can mind-game them by teleporting on the spot for a while to make them let up their guard then BAM, you appear inside them, KO! :p
b) Naryu's Love is pretty darn good now. While it's always been a decent reflector, it feels like they bumped up the range on it's hitbox and gave it a few more invincibility frames so you can beat out a lot of things with it close up.
c) The Phantom is an interesting impromptu 'wall'. Just put one out every now and then and after the attack it'll stand there doing nothing for a little while. While it's there it acts as a 'body' so projectiles will hit it instead of you and, like players, your foe will have to run against it a bit to get through which usually messes up a lot of people's aggressive dashing tactics.
d) Dinn's KO. They seem to have bumped up the knockback on Dinn's again so it's now a fairly decent KO move, especially for catching people when they're trying to get back from the air.
e) Lighting Kick still has a good chunk of KO power when sweetspotted.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but the only Zelda I've met online in a mirror match couldn't keep up with just the tactics from that list so it's a decent starting point :3

I read all of this and appreciate it.
Thankies! :D
If it helps anyone then it was all worth writing :3


So i've just been playing local multiplayer since my online sucks, and I always choose random.

My trouble characters are:

Samus (especially vs a reflecting character), Metaknight, Kirby, Peach, Palutena, and ROB.

Anyone have any tips on how to use them? What should general strategies be? What are my best KO moves for each? I can't kill with them at all.

Samus: F-Smash and B-air are good kill moves especially if you get the sweetspot on them.

Peach: F-air and Frying Pan Forward Smash. Aerials done while floating ignore stale moves apparently, so getting a F-air in while floating would be good too.

Not sure about the others.
So i've just been playing local multiplayer since my online sucks, and I always choose random.

My trouble characters are:

Samus (especially vs a reflecting character), Metaknight, Kirby, Peach, Palutena, and ROB.

Anyone have any tips on how to use them? What should general strategies be? What are my best KO moves for each? I can't kill with them at all.

Well, hopefully the giant essay I wrote might offer some tips on Palutena, but to tackle the specific question of best KO moves for her: Forward Smash, Up Smash, Up air, Back air, dashing attack. Up-tilt and down smash can also KO decently but I'd just go for these as their niche situation comes up rather than specifically trying to use them as KO moves as the others do it better :3
You can also spike people to their death with down air if you get someone off-stage with it, but good luck with that XD


finally i am done with 100 multi-man with all characters, all that is left now is to grind for Custom Parts, Moves, Headgear, Trophies and Smash Run Powers. also Classic on 9.0

Dr. Buni

What is people's opinions on Bowser Jr? He is my favorite newcomer (tied to Villager, actually) and I barely see people talking about him.


~watches people flee in terror from the giant post~

Actually, I love how people like you take the time to investigate, and write, all that stuff.

I still don't own the game (waiting for wii u) but now I want it more then ever.

Keep having fun with Palu... and your opinions on custom moves will be appreciated XD


My worst characters are everyone that isn't Rosalina. It sucks because I really enjoy playing with other characters, but the gap between them and Rosalina is humongous.

I gotta say my absolute worst seems to be King Dedede. I love seeing gameplay of him, he looks like so much fun, but I am absolutely worthless with him.


Even though I love to play Rosalina and Luma, I find their playstyle very confusing, I don't even know what Luma is doing half the time.


Is it me ot is pit bair weaker in this? Still love using him though

Been using Dark Pit and if there are no differences between the Bairs then yes, the Bair is weaker than it was in Brawl. It's also significantly harder to get the sweetspot because of how short the one piece of the bow is, it's kind of stupid. :/

Its only utility is offstage edgeguarding and it's really hard to land it even then because of its short range -- you have to be almost right on top of somebody to get the sweetspot. If you space the tip, you'll likely always miss the sweetspot. -_-
True. Most of the time I K.O with either his fsmash, up B or side B. Neither of those moves are reliable, specially side B (which is invalid against characters with reflectors and Villager).
I pretty much like everything else about the character (favourite newcomer in concept even) but when you're used to to characters with reliable KO options using him is pretty jarring haha.

It's all a matter of putting time into him I suppose, but I'm already learning a lot of characters as is. Still plan to do it, of course. Mac is the only newcomer I'm using (Well, and Dark Pit) so I want to learn another one.
Last night I ended up doing a fight or so with a certain person in For Glory with the name "arif". It was some normal, relatively competitive stuff at first. After a while we ended up in a Ness mirror, which was some of the most fun and next level stuff I've ever been involved in. It seems like we both thought the same thing after that first mirror because we kept using Ness in each subsequent match and played for the next half hour. It was so much fun. I learned a lot of things about Ness I didn't know was possible, I scored myself a couple wins but for the most of the part it was just awesome trying to get a read on each other and learning our patterns, with the odd accidental self destruct for us happening in between. It was a set of games that taught me a lot.

