hot off of the best drama series currently on tv. ending this year. you know what to do CBS.
matt weiner saw it before anyone
hot off of the best drama series currently on tv. ending this year. you know what to do CBS.
Just gonna post my obligatory "use some variation of this costume" pic
those posts are embarrassingOh my heck at people saying Melissa is old, looks like a receptionist, ugly. You know yall brahs would humble her in a heartbeat.
Oh my heck at people saying Melissa is old, looks like a receptionist, ugly. You know yall brahs would humble her in a heartbeat.
The material looks like a compromise between Classic style and Man of Steel style.
Costume is dope. Y'all buggin'
another.. not by me.
nope to the costume and hell no to the actress
X-Men continues being the only comics franchise that has adapted well to live action. Marvel has a bunch of shitty looking costumes and DC just seems to hate any sort of colors.
]Her New 52 costume and is better, and sexier.[/B]But I dont't think it translates well to Live Action ):
I wanted an awesome redesign tho
I'll probably get over it the second she flies set to blake neely's music
Like that they based it off the MoS design but I don't like the hooker boots.
I like the skirtless look.
nope to the costume and hell no to the actress
X-Men continues being the only comics franchise that has adapted well to live action. Marvel has a bunch of shitty looking costumes and DC just seems to hate any sort of colors.
Do people saying "hell no to the actress" have any knowledge of her as an actress or are they saying no to a promo shot...?
this is the worst thing ever
lol at anyone saying she's old looking or at least physically miscast
Still looks older/miscast to me? She looks the same in all her photos as a blonde, not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing that's different. She rocks brunette though.
Holy gun jumping Batman!This show is gonna be a spectacular mess...
lol at anyone saying she's old looking or at least physically miscast