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Sweet Baby Inc dev bluntly says they want to burn down the gaming industry

Im highly sure some of you missed that the founder of SB did a presentation where they literally say if people dont follow their rules or take their "suggestion" then they "might" be under attack publicly in social media and risk hurting their image.

So it aint a surprise to see game studios need to take them seriously in order to avoid backlash
Giving in to blackmail makes you a slave. They shouldn't have been involved with them in the first place. If no studio would have given in, there would be no sweet baby inc. Cowardice comes at a price. Millions in this matter.
Norm Macdonald Snl GIF


Since this is apparently going to be a permanent thing going forward, I’d like to provide some advice: Try and get a grasp of your community, specifically the bad actors who are either…

A) Throwing the word woke or other buzzwords at anything they don’t like and thus causing mass confusion
B) Trying to find reasons to kill a game’s sales that have nothing to with either 3 letter acronym
C) Grifting by using the negativity caused by things like this to try and kill random games’ sales that they don’t like.

You guys have to set some actual parameters for things because everything right now is very messy and some of it comes across almost witch hunt-esque. The ones who are posting actual evidence (instead of theories) have the right idea.

Lastly, if you guys really want the more casual gaming audience to understand your plight, you need to be more organized and your members need to be more rational and less edgy/jaded.

And for crying out loud, stop doubling down on older media. This culture war stuff is newer, so the minute someone else brings up something from the 90s or early 2000s that you would deem as ‘woke’ today, just concede the point to them and find another, reasonable way to explain your position. The minute you lie and say ‘Well no I didn’t like the movie Alien it’s a bad movie’ or something just as ridiculous you’re going to receive an instant side eye/eyebrow raise.

The more the waters are muddied by any of the above, the worse your movement becomes, you will go nowhere, and the more you repeat the same mistakes of the side that you hate, just in a different-but-same way.
I get what you are saying. But for Ripley in particular, the reason people don't mind the fact she's girlbossing in the end is because she was accompanied by a squad of tough as nails marines who kick a lot of ass throughout the movie (they even save her from two facehuggers at some point), so the viewer gets a lot of testosterone heroes as well. She has moments where she's vulnerable and suffers from PTSD, she's empowered by her motherhood instincts which are redirected from her pain of never meeting her grown daughter to the newly found Newt, she gets a little weapon training from Hicks, etc.

Ripley could have been an insufferable girlboss, but it's the EXECUTION which made the difference.

Also, back then the girlboss was the exception, not the rule, and men weren't NEARLY as annoyed by them as they are today.


I've seen this kind of extremism surrounding 'social justice' for quite some time. The loudest proponents come off as unhinged and they've infected so many industries. What bothers me is that gaming companies have capitulated to groups like SBI - even though their ideas don't mesh well with existing franchises, their viewpoints don't resonate with customers, and they're actively hostile to gamers and even the industry itself. Why are they still being hired? I understand there was an initial reason in terms of receiving money from certain groups, but games are actively failing now due to this stuff. I look at gaming companies who keep listening to these activists, even paying them to degrade their products, and think:

The creation of DEI detected on Steam has been a real boon in all this. Less and less people are willing to support games with this mind rot and tools like that help identify them. I believe it's going to take further financial repercussions for game companies to get the message that customers should be their priority, but the fact that certain companies jettisoned that bit of common sense is just so ridiculous to start with.


I've seen this kind of extremism surrounding 'social justice' for quite some time. The loudest proponents come off as unhinged and they've infected so many industries. What bothers me is that gaming companies have capitulated to groups like SBI - even though their ideas don't mesh well with existing franchises, their viewpoints don't resonate with customers, and they're actively hostile to gamers and even the industry itself. Why are they still being hired? I understand there was an initial reason in terms of receiving money from certain groups, but games are actively failing now due to this stuff. I look at gaming companies who keep listening to these activists, even paying them to degrade their products, and think:

The creation of DEI detected on Steam has been a real boon in all this. Less and less people are willing to support games with this mind rot and tools like that help identify them. I believe it's going to take further financial repercussions for game companies to get the message that customers should be their priority, but the fact that certain companies jettisoned that bit of common sense is just so ridiculous to start with.

Games are going through years of development. Which is why you still see, to this day, the aftereffects of Floyd's death through a disproportionate amount of black leads in games and movies in settings where it makes no sense and you see African Samurais and black Norse (and Greek) Gods.

