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Sweet Baby Inc dev bluntly says they want to burn down the gaming industry


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
The beginning of the full video shows some material that this SBI employee earnestly retweeted.


Forget video games, these people are mentally unwell bordering on suicidal, holy fuck.

Also clearly racist against white people, unless said white person is part of the LGBTQ+ community.

I'm honestly shocked that game publishers would get involved with such a hateful company.

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
That I would want to see the original presentation in context when dealing with known liars? Why?

Like 99% of the people who obsess about this company still think that game companies get ESG money for DEI content in games and that SBI exists for that purpose. I work in finance that is NOT how it works, no investor gives a single shit about the content of games.

This whole story has been built on a lot of misinformation (and some true information, of course) so I'd rather judge his words for myself, especially when it seems like commentators are going out of their way to hid them.


Gold Member
This whole story has been built on a lot of misinformation (and some true information, of course) so I'd rather judge his words for myself, especially when it seems like commentators are going out of their way to hid them.
Then search for it and watch.


That I would want to see the original presentation in context when dealing with known liars? Why?

Like 99% of the people who obsess about this company still think that game companies get ESG money for DEI content in games and that SBI exists for that purpose. I work in finance that is NOT how it works, no investor gives a single shit about the content of games.

This whole story has been built on a lot of misinformation (and some true information, of course) so I'd rather judge his words for myself, especially when it seems like commentators are going out of their way to hid them.

Here's the whole thing:

I just wonder what creative excuses you will come up with now.
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is on perm warning for being a low level troll
Yea I am not doing any extra leg work, I didn't post it, was just asking.

I also don't keep up with this sad dork shit so I had no idea this was on YouTube and barely know what this company even is.

Edit: I should also add that if this all earnest and the company doesn't push back I'd expect some of their partners to break ties because this is all some weird shit


Why even post at all at this point.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
If it's plain as day, they would have let him speak.

Here's the issue, we can't trust these people because they have been caught lying before. The whole fake controversy where they tried to frame SBI as extorting devs, but you watch the whole thing in context and realize it was nothing of the sort.

So no, I'm sorry, I see no reason to trust someone who Is editing a video so tightly we barely get single trigger words.
Dude for fuck's sake watch the original video and comment on that then Jesus.


Did my part btw ;)
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I miss the days were people would get checked just for staring at you sideways, let alone saying some dumb fuck shit like this. Now it's all a "hAtE cRiMe", fucking f_ _ _ots.

I wish these pussies would get "Worldstar'ed" 😂 you can tell they've never thrown hands in their lives.
Oh and I don't give a shit if she's a bitch, you get equal lefts with equal rights.
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Also clearly racist against white people, unless said white person is part of the LGBTQ+ community.

I'm honestly shocked that game publishers would get involved with such a hateful company.

If we look at one in recent days - Ubisoft and the way they've handled AC Shadows, it's not shocking at all. They either do zero research into who they partner with or leverage as "experts" or they full on know what they are doing and agree with it.
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you need to be more organized and your member

We are not a political group, we are just gamers, we don't need to organize to anything, the market just speaks with money and that is what has being happening for the past few games that have flopped. Before it was more difficult to know which games had being contaminated so it was more difficult to take the call, now is super public and so the market is able to quickly adapt.


Gold Member
Male musculinity
That's why no one can take MGTOW people serious

"Muh sculinity is under attack"

edit : i agree sweet baby inc and the woke activists are full of shit and anyone who's saying their goal is to bring down a certain industry should never be employed in said industry (i mean who in HR could hire that douche after doing even the lightest screening), but there's people on the opposite side of the (autistic) spectrum that have their heads as far up their asses as the blue haired cabal.
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I just want to play good games with good stories and no propaganda of any kind. I play games to relax and unwind, because I work 60 hours per week in a very high stress environment. So can they please go burn down something else instead of gaming?


May I have a cookie?
The Blazing Saddles example shows they learned the wrong lesson from it.

Brooks didn't go out of his way to change or sabotage other creators' films, he made his own, in the form of a parody, and used it as a vehicle to deliver his own message.

If you want to make a high quality product of your own that emphasizes different values and critiques the mainstream, be my guest.

But if you just want to sabotage other people's work because you disagree with their values, you're not contributing to the growing landscape of works.


Gold Member
Sweet Baby Inc got to live in the shadows grifting on corporations and independents for a while, until Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League’s writing made people question what was going on with all these out-of-place political inserts were appearing more and more in major games.

