Grant is great as The Flash but let's not pretend that the suit itself looks great.
It's literally the only thing that bothers me about the show.
the foundation for changes are so easy and the fact that they've shown it will end up looking like the comics version puts me at complete ease
Her New 52 costume and is better, and sexier.But I dont't think it translates well to Live Action ):
The "it's too dark" complaints perplex me because superhero movies and TV shows in general tend to go for darker or more subdued shades.
They're not going to use ultra bright shades in these suits, guys. And if they did, folks would probably complaint about that too.
The lack of yellow in the shield really hurt it
Not feeling it... At least not in those pics. Looks Man of Steel inspired, but it doesn't work here. The actress doesn't give me a Supergirl feeling either.
But hey, it's just a TV show that's clearly doing its own thing. This one isn't for geeks.
Not sure how you can say that with The Flash currently on the air and going all out up to and including Time Travel.
another.. not by me.
seriously?Looks OK. I can't imagine this show will be a hit though.
Time travel is casual.
Name dropping Speedforce is some geek level stuff.Hope they eventually elaborate on it
Meh, they should have gone with her instead
I don't like the belt line and the S emblem. It looks so cheap
This is wayyyyy much better.Just gonna post my obligatory "use some variation of this costume" pic
Its not just that it's TV. This show appears to be doing its own thing with the IP and the characters, not following canon as closely as Arrow and Flash. It's fine, I just don't think fanboys are part of the target audience for this one.Not sure how you can say that with The Flash currently on the air and going all out up to and including Time Travel.
If people think Melissa Benoist looks ugly then the human race clearly has some very high standards.
If people think Melissa Benoist looks ugly then the human race clearly has some very high standards.