It takes years for the actions of today to affect the games of tomorrow.

The backlash against DEI won't bear any fruit for at least 2-4 years more.



Kudos to the fox for keep digging on all those DEI assholes. I love her.

Next time someone calls you a conspiracy theorist, tell them to go fuck themselves.

Male musculinity and female femininity are under attack. Pop culture is infected. Vote with your wallets in order to hasten the inevitable return to the status quo.

You need a new conspiracy theory OP.

You're running out of them as they all turn out true

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Games are going through years of development. Which is why you still see, to this day, the aftereffects of Floyd's death through a disproportionate amount of black leads in games and movies in settings where it makes no sense and you see African Samurais and black Norse (and Greek) Gods.

It takes years for the actions of today to affect the games of tomorrow.

The backlash against DEI won't bear any fruit for at least 2-4 years more.

Character models aren't a fundamental aspect of the game that can't be changed once it goes into full production. It'd take Ubisoft an hour and a half to scrub Yasuke from Assassin's Creed Whatever-the-fuck it's called, but finding their balls is the real challenge. Unfortunately, they're in Kim Belair's purse.


Games are going through years of development. Which is why you still see, to this day, the aftereffects of Floyd's death through a disproportionate amount of black leads in games and movies in settings where it makes no sense and you see African Samurais and black Norse (and Greek) Gods.

It takes years for the actions of today to affect the games of tomorrow.

The backlash against DEI won't bear any fruit for at least 2-4 years more.

I actually think the backlash we're seeing now is already having an impact. There are several games that come to mind which are receiving criticism for their agenda-driven inclusions and then we have Concord - perhaps the biggest failure in gaming history. I agree that it will take more time to see lasting change, but more and more people are getting fed up and expressing that now - with their voices and their wallets. What remains to be seen, if this momentum continues, is just how long gaming companies will be willing to sustain major financial losses and alienation (and loss) of their customer bases.


To be fair lately some of you have been just as bad as them with all this stupid back & forth . How did you all become obsessed with this stuff?

We need to be ruthless to fight the monsters

This woke/DEI abomination cannot be fought with civility


Yeah, I don't need some with obvious emotional and mental stability issues dictating the should and shouldn't does of society.


We need to be ruthless to fight the monsters

This woke/DEI abomination cannot be fought with civility
It'll die out on its own once the free money stops flowing.

You must always remember that it's all a grift, caused by the free money of 2020-2021.
Companies received a lot of free money, ostensibly with the purpose of improving their operations.
Problem is, actually improving operations runs counter to the corpo mindset for several reasons.
One of them is that, suddenly, the corpo who improved is much more attractive to prospective employees, which leads to an arms race of improving working conditions, which is bad for profit, for all corps involved. Another is that people who are given improved conditions expect the improvements to continue in the future. As such, there was an unwritten omerta to not perform any actual improvements (beyond WFH, which, of course, they're now rolling back).

As such, all the money was channeled into ESG/DEI, which doesn't actually do anything, tangibly (which was kinda the point), but looks nice on Powerpoint slides. And, as usual, when the trough is overflowing, you'll get scavengers and parasites. SBI are one of them, and likely the most visible, due to their outspoken-ness (you may call it vehemence).
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Where is the content in these screenshots of Powerpoint slides located, and if this person is actually saying these things can it be verified they're from this company?

Because this looks like lazily created fake news. Why not just instead link to the actual content of this person saying these things with evidence that they work for who you say they do?


To be fair lately some of you have been just as bad as them with all this stupid back & forth . How did you all become obsessed with this stuff?
If my hobby is attacked then I will fight back,simple as that. I won't sit quietly and look at how they butcher and make a mockery of something I love,you can be sure of that.

Don't be mistaken,the only ones obsessed here are these worthless DEI freaks with faces that look like they belong in the pig's pen and mentality more disgusting than pig shit.

The only reason they're doing this is obviously out of spite of people who manage to find happiness in their hobbies and lives while they wallow in the gutter that their childish unstable minds have created for them over years and years of self abusive social media brainrot,unable to find happiness no matter how much they try so the easiest thing to do next is to try and destroy the other person's happiness and bring them to that same miserable level they're at in the hopes it'll make their pathetic lives more bearable.

It won't work though as everyone knows their game by now and more and more people push back against their disgusting practices.


