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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese


Is anyone feeling a little uneasy about the Wii U release in regard to progress transfer? There's so much to do in the 3DS version, but I know I'll probably never play it once the home console version comes out. Will it all be for nothing? Should I even bother spending all this time with the Challenge Board?

I don't expect everything to transfer but the custom moves and mii outfits/headgear better. I'm sure the challenge board stuff won't transfer since they probably want you to beat a bunch of filler modes with every damn character again.
I liked to play Pit in Brawl from time to time, and I'm unsure if I prefer playing him or Dark Pit more. What say you all?

For no explainable reason I find Dark Pit works better for me, it's like I have a placebo effect where his dark clone status makes me believe he hits slighty harder while the actual data shows that there's like bugger all difference between him and Pit.
But if you're not convinced yet, he has that victory theme and Electroshock arm which doesn't look silly like Pit's arm.


Also, are you looking for a new character to main or did you just feel like playing a bunch of different characters?
I'm just having fun with by playing a bunch of characters. Felt like a shame to be only playing my main characters when there is a roster of 51 characters.
GGs! Haha, what happened with that first KO on you? There was some weird glitch that sent you flying up. I'll have to save the replay on that one.
I don't expect everything to transfer but the custom moves and mii outfits/headgear better. I'm sure the challenge board stuff won't transfer since they probably want you to beat a bunch of filler modes with every damn character again.

The thought of having to do that again is *really* depressing.


For no explainable reason I find Dark Pit works better for me, it's like I have a placebo effect where his dark clone status makes me believe he hits slighty harder while the actual data shows that there's like bugger all difference between him and Pit.
But if you're not convinced yet, he has that victory theme and Electroshock arm which doesn't look silly like Pit's arm.
This owl knows what's up.


I was only using them in four-player, but man, I had so much fun playing as Charizard, Little Mac and Peach last night.

Charizard, in particular, is great for four-player. It's so much fun nair-ing or Rock Smashing a group from above, or Flare Blitzing them while they're distracted. The tricky part with Charizard is that he has both a vertical recovery and horizontal recovery but the margin of error is narrow for each, so it's easy to fudge his return to the stage. But when he hits, he hits like a truck, making up for the occasional SD with three KOs in one Flare Blitz. :-D


So I'm quickly realizing a strategy guide might be a great idea for this game but I don't even know if they sell them at stores any more or if it would be smarter to wait for a wiiu version.

I'm just such a smash nub and this game explains jack shit

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I don't expect everything to transfer but the custom moves and mii outfits/headgear better. I'm sure the challenge board stuff won't transfer since they probably want you to beat a bunch of filler modes with every damn character again.
Have custom moves been confirmed to transfer? If not, they better be. They're a pain to unlock.


Can someone help me out with how to do tilts on the circle pad? Every time I try to do a tilt attack it comes out as a smash. Should I just move the circle pad slower or something?


I know she's been wielding a frying pan since Melee in 2001, but I just want to verify: Peach's frying pan is a reference to the Chef remake in Game & Watch Gallery 2, right?


I loved those games. I'd love a Game & Watch Gallery 1-4 with revamped sprites on 3DS. Would make a great eShop download.
I know she's been wielding a frying pan since Melee in 2001, but I just want to verify: Peach's frying pan is a reference to the Chef remake in Game & Watch Gallery 2, right?


I loved those games. I'd love a Game & Watch Gallery 1-4 with revamped sprites on 3DS. Would make a great eShop download.

No, it's a reference to Super Mario RPG.


I liked to play Pit in Brawl from time to time, and I'm unsure if I prefer playing him or Dark Pit more. What say you all?

I much prefer Pit's arrows, and if multi-man smash is any indication of move properties, I also find Pit's ftilt to be more effective with more knockback, and his ftilt is a very important move. Not positive if this is actually true, but in MMS Pit's ftilt will instantly kill the Mii's, while Dark Pit's won't.

