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Supergirl Costume Revealed

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Its not just that it's TV. This show appears to be doing its own thing with the IP and the characters, not following canon as closely as Arrow and Flash. It's fine, I just don't think fanboys are part of the target audience for this one.

Flash is somewhat faithful but Arrow plays very fast and loose with the canon. Changes to Merlyn and Black Canary being two obvious, important ones.
It's just an off looking promo pic

The first picture they released of man of steel made him look like a jersey boy and yet in the film he looked so much better

Benoist looks good in all the other pics posted in here
post the best then.



After Flash and Arrow I was really looking forward to this. The costume and the lack of confirmation that this will be in Arrowverse have me super apprehensive. I will give it a chance like I did Gotham but I have a bad feeling.


Its not just that it's TV. This show appears to be doing its own thing with the IP and the characters, not following canon as closely as Arrow and Flash. It's fine, I just don't think fanboys are part of the target audience for this one.

But Arrow is loosely following's GA's canon/lore.
For the record I always thought Grant looks stupid as fuck as The Flash (fuckin nerdy pre-spider bite Peter Parker lookin' ass) and his costume looks like low budget trash no matter how many episodes I see. And Melissa just doesn't look like Supergirl to me, it has nothing to do with her attractiveness. Gal Gadot looks beautiful as a mothafucka but she still doesn't look like Wonder Woman to me. Maybe Melissa will look better in the full show (that I won't be watching because superhero tv shows are low budget trash).
Not sure how you can say that with The Flash currently on the air and going all out up to and including Time Travel.
Pretty much

We got Flash outrunning a nuclear explosion and live-action Reverse Flash, Firestorm, and Grodd all in the same episode.



That is old as hell and doesnt even look a character an alien race made, while the MoS S while still keeping the S shape it does indeed look like a something an alien race came up with and I love that.

Sure nostalgia plays a part why that could be considered a classic but not to me, looks yeah very basic.


This thread is a bunch of comic nerds judging a woman outfit and the response are just how I would expect.
That is old as hell and doesnt even look a character an alien race made, while the MoS S while still keeping the S shape it does indeed look like a something an alien race came up with and I love that.

Sure nostalgia plays a part why that could be considered a classic but not to me, looks yeah very basic.

Fair enough. I disagree but fair enough

This thread is a bunch of comic nerds judging a woman outfit and the response are just how I would expect.

Costume doesn't bother me so much, but the actress loves nothing like how I envision Supergirl. I am not saying she's unattractive, she might make a decent Barbara Gordon, she's just not Supergirl, and her in the Supergirl cosume just looks off in every way.
another.. not by me.


This is some cosplay level crap.

Like I still, hours later, cannot get over how awful that costume looks.

Everything from the waistline down just looks like it was bought from like Goodwill or some thrift shop and thrown together. There is nothing that stands out or catches the eye.

I feel like a full suit / pants look would have gone so much better than the skirt and boots. Or at the very least add some design detail to them.


I think its the best TV superhero costume so far. It looks better than the Flash costume did promo images.


I really like this fan costume. Varying shades of blue could add a lot

(^though there also is a lot of Photoshop going on, so maybe it would look less good in live action)

I really like that one as well though it always looks weird to me when girls wear long sleeves with a skirt.


Tbh the photo itself is pretty shitty so can't judge it from that, looks like taken with some phone with all wrong saturation etc.


I wish they would have went with something that looks more kryptonian. I never understood why super girl has to wear super man's colors.
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