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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese


Heads up! There is now a thread dedicated to this tournament. Check it out here! I'll still probably post major updates in here for those of you who won't be checking the new thread religiously. Head over there to see who's playing and even check out the impromptu, super cool
actually kind of lame
prize for the winner of the tournament! This is going to hopefully be the first in a line of GAF tournaments, so feel free to get involved and voice your opinion on possible improvements or things you like about this run of it.


Quick, semi off-topic question: I'm about to post the thread for the Smash tournament. Would I post that in the Gaming section or the Community section?

I think it would be alright to post it in the Gaming section. You can PM a mod just to be safe I suppose. The Last of Us Multiplayer Tournament, Pokemon X/Y Doubles Tournament, and Tekken Tag 2 Winter Tournament all had threads on Gaming. There are probably a few others I'm missing.
I think it would be alright to post it in the Gaming section. You can PM a mod just to be safe I suppose. The Last of Us Multiplayer Tournament, Pokemon X/Y Doubles Tournament, and Tekken Tag 2 Winter Tournament all had threads on Gaming. There are probably a few others I'm missing.
I already posted in the Gaming section, so here's hoping that's okay!


Lol ggs Romance. My secondaries were terrible today

I feel like your spacing was better

They seem as decent as ever. I've just been figuring them out a little better with other people.

Ness as well. I didn't beat your Ness once when I thought for sure I had at least 2 of those games but the moves that were completely overwhelming for me aren't so overwhelming any more. Aside from 1 or 2 of those I didn't feel totally dominated today! And it's all thanks to you!

I look forward to more.


Finally unlocked Bowser Jr. last night... All stages and characters have been unlocked!

I hope one of the features they share in Smash Wii U is the ability to carry over character and stage unlocks. I'm not saying I won't take the time to do 'em over again, it'd just be nice to not have to...
They seem as decent as ever. I've just been figuring them out a little better with other people.

Ness as well. I didn't beat your Ness once when I thought for sure I had at least 2 of those games but the moves that were completely overwhelming for me aren't so overwhelming any more. Aside from 1 or 2 of those I didn't feel totally dominated today! And it's all thanks to you!

I look forward to more.

Hah, well thanks. That's the best mentality to have, running into someone at your level or better and figuring them out.
Ugh, yeah, I'm just giving up on smash bros. I'll play the tournament just to not screw up the bracket, but man its just too hard and stressful to get anywhere near decent. Its not fun practicing and losing 20 times in a row to people who know everything about their character, can recognize your patterns almost instantly, and can counter everything you do.

I've asked for advice on reddit and people keep telling me to consider what options I have and whats safe, and to react to whats happening in the moment instead of resorting to patterns. But its just way too hard for me to react in the moment and consider what options are safe when everything is going by at a blisteringly fast pace. If each move was like chess and it took a minute to do them then I might be able to do that.

Also, its just extremely hard for me to understand what moves are safe and what move i should do or not considering I have no idea what my opponent is going to do. I might think a grab is safe, but then he blocks. I might think a kick is safe, but then he rolls and hits me. I might think a dash move is safe, but then he.... etc...

Its just too hard to try and predict my opponent AND think about what I should do in response at the same time. Actually, its just extremely stressfull to do it.

People say I should just play this game for fun, but goofing off with friends is what I do for fun. Not thinking about my moves constantly and trying to play this game at an insanely high level. That's just stressful. And I don't really know anyone that has a 3DS.

Maybe I should just sell this game and get the Wii U one then.
Ugh, yeah, I'm just giving up on smash bros. I'll play the tournament just to not screw up the bracket, but man its just too hard and stressful to get anywhere near decent. Its not fun practicing and losing 20 times in a row to people who know everything about their character, can recognize your patterns almost instantly, and can counter everything you do.

I've asked for advice on reddit and people keep telling me to consider what options I have and whats safe, and to react to whats happening in the moment instead of resorting to patterns. But its just way too hard for me to react in the moment and consider what options are safe when everything is going by at a blisteringly fast pace. If each move was like chess and it took a minute to do them then I might be able to do that.