Then, an employee of Sweet Baby Inc had the vile intent and audacity to target a steam user for a mass harassment campaign (attempting to have him banned and lose his game library), thus producing a massive Streisand effect, driving people to join his curated list of SBI games. It stands at 400k+ now. Additionally, all this attention unearthed some awful anti-Semitic tweets and anti-white racism from others at SBI. Of course, game media was called in to help with their attack, the likes of Kotaku, Tassi. Dring, and Guardian’s columnist. Thankfully Twitter and YouTubers carry far more reach nowadays to properly reiterate facts.

The whole scandal is documented in these threads for those new to this.

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I get what you are saying. But for Ripley in particular, the reason people don't mind the fact she's girlbossing in the end is because she was accompanied by a squad of tough as nails marines who kick a lot of ass throughout the movie (they even save her from two facehuggers at some point), so the viewer gets a lot of testosterone heroes as well. She has moments where she's vulnerable and suffers from PTSD, she's empowered by her motherhood instincts which are redirected from her pain of never meeting her grown daughter to the newly found Newt, she gets a little weapon training from Hicks, etc.

Ripley could have been an insufferable girlboss, but it's the EXECUTION which made the difference.

Also, back then the girlboss was the exception, not the rule, and men weren't NEARLY as annoyed by them as they are today.
So this quoted post is a perfect example of what not to do. You’re missing the larger point for a smaller one.

I don’t give a damn about your justifications for Ripley, I was using it as a minor example because I have seen posters here jump out and make bad takes like it in regards to the movie and other older franchises.

When you respond with a wall of text about a tiny example I used instead of actually engaging with my advice and considering it, that is where part of the problem lies.

My point with the Alien example was this: Pick your battles properly and stop trying to argue every. single. point. down to death. That’s the type of behavior that makes the casual side not take you seriously with this stuff.

Here’s another example of what not to do:

Same people that says "for you guys woke is just things you don't like..." Ignoring all this other stuff
This is not fully what I said in the original post. When you take part of what someone says, then misquote and mislead with it, it gives room for others to bring the truth out and make you look bad. You want it to stop? Then stop doing this.

We are not a political group, we are just gamers, we don't need to organize to anything, the market just speaks with money and that is what has being happening for the past few games that have flopped. Before it was more difficult to know which games had being contaminated so it was more difficult to take the call, now is super public and so the market is able to quickly adapt.
The market will always move in unexpected ways, but there have been times where people have been able to somewhat guide that market properly to what they feel are the right things. Right now you’re riding the high of Concord but you need to make absolutely sure that what is currently happening isn’t just a fortunate streak of events.

You can start to feel like you have a grasp on the market until a game you hate sells gangbusters, then that means you truly don’t and just happened to be in the right time at the right place.

Also remember that you speak for yourself. The ‘we are just gamers’ gives cover to the bad apples of the group who see themselves as something more. But since some of you share the same ‘we are not a group’ mentality then those bad apples get to roam free spreading bullshit around making your movement worse. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.
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The amount of negative comments about a septum ring makes me wonder if some of y'all wince at tattoos or something, lmao.

I think the biggest issue with SB is their motive. If you were just trying to be a consultation studio that offers insight regarding diversity and otherwise, I don't see an issue there at all. Those who need that outlook could use their service, etc. But yeah, there's this bizarre hyper negative vibe that revolves around them. That's definitely not going to help with their "success", lol.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
A wifu avatar talking about racial and social constructs in gaming......what a weird place to be.
This is not fully what I said in the original post. When you take part of what someone says, then misquote and mislead with it, it gives room for others to bring the truth out and make you look bad. You want it to stop? Then stop doing this.
Sorry, when I posted I wasn't talking about you since I had not read your comments, i was saying that in all woke related threads there will be someone saying "what woke even means" and "for you guys woke is anything you don't like", every thread.

So again, sorry if this looked like I was talking about you


Gold Member
Activist extremists: "We wanna burn the videogame industry to the ground. Scorched earth, leave nothing standing"
Videogame developers: "Wow let's hire these people for their insights and follow their advice"

Their strategy is working because everything they touch is ruined. Actively sabotaging videogames and getting paid for it in the process.

The industry will correct itself though, one way or another. Many more millions must be lost, however.


I still don't get how iconic devs like Santa Monica or Insomniacs hired those sickos???
This is what puzzles me. I can only think that in the entertainment scene there might be a presence of a huge group of minorities to begin with.

You only need one such person in a key position, like Druckmann, to get it seeped into your products. He openly cucked Sarkeesian, who flat out admitted she dislikes gaming anyway. They essentially collaborate with an audience that doesn't exist and in the end money talks.

