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Superman. Director-Burton Star-Cage ???

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For someone who moves faster than a speeding bullet, Superman sure has taken his sweet time returning to the big screen. Finally, though, the long-running and frankly wearisome saga that is the development of a new Supes flick took a turn for the better today, when it was announced that Warner Bros. is in talks with producers, Neal Moritz and Gilbert Adler to oversee the flick for a late 2004 start.

As ever for Superman fans, there's good news and potentially bad news. It's been that way ever since Warners revived the character with designs on a big-screen revamp. Good news? Tim Burton is directing, from a Kevin Smith script. Bad news? Nic Cage is Superman.

This time, it's no different. Moritz and Adler may have a track record of success, but it's commercial rather than critical, with the likes of Starsky & Hutch, xXx, and The Fast and the Furious on their collective CVs. And yes, the Charlie's Angels-mangling McG (pictured) is still the most likely choice of director for the film's Australia shoot, which normally would not be cause for celebration. Although after the big lug came clean about his love for the character this week – “I have a lot of respect for that character and I definitely want to see it hit the big screen," he said. "It’s something that I’m very passionate about and I was raised on that character." – we're willing to believe that a man can fly… again.


Uh... I'm going to treat this as a rumour.
This is ancient. This was when I was still working at Hasbro, which was like 1997.

I read parts of that Burton script BTW. One word: LUTHIAC!


Actually, if you read further, they say that McG (Charlie's Angels) is directing from a JJ Abrahms (Alias) script. A "British newcomer" will play Superman...


The film has had a rocky development. This is dated today. I thought they'd never get something in stone. Sorry, this is somehow old.


border said:
Actually, if you read further, they say that McG (Charlie's Angels) is directing from a JJ Abrahms (Alias) script. A "British newcomer" will play Superman...

holy shit! Somehow I missed that. Ok. That makes a lot more sense.
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