....should be the only conversation we have with these freaks.
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"burning the industry down"...wow...thats a strange consulting goal. But seems the industry wants it as well....thats even more strange.

Season 8 Wtf GIF by The Office


Where is the content in these screenshots of Powerpoint slides located, and if this person is actually saying these things can it be verified they're from this company?

Because this looks like lazily created fake news. Why not just instead link to the actual content of this person saying these things with evidence that they work for who you say they do?

What's lazy is not doing a quick search on YouTube to find the original video yourself, took all of 30 seconds:

Would have taken you less time than it did to write that post.
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Don’t get fooled folks

The only reason they’re saying this, that they want to burn the industry to the ground is BECAUSE their original plan, to re-educate gamers to their version of morality is not working. They expected that they would instill woke/DEI poison and the industry would flourish and the gamers would become ‘better’ person.

Unfortunately thats not what happened. Their woke/DEI projects are failing left and right and they are getting exposed. The industry is losing billions and tens of thousands of workers
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The only shock these days is that people still do the head in the sand. "WhAt Is WOke" and pretend like nothings happening 🤣.

Look at that drivel of dragon age gameplay we saw at the state of play and tell me it's not just affecting more than character creators.

It's people being hired in positions that they aren't talented enough to be in. People that shouldn't be leaders or in leadership roles etc.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
What's lazy is not doing a quick search on YouTube to find the original video yourself, took all of 30 seconds:

Would have taken you less time than it did to write that post.

Yea I am not doing any extra leg work, I didn't post it, was just asking.

I also don't keep up with this sad dork shit so I had no idea this was on YouTube and barely know what this company even is.

Edit: I should also add that if this all earnest and the company doesn't push back I'd expect some of their partners to break ties because this is all some weird shit
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Sweet Baby Inc has to be some kind of Blackrock instituted virus / conspiracy, because I don’t see how any executive at a game studio could take this shit seriously
Kim Belair 2019 conference ~

Belair then shared how she and Sweet Baby Inc had already begun changing the industry to fit her vision, “If you’re creative working in AAA, which I did for many years, put this stuff up to your higher-ups. And if they don’t see the value and what you’re asking for when you ask for consultants, when you ask for research, go have a coffee with your marketing team and just terrify them with the possibility of what’s going to happen if they don’t give you what you want.”

These freaks just know what buttons to push, and there is a lot of them in the wrong places. Growing in numbers everyday..

with this in mind, imagine how many 'horrible old white and straight' people actually got pushed out of the industry (The ones who made the good stuff). Now look at who is getting in those positions

unskilled, unwilling to learn or be told people who haven't a damn clue

It's just ego driven narcissistic activism

Sadly, that doesn't sell, but at least they're 'sticking' it to us.. the customers, for some reason 🤷‍♂️

It's all so fucking weird.


Copying this from a previous post since it's relevant...

A few years ago, most of us didn't care much.

But there's this very obvious trend happening in games, movies and tv where they're trying to cash in on this overly political "uprising" after all the shit that went down in 2020. We all know it's fake and the corporations don't give a shit... Regardless, in doing so, they started hiring various people to fulfill certain roles of leadership. This is where my personal problem comes in. It's not about race or gender, it's the people behind it trying to make it all about them and not the players, not the fans. This hurts the overall products significantly. It creates a "toxic positivity" environment where you can't question anything otherwise you're a bigot and will probably lose your job. Does this seem healthy to anyone?

Many games and projects I am/was interested in started shifting drastically into personal ideologies, beliefs and other stuff to conform to these "various" people's values, not the players, not the fans. I noticed this trend a few years ago.

MOST people don't want to see BLM, Pride flags and "fuck capitalism" gen z teen writing... People can disagree with me, call me a bigot...I don't care, but the recent sales data corroborates this too. People want escapism, not your view of social justice.
Holy shit. Yes

I wish I'd read this before I posted, but yep. Couldn't agree more.

This industry is cooked like this.


Eww that thing looks like it crawled out of an abortion bucket. They really should put a lid on that thing.


I didn't even open the tweet, as soon as I saw the fox-shaped avatar
stop this shit
Kirche is one of the top youtubers who opens people's eyes to woke bullshit. She was literally the first youtuber who discovered BRIDGE (the evolution of DEI), and made the public aware of it.

Dismissing her contribution to helping us win the culture war due to her avatar is flat out retarded.
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