Also, its just extremely hard for me to understand what moves are safe and what move i should do or not considering I have no idea what my opponent is going to do. I might think a grab is safe, but then he blocks. I might think a kick is safe, but then he rolls and hits me. I might think a dash move is safe, but then he.... etc...

Its just too hard to try and predict my opponent AND think about what I should do in response at the same time. Actually, its just extremely stressfull to do it.

People say I should just play this game for fun, but goofing off with friends is what I do for fun. Not thinking about my moves constantly and trying to play this game at an insanely high level. That's just stressful. And I don't really know anyone that has a 3DS.

Maybe I should just sell this game and get the Wii U one then.

If you don't have good reflexes and fast thinking, then it is just not the game for you to play on a competitive level. Something that may help is to watch tourney videos online of other people playing your character, and try and dissect what they are doing.
If you don't have good reflexes and fast thinking, then it is just not the game for you to play on a competitive level. Something that may help is to watch tourney videos online of other people playing your character, and try and dissect what they are doing.

Problem is, everyone online is at a competitive level. So who should I play? The computer? Not fun.

I cant read what people are doing in online tourney videos because its so fast paced. I might get 'oh, so when someone tries to counter you, grab them!' but when I do it in game the other person has some trick up their sleeve and kicks my ass when I try to grab them. I just cant predict what my opponent is going to do, so I'm always left guessing and doing random moves, which results in me getting into patterns.
Anyone up for a few?


Problem is, everyone on line is at a competitive level. So who should I play? The computer? Not fun.

I cant read what people are doing in online tourney videos because its so fast paced. I might get 'oh, so when someone tries to counter you, grab them!' but when I do it in game the other person has some trick up their sleeve and kicks my ass when I try to grab them. I just cant predict what my opponent is going to do, so I'm always left guessing and doing random moves, which results in me getting into patterns.

For Glory has a range of skill levels. As for the rest, it sounds like you're giving up trying. The simple fact is, you have to get better at observing the intricacies of a match. There is no way around it. I'm sure you can do it if you take the time, but it may just be something that takes more time for you than others. Nothing wrong with that, just don't give up. Remember, it's a learning experience, and losing, and figuring out why you lost to overcome it, should be part of the the fun. If you are getting upset after every match, take a step back and re-assess your mentality when approaching a game.
Anyone up for a few?


For Glory has a range of skill levels. As for the rest, it sounds like you're giving up trying. The simple fact is, you have to get better at observing the intricacies of a match. There is no way around it. I'm sure you can do it if you take the time, but it may just be something that takes more time for you than others. Nothing wrong with that, just don't give up. Remember, it's a learning experience, and losing, and figuring out why you lost to overcome it, should be part of the the fun. If you are getting upset after every match, take a step back and re-assess your mentality when approaching a game.

I'm not giving up at trying though. I'm just not improving. I don't know how to observe the intricacies of the match because its so fast paced. Whenever I finish a match, I don't know why I lost because I don't know what happened. I can't read anything so I can't understand why I lost besides 'this guys damn good'
I'm not giving up at trying though. I'm just not improving. I don't know how to observe the intricacies of the match because its so fast paced. Whenever I finish a match, I don't know why I lost because I don't know what happened. I can't read anything so I can't understand why I lost besides 'this guys damn good'
I know that it doesn't feel like you're improving when you still constantly lose, but that's not necessarily true. Sometimes you'll pick up on things without realizing it. Really, as long as you keep at it you'll get better, and it'll show. Though if it's this frustrating to you then I guess taking a break for a while helps? That always does it for me.

I suppose the alternative is to play with someone here who's willing to help you out and give you tips on what you can do to improve?
Problem is, everyone online is at a competitive level. So who should I play? The computer? Not fun.

I cant read what people are doing in online tourney videos because its so fast paced. I might get 'oh, so when someone tries to counter you, grab them!' but when I do it in game the other person has some trick up their sleeve and kicks my ass when I try to grab them. I just cant predict what my opponent is going to do, so I'm always left guessing and doing random moves, which results in me getting into patterns.