Plus Dark Pit's kinda fat.
I think that's only a US thing. I almost never run into Mac on JP For Glory--and when I do, it's usually an opponent I just beat with Mac who decides they want to use him against me in hopes of winning this time. (Unfortunately for them, they rarely do, haha.)
I'm in the UK/Europe ;D

Dear sweet heck though... I came across a very techinically proficient Mario player I just could not beat (I think I won 3 out of 20 odd matches) The thing that bothered me though is that while their execution, timing and spacing were excellent, their attack strategies were dumber than a box of rocks but I couldn't find a solution to it that didn't required about 5 times more effort than it took for mario to do his thing XD

Long story short: Mario's dashing attack, the slide, is crazy. As far as I can tell the hitbox on it remains active the entire time and only vanishes when mario recovers making it incredibly difficult/dangerous to punish. It's also low-profile so when I went mario myself to see what was going on even the player who was giving me trouble struggled against the slide as it would go under his fireballs and when timed right even poked under his cape move and a lot of other things.

His entire gameplan was to either dodge roll in close and throw or slide in. If he was in close range but somehow didn't connect he'd spam down-smash shutting down my dodges and retaliations unless I was careful with my timings. His downsmash also beat a lot of things I tried to answer with but that's probably because he started it first.

The pinnacle of his game though was how he got the kills on me: he'd do his backthrow (which is already known for sending you flying, often a good KO tool by itself) and then go for the meteor (forward air) when I tried to get back. I spiked him back a few times with his own tactic myself but quickly found that mario's fair seems to have better coverage/reach/priority than Palutena's version (down air) so I'd lose more often than I'd win if we both went for it :s

On a separate note, it's interesting to see that some of the better players who can handle my Palutena seem to struggle against my Lucina. It just feels so much easier to play her half the time thanks to her counter not being utterly rubbish and having lots of incredibly good KO options XD i love fighting wario with Lucy because when they inevitably get out the bike I can just parry it without even trying.
Not that I rely too heavily on the counter, but it's nice that it's actually useful. I don't know what they were thinking with Palutena's as it's starting lag is so long it's practically impossible to use on reaction and even if you do land it, it seems to do next to no knockback compared to pretty much any other counter in the game. So basically high risk with little reward.

Also had a whole bunch of matches were Auto-reticule was flat out useless due to it stubbornly not locking on. The fact it doesn't lock on when someone rolls or dodges is just mind-numbingly stupid: there's nothing that feels worse in a game when you press a button and get nothing. I swear there must be other situations that prevent lock ons too because I've done it within range to people who are lying on the ground and about 25% of the time it won't bother.

~phew~ Sorry, Palutena rant over. Back to our regularly scheduled programming :3


Have custom moves been confirmed to transfer? If not, they better be. They're a pain to unlock.

I don't think so. Normally I would consider it a foregone conclusion that they would but with the inexplicable and dickheaded design decisions in the 3DS version I could also see them just letting you transfer individual characters instead.


So, anybody had luck developing some solid anti Rosalina or anti Little Mac strategies? They're still giving me trouble.

Little Mac: Sit at the edge of any stage and bait out dash attack, shield it, grab him, and back throw him off the stage. Edgeguard ad nausea until he's dead (really should only take two aerials to send him too far off that he can't recover). This is going to depend on who you're using but generally anyone can do this.

If Little Mac likes to counter a lot in the air, bait out the counter and then attack him. If Mac likes to jab a lot, try to SDI away from the jabs and jump out (this is character dependent, some characters can't hope to get out of jab like Bowser/DK) and then wait for him to do another attack (likely dash attack). If you're shielding his jabs, wait until he does the final hit of it to punish it.

If Mac has the KO punch, you're going to want to look for a grab (for a strong enough throw to get rid of it) or hit him with a strong enough attack to get rid of the KO punch.

Another strat you could also try is throwing Mac up into the air and juggling him (again, be aware of his counter and if he starts countering, bait it out and hit him back up into the air or back offstage).

All of these are contingent on Mac doing something, so you have to bait him. The MU is getting him to do an attack and you punishing him for whiffing. Don't try to challenge his smash attacks unless it's past the stage of their armor.

I haven't played against many RosaLumas to give you any real strats. They all play differently, whereas all Macs play pretty much the same online.


All I can say about Rosalina & Luma from the little time I've faced them is that you should treat Luma as an extension or a separate fighter. Launching it makes it unusable till it lands. Use that to your advantage.

