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Supergirl Costume Revealed

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hot off of the best drama series currently on tv. ending this year. you know what to do CBS.

matt weiner saw it before anyone
Don't like it, don't like the costume, don't like the actress, looks like a soccer mom. Not saying she's not attractive, but yeah doesn't fit imo, but I don't really care about supergirl so w/e.


nope to the costume and hell no to the actress

X-Men continues being the only comics franchise that has adapted well to live action. Marvel has a bunch of shitty looking costumes and DC just seems to hate any sort of colors.


They had to stick with something traditional for casual viewers. Could be worse, but could be a lot better if the creators didn't feel restricted.

I trust the creators picked the actor because she could make the character pop the same way Austin did with the Flash.


Do people saying "hell no to the actress" have any knowledge of her as an actress or are they saying no to a promo shot...?


Bull on a Donut
Oh my heck at people saying Melissa is old, looks like a receptionist, ugly. You know yall brahs would humble her in a heartbeat.

I don't think she's ugly at all; I just don't think blonde suits her. She has very very light/thin eyebrows which is fine as a brunette (her natural color I assume?), you go blonde though and your entire face looks very faded/pale rather than bright, yet imposing (like I picture Supergirl). And since being blonde is basically synonymous with being supergirl, they really should have gone with a natural blonde or someone who can pull of the look.

She just doesn't look like a "supergirl" to me.


Bull on a Donut
Remember that the costume can be changed in later seasons, could be that this is just her first iteration (which explains why it gives off the cheap cosplay feel) before she receives or makes a better one down the line. That being said, I still kind of like this one.


nope to the costume and hell no to the actress

X-Men continues being the only comics franchise that has adapted well to live action. Marvel has a bunch of shitty looking costumes and DC just seems to hate any sort of colors.

Yup the X-Men films did a real good job of adapting comic costumes to film by replacing them with generic black leather.
I like it. My only real complaint is that I think the S would look better with gold behind it like it normally has. Other than that I think it looks fine.


I wanted an awesome redesign tho

I'll probably get over it the second she flies set to blake neely's music

I mean, I would have preferred getting the New 52 cape and more yellow, but if you're going to do a live take on the classic suit, this is pretty much perfect
nope to the costume and hell no to the actress

X-Men continues being the only comics franchise that has adapted well to live action. Marvel has a bunch of shitty looking costumes and DC just seems to hate any sort of colors.

am I missing some joke here, X-Men movies don't use any of their actual costumes


Bull on a Donut
Do people saying "hell no to the actress" have any knowledge of her as an actress or are they saying no to a promo shot...?

You generally want the actor/actress to look like and convey the presence of the character they are playing in promo photos when they are in character. Maybe she'll look much more fitting in live action, but that picture just does not look like supergirl to me.


Bull on a Donut
lol at anyone saying she's old looking or at least physically miscast


Still looks older/miscast to me? She looks the same in all her photos as a blonde, not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing that's different. She rocks brunette though.
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