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Super Smash Bros. for 3DS |OT3| Little Mac and Cheese


The power of Lucario's aura effect is outrageous. And of course, since he has a counter move, the CPU just spams it with absolutely perfect timing. I can't believe this motherfucker didn't get cut. Worst character on the roster.

I'm so salty right now you guys

His recovery becomes fucking insane once he past 100%

I've only lost once to a Lucario on FG, but killing him is such a chore. You have to watch out for his aura effect, which presumably stacks with the games Rage mechanic, and then you have to deal with his crazy recovery that gets better with damage.


I was at Best Buy yesterday and had a look at the 3DS section. Game was completely sold out. Not sure if it was from popularity or Best Buy incompetence as the whole section was pathetic, they barely had any games in stock at all.


Dark Samus doesn't deserve clone treatment. You go all the way with her, or don't go at all. Or at least do enough to make her as distinct as Wolf did from Fox. Dark Samus needs to feel like the Vergil to Samus's Dante. The fundamental resemblances shouldn't overwhelm the numerous ways they distinguish themselves from each other. There's so much you could do with her that I'd really rather not even have her if she didn't actually have any of that and her specials were just blue and black versions of Samus's. Her Down B should be a phazon bubble shield or something. Her neutral B should be that short-ranged rapid fire phazon laser barrage. Side B could be her boost ball. Her grapple could be a phazon tentacle that inflicts a DoT effect or something. I could go on, but there's really enough there to make Dark Samus be her own thing.

If we had to have a 'dark' character, than yes, it should absolutely be Dark Samus. If it had to be a clone, then I'd rather of just split off Alph like Lucina got with Marth. Or made Viridi a clone of Palutena with a different default custom moveset layout.
I never played the Mother games either (but I really want to, someday) and I love that Magicant stage. I would dare to say it is my favorite stage in the whole series.

I love it. The bird man can be annoying, but otherwise it's fun. Dr. Wily's Castle has similar problems. The layout is good, but the friggin big yellow fucker is super annoying. On a bigger stage he wouldn't be an issue, but on such a small stage he's so annoying! Luckily the inclusion of the "normal" variants fix this issue, but then it also eliminates the appearing platforms, which is kinda lame.


Speaking of Dark Samus... How is Samus in Smash 4? Still garbage as she was in Brawl?

I've mained Samus since 64, and while I'm not an amazing player, I can say that she feels way, way better than she did in Brawl. Her dair and nair are really different(and I'm not really super comfortable with either yet), but nearly everything else feels straight up better.

When I see better players than I use her in tournaments, I'm always pleasantly surprised with her performance. I think she'll end up being solidly mid-tier this time around, which is enough for me.
Who does what she does better, Spinosaurus?
What I meant is that I just feel like most characters just have more options than she does. I can't think of something Samus particularly excels at here.
Like I said though I only tried her a bit, so sorry if I'm not being clear here. I played against several Samus players on FG, and none of them were threatening in anyway. (Or maybe they were just bad idk lol)
Alright guys, it's about that time again!

For those of you who don't know, I'll be making these posts where I go over the people I've fought recently that I thought were particularly notable/funny/bad. For Glory 1v1, of course. Enjoy!

1. It Ain't Easy Being Green- So I was playing a few rounds with this guy who was pretty good, so I switched from Lucario to Bowser after winning a few rounds. I beat him with Bowser (through side B), so he thought he'd try to give me a taste of my own medicine. He picked Bowser and just used Side B, and he didn't even get a single KO. What an idiot!

2. The War Between Light and... Light?!- So I was playing a guy and I decided to use Dark Pit. After I won, I switched to normal Pit (as I'm sometimes wont to do), only to discover that the other guy picked normal Pit too! Oops! The next match I switched to Dark Pit so we could have a good Pit v Dark Pit fight, but... he did the same! Talk about a mis-communication, LOL!