I would have gone on for so much longer but not only was it 3:30 AM at the time but my battery was running out. If that person is out there somewhere, I just want to say that was some of the best Smashing I've ever been involved in and I'm glad I have some of the replays from that night. Ness is so great to play in the new Smash.
Now imagine I'd you could add randoms to your friend list after a match :( I've went against some cool people who are on my skill level and would've loved to add them so I can go against them the next day or something


Aaaaand done!


Feels good. <3 The third page of challenges is pretty tough. Wonder how the Wii U version's challenge board(s) will compare...

Only four trophies to go as well, but at this point who knows how long it'll take me to get lucky enough to have them show up in Trophy Rush...
Wait, there's more than one page? Sweet! I'm at like 33 out of 35. The final two I haven't done which are giving me trouble are doing a 10 hit combo in practice and getting three outfits. Anyone have any hints or tips for the former (easiest 10 hit combo)?
Been using Dark Pit and if there are no differences between the Bairs then yes, the Bair is weaker than it was in Brawl. It's also significantly harder to get the sweetspot because of how short the one piece of the bow is, it's kind of stupid. :/

Its only utility is offstage edgeguarding and it's really hard to land it even then because of its short range -- you have to be almost right on top of somebody to get the sweetspot. If you space the tip, you'll likely always miss the sweetspot. -_-
Ah that makes sense. I'll keep that in mind. Pit to me anyway seems a little faster than dark pit.
I've been doing extremely well with Zelda when I play her online (not very often though, admittedly) and I used to main her in all the smash games before (except 64 for obvious reasons :3 )
The general tricks I find that make her work are...

a) Her teleport is an amazing attack. Seriously, I get about 80% of my Zelda KOs via telefrag now :p Even if they wise up to it and start shielding you can mind-game them by teleporting on the spot for a while to make them let up their guard then BAM, you appear inside them, KO! :p
b) Naryu's Love is pretty darn good now. While it's always been a decent reflector, it feels like they bumped up the range on it's hitbox and gave it a few more invincibility frames so you can beat out a lot of things with it close up.
c) The Phantom is an interesting impromptu 'wall'. Just put one out every now and then and after the attack it'll stand there doing nothing for a little while. While it's there it acts as a 'body' so projectiles will hit it instead of you and, like players, your foe will have to run against it a bit to get through which usually messes up a lot of people's aggressive dashing tactics.
d) Dinn's KO. They seem to have bumped up the knockback on Dinn's again so it's now a fairly decent KO move, especially for catching people when they're trying to get back from the air.
e) Lighting Kick still has a good chunk of KO power when sweetspotted.

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but the only Zelda I've met online in a mirror match couldn't keep up with just the tactics from that list so it's a decent starting point :3


Thankies! :D
If it helps anyone then it was all worth writing :3
I took the time to tell you I read it because I know how frustrating it can be to put a lot of effort into a post like that and get no responses.

I should try some Zelda. I really like the phantom move.

Aaaaand done!


Feels good. <3 The third page of challenges is pretty tough. Wonder how the Wii U version's challenge board(s) will compare...

Only four trophies to go as well, but at this point who knows how long it'll take me to get lucky enough to have them show up in Trophy Rush...
I would love a little video from GameXplain about how to accomplish the more time-consuming third page challenges quickly, like 600 trophies and such.


As in "Heathcliff"
Oh shit, really?

Oh well, I'll enjoy this while I can: http://instagram.com/p/uNF9wdroKR/?modal=true

Yeah, here is his comment for Challenge POTD.

A panel in the Challenges area will unlock everytime you clear a challenge. When you unlock a panel, you'll see hints for unlocking panels directly adjacent to it on all sides. And this time, each panel will unlock pictures related to the challenge. This is tougher than it looks, you know? The challenges in the 3DS version are a little on the easy side, but the Wii U version challenges might be a bit trickier.

I would love a little video from GameXplain about how to accomplish the more time-consuming third page challenges quickly, like 600 trophies and such.

Trying to building up a huge balance of coins first and check trophy shop frequently. Also you will have to do a lot of trophy rush because I have a feeling that 30-50 trophies were exclusive to trophy rush because I never saw some of trophies out of trophy rush.
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