Therefore it WILL backfire. Disney felt it with a string of box office bombs. Sony is reeling from Concord right now, and is probably internally not confident about the release of Fairgames and Marathon now.
Sorry, when I posted I wasn't talking about you since I had not read your comments, i was saying that in all woke related threads there will be someone saying "what woke even means" and "for you guys woke is anything you don't like", every thread.

So again, sorry if this looked like I was talking about you
No worries and thanks for the clarification. My advice on what you’re pointing out is to realize why they keep saying those things. This is why I said above that you can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you want people to stop saying those lines, you have to actually organize properly and reign in the bad ones who are actually displaying that behavior on a regular basis.

This wild west way of doing this will continue making it all worse for your movement, because trust me there are some really, really bad actors using anti-woke as a cover/mask for their own BS and they’re doing it very well. It’s as easy as a WWE wrestler saying a city’s name for a cheap crowd pop.


Activist extremists: "We wanna burn the videogame industry to the ground. Scorched earth, leave nothing standing"
Videogame developers: "Wow let's hire these people for their insights and follow their advice"

Their strategy is working because everything they touch is ruined. Actively sabotaging videogames and getting paid for it in the process.

The industry will correct itself though, one way or another. Many more millions must be lost, however.

I sometime wonder why don't shareholders sue the developers/publisher for intentionally allowing SBI to burn down their investment.
What an absolute fucking weirdo with his nose ring. This is just more proof of how bold and rotten SBI truly is. Burn the games industry to the ground??? If you ever notice these weirdo leftist morons all say the same thing that they want to Burn the system to the ground. It’s a dead giveaway of how maniacal and miserable they are. This exposing them even more is a godsend and people really need to see them for who they are now more than ever. They need to be purged completely from this industry after how blatantly open they are against hating anything that goes against their maniacal beliefs. It is unreal how many of these people are out there today and effectively trying to infiltrate and ruin every part of society they can.
Calling out Tarantino and saying it’s ok to hate if it’s a certain group……fuck these evil degenerate scumbags.
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I sometime wonder why don't shareholders sue the developers/publisher for intentionally allowing SBI to burn down their investment.
Because, back 2-3 years ago, when the ESG/DEI gravy train was still in full swing, they were getting money for this, while sucking each other's cocks for how "inclusive" they were.

Just as a simple example, your corpo wants to present itself as more "diverse". Both for gibmedat reasons (ESG funding), and for PR purposes.
You can:
a) point at the stronk blax womyn MC in your latest game, which is an easily marketable point;
b) try to prove that no, you don't automatically throw CVs in the trash, when the name on them reads "Laqwasha Williams", or "Fatima Nafume".

In the first instance, you get money and plaudits. In the second, you get jackshit. Worse, you might actually get a lawsuit, if/when word leaks out that the HR, sorry, "Talent" tards actually did that.
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SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Dude for fuck's sake watch the original video and comment on that then Jesus.


Did my part btw ;)

I appreciate you actually posting the whole thing. I think it's pretty clear from the full talk that it's being badly misrepresented by the OP and others, but I still have my own criticisms of it.

My notes for the zero of you who care:

  1. He is definitely neck deep academic theory talk that can be really cringe and counterproductive. Like the way he casually uses "whiteness" to refer to the cultural concept of what it means to be "white," as it relates to excluding others. I understand the intent but it just sounds like "fuck white people" to most white people so maybe don't say it like that, especially in the context of a talk about writing for diverse audiences.
  2. His defense of Blazing Saddles is smart and on-point, and that's obviously a movie that a lot of people consider "too offensive" these days.
  3. But the critique of Tarantino spirals into what sounds like vendetta. There are some points that are fair (inserting of "white perspective characters" or white saviors in black stories is absolutely a valid criticism), and I think even Tarantino would probably agree that he fetishizes black "coolness" in his stories, but then he just says he needs to be "critiqued out of existence" which is almost a parody of what anti-woke crusaders think criticism is. And also exactly the sort of thing people try to say about SBI.
  4. The part about "burning the games industry to the ground" seems to be a joke, because when he actually speaks about this slide he just says that financial motivations get in the way of telling good stories, something I think would offend no one.
  5. None of his actual advice to writers here seems especially bad or controversial.


Yeah but even so I remember a time post internet when the crazies hadn’t figured it out it was lovely everything was as it should be 😂.
Minimum IQ to use the net went down drastically. From setting up DNS and navigating usenet to...anyone who signs up for a phone plan.
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