3. No Projectiles? No Problem!- So I was playing against Doc Mario, who as we all know is a huge problem for Lucario due to his cape shutting down both Aura Sphere spam AND Force Palm spam. Well, not really (I still got in a lot of good hits), but it did almost cause me to lose (off of my own Force Palm lol). I still came back and won, but decided for the rematch that it was time to pick Bowser. Doc was completely unprepared for it, not only did I get my first kill without him hitting me even once, but I suicided for the final kill as well! Can you say, "Learn to Play"?

4. Little Mac Doesn't Have Good Recovery and Gets Hit By Projectiles Easily- I played against a good Little Mac, he never dash attacked or Forward B'd when unsafe, and he used his counter rather than his shield to punish my projectiles! But I just kept throwing projectiles and he died because his recovery is really bad and he can't do anything against projectiles. GG, Little Mac xD

5. Karma- I beat a Greninja player through use of liberal Aura Sphere throwing, and he thought he'd counter with his own projectiles, in this case Pika spamming! After a few annoying exchanges, I let myself get hit by five or six thunderjolts. The pikachu player must have been really confused, little did he know that Aura Sphere plows right through thunder jolts at high percentages! Oops! Bet he regretted that blunder!

That's all for now, but I'll be back soon with more cool stories! This is Beelzebufo, signing off!
His recovery becomes fucking insane once he past 100%

I've only lost once to a Lucario on FG, but killing him is such a chore. You have to watch out for his aura effect, which presumably stacks with the games Rage mechanic, and then you have to deal with his crazy recovery that gets better with damage.

I think I've only faced two Lucarios on FG - beat one, lost to the other. But I was just going a few rounds against a Lv 9 Lucario, and he was out of control. Not only does his recovery make him near-impossible to kill, but past 100%, his counter, forward smash, and down smash are basically instant kills (even uncharged) if you're around 50%.

Dr. Buni

I love it. The bird man can be annoying, but otherwise it's fun. Dr. Wily's Castle has similar problems. The layout is good, but the friggin big yellow fucker is super annoying. On a bigger stage he wouldn't be an issue, but on such a small stage he's so annoying! Luckily the inclusion of the "normal" variants fix this issue, but then it also eliminates the appearing platforms, which is kinda lame.
An option to turn hazards off would have solved the problem. Though, I must say platforms aren't that important to me.
I've mained Samus since 64, and while I'm not an amazing player, I can say that she feels way, way better than she did in Brawl. Her dair and nair are really different(and I'm not really super comfortable with either yet), but nearly everything else feels straight up better.

When I see better players than I use her in tournaments, I'm always pleasantly surprised with her performance. I think she'll end up being solidly mid-tier this time around, which is enough for me.
I am going through classic mode with her now and yup, she does feel good. I will try her in For Glory later, see if I can win a few matches with her or if I will get bodied.
What I meant is that I just feel like most characters just have more options than she does. I can't think of something Samus particularly excels at here.
Like I said though I only tried her a bit, so sorry if I'm not being clear here. I played against several Samus players on FG, and none of them were threatening in anyway. (Or maybe they were just bad idk lol)
It is alright! I appreciate your input :)
I think I've only faced two Lucarios on FG - beat one, lost to the other. But I was just going a few rounds against a Lv 9 Lucario, and he was out of control. Not only does his recovery make him near-impossible to kill, but past 100%, his counter, forward smash, and down smash are basically instant kills (even uncharged) if you're around 50%.

Yeah, this is all true. Full charged aura sphere also beats out all other projectiles around 60-70%. Counter's the best too, I don't think it really matters what attack your opponent used, just your percentage. It's great!

And yeah, you never have any business getting gimped ever. Air dodge on the way down then up B right into the ledge.
Not really, it's just my personal preference.

Nowhere in my post do I tell Dark Pit fans that they cannot enjoy Dark Pit over Pit. I just think he's a blemish on what is a great roster of characters.

Calling the character a blemish certainly does carry that connotation.
Yeah, this is all true. Full charged aura sphere also beats out all other projectiles around 60-70%. Counter's the best too, I don't think it really matters what attack your opponent used, just your percentage. It's great!

And yeah, you never have any business getting gimped ever. Air dodge on the way down then up B right into the ledge.