Out of curiosity, why isn't fighting the CPU any fun for you? That was actually going to be my advice: I generally avoid online play in fighting games, for more or less the reasons you describe, and just play the CPU instead. I've been playing the CPU almost exclusively since Smash 64. Way less salt.
Out of curiosity, why isn't fighting the CPU any fun for you? That was actually going to be my advice: I generally avoid online play in fighting games, for more or less the reasons you describe, and just play the CPU instead. I've been playing the CPU almost exclusively since Smash 64. Way less salt.

Cause I already know how to beat them and they never adapt, which just reinforces my patterns.
GGs K-Hop. I want you to overcome those gimps, which is why I kept doing them. Hard with Link but that is what people will go for. If you can master those meteor bombs... look out


GGs K-Hop. I want you to overcome those gimps, which is why I kept doing them. Hard with Link but that is what people will go for. If you can master those meteor bombs... look out

That time I tried to bomb recover but just got spiked by my own bomb was really embarrassing. -_- Don't know what I was thinking.

And yeah man, it was frustrating but I'm glad you kept up with it because I *do* need to find an answer for those.
That time I tried to bomb recover but just got spiked by my own bomb was really embarrassing. -_- Don't know what I was thinking.

And yeah man, it was frustrating but I'm glad you kept up with it because I *do* need to find an answer for those.

I noticed you start to do different things, like recovering more vertically or using your hook. That meteor bomb can be useful too to recover.
I'm not giving up at trying though. I'm just not improving. I don't know how to observe the intricacies of the match because its so fast paced. Whenever I finish a match, I don't know why I lost because I don't know what happened. I can't read anything so I can't understand why I lost besides 'this guys damn good'

If you ever have a match where you're not sure why you lost, on the results page, press A while keeping an eye on the bottom right. An option should turn up when you get to the final scores round up saying "press Y to save replay". Do that and later, watch it again to see where you get hit and whatnot. I save most of my losses so I can learn from them :3

If you fight someone and don't know what their options are, then it's a good idea to pop into training with their character and see if you can replicate what they did: i generally find it easier to deal with something once I've done it myself a few times and can feel where its openings and strengths are.

If you're finding yourself getting read often then there's basically two possibilities:
a) you're being predictable. This either means you do the same things all the time or you're even just doing the same things most people who play that character do. I've fought a few people in for glory who seemed a bit like a stuck record: they had a set of things they would do and no matter how much I punished or evaded them they'd keep doing them :eek:
b) you're broadcasting what you're doing unconsciously. Most people have a way of moving and acting and deviating from it will often signal they're up to something. For example, if you play someone who moves around a lot and is very aggressive, then they suddenly step back and stand still, chances are they're going for a counter. They probably don't even realise they've broadcast it but because they've shifted their focus to what you're doing, they sacrifice their own inputs and suddenly become a lot less active. Likewise, when people are going to run in for a grab they'll often pause or shift their position to a comfortable distance before the run up. It's amazing but there's lots of interesting little cues you can learn to read if you learn to watch for them :3

As for the 'safety' of a move, hold down the shield button when you do something and watch how long after you do the move it takes for it to appear. That is it's recovery period and when you'll be wide open. A move being 'safe' usually means you can recover and act faster than your opponent if they block it, or it just has such absurd range that they'd also have to use a ranged option to hit you afterwards :3

Your mention of chess is interesting because ultimately fighting games are kind of like a stupidly fast game of chess but where you both take your turns at the same time :p

Admittedly though, some kind of skill-based matchmaking in the game would definitely help :/

edit: Reading over this I make it sound like you have to be some kind of amorphous, ever-changing fighter but it's not really that extreme. Simply having 3 different options for something, each requiring a different answer from your opponent, is more often than not more than enough to start and maybe even carry you through a lot of things. For example, a lot of players have only one approach tactic (run in with the running attack) which makes it easy to just block and punish. If you sometimes run in and grab while other times running in with the running attack, suddenly blocking isn't a 100% answer. There's obviously more to the game than just 'block' or 'dont block' but that's an example of just one extra option making things less predictable and more dangerous for your opponent :3


Man, they really were dicks when they made this game. I've been leaving the computer to fight each other in Smash mode for the 50 hour challenge. I usually make sure to let the match finish since I had a suspicion that ending the match would result in the time not counting. Well, I decided to go ahead and test this and a cancelled match does indeed not add to the counter. Just pathetic.
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