Anyone want to play?
All I can say about Rosalina & Luma from the little time I've faced them is that you should treat Luma as an extension or a separate fighter. Launching it makes it unusable till it lands. Use that to your advantage.

Anyone want to play?
I'm down. FC is in my profile.
I haven't fought any competent Rosalumas (I've fought some terrible ones though :p ) but based on my own playstyle and her tools I hope these might help:

1) if she has her luma attached to her (she hasn't shot it out at you, or she's summoned it back to herself with her twirling wand) then she's pretty much guaranteed to blast you with luma if you create any distance and are on the level with each other, so watch out for it when you approach. Not all rosas will charge their luma to fire it so you want to specifically watch around the distance an uncharged luma launch would reach you.

2) her dashing attack is incredibly meaty/long in duration and adds a whole bunch of reach when it goes off. I'm also somewhat convinced that during the dip she does before she comes up and headbutts you it might also low-profile so it could potentially go under a lot of things. I've not tested that though so take it with a grain of salt... I just noticed it beat a lot of things I didn't expect it to :p Just be careful when she runs at you and if you do block, hold on a little bit longer than you'd expect before relinquishing that shield button.

3) Losing Luma isn't as big a deal for a Roz player as many would think. Her normals are pretty darn good so I wouldn't get too hung up on taking out Luma. Instead, just try to keep out of smash/star-bit range from it and you should be ok. Again, this only applies if luma has been sent out. If Luma is attached to Roz then expect it to be shot at you instead :p It might seem like a lot of effort to keep track of Luma while also fighting Roz but keep in mind your opponent's attention will also be split in the same manner if they hope to actually make use of the little star. Despite some claims to the contrary, Roz is the biggest source of damage for this pairing. While Luma is safer for Roz, it does less % and knockback than it's mother (I tested in training :p ) Also, Roz does NOT get a damage boost for having Luma attached, any additional damage she gets is just from Luma also attacking at the same time and hitting (again, I tested in training as I was curious :3 )

4) Coming at Roz from above or below is pretty dangerous. Her air up and down are both blessed with good reach and disjointed hitboxes (it basically sends out a hitbox, creating a fairly large buffer between that and her hurtbox.) If you have to attack her from the air it's always safer to come in from the sides.

5) If you ARE edge-guarding Roz, keep an eye on Luma. You have no idea how many KOs I've got from someone focussed on me making my way back and not noticing the little star bouncing up behind them giving me the perfect position for a Smash KO.

I feel like you probably need better info than this but again I've not had the privileged of facing a good one myself so I'm just summarising what I do when I play her and the things I've noticed fighting the lesser Rosas :3

edit: Actually, I guess I should explain how Luma moves when seperated as that might help both opponents and those actually playing Rosa. Basically if not given any commands, Luma will automatically move to a position a set distance infront of where Rosalina is facing. This means if Rosa turns around and waits, Luma will run past her to a point at the set distance in that direction. This also means that when rosa sends out luma, if she doesn't give it any attack commands for a bit, it will retreat back towards her until it reaches the set distance.
I've still to work out how the heck the little star works when Rosa is tumbling from above though, it jumps to try and reach her height but it's not as set a pattern as I'd like so I've often had it jump as I'm trying a smash or tilt and had it whiff over my opponent's head XD

Anyhoo, hope something in all those ramblings was helpful to someone :p
It feels kind of funny unlocking things here and there. I still have a bunch of challenges that I have yet to clear.

The game really brings out the little kid inside me. Sometimes it feels like I've gotten something that should have been there with me all along while playing this game. It's just...fun!


Is anyone feeling a little uneasy about the Wii U release in regard to progress transfer? There's so much to do in the 3DS version, but I know I'll probably never play it once the home console version comes out. Will it all be for nothing? Should I even bother spending all this time with the Challenge Board?
The Challenge Board isn't hard
And some of your progress transfers to the Wii U version


I liked to play Pit in Brawl from time to time, and I'm unsure if I prefer playing him or Dark Pit more. What say you all?
I've had more success with Dark Pit because of his increased knockback. He's still agile but a little more in line with the type of characters I enjoy.
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