Can't forget about that Force Palm that covers a third of the stage :p


My little Mac and cheese is still a force to be reckon with, people are finally getting smarter though, but that makes it so much more fun :p
I feel like the Shrapnel Beam attack Dark Samus uses would actually be best used as the repeater on her jab - that is, the first two or three hits could be claw / beam cannon swipes as initators, followed by the beam once she locks an enemy in.
Sonic's bair is actually one of his most reliable KO moves, and it's crucial for edge-guarding.
If I had to get rid of any of his air moves it would be his dair.
You're toast if it's predicted.

I'm aware it is!

I would just prefer if his Bair was his Fair, lol. It would make it easier for me to reliably use but I am getting there.
His recovery becomes fucking insane once he past 100%

I've only lost once to a Lucario on FG, but killing him is such a chore. You have to watch out for his aura effect, which presumably stacks with the games Rage mechanic, and then you have to deal with his crazy recovery that gets better with damage.

Lucario, IMO, is one of the most annoying chars to fight against. After 100%, his counter gets simply ridiculous, specially if there's a bit of lag/input lag involved.


I really like Lucario's Snaring Aura Sphere. It's basically a slow moving Aura Sphere that sucks opponents nearby into it and you can have two out at once for maximum stage control. It's not super strong though.
Lucario, IMO, is one of the most annoying chars to fight against. After 100%, his counter gets simply ridiculous, specially if there's a bit of lag/input lag involved.
Yeah, I can agree. I've played Lucario mirrors twice, and I just wanted to quit the whole time, even if I was winning.


Anyone know if it shows the hammer over the challenge panel if you use one?

I really just want to finish off this second board.
Anyone know if it shows the hammer over the challenge panel if you use one?

I really just want to finish off this second board.
I think Dark Blue means no hammer and Light Blue has a hammer inside. It also shows you what you cannot hammer (a red no icon appears)

Although you need to have done a challenge near it to see the color. It also does not indicate if you used a hammer or not.


1. The game is home. Finally.
2. I chose captain falcon. Excited.
3. I was running around but i eventually did a short hop out of the run...
4. He passed from going fast as lighning on the group to almost stationary on the air.
5. RIP

I knew that thats was going to happen. Still, i couldnt belive how drastically falcons speed/momentum disappeared. I still cant believe that thats how the physics work. You are making games for nintendo Sakurai. You play a nintendo platformer and they have awesome physics. You go to smash and this happens.

So far, I've taken for granted that people prefer "normal" (like in mario games) physics!? Its that the case??


Get Inside Her!
Man, the fact that you can kill with Zelda's teleport is the secret best thing in this game. I find myself teleporting AT people now, which sure is a change in how I ever played her before.


Unconfirmed Member
1. The game is home. Finally.
2. I chose captain falcon. Excited.
3. I was running around but i eventually did a short hop out of the run...
4. He passed from going fast as lighning on the group to almost stationary on the air.
5. RIP

I knew that thats was going to happen. Still, i couldnt belive how drastically falcons speed/momentum disappeared. I still cant believe that thats how the physic work. You are making games for nintendo Sakurai. You play a nintendo platformer and they have awesome physics. You go to smash and this happens.

So far, I've taken for granted that people prefer "normal" (like in mario games) physics!? Its that the case??

As a Falcon player it's annoying. I've kind of gotten used to it though.

It's especially awkward going back and from between this and PM, where he has a super long jump due to running momentum carrying over.


Welp. Who do I trust?
It shows a hammer at the top-right of the top screen which is where it shows the image for beating the challenge.

On that note, does StreetSmash get hits for anyone? I was just at a friend's recently, and we played some Smash. We didn't get any StreetSmash hits at all. I used the hammer on the StreetSmash 5 hits challenge since it doesn't seem like it works for me.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Welp. Who do I trust?

Don't let it bother you. The hammer icon is barely visible and only on the top screen image when highlighting the challenge. Not surprised some people don't even notice it. Some of the challenges are BS and they are there to use